Flexible or rigid coupling. About towing in the Rules of the Road. Rules for towing a car with a flexible hitch

The cold weather that came to central Russia forced some car owners to recall the already half-forgotten skills of resuscitating their frozen cars. iron horses. There are different methods, but one of the most common is towing to the nearest service station or to start the engine “from a pusher”. There seems to be nothing complicated about this, but errors occur quite often. And not only technical ones. Knowledge of the laws is also necessary for towing.

In the Rules traffic There is a 20th section, which is called: “Towing of motor vehicles.” We are not talking about towing a trailer. Although it is considered a vehicle, it is not classified as a mechanical one.

Towing a vehicle with a flexible hitch

The most popular method of towing is on a “tie”, which in the language of traffic rules is called a flexible hitch. Contrary to popular belief, improvised means are not very suitable for these purposes. There are several reasons.

Firstly, the required length of the cable must be provided - from 4 to 6 m. This distance is considered optimal from a safety point of view, since, on the one hand, it allows both drivers to control the trajectory of movement, and on the other hand, it makes it possible, if necessary, to brake without threat of collision.

The second condition is that the cable must be marked with at least two flags or square shields measuring 20 by 20 cm with red and white diagonal stripes. This is not a whim at all, but a very urgent requirement, especially in winter time year, when it is dark outside most of the day: God forbid someone does not notice the cable and decides to change lanes between the tugboat and its “trailer” or, even worse, slip between them at the intersection.

Finally, the “tie” must be strong and have a reliable mechanism for attaching to the towing eyes. After all, its rupture under strong tension can be dangerous not only for both cars, but also for people nearby.

Using lighting devices

Few people remember the rules for using external lighting devices: the hazard warning lights should be turned on only on the towed car, while the headlights on the tow should be on low beam. This allows others to better understand the “caravan” maneuvers that the turn signals warn about. If the hazard lights do not work due to a dead battery, a triangle sign should be attached to the rear of the towed vehicle. emergency stop. This is again due to the need to attract the attention of others to special conditions movement, which is doubly important when visibility is reduced. Let's also not forget that maximum speed when towing, it is limited to 50 km/h, so it would not hurt to warn passing drivers in advance that there is a relative slow speed ahead.

In what cases is towing with a flexible hitch prohibited?

Of course, while driving a towed vehicle flexible hitch car must be a person with driver's license and sufficient management skills. Firstly, from the point of view of traffic regulations to the driver faulty car are subject to the same requirements as a regular driver. And secondly, towing is not at all a simple matter. In a car with a non-working engine, the corresponding assistants - brake and steering boosters - do not function, which makes performing usual manipulations much more difficult, both physically and mentally. If steering or the brakes are completely inoperative, then towing with a “tie” is completely prohibited and it is better to seek the help of professional towing services.

Another prohibition outlined in the traffic rules concerns towing with a flexible hitch in icy conditions. We believe that no comments are required on the reasons for such a limitation. But even on dry winter road When starting the engine while moving, you must be extremely careful, because if you release the mixer pedal too quickly, the towed vehicle may lose traction.

Finally, before towing, take the time to read the appropriate section of your vehicle's owner's manual. After all, violation of existing technical restrictions can negatively affect not only the cost of further car repairs, but also traffic safety.

Subtleties of towing

Although the Towing of Motor Vehicles section does not apply to trailers, there are restrictions in the Highway Code that apply to both situations. For example, road sign 3.7 “Driving with a trailer is prohibited” also applies to towing another vehicle. Any sign supplemented by plate 4.2 with the image of a trailer works in a similar way.

Despite the fact that this is not directly stated anywhere, following the logic of the traffic rules, when towing it is necessary to comply with the requirements of signs limiting the total actual weight and length of vehicles (signs 3.11 and 3.15, respectively). In addition, traffic regulations expressly prohibit both the towing of two or more motor vehicles and the towing of two or more trailers. At the same time, it is allowed to tow a faulty road train, since from the point of view of traffic regulations it is considered one transport unit.

Each of you will sooner or later be “towed” or “towed.” And here it is very important to act correctly.

If you request to be towed.

Firstly, be prepared for the fact that not everyone will be able to stop.

