Basics of safe driving. Basics of safe driving. Starting off with low adhesion coefficient

What is "safe driving"?

Friends, hello! In this article I will analyze the well-known phrase “safe driving” and give my own version of its interpretation, since most people understand it, from my point of view, not entirely correctly. I begin many of my lectures with a question to the audience: “how do you understand the phrase “safe driving”? Very often in response I hear something like “this means driving without an accident” or “no one was hurt during the trip.” I already have a prepared counterargument to this: I give as an example one of my friends who goes to the country on weekends in the summer and returns home on Sunday evenings driving... drunk. Regularly. Not a single accident. During all this time. The audience is perplexed: the students feel that there is a catch somewhere, but they will not understand where exactly. It seems to be accident-free, but... somehow not entirely safe.

Safety is not the absence of accidents, but minimal risk

Indeed, this cannot be called safe driving, because safety is determined not by the presence or absence of an accident, but by the likelihood of an accident occurring. If the world consisted only of black and white, then yes, it would mean “no accidents.” However, there are many shades between black and white, just as there are many intermediate values ​​between zero and 100% probability. Thus, safe driving meansdriving a car with minimal likelihood of an accident, with minimal risk . Therefore, if usually the only thought of a driver who has just received his “licence” is how to get to his destination alive and healthy, then for an advanced driver the safety requirements become more stringent. An advanced driver strives not only to avoid an accident, but also to reduce risks on the road as much as possible.

Now let's think about how much we can reduce the risks. Let's draw a probability axis, denote the beginning of the axis as “0”, and the end as “1”. One, that is, 100% probability of an accident means that an accident will definitely happen, and it’s only a matter of a few seconds. For example, a driver on an icy road accelerated to a speed of 60 km/h and did not take into account that at this speed the car would need at least 60 meters to stop from the moment he pressed the brake pedal to the floor. And he began to slow down in front of a traffic light 50 meters away. The ABS chirped, the car went into emergency braking mode. All lanes in front of the traffic lights are occupied standing cars, there is nowhere to dodge - unless you jump out onto the sidewalk with pedestrians... That's all - all you have to do is sit and obediently wait until the hood rams someone's trunk. A car does not brake quickly on a slippery road, so you will have to wait 10-15 seconds before a collision. This is the situation when the probability of an accident is 1 or 100%.

Zero risk driving is impossible

What does the probability of an accident “0” mean? The audience often responds to this with “when we are standing at a traffic light.” There is some truth here: while we are standing, we pose no threat to others. However, this does not in any way exclude the threat to us from surrounding cars. Do you feel where I'm going with this? It can be said that the probability of an accident is zero when your car is parked in a garage, and you are at home and, for example, drinking tea with your family while watching your favorite movie on a soft sofa. Although even here your garage can be rammed by a truck, and a plane can crash on your house. And even more so, we cannot talk about zero probability of an accident while your car is parked in a guarded parking lot, since the car can be hit by a driver who parks ineptly, even in your absence.

Driving a car is never safe

This leads to a seditious conclusion: safe driving literally impossible! The words “safe” and “driving” are inherently contradictory. Phrase « Safe driving" is the same as "non-alcoholic alcohol" :)) As soon as you set off and the wheels made the first revolution, you have already become dangerous. Why?

Have you ever heard that a car is a source increased danger(Article 1079 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)? Have you ever wondered what determines the degree of danger of a moving object? From a physics point of view, the danger of a moving object is determined by the amount of kinetic energy:

where m is the mass of the object, v is the speed.

And further in this article we will consider danger from this point of view: that is, as the danger of a moving object, which consists in causing damage to itself and other objects when colliding with them. It is important to understand that this is not the only danger factor that threatens us when driving a car. But it is the most significant, having greatest influence, as well as the most frequently implemented.

In addition to light quanta, any visible object has mass, and therefore, if there is speed, which means there is danger. For example, a flying bullet. I hope you have no doubt that firearms are dangerous? So, the greater the amount of energy, the more dangerous the object. By the way, the law “On Weapons” distinguishes three types of weapons - civilian, service and combat, which differ from each other precisely in the kinetic energy of the bullet, which is specifically stated in the numbers.

