The hybrid engine is economy and double traction. Types of hybrids: What are hybrid cars? How does a hybrid car work?

Dear compatriots, today we’ll talk about what a hybrid engine in a car is, how it works, what it consists of, and the pros and cons of new developments.

In most cases, an engine is used as the power plant internal combustion, but given the depletion of oil reserves and the increasing requirements for environmental friendliness of engines, automobile corporations have begun to develop new technologies that would allow us to abandon hydrocarbons as the main fuel or at least reduce their consumption.

It is not yet effective to install electric motors instead of an internal combustion engine, because the energy intensity of batteries is associated with large weight and, accordingly, their high cost.

However, almost all of the world's largest auto manufacturers have already begun to produce their models. hybrid cars mobiles. They combine an internal combustion engine and an electric power plant.

Toyota remains the recognized leader in the development and production of hybrid cars. This concern launched the first hybrid back in 1997 and continues to produce several more models of reliable cars.

Hybrid - translated into Russian as crossing. The combination of these two different technologies successfully performs the main task of driving a car.

The function of a hybrid engine is that it drives an internal combustion engine, which supplies energy to the power plant: battery-electric motor. And the power plant, in turn, transmits torque to the wheels through the transmission.

In this way, an optimal movement mode is achieved and additional force is created. In addition, peak loads and fluctuations are smoothed out, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency.

Hybrid engine. Device

There are several hybrid engine options:

  • Parallel. Gasoline engine powered by fuel tank, and the electric motor is powered by a battery. As a result, two engines rotate the transmission, which then transmits torque to the wheels.
  • Microhybrid. This option was developed by Toyota specialists. Their hybrid car starts and moves at low speeds only with the help of electric traction. But on increased speed The internal combustion engine starts running. At the same time, on difficult sections of the road - inclines, sand, mud, and other loads, the electric motor is also fed from the battery for parallel work and increased traction. All these modes are controlled electronically.
  • Medium hybrid. Such a car has its own characteristics - on electric motor driving is not provided. But electric traction significantly increases efficiency due to obtaining more high voltage than the battery provides, and this accordingly increases the power of the power plant as a whole.
  • Full hybrid. Here electricity comes first - it provides movement. The battery is charged thanks to recuperation. And a separate clutch between the two engines makes it possible to separate these systems. As a result, the gasoline engine is switched on only when absolutely necessary.
  • Separated. Contains a motor-generator pair and gasoline engine. Through a planetary gear, torque is supplied to the gearbox. Some of the energy is used to propel the car, and the other is sent to the high-voltage battery.
  • Consistent. Here the scheme is as follows: the gasoline engine rotates the generator, which charges the battery, and from it the energy goes to the electric motor, which then rotates the transmission and, in fact, the wheels.

Pros and cons of a hybrid car engine

Of course, the pros outweigh the pros, but there are also cons, as with all new products. For example, a gasoline hybrid engine is more common, although it is not in doubt.

But it just so happened - the technology was developed in America, and diesel fuel is not held in high esteem there. Yes and hybrid diesel unit would cost more, and given that the price is already far above average, the issue can be considered closed.

The thing that most confuses car enthusiasts with the hybrid engine is the battery. This is a very capricious component, as it requires constant use, otherwise its service life will be significantly reduced.

Batteries are also sensitive to temperature changes and self-discharge. Plus everything high price spare parts and repairs. Moreover, it is unlikely that you will be able to do it yourself.

But let's talk about pleasant things. One of the main advantages of a hybrid engine low consumption and fuel and minimal emissions harmful substances into the atmosphere, and all this thanks to:

  • coordinated operation of the electric motor;
  • use of high capacity batteries;
  • the use of braking energy (regenerative braking), which converts the kinetic energy of movement into electricity.

In addition, the hybrid engine combines a lot of other innovations that will save fuel and save the atmosphere. Among them:

  • change in valve timing;
  • stop-start;
  • exhaust gas recirculation;
  • heating of antifreeze with exhaust gases;
  • electric drive of the water pump, climate control and;
  • tires with improved rolling.