Although, of course, if a woman asks for help, then men, as a rule, stop. But as soon as it turns out that it needs to be towed, the knight becomes sad, lies that he does not have a tow rope, throws up his hands and leaves.

Therefore, when you buy a fire extinguisher, first aid kit and warning triangle, buy it right away and tow rope.

And if trouble happens on the road, don’t just vote, but hold the tow rope in your hand. Now the first one to stop will help.

Just keep in mind that if your car has an automatic transmission, then you cannot be towed in this way - you will destroy the automatic transmission. In this case, you have only one option - you need to somehow get through to technical assistance and call a tow truck.

And let the tow rope (if you still bought it) be in the trunk. It will come in handy if you agree to tow someone. You can't be towed, but you can tow yourself.

If you are asked to be towed.

Since you agreed, it means that you are an experienced driver, you have been involved in towing more than once and you know perfectly well what needs to be done. The first thing you need to do is make sure that the vehicle you are towing has working brakes and steering. Then you need to instruct the towed person.

Firstly, don't forget to turn it on parking lights and hazard warning lights.

Secondly, let him always keep the cable taut (both while moving and when stopping).

And thirdly, let him remember that when engine not running doesn't work and vacuum booster brakes So you have to press the brake pedal as hard as you can.

After this, you can start, and you, as an experienced driver, know that when towing, you need to start, and especially brake, very, very smoothly.

Well, now directly about the content of Section 20 of the Rules.

First of all, you need to know that there are three types of towing.

The first type of towing is towing with a flexible hitch.

This is not the most safe way towing, but at the same time the most common.

The rules allow towing with a flexible hitch, but contain certain requirements and some restrictions.

The length of the tow rope should benot less than 4 meters, but not more than 6 meters.

(You need to remember these numbers - they will be useful in life, and they will ask you during the exam at the traffic police).

In this case, the cable must be equipped with at least two warning devices in the form of square flags with red and white stripes applied diagonally with a reflective surface.

Secondly, you need to know that this towing method is not always applicable:

And, of course, it is prohibited to tow a vehicle in this way if it has faulty brakes or steering.

But there is one thing about this method of towing significant advantage: passengers are allowed to be not only in the towing cabin, but also in the towed cabin passenger car.

The second type of towing is towing with a rigid hitch.

In this case, as you understand, the distance between the cars does not change, and they move as a single unit.

This means that such towing can be done even in icy conditions, and you can even tow a vehicle with faulty brakes.

Another thing is that in the latter case, the tower will have to use his brakes to support both his own weight and the weight of the towed person. And here, guided by security considerations, the Rules introduced a restriction:

If there is a rigid hitch, it is allowed to tow a car with an inactive brake system, but the weight of the towed should not be more than half the mass towing

That is, if the brakes fail on the road, but you have rigid coupling, the driver cannot turn to everyone for help. In accordance with the Rules, in this case, only a vehicle whose mass is at least twice the mass of the towed vehicle can be used as a tractor.

The rules established one more restriction that drivers need to know and follow:

Distance between vehicles when towing with a rigid hitch should not exceed 4 meters .

Well, everything else is the same as when towing with a flexible hitch. That is, as before, towing vehicles with faulty steering is prohibited and passengers are allowed to be in the cabin of a towed car.

The third type is towing method partial loading.

One of the varieties of such towing is the method in which the towing vehicle is equipped with special device, allowing you to hang either the front or rear axle of the towed vehicle.

With this method, it is possible to tow a car with any malfunction, including a faulty brake system and faulty steering. But!

Finding people (including the driver) It is prohibited to enter the interior of a towed vehicle! Well, and of course, the mass of the towing vehicle must be at least twice the mass of the towed vehicle.

Finally, if the entire car is loaded onto a tractor platform, then this is no longer called towing.

It is calledtransportation car.

In conclusion, a few words about towing motorcycles.

If the motorcycle is three-wheeled, it can be used both as a towing and as a towed one. But towing two-wheeled motorcycles prohibited! For the simple reason that they behave unstably at low speeds.