Anything that moves quickly is dangerous

It is the inherent fact that a car has a speed that makes it dangerous by default. That is why, with the first revolution of the wheel, you become dangerous while driving.

So, if you think about it, it turns out that drivers are misinformed when they say words like: “police officers ensure safety on the roads.” Not because they do a bad job, but because the words “safety” and “driving” are inherently contradictory. And the words “if you follow traffic rules, then you are safe” are frankly deeply misleading.


Therefore, I repeat, The main task of the driver on the way to the so-called safety while driving is to reduce risks. This is the basis of the Anglo-American concept safe management car "Defensive Driving" or Defensive Driving. You just need to avoid excess unjustified risk, and constantly monitor its level. Or, if we are talking about, say, drivers of operational police personnel, it will no longer be possible to reduce risks due to the specifics of their work. In such cases, all that remains is to take risks and be aware of the level of risk. If you walk on the edge of an abyss, you must know what awaits you below...

A car is 3000 times more dangerous than a pedestrian

From the above formula for kinetic energy, there are two conclusions that may surprise you. Let's compare in numbers the energy of a passenger car at a typical city speed of 60 km/h and the energy of a pedestrian at a typical speed of 5 km/h. For calculations, we take the mass of the car as 1500 kg, and the mass of the pedestrian as 70 kg. We consider: 60 km/h, this is 16.67 m/s, then the energy of the car is 16.67 * 16.67 * 1500/2 = 208416.7 J. Energy is measured in joules, we do not use these units in everyday life, and at first glance it is not entirely clear whether this is a lot or a little. To understand this, you need to compare the resulting value with the energy of a pedestrian. 5 km/h = 1.39 m/s, then the kinetic energy will be 1.39 * 1.39 * 70/2 = 67.5 J. As they say, feel the difference! Let's divide one by the other and find that the energy of movement of a car is 3085 times greater than the energy of movement of a pedestrian. Or, otherwise

A PASSENGER CAR moving at a speed of 60 km/h is more than 3000 times more dangerous than a pedestrian!

Similar calculations will make it possible to estimate the degree of danger of a car of a different mass and at other speeds. Let's say the same one and a half ton passenger sedan at a speed of 100 km/h more dangerous than a pedestrian already more than 8500 times. I don’t even want to think about SUVs and trucks...

A pedestrian cannot be dangerous to a driver

So, let's draw our first conclusion. A statement like “pedestrians jaywalking create a danger for drivers” is incorrect from the point of view of physics and consideration of danger through the prism of the magnitude of kinetic energy.


From a traffic point of view, the pedestrian is safe. Just as an ant is safe for a hamster, a cat is safe for an elephant, and a baby is safe for a weightlifter. Yes, of course, after a collision between a car and a pedestrian at a speed of 60 km/h, the car will suffer some damage. But what is this compared to the damage that will be caused to the pedestrian (if he even survives)?! The real danger comes from those who move quickly and at the same time have enormous mass. Let me remind you that I am not considering an armed attack by a pedestrian on a driver or intentional causing harm here.

A horse, for example, weighs on average 500 kg and is capable of running at speeds of up to 70 km/h, i.e. it can already pose a real danger to both a pedestrian and a driver in a car. I hope my point is clear.

The driver is responsible for everything

Therefore, dear readers-drivers, get used to the idea that when you meet a pedestrian, you are the one who is dangerous, which means that all responsibility for the safety and consequences of an accident lies with you.

I understand that this is difficult to accept, but this is an objective reality based on the laws of physics. Moreover, as I wrote above, our legislation takes a similar position. Therefore, a driver who hits a pedestrian crossing the road in the wrong place, although he will not be held criminally or administratively liable (in the absence of aggravating circumstances, of course), will in any case be brought to civil liability and will be required to compensate for the damage caused to the pedestrian. Precisely because the car is a source of increased danger.