A noticeable effect is observed when using a hybrid car in the urban cycle, when frequent stops occur and the engine idles.

But on the highway, when driving with high speed, the hybrid engine is no longer as efficient.
On the other hand, the same battery makes it possible to drive for a longer time without refueling. Moreover, the battery can not be charged, but the car can only be refueled with fuel.

The engine, thanks to computer control, always operates in optimal mode, no matter how hard you try to overload it.

Often such hybrid cars can travel without fuel. They also differ in that the motor is barely audible.

I hope that the article will help you find the right solution if the question arises of choosing a car with a hybrid power plant.

Until next time.

Car with hybrid engine this is not a new invention. The first step towards creating hybrid vehicles was taken in 1665, when Ferdinand Verbiest, a Jesuit priest, began work on plans to build simple four-wheeled vehicles that could be powered by steam or horse-drawn vehicles. The first cars with a hybrid engine appeared at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Moreover, some developers have managed to move from projects to small-scale production. Starting in 1897 and over the next 10 years, the French Compagnie Parisienne des Voitures Electriques produced a batch of electric vehicles and cars with hybrid engines. In 1900 General Electric designed a hybrid car with a 4-cylinder gasoline engine. And “hybrid” trucks rolled off the assembly line of the Walker Vehicle Company of Chicago until 1940.
Of course, these were all just prototypes and small-scale cars. However, now an acute shortage of oil and the economic crisis have spurred the development of hybrid engines. Now let's take a closer look at what a hybrid engine is and what is the use of it? A hybrid engine is a system of two engines - electric and gasoline. Depending on the operating modes, both gasoline and electric may turn on simultaneously or separately. This process is controlled by a powerful computer, which decides what should work right now. So, when moving along the highways, the gasoline engine is turned on, since the battery will not last long on the highway. If the car is moving in city mode, then the electric motor is already used; during acceleration or heavy loads, both work. While the gasoline engine is running, the battery is charged. Such an engine, even taking into account the fact that the system uses a gasoline engine, allows one to reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere by 90% and at the same time significantly reduces gasoline consumption in the city (on the highway only a gasoline engine runs, so there are no savings there).

Let's start with how the car starts moving. When starting out and at low speeds, only the battery and electric motors are used. The energy stored in the battery enters the energy center, which, in turn, directs it to the electric motors, causing the car to move smoothly and silently. After gaining speed, the internal combustion engine is switched on, and torque is supplied to the drive wheels simultaneously from the electric motors and the internal combustion engine. In this case, part of the energy of the internal combustion engine goes to the generator, and now it powers the electric motors, and gives its excess energy to the battery, which lost part of its energy reserve at the beginning of the movement. When driving in normal mode automatically used only front-wheel drive, in all others - complete. In acceleration mode, torque to the wheels comes mainly from the gasoline engine, and electric motors supplement the internal combustion engine if necessary to increase dynamics. One of the most interesting aspects is braking. The electronic “brains” of the car themselves decide when to use the hydraulic braking system, and when regenerative braking, giving preference to the latter. That is, at the moment the brake pedal is pressed, they switch the electric motors to “generator” operating mode, and they create braking torque on the wheels, generating electricity and feeding the battery through the energy center. This is the highlight of the “hybrid”.

In classic cars, braking energy is completely lost, escaping as heat through brake discs and other details. The use of braking energy is especially effective in urban environments, when you have to brake frequently at traffic lights. Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management (VDIM) integrates and controls the operation of all active safety systems.
One of the first successful cars equipped with a hybrid engine, which went to the masses and became developed by Toyota " Toyota Prius", consuming 3.2 liters of gasoline per 100 km (in the city). Also Toyota company also released an SUV with a hybrid engine, the Lexus RX400h. The cost of such a car, depending on the configuration, ranges from 68 to 77 thousand dollars. It should be noted that the first Toyota versions Prius was inferior to cars of the same class in both speed and power, but the Lexus RX400h is no longer inferior to its classmates in either speed or power.