A good and prudent driver in his car, in addition to the obligatory first aid kit, fire extinguisher, spare tire and warning triangle, will also have tow rope. This equipment becomes especially relevant in winter, when troubles on the roads happen much more often. However, towing is not always possible and even prohibited by traffic rules in such cases:

  1. If the actual weight of the towed vehicle, which has a faulty braking system (or no brake system at all), exceeds half the actual weight of the towing vehicle;
  2. When using a flexible clutch during icy conditions or slippery road(in this case, you need to use either a rigid clutch or at least partially load the towed vehicle onto a platform or onto a special support device]
  3. During snowfall and lack of visibility through the windshield;
  4. If the length of all coupled vehicles exceeds 22 m (for route transport- 30 m],
  5. Motorcycles without an attached side trailer, as well as towing bicycles and mopeds, or motorcycles without a side trailer;
  6. Towing multiple vehicles at a time or towing with a vehicle and trailer;
  7. A vehicle that has problems or malfunctions with the steering device. Such a vehicle can be towed by partially loading it on a platform or on a special support device;
  8. Towing any type of trailer by bus.

The traffic rules also establish clear requirements for tow rope: The distance between two vehicles with a rigid clutch should not exceed 4 m, and with a flexible clutch the distance should be between 4 and 6 m. Such requirements for the length of the towing clutch are absolutely justified. A clutch that is too long (either flexible or rigid) makes turning maneuvers difficult, and the towed vehicle can go off the road, cutting off the turning path. Also if flexible cable is too short, the risk of a collision between the towed vehicle and the towing vehicle increases.

In addition, according to Traffic regulations Each meter of flexible coupling must be marked with signal flags or shields measuring 20x20 cm. At the same time, alternating red and white stripes of reflective material 5 cm high must be applied diagonally to these flags or shields.

The role of a cable cannot be performed by a rope or an ordinary rope. When choosing a towing cable, it is better to give preference to a cable made of nylon, since this material is stronger and, most importantly, elastic. In addition, it does not take up much space in the car trunk. Carabiners (earring and hook) must be forged steel. You can distinguish a forged steel hook from a cast light alloy hook by weight - the first one weighs about half a kilogram, and the one made from a light alloy - 100-150 g. Also, the hook should have a spring-loaded pawl so that it does not jump out of the fastening when the cable is pulled. A bad sign is the presence of burrs and traces of rough processing. When choosing tow rope, it is better to give preference to a more expensive option and a store with a good reputation, because if the hook breaks during movement, the elastic cable can “shoot” the remains of the hook at windshield towed vehicle or rear window towing vehicle. The cable packaging must be marked with the maximum permissible load. To tow a small car, it is enough for the cable to withstand a load of 1500 kg, since it is better to break the cable than to tear off the bumper. When choosing tow rope You must also take into account the diameter of the loop for attaching the cable to your car and make sure that the carabiner hook will fit into this hole.

In case of malfunction (or complete absence) brake system towing must be done exclusively using a rigid clutch(or with partial loading onto the platform). Is it worth mentioning that regardless of the type of clutch (rigid or flexible), a driver must be behind the wheel of the towed vehicle (except those rare cases when the design of the rigid coupling allows the towed vehicle to accurately follow the trajectory of the vehicle being towed, regardless of the magnitude and angle of turns).

And so, if all these legal standards are met and the clutch is installed, you can start driving. Before towing begins, the drivers of both vehicles need to agree on the procedure for signaling each other, in particular for making turns and stopping the vehicles. In addition, it must be taken into account that during towing, regardless of the type of clutch, it is prohibited to transport passengers in vehicle on a tow vehicle (except for a passenger car) and the body of a truck that is towing, and in the case of towing by partially loading the vehicle onto a platform or a special support device - in all vehicles (except for the cabin of the vehicle that is towing).

Recommended driving speed while towing - no more than 50 km/h(and in slush - 30 km/h). Before driving, both vehicles should turn on alarm, and the presenter must additionally turn on the low beam headlights. It should be taken into account that it will be more difficult to brake if the engine of the towed vehicle is turned off. To ease the force of jerking during acceleration, the cable should be secured at a slight angle. In addition, you must try to keep the cable taut. The driver of the towed vehicle especially needs to monitor this - he must slow down in a timely manner (in advance), for example, on a descent, before turning or stopping. If the cable does weaken, you need to pick up speed very smoothly, otherwise you can break the cable and damage the car body. In general, acceleration, braking and gear shifting must be carried out as smoothly as possible.