I’m not writing this to depress drivers, it’s just that with this approach you, the drivers, will be safer. That's all.

  • The driving mode chosen by the driver on the road is the result of processing a huge amount of information coming to him. It follows that the more experience the driver has, the more developed his skills, the more prepared he is for the route, the safer the driving mode he ultimately chooses, the greater the potential for a trip without a traffic accident. Car traffic in cities with heavy traffic and pedestrian flows has its own characteristics:
  • Lane of movement
  • Small distances between cars
  • Abundance of technical means of regulation
  • Pedestrian crossings
  • Crossroads

Presence of continuous oncoming traffic flow

  • Under these conditions, the following sequence of actions becomes especially important:
  • Observation
  • Signaling


It is necessary to correctly determine and maintain the distance between cars and the intervals between rows.

various situations

It is also necessary to maintain an interval not only between oncoming cars, but also between, but also between cars and sidewalks, roadsides, and pedestrians. The higher the speed, the longer the interval. In any case, the interval must be at least one meter. You need to choose the interval especially carefully when driving around, in poor visibility conditions, or when overtaking cyclists and motorcyclists. Head-on and side-vehicle collisions are often caused by drivers leaving too little space between the sides of their vehicles.

When driving through pedestrian crossings, the driver must exercise increased caution and be prepared to stop the car in time. The same precautions must be taken when moving past stops. public transport. The main safety measure is to reduce speed in advance and be ready to take immediate action when pedestrians appear in the immediate vicinity of the car.

Road conditions can be varied: straight sections of roads and turns with changing radii, descents and ascents, different widths and conditions of the roadway, changes in visibility range and viewing conditions. All this has a significant impact on the driving mode. To make the right decision when choosing a speed, the driver must have the appropriate knowledge and skills in assessing road conditions. It is especially important for the driver to be able to assess the adhesion qualities of the road surface, as well as to know the reasons for its increased slipperiness. This will help to correctly determine the braking distance, and therefore choose safe speed movements.

Danger on a road with good grip can be created by individual, often small sections of smooth road surface resulting from wear and grinding by car wheels. Such areas occur in places where the mode of movement of cars often changes, acceleration and deceleration occur: in front of intersections and pedestrian crossings, directly on and behind them, at turns, before ups and downs, in areas where public vehicles stop, in front of areas with limited traffic visibility and directly on them. There may also be areas on roads that are most likely to get dirty and wet. These are junctions or intersections with roads that do not have a hard surface, sections of roads with unpaved shoulders.

Regarding the technical condition of vehicles. IN mandatory our cars must pass daily Maintenance, TO 1, TO 2.

As you know, before every turn the driver must slow down. However, not everyone knows that braking should be completed before the turn begins. If you brake while turning, this will significantly reduce the lateral stability of the car, which can even cause a rollover. We should also not forget that braking while cornering causes increased wear on chassis and steering parts, as well as wheel tires.

When making a turn, the vehicle's trajectory should have maximum steepness at the beginning. As the car turns, it gradually straightens out.

Before a pothole, pit, ledge or other similar obstacle on the road, you should reduce your speed in advance, and just before hitting the obstacle, release the brake pedal. This way you can minimize the impact force. Sometimes in such a situation it is advisable to depress the clutch.

Ascents and descents to slippery road It is recommended to drive at the same speed, but in no case coasting, braking periodically (as inexperienced drivers often do when driving downhill), but in a lower gear. Unless absolutely necessary, you should not change gears, increase the fuel supply, or make sudden movements with the steering wheel.

Not all drivers know that very dangerous road becomes in the first minutes after the rain starts. The fact is that water mixes with road dust and dirt that has not yet been washed off from the roadway, forming a liquid slurry. At this time, special care must be taken: do not sudden movements(accelerate, brake, change direction), take turns at low speed and keep an increased distance from vehicles in front.

On wet roads you need to be especially careful. In any case, in heavy rain it is not recommended to drive at a speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour (the exception is highways, but not always). Failure to follow this recommendation leads to aquaplaning.