Presenters automobile concerns world, also turned their attention to hybrid engines as a solution to the problem of fuel economy and environmental pollution. So Volvo company Group announced the creation of a hybrid engine for trucks, tractors, semi-trailers and buses. The company's developers expect that their brainchild will achieve 35% fuel savings.
With all this, it must be said that hybrid cars have so far gone off with a bang only in North America (Canada and the USA). And in America, the demand for them is growing more and more, since there are up to recent years Cars that consumed a lot of fuel were popular, and since fuel prices began to rise sharply and steeply, Americans began to think sharply about saving it and began to use cars with hybrid engines as a solution to the problem. In Europe, they reacted calmly to the emergence of hybrid engines, since there they are driven by the good old diesel, which is economical and more environmentally friendly than a gasoline engine. Unlike the USA, more than 50% of cars in Europe are equipped with diesel engines. Besides diesel cars Cheaper than hybrid ones, simpler and more reliable. After all, everyone knows that the more complex the system, the less reliable it is! And precisely because of their complexity and capriciousness, there are practically no hybrid cars in the post-Soviet space. Official dealers they are not brought here. And any owner of such a car will inevitably encounter a service station problem. We don’t have service stations that deal with hybrid cars. And you can’t fix such a machine yourself!

The increase in the number of vehicles in the world and a number of environmental problems that humanity has faced over the past couple of decades have led to serious changes in the automotive industry.

They were dictated, first of all, by significantly tightened environmental standards and the increased price of fuel, due to which automakers are forced to look for ways to reduce the amount of toxic emissions and overall fuel consumption in cars.

At the same time, despite the advent of electric vehicles, the development of vehicles with fuel cells, the only effective way today turned out to be the creation of cars with hybrid engines - the easiest way to “fit” into economic standards and offer the consumer an easy-to-use product.

We will try to talk about what the market for “hybrid” cars is today in this material, because today many potential buyers have no idea what a hybrid car means and what advantages it offers.

Hybrid cars – what are they?

Principle vehicle, built on a hybrid circuit, is very simple. It is based on the principle of a conventional gas generator, when the vehicle’s power unit rotates the generator and charges the traction battery.

Video - how a hybrid car works:

In turn, the battery energy allows the car to move for some time exclusively on electric power with “zero” toxic emissions. After the energy in the batteries runs out, the gasoline engine starts up again, which allows you to continue driving and at the same time replenishes the charge in the batteries.

It must be said that along with this scheme, there is another one called plug-in hybrid. In it, the battery is charged not only from the motor, but also from a regular household electrical outlet, and its capacity is sufficient for traveling short distances (usually about 30-40 kilometers). In fact, this means that you can get to work and back without using a gasoline engine at all (and, accordingly, without wasting fuel).

Advantages of cars with a hybrid engine

Surely many will ask the question, why even “fence a garden” with batteries, electric motors, batteries and an internal combustion engine? What does a hybrid power plant offer?

Before answering this question, it’s worth remembering when a “traditional” car uses the most fuel. It is known that the maximum consumption (and, accordingly, the toxicity of emissions) occurs during the acceleration stage to cruising speed, as well as in city driving with frequent acceleration and braking.

Video - how you can improve a hybrid car:

Thus, the electric drive in cars with a hybrid power plant comes into operation precisely in these modes. When the battery is fully charged, the “hybrid” begins to move on electric power, and when it reaches a certain speed threshold(depending on the model it ranges from 20 to 40 kilometers per hour) the internal combustion engine comes into action.

At the same time, the most wide range“hybrids” from Toyota are presented directly in Japan and the USA. On the domestic Japanese market, cars are sold under the Toyota brand, and in America, traditionally, Lexus is the most popular (in Russia, it must be said, the majority of hybrid cars are also sold under this brand).