If you have to tow in mountainous terrain, then the ascent must be done in “one breath”, without switching to another speed.

Particular attention must be paid when overtaking and not for a second forget about the presence of a “tail”. The beginning and end of overtaking must be done smoothly and confidently, taking into account the length of the entire towing train, without cutting off the overtaken vehicle.

Towing a vehicle with automatic transmission requires additional mention and precautions. Towing a car with automatic transmission should be done with the engine running and the gear selector in the “N” position. However, such towing is not advisable over long distances - beyond 50 km. The driving speed should also not exceed 50 km/h. If there is a need to tow over longer distances (especially if the car engine does not start), it is better to give preference to loading the car onto a tow truck completely or partially (front or drive wheels), because there is a very high risk of automatic transmission failure.

It is highly undesirable to tow with a car with automatic transmission. . But if you cannot refuse towing, then it is better to follow the following rules:

  1. The towed vehicle must not exceed the weight of the towing vehicle;
  2. The speed when towing should be low (no more than 40 km/h),
  3. The automatic transmission must be in position “2” or “L”, and in no case in position “D”. Also, the gear selector cannot be shifted to low gears so that there is no load other than heating the oil.
  4. The most desirable mount is a rigid clutch, since automatic transmissions handle trailers normally.

Four-wheel drive vehicles must only be towed with the front or rear rear axle, that is, towing with a hitch is extremely undesirable, and to avoid unnecessary problems it is better to call a tow truck.

It is also advisable that owners of foreign cars carefully study the section of the operating instructions for their cars dedicated to towing, because on-board computers Some foreign cars cannot tolerate towing with the gear engaged.

As you can see, tow a car It's not that simple. The ability to feel confident while towing is a kind of art and experience gained over years of continuous driving. However, by always having a tow rope in the trunk of your vehicle, I wish you never have to face such an experience.

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There are three types of towing. This information is given at the driving school. There is towing with a flexible hitch, with a rigid one, as well as with a partial loading method. The most common is flexible. Hard is used for unfavorable weather conditions. Partial towing is used if the vehicle's steering system does not work. Let's look at how to properly tow cars. This information will be useful to every driver.

Towing and traffic rules

It is important to remember that towing with a flexible hitch in difficult weather conditions. What do experts advise? If the towing car is driven by a driver with less experience than the towed car, then it is better to switch places. Why is this so? The fact is that controlling a tugboat is more complex than controlling a conventional one. passenger cars. You should also accurately coordinate the upcoming route. According to traffic rules and from the point of view of common sense, it is recommended to discuss signals in advance. Perhaps it will be a blink high beam, various other gestures (for example, with a hand). These are the basic rules of towing. They are also specified in the traffic rules.

There is an opinion that the driver of the second car during towing is no longer the driver, but a passenger. This is an incorrect statement. The same restrictions apply to a person driving a towed car. The same rules apply as for ordinary driver. Therefore, it is necessary to have everything with you Required documents for a car and a license of the appropriate category.

What do you need to know first?

Towing a car requires some preparation. The first car should not differ significantly in weight from the second car. The tug must also have a good clutch and a working cooling system. During such evacuation, the engine experiences greater loads, which means it heats up more. Next in rear bumper you need to find a thread or eye. If there is a thread, you need to screw a ring into it. The towing sling will cling to this element.

It is recommended to install the cable so that it is oblique to the towed vehicle. The rules also provide for turning on the headlights and hazard lights on the first and second car, respectively, when towing. If it does not work, a corresponding sign is attached to the rear surface.

Features of towing with manual transmission

A car equipped with it can always be towed. This will not affect the box in any way. It is enough to move the gearbox to neutral and keep your foot on the brake. Towing with a flexible hitch can be done in any way you like. The car can be both a leader and a slave in tandem.

Another thing is the automatic transmission.

Automatic transmission and towing

Everything is much more complicated here. Many automatic transmission owners have heard that evacuation on a manual transmission and an automatic transmission are significantly different. But not everyone knows the details. Owners are often unsure about whether or how to tow someone.