Drivers know: one of the most difficult and dangerous maneuvers on the road is overtaking. Let me remind you that in the current version of the Rules traffic overtaking is considered to be the advance of one or more moving vehicles associated with leaving the occupied lane (not necessarily into the lane of oncoming traffic). A significant part of traffic accidents when overtaking occurs not with oncoming vehicles, but with passing vehicles. Most often this is due to the fact that cars are moving at high speeds without maintaining distance.

Be aware that the driver of the car you are overtaking may not see you and at any moment turn to the left, for example, to avoid an obstacle (pothole, etc.) on the road, without giving the appropriate signal with the turn signal.

At the end of overtaking, you can return to your lane only when the vehicle you overtook is visible in the mirror, and the distance to it is about 20 meters.

When overtaking cyclists, maintain a lateral distance of at least 1 meter from them. In terms of mentality, a cyclist is the same as a pedestrian, but he moves faster. It is prohibited to make unexpected movements in front of a cyclist, or to brake quickly after overtaking. On the other hand, this is quite expected from a cyclist (in particular, he can lose his balance at any moment and fall under the wheels of a car).

If you are caught in heavy fog, rain or snow on the road, remember: turn on regular headlights will only reduce visibility, as a kind of “wall of light” may form. IN in this case It would be advisable to turn off all the lights, but this is prohibited by the Road Traffic Regulations, since the vehicle will become poorly visible to other road users.

In this situation easier for drivers, whose cars are equipped fog lights. If the fog is not very strong (visibility is at least 100 meters with high beam headlights), then turn on the high beam headlights along with the fog lights. Don’t forget to switch to low beams and turn off your fog lights if there are oncoming vehicles. If you encounter moderate fog or heavy rain, turn on your fog lights and low beam headlights. If the fog is very thick or you are caught in heavy snowfall, then turn on only the fog lights.

When visibility on the road is no more than 10 meters, you can move at a speed of no more than 5 kilometers per hour. Otherwise, you endanger not only yourself, but also other road users.

One of the most dangerous places on the road is unregulated intersections. Road traffic accidents on them usually occur due to violation of maneuvering rules, failure to maintain a safe distance, and also because one of the drivers did not notice traffic signs in a timely manner.

When driving, always be aware of the possibility that another road user may ignore the Rules of the Road or make a mistake that could lead to a dangerous situation. ATTENTION.

On the road, try to stay away from military vehicles. Often such cars are driven by young soldiers who have recently received their license. Needless to say, how dangerous a large-sized Ural is when driven by an inexperienced driver!

Be careful even when you have the right of way (driving at a green light, on the main road) in order to have time to react to possible traffic violations by other road users.

A vehicle standing on the side of the road is always an object of increased danger. In particular, a pedestrian can run out onto the road at any moment from behind a parked bus or truck. Pay attention to the clearance between the underbody standing car And roadway. This way you will notice a passerby or his feet, which will be a signal to take appropriate precautions. Expect trouble from pedestrians who walk close to the roadway, for example along the very edge of the sidewalk or curb. Firstly, a person may trip and fall onto the roadway. Secondly, there is a possibility that he will start crossing the road. Thirdly, perhaps this is a visually impaired or hard of hearing person who is unaware of the danger.

Be especially careful if you see children playing near the roadway. Intoxicated pedestrians are also unpredictable.

It should be borne in mind that when the ambient temperature is more than 28 degrees, the vast majority of people have a noticeable decrease in driving ability. In addition, the following factors increase the likelihood of getting into a traffic accident:

  • smoking while driving (if you really need to, stop on the side of the road and smoke);
  • the driver taking certain medications;
  • poor health, driver fatigue;
  • tight steering wheel, soft brake pedal;
  • slippery road;
  • movement in conditions limited visibility;
  • insufficient contrast and illumination of a potential source of danger;
  • driving a vehicle in a state of strong excitement or agitation;

The human body usually reaches its greatest fatigue during the day from about 15:30 to 19:00 and at night from 2:00 to 6:00.