The Japanese market should rightfully be considered the most saturated in terms of the number of hybrid cars from Toyota. The company displays everything on it latest models, on which they “test” technologies that should go into series on “global” models.

Cars with a hybrid engine slowly but surely continue to gain ground in the global automotive market. The growth in popularity and production volumes of such models is facilitated by completely objective factors - steadily rising prices for diesel fuel and gasoline, the introduction of increasingly stringent requirements for efficiency indicators and new environmental standards engines.

Hybrid car: what is it?

“Hybrid” translated from Latin is an object obtained as a result of combining elements of dissimilar origin. In the world automotive technology This concept includes a combination of two types power units. We are talking about an internal combustion engine (ICE) and an electric motor ( Alternative option- motor running on compressed air). At the same time, modern automakers pay priority attention to intelligent system energy management.

There are two types of power plants of automobile hybrids - full hybrids and lightweight hybrids. The first option involves equipping the car with a powerful electric motor, effectively coupled with the internal combustion engine and capable of independently ensuring the movement of the car at full speed. high speed. In the lightweight version, the electric motor is assigned only an auxiliary role.

A short excursion into history

First serial hybrid Prius liftback) rolled off the production line almost two decades ago, in 1997. Two years later, Honda launched the Insight model, and after some time Japanese manufacturers European and American auto giants - Ford, Audi, Volvo, BMW - joined. By 2014, the total number of hybrid vehicles sold crossed the 7 million mark.

However, you should not think that the internal combustion engine and the electric motor started working together only at the end of the 20th century. The first-born among auto hybrids in our current understanding was the Lohner-Porshe Semper Vivus - a car created by the legendary Austrian designer Ferdinand Porsche back in 1900.

Schemes of hybrid power plants


For vehicles with a parallel circuit, the internal combustion engine is the driver. A powerful electric motor plays a supporting role, turning on during acceleration or braking and storing regenerative energy. Consistency internal combustion engine operation and the electric motor is provided by a computer control system.


The most simple circuit hybrid car. Its operating principle is based on the transmission of torque from the internal combustion engine to a generator that generates electricity and charges the battery. The movement of the car occurs due to electric traction.


Option for simultaneous implementation of sequential and parallel circuit. When starting from a stop and moving at low speeds, the car uses electric traction, and the internal combustion engine ensures the operation of the generator. Movement at high speed occurs due to the transmission of torque from the internal combustion engine to the drive wheels. In the presence of increased loads The battery supplies the electric motor with additional power. The interaction between the electric motor and the internal combustion engine is achieved through a planetary gear.


A hybrid car combines the advantages of the engines of an electric car and a car with an internal combustion engine. The advantages of an electric motor are outstanding torque characteristics, and the advantages of an internal combustion engine are liquid fuel and a convenient energy carrier. The first one is effective in the mode frequent stops and starts, typical for driving around the city, the second - at constant speed. The indisputable advantages of such a tandem:

  • efficiency (with equal mileage, the fuel consumption of a hybrid is 20-25% less than that of a classic model);
  • large power reserve;
  • environmental friendliness (reduced volume of harmful emissions into the atmosphere due to rational fuel consumption);
  • minimal wear brake pads(provided by regenerative braking);
  • improved driving characteristics;
  • Batteries and special capacitors can be stored and reused).


  • High cost due to the complexity of the power plant design.
  • Expensive repairs of hybrid cars and problems with battery disposal.
  • Relatively heavy weight.
  • Susceptibility to self-discharge.

What do car owners say?

Car enthusiasts all over the world actively exchange their experiences of conquering roads and impressions of cars, analyzing the pros and cons of models that are well known to them. Hybrid cars have not been left unnoticed. Reviews from their owners eloquently testify to the reliability of such cars and the opportunity to significantly save part of the family budget spent on purchasing fuel. The last advantage is very important for amateurs long trips. Among the disadvantages is the high cost Maintenance hybrids and worse, in comparison with classic cars, cornering stability.