On manual transmission in position neutral gear Only one gear will rotate. If a car with an automatic transmission is towed, neutral position boxes the entire mechanism works completely.

Since the automatic transmission was not designed for such work, the mechanism will quickly heat up and may even fail. Oil pump, which pumps lubricant for the operation of the gearbox, works only when the engine is running. If the car is faulty, the transmission elements will not be lubricated. This can also cause failure. If a car with an automatic transmission plays the role of a tug, then the automatic transmission system is subject to serious additional loads. The machine requires certain concessions.

How to tow with an automatic transmission

Since the machines various manufacturers may differ significantly from each other, then the towing capabilities should be clarified in the instructions for the car. There is also often information about how far the car can be towed and what the speed should be. Various manufacturers indicate different parameters. Towing with a flexible hitch on an automatic transmission is completely prohibited and is very rare.

The golden mean rule for automatic transmissions

The problem is that not in all situations there is time to read the instructions. For such cases, car service specialists and experienced drivers The 50/50 rule applies. According to this rule, a car equipped automatic transmission, can be towed and can act as a tow vehicle. But the speed should be no higher than 50 km/h, the distance should not be more than 50 km. These towing rules have already helped many people out and saved them from automatic transmission failure. 50 km is quite a lot. You can drive across all of Moscow and get to a service station or home. If it takes longer and faster, then this already entails increased wear.

General rules for automatic transmission

In addition to what each box manufacturer recommends for specific models, there is a set general rules, applicable to all cars with automatic transmission. So, if the car is towed automatically, then set it to the neutral position.

If the car pulls the second one behind it, then it is better to drive in 2nd or 3rd gear. During towing, the automatic transmission mechanism will be affected by increased load. It is important to make sure that the oil level in the box is sufficient.

Automatic transmission - tug

Automakers recommend avoiding such cases. But if there are simply no other options, then several rules must be followed. It is better to prefer a rigid coupling. The weight of the towed vehicle must not exceed the weight of the towing vehicle. The speed should not be higher than 30-40 km/h. It is unacceptable for the automatic transmission to be in position D. The selector must be set strictly to 2nd or 3rd gear. Towing a vehicle with a flexible hitch is huge load on the mechanism. Therefore, mode D will be fatal for the box.

Despite traffic rules, experienced car enthusiasts do not recommend turning on the hazard warning lights. It interferes with the turn signals. Also, ACC does not provide clear information about further actions other traffic participants. Better turn it on fog lights. Also, do not forget about the ban on towing with a flexible hitch in icy conditions.

If possible, keep in touch with the other car owner by any in a convenient way. For example, according to mobile phone. This makes it much easier to discuss possible maneuvers among ourselves.

Before moving off, you must first tighten the cable. To do this, roll smoothly forward until rear car will not work as an anchor and the towing line will not stretch. After this you can start moving. You need to get under way as smoothly as possible.

It is advisable to change gears later and turn the engine up to more high speed. Shifts must be fast. You have to pull a much larger mass, which means the machine will lose inertia much faster. The engine will not have enough reduced speed to pull the car. This needs to be understood.

When driving, you should constantly monitor the situation in the mirrors. The distance and speed of the car behind is important. The cable will sag, and you need to accelerate smoothly so that there are no jerks. It is also necessary to calculate the turning radius. If the turn is sharp, then they enter it along the outer radius and exit the same way. It must be remembered that the hydraulic booster will not work with the engine turned off. This means that the other driver may not have time to turn the steering wheel.

The towing speed on a flexible hitch is no more than 50 km/h. This is specified in the traffic rules. Braking should be done smoothly. Don't forget about the bigger one braking distances, since the towed vehicle will not be able to reduce speed as effectively. When the green light is flashing, it is better to reduce your speed immediately. It is not recommended to stop on inclines.

It is very important to constantly monitor the sling - it should not sag. To prevent this, at the moment of weakening they slow down a little. At the same time, at minimum speed, lightly press the pedal to tighten the sling.

If the towing vehicle has stopped, do not drive close to it. The force of pressing the brake pedal must be calculated. You will have to press harder because the vacuum booster will not work. You also need to calculate the speed of the steering wheel, because the power steering doesn’t work either. Any maneuvers must be carried out according to signals from the tug. It's better to rebuild in advance.