In general, experts distinguish three degrees of driving fatigue:

  • a mild degree is recognized when yawning and heaviness of the eyelids occur;
  • the average degree is characterized by pain in the eyes, dry mouth, and the appearance of certain fantasies. At the same time, a warm wave may pass through the body and create the false impression that other vehicles are moving very slowly;
  • with a strong degree of fatigue, the head begins to bow forward, the hands slip off the steering wheel, ripples appear in the eyes, the person begins to sweat, and most importantly, the impression is created that all this is not happening to him.

To relieve mild fatigue, just wash your face with cold water, take a short rest, or drink strong tea. Only sleep can help get rid of moderate and severe fatigue.


One of the most dangerous conditions for a driver is the so-called “sleeping with eyes open,” which occurs as a result of overwork. From the outside it seems that the person is awake and driving the car, but in reality he is completely “passed out”.

Before a trip, every driver must prepare himself that driving a car is, first of all, a difficult job, and not a pleasant pastime, which is accompanied by listening to music or talking with passengers.

As you know, within populated areas, traffic rules allow driving at a speed of no more than 60 kilometers per hour, outside settlement- no more than 90 kilometers per hour (unless otherwise regulated road signs). For safe driving in the city, it is necessary to maintain a distance between vehicles of at least 20 meters, outside the city - at least 40 meters (provided that the road is dry and clean, without ice, etc.).

It is also not recommended to keep an unreasonably large distance. Firstly, this will provoke other drivers to overtake and change lanes, and pedestrians may be tempted to run across the roadway in front of your car.

Please note that when driving at 60 kilometers per hour, the car covers a distance of 17.7 meters every second, and when driving at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour - 24.5 meters. However braking distances at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour, the braking distance is twice as long as at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour (the discrepancy is explained more high strength inertia, as well as other factors).

In case of oncoming traffic with other vehicles in poor visibility, try to stay as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway. An oncoming vehicle may be carrying a poorly marked and therefore almost invisible bulky cargo, protruding from the sides. If a vehicle is moving towards you with one headlight on, remember that it is not necessarily a motorcycle; perhaps it is a car with one headlight not working.

Inexperienced drivers make the same mistake when coasting: after releasing the gas pedal, they continue to hold the clutch pedal depressed and drive like this until the next gear is engaged. This cannot be done. When coasting, you need to put the gear shift lever in neutral and release the clutch pedal. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the clutch will “burn out” ( release bearing not designed for this mode of operation).

Rear view mirrors should be used on average every 5 seconds, since the driver must monitor the situation not only in front, but also on the sides and rear of his car. You should definitely look in the rearview mirror before driving, changing lanes, turning, overtaking, or braking.

Majority modern cars equipped anti-theft devices located in the steering column and blocking the steering (installed by the manufacturer). On such vehicles, it is strictly forbidden to turn on the ignition while driving (sometimes this is done on older cars to save fuel when driving downhill). Otherwise, the steering wheel may lock while driving, which can lead to catastrophic consequences.

When making a left turn at an intersection, try to stay as far from the center of the intersection as possible to reduce the likelihood of a collision if a dangerous situation arises.

In heavy traffic, try to move at the speed of the flow, avoiding changing lanes and other maneuvers unless absolutely necessary. You should not overtake a line of cars standing in a traffic jam, especially in the oncoming lane (if an oncoming vehicle appears, you will not have room to return to your lane). If you have a choice, it is recommended to take a familiar route, even if it is a little longer.

Please note that when turning a road train, the trailer always moves closer to the center of the turn.

If you unexpectedly come across a small section of the road covered with ice, drive through it at the same speed (of course, if the current road situation allows). Many beginners in such a situation get lost and press the brake pedal or try to go around this section of the road, which ultimately leads to a skid.

If you are driving monotonously along the highway, then glance at the speedometer from time to time. The fact is that when driving like this, a person tends to downplay real speed movement: it seems that you are moving at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour, but on the speedometer it is already 110 kilometers per hour.

Today, spherical rear-view mirrors have become fashionable. They greatly increase visibility, but have a serious drawback: in them, the distance to the reflected object seems greater than it actually is.