Top best models

Toyota Prius ("Toyota Prius")

The pioneer of the hybrid family, equipped with two electric motors (power 42 kW and 60 kW) in combination with a 1.8-liter internal combustion engine (power 98 hp). Maximum speed- 180 km/h. Thanks to affordable price and exceptional fuel economy, the Toyota Prius has been a leader in sales among competitors in its segment for many years.

Toyota Camry Hybrid("Toyota Camry")

A hybrid car with significant efficiency, attractive design, comfort and high technology. Another advantage that stands out Toyota Camry among fellow hybrids, - fast acceleration (in 7.4 seconds this model can accelerate to 100 km/h).

Chevrolet Volt

A practical four-seater hatchback with excellent driving characteristics. Rechargeable hybrid (plug-in hybrid vehicle). Equipped gasoline engine(volume 1.4 liters, power 84 hp), block of lithium-ion batteries, having a significant service life, and an electric motor that drives the car. Electric mileage in the urban cycle is about 54-60 km.

Volvo V60 Plug-in ("Volvo V60 Plug-in")

The first model among auto hybrids with turbodiesel engine(volume 2.4 liters, power 215 hp, average consumption diesel fuel per 100 km is 1.9 liters). The electric motor capabilities of this diesel station wagon allow you to travel 50 km on electric power.

Honda Civic Hybrid("Honda Civic")

The car's developers relied on such important characteristics for consumers as comfort, fuel economy and practicality. The main components of popularity Honda Civic Hybrid - compactness, strikingly combined with the capacity of a hybrid thanks to special constructive solutions, efficiency and attractive design.

Prospects, or a short message to a skeptic

Hybrid technologies have their supporters and opponents. Some are convinced of their relevance and effectiveness, while others never tire of pointing out their shortcomings. If you already own a classic car with a diesel or petrol engine, you are satisfied with its design, low fuel consumption, technical and driving performance, then perhaps you shouldn’t rush into purchasing a hybrid. Wait until manufacturers bring more advanced versions to market.

Just don’t stretch out the waiting process too much so that you don’t have to regret the lost time and wonder why you put off the purchase for so long. According to experts, a hybrid car will become quite common on the streets of big cities and small towns in the coming years. At the same time, a significant expansion of the existing line of models is predicted. Hybrids will take their rightful place in every segment automobile series- from crossovers and supercars to hard-working minivans.

Hybrid power Lexus installation RX400h

The hybrid powertrain combines the work modern internal combustion engine and an electric motor. The entire complex is managed electronic system, including fuel consumption (depending on the chosen driving method).

The movement is started by an electric motor, which also operates at low speeds. As speed increases, energy is sent from the batteries to the power management unit, which distributes it to the electric motors. Electric motors allow hybrids to move away very smoothly. The entire operating principle of a hybrid power plant is demonstrated hybrid Lexus car RХ400h.

When the car moves in normal mode, energy is distributed between the wheels and the generator, the generator that drives the electric motors. The electronic system controls energy in order to maximize its savings. The generator, if necessary, releases excess energy from the battery, charging it.

When accelerating a hybrid, the internal combustion engine operates, and in order to improve the dynamics, there is an electric motor. When braking, energy is converted - kinetic into electrical. It is sent by electric motors to the power control unit, which, in turn, returns it to the high-voltage battery. At the same time, the gasoline engine operates in normal mode.

The task of hybrid power plants:

  • Provide good performance characteristics and rapid acceleration due to instant energy supply.
  • Save part of the energy during braking, partially converting it into electricity, and partially into heat (unlike conventional cars, where it is 100% converted into heat).
  • Provide the hybrid with a modern energy management system.
  • Reduce the size and weight of components.