About the choice of cables

According to traffic regulations, the length of the cable when towing on a flexible hitch can be from 4 to 6 meters. It is very important that the cable is not tangled or tied in knots. It is advisable to avoid lines that are once torn.

As for materials, steel is durable, but it is very poorly suited for towing. Preference should be given to fabric or synthetic slings. It is better to try the cable hook on the car in advance.

Every driver may find himself in a situation where he needs outside assistance on the road. For example, you need to deliver a faulty car to a service station. It can be delivered to the desired address in several ways, and a tow truck is not the only way. In this case, towing can help - one of the most effective and inexpensive ways moving the machine. However, most car owners, using this method of transportation, do not follow the rules and do not think about their safety.

Towing is not as simple a process as it seems at first glance. In this article we will talk about the main methods of transporting a car, as well as regulatory documents regulating these methods. In addition, we will give some practical advice, which will help make towing more efficient and safe.

Sometimes it happens that the car suddenly stalls and you can’t start it. How to tow a car off the road? In practice, three methods of vehicle transportation are used:

  • Towing on a flexible hitch;
  • Towing with a rigid hitch;
  • Partial loading of the car.

Towing a car using a soft rope is the most common type of towing. To carry it out, you need a fabric cable, which almost every driver has. As for transporting a car on a rigid hitch, when using it you need metal structure with two attachment points. And with the help of partial loading, as a rule, only freight vehicles are transported. It is not advisable to use this method for distilling a passenger car.

How to properly tow a car according to traffic regulations?

There are a number of rules for towing a car that must be followed in order to avoid getting into emergency situation. So, When transporting the machine by tug, the following conditions must be met:

  • The driver must be behind the wheel of the towed vehicle;
  • On a faulty vehicle, the hazard warning lights must be turned on;
  • IN dark time days, and also in poor visibility conditions, you need to turn on the side lights;
  • The maximum towing speed will be 50 km/h;
  • The distance between cars must be at least 4 and no more than 6 meters.

Before you start moving a faulty vehicle, you need to make sure that the towing hook is securely fastened, and also check the condition of the cable. The rope itself should be as bright color so that it can be seen from afar by other road users. Cable size – one more important point

: Too short will increase the risk of colliding with another vehicle, while too long will make it difficult to maneuver around corners. Don't forget to turn on the ignition on your car so that the steering wheel lock does not work. The very moment the car starts from a standstill should be smooth, without sharp jerks

– control the tension of the cable. While driving, it is necessary to make as few lane changes as possible, and it is better to avoid them altogether. Also, to avoid getting into an accident, do not exceed the recommended driving speed - 50 km/h Contrary to what most drivers think, a car equipped with an automatic transmission can also be used for towing. In this case, the maximum transportation distance should not exceed 50 km. Possibility of driving another car using a car with automatic transmission

must be specified in the operating instructions.

When is it prohibited? Few drivers know that this method of moving a car, such as towing, is not always applicable in real life The use of a tug is not permitted in the following situations:

  • If there is a sign “Moving with a trailer is prohibited”;
  • During icy conditions and on slippery sections of the road;
  • In poor visibility conditions;
  • When you need to tow several vehicles at the same time;
  • If the towed vehicle weighs more than the towing vehicle;
  • If the total length of the coupled train exceeds 22 meters;
  • If the steering or braking system of the towed vehicle is faulty
  • When transporting a car with a moped, bicycle or motorcycle without a side trailer.

According to traffic rules, towing cannot be carried out by a driver with less than 2 years of driving experience. In addition, transporting people in a towed vehicle is strictly prohibited by traffic regulations. For such a violation, the driver can be punished in the same manner as for improper towing.

Responsibility for violating the rules

For violation of towing rules, established traffic rules, provided administrative punishment. So, for improper transportation of the car you may be issued a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. Do not forget that careless transfer can lead to an accident. In such cases, the culprit of the accident is usually the driver of the faulty vehicle. To avoid unpleasant situations Agree in advance with the owner of the towed vehicle about warning signs - blinking headlights during a forced stop, raising your hand when braking. The best option will keep in touch with the other driver using the phone.