Do on the road the way you want others to do to you! Pass the obstacle on the right and the fool on the left!

What does a driver need first?

- Responsibility: you must take care of the safety of yourself, your passengers and all other road users.

- Concentration: do not drive if you feel tired or unwell, have distracted thoughts, are upset or irritated, or are stressed.

- Ability to predict the situation: constantly analyze the behavior of other road users, act in accordance with the road situation.

- Patience: do not turn riding into a competition and respond to rudeness with rudeness, use aggressive language or gestures,
try to teach the other driver a lesson if he has caused you inconvenience; be patient if the car in front cannot move for a long time - the driver may have good reasons; do not test your patience (and do not take unnecessary risks) - do not get too close to the car driven by the student, increase the distance and lateral interval; Don't test the patience of others - don't overtake just to wedge yourself between the cars in front or immediately make a turn.

- Confidence: this is an integral part of driving skill, but remember - unnecessary risks lead to accidents!

Safe driving techniques when driving a car

1. Don't rush - it's better to be 10 minutes late than to arrive 10 minutes early.
2. Before you start driving, make sure it is safe to do so; do not start driving if you will interfere with approaching cars.
3. Turn on your turn signals in advance and turn them off in time.
4. Don't exceed set speed more than 30 km/h.
5. Don't allow yourself to be distracted by talking if it affects your driving.
6. When talking on the phone, use speakerphone.
7. Don't use headphones.
8. Don't look at maps and guidebooks.
9. Don't smoke.
10. Don't turn to rear passengers- all attention to the road.
11. Maintain correct (safe) distance and lateral spacing.
12. Start smoothly and stop smoothly.
13. Don't drive while hungover.
14. Do not accelerate your car in front of a pedestrian crossing where there is no one - a pedestrian may appear unexpectedly.
15. You can’t: squeeze the clutch, engage 1st gear and wait for the traffic light to turn green.
16. When reversing, turn on the hazard lights.
17. When reversing, the speed should not exceed 20 km/h, and the travel distance should be minimal.
18. When reversing, turn down the radio volume.
19. Install sound signal to engage reverse gear.
20. Always turn on low beam headlights.
21. Don't skimp on antifreeze liquid, the windshield must always be clean!
22. Turn on your turn signals in your yards.
23. Before pressing the brake pedal, look in the rearview mirror (estimate the distance to rear car and its speed).
24. Do not tint your car windows (in your first year of driving).
25. Install “novice driver” signs (if you are a beginner).
26. Do not change lanes in front of or on a pedestrian crossing.
27. If you are going to sneeze, then release the gas pedal before doing so.

You can't have two

1. Be blind (rotate your head 360 degrees).
2. Be deaf (listen to the road).

Property security

1. Once in the car, lock the door locks.
2. Do not leave the car if the engine is running or the keys are in the lock ignition

Learn to read the road

1. Maintain the trajectory of your vehicle by observing the center of the driving path.
2. Look as far ahead as possible, this will help you notice emerging danger in advance.
3. Actively monitor changes in the situation not only on the roadway, but also in the surrounding area.
4. Do not keep your gaze on one object for a long time (more than 2 seconds).
5. Constantly monitor the rear and sides of your vehicle.
6. Before changing lanes, turning or entering main road Make sure in advance that the place you want to occupy is free.
7. The greater your speed, the wider your vision should be.

Driving in difficult conditions

1. Avoid sections of the road with oil, oil and tarspots.
2. Do not drive into puddles at speeds exceeding 50 km/h.
3. If the road is covered with melting ice, avoid driving in light traffic lanes.
4. Perform the overtaking maneuver only when necessary.
5. Beware of wet leaves, snow and sand drifts.

List of malfunctions that make driving a car dangerous

1. Brake lights don't work.
2. The sound signal does not work.
3. The handbrake does not work.
4. Turn signals do not work.
5. The alarm system does not work.
6. Level brake fluid V expansion tank decreases (lower min risks) - you have to top up frequently.