“That is, hybrid powertrains in cars must combine the desire to protect environment With high security driving and getting the most out of it.” This is a statement from the chief engineer of Lexus RX400h, who also said that the new hybrid system, created by the company, is perfect for large and medium-sized cars.

Hybrid powertrain

Its purpose in a hybrid powertrain is to redistribute the flow of power to where it is needed most. But, in addition to ensuring the most economical use of power, it also controls working together two engines, responding to the driver's need for more power instantly.

Two energy sources– the electric and petrol engines that power the RX400h (like any other car) are a perfect complement to each other. Providing instant additional power, electric motors do not consume fuel while maintaining a clean atmosphere. Each source operates in the system in optimal mode, providing fuel efficiency car and excellent driving characteristics.

Energy recovery in a hybrid powertrain

Energy that is irretrievably lost under normal conditions is partially used by hybrid power plant technologies, i.e. this is one of the sources of savings. In particular, Lexus hybrid technologies provide high performance thanks to the high-performance main energy source, which is used as modern engine internal combustion V6 and a high-torque electric motor providing additional power. In this case, no vibrations occur, the noise level, gasoline consumption and the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere are reduced. The driver only feels how instantly the engine responds to commands. Complex and compact at the same time hybrid power point, which refers to high voltage motor electric, provides smooth acceleration and maximum comfort while driving.

When braking the car, a generator is also used, which is especially effective when traveling around the city. There is virtually no friction in the hybrid power plant due to the fact that there is no gearbox, which allows you to save kinetic energy by converting it into electrical energy.

Inverter in a hybrid power plant

Direct current is converted into alternating current, which powers the electric motor, thanks to the inverter. The Lexus RX400h uses a high-voltage circuit that increases the voltage, due to which the current increases at the same value electric power, the productivity and torque of the electric motor drive increases.

VDIM, or Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management

Improved control quality is also ensured by a modified suspension, electronic control system, modern system stability control and VDIM itself, which was developed with the aim of combining systems that previously had a tendency to develop separately, even if they were installed in the same car: ABS - anti-lock braking system brakes, TRC – traction control system, VCS – directional stability system, EPS – electric power steering. This improved the hybrid’s characteristics and safety, as well as making the car’s behavior more predictable and soft. VDIM not only brings them all together, receiving information about the current state of the vehicle from numerous sensors, but also controls the all-wheel drive system and the hybrid powertrain. And optimization of system operation, thanks to VDIM, has a positive effect on dynamic characteristics. This powertrain is much more efficient and less intrusive than conventional stability control systems. Dynamic Control uses high-speed transmission, brake and engine control technology to fully control the hybrid powertrain, braking and four-wheel drive to all wheels, controlling both engines simultaneously in accordance with specific driving conditions.

Starting the system

The energy supply system turns on after receiving confirmation from electronic key, meaning that the driver is inside the car. As soon as the ignition is turned on, the system checks the serviceability of all sensors, gasoline and electric motors, batteries and generator. Then the various components of the high-voltage system are turned on - the car is ready for work.

Disabling the system

Before the driver leaves the cabin after turning off the ignition, all components of the power unit are turned off - the computer is the last to turn off, making sure that the shutdown of the components is completed.

Braking control in a hybrid powertrain

The regenerative braking system, which is controlled electronically, to optimize the amount of energy stored, independently decides when it is necessary to use hydraulic brakes, and in which cases to perform regenerative braking, which it (the system) applies as often as possible.

Power control

The power plant monitors energy consumption throughout the vehicle, determining, based on the current state of the hybrid, which of the two motors needs to be turned on. That is, it is based on whether acceleration is required, as well as on the signals supplied by the computer from the battery. If the battery charge is sufficient and the temperature is not too low, then when the car is first started, it runs on an electric motor, for which the motor is first started from the generator (the energy needed for the entire car is immediately calculated). Next, the driving conditions are calculated based on ensuring maximum efficiency required to generate the necessary energy. After this, the signal is sent to the engine to obtain the required number of revolutions, which is further controlled by the generator.