Rules for driving on a roundabout

1. Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front, a multiple of the interval between the lighting poles:
- at driving speed ~ 50 km/h - 0.5 intervals;
- at driving speed ~ 100 km/h - 0.75 intervals;
- at driving speed ~ 150 km/h - 1.0 interval.
2. Turn on the turn signal when changing lanes (always).
3. If you are moving in the 3rd - 4th row and are often overtaken on the right, think about it, maybe you should change lanes to the adjacent right lane. Observe speed mode and lane of movement!

Cheat sheet for pedestrians

1. Don’t cross the road (even at a zebra crossing), walk calmly.
2. Don't run or walk along the road.
3. Don't ride your bike on the road.
4. When crossing the road (on a bicycle) on a green road (on a zebra crossing), take your time, move approximately at walking speed.
5. Cross the road perpendicularly.
6. Don’t cross the road with a hood on your head.
7. Don't cross the road while listening loudmusic through headphones.
8. When crossing the road with animals, keep them on a short leash.
9. When crossing the road with a stroller, keep it to the side.
10. When crossing the road, lift the child from the sled.
11. When crossing the road with a child, hold him by the hand or in your arms.
12. When crossing the road, look left and right.
13. It is desirable that one of the outerwear items be light in color or have reflective reflectors (in dark time the driver may not notice the pedestrian for a day).

Axioms when operating a car

1. Understand the traffic rules and remember them (you need to understand the order of passage of all types of intersections, etc.).
2. Draw up an algorithm of actions when driving and operating a car for various situations (learn it by heart).
Example: you need to start an injection engine at a temperature of minus 20 degrees.
A. turn on the side lights for 30 seconds.
b. Set the gear shift lever to neutral (if necessary, raise the parking brake lever).
V. turn all switches to the “off” position » .
d. Depress the clutch pedal.
d. turn the key to the “ignition” position » , pause for 5 seconds, turn to the “stater” position » , after starting the engine, release the key.
e. Release the clutch pedal smoothly after ~30 seconds.
(if when performing point “d » The engine does not start within 10 - 15 seconds, release the key, wait 15 seconds and repeat the point "d» ).
3. Yield to the hindrance on your right and the fool on your left.
4. Always turn on the turn signals when changing the trajectory of movement (if, when changing lanes, the driver does not notice an obstacle and begins a lane change maneuver, then the other driver will see the turn signal and be able to avoid an accident).
5. Always make smooth maneuvers when changing lanes (if you do not notice the obstacle, the other driver will be able to avoid an accident).
6. Always turn on low beam headlights.
7. Choose the right speed (it depends on your skills and traffic situation).
8. If you have not driven a car for more than two months, drive in a quiet mode: on uncrowded streets, in the morning.
9. Gravel and stones on the road are dangerous, there is a possibility of getting into them Windshield(increase distance and decrease speed).
10. Reduce your speed when entering the tunnel (to adapt your eyes to the new lighting).
11. Driving on tram rails is dangerous! Causes:
- possible rupture and cut of the tire;
- on studded tires - tearing out the studs and skidding;
- during rain - increased braking distance and skidding.
12. Do not clutter the car interior (there is a trunk for this):
- a forgotten bottle can roll under the pedals;
- you should not hang toys on the rearview mirror, this reduces visibility;
- on the back panel - it is dangerous to store sharp and heavy objects.
13. In the first year of driving, do not tint the windows; in the future, only with high-quality film, not the darkest one.
14. Don't tint tail lights vehicle, the driver of the rear vehicle may not see a change in the brightness of the brake lights.
15. Wear your seat belts
(according to accident statistics and crash tests, injuries are aggravated if you do not use a seat belt).
16. If the vehicle is equipped with airbags:
- everyone must be wearing seat belts;
- you cannot put your hands on the lowered windows if there are side airbags;
- transport the child with his back facing the direction of travel front seat it is forbidden;
- you cannot install anything in the area of ​​the “AIRBAG” inscription » , as well as along the expected trajectory of the airbag opening;
- Wearing glasses may cause injury.
You cannot dismantle/install the airbag yourself - injury is possible!
17. Distance (safe):
- when moving in traffic - at least 5 meters;
- when stopping on a climb - at least 2 meters;
- when stopping in front of a traffic light - from 1 to 1.5 meters.
18. Do not drive:
- in a state of alcoholic intoxication;
- if you are very tired;
- if you are under stress.
19. If there is a difficult or difficult situation on the road unusual situation, you should not rush and accelerate, wanting to quickly get past the dangerous area (according to the rules of good manners at this moment everyone is equal, like in a bathhouse).
20. Technical condition car - check carefully before a long trip:
- suspension
- wheel camber/toe-in/balancing/pressure
- braking system
- filters (fuel and air)
- air conditioning (pressure)
- fluids (their level and replacement period): automatic transmission, engine, cooling, brake.

Car repair

1. Before you install new part into the car to replace the damaged one - carefully inspect it yourself, ask the technician to check it for serviceability. Approach the check responsibly; remember, if a part turns out to be faulty, this can lead to breakdown of other components and assemblies.
2. Leaving the repair areado not accelerate - do test braking on the first meter.

How to push a car (if it breaks down)

Roll down the window left driver's door, rest your left hand on the glass frame and move the car in the desired direction, steering with your right hand (the key must be in the ignition).

How to reliably install a license plate

- option 1: secure with bolts - generously lubricate the threads graphite lubricant or lithol, tighten the first nut, lock the second;
- option 2: secure with rivets.

Driving lessons are held in all areas of St. Petersburg.
You can sign up for a driving lesson by phone
We will select a time and meeting place convenient for you.

We will be happy to help you gain confidence behind the wheel of a car, overcome fears and worries. Just call us!

I present to your attention a series of short articles on techniques safe driving. In subsequent parts we will consider maneuvering, forecasting the traffic situation, accounting pedestrian traffic and other situations.

Introduction (can be skipped)

Despite the practical focus of this article, I am obliged to write a couple of general lines.

The most important thing is to try to follow traffic rules as often as possible, wear seat belts, and carry children in special chairs.

I myself have been driving for only 5 years (of which I only drove actively for the first three years), so I don’t consider my experience comprehensive, but I managed to learn some features. I will share them.

I've had accidents. Once I was thoughtfully turning from the third row (where you can only have two) and a tow truck slightly overtook me, once I was also slightly overtaken by a car that decided not to let the minibus pass. Well, they scratched it a couple of times in the parking lot and tore down the mirror. We evacuated once and didn’t notice the sign. Once in winter, on summer tires, I jumped on the lawn with a wheel. It was really impossible to avoid an accident when a car caught up with me. Everything else was quite predictable.


The best solution to improve driving safety is to take special courses under the Defensive Driving program (which I did not take).

Most of the statements in this article have been tested own experience. But I might have missed some details. What is written in this article requires, first of all, comprehension, and not blind execution. Taking these recommendations into account does not guarantee safety, but, in my opinion, it helps reduce the risk of an accident. A lot depends on the specific road situation and case.

First of all, the article is aimed at drivers with up to one year of experience. But perhaps others will find something for themselves here too. If you have any additions, I’m waiting for them in the comments.

Remember, a car is not only a means of transport, but also an effective tool for murder. The car does not have a safety, like a pistol, for example, and the car is always “loaded”. Be extremely careful with him. A professional is not one who plays with this “toy” for show, but one who is aware of the likely consequences and chooses appropriate behavior.

About practice

If you get behind the wheel for the first time after training, don’t be lazy, find a suitable area and remember the dimensions of your car - park with your back and front against some wall or sidewalk. Secure reverse parking and turning in several steps. Practice driving uphill. 3-5 lessons of 1-2 hours each was enough for me. Ride in courtyard driveways with parked cars. It will be hard. Feel free to go out and see if the car is passing. This way you will quickly get used to the dimensions.

Of course, the more you ride, the better you get.

About passengers

If you have just recently started driving and have little experience, convince the passenger to remain silent. If he doesn’t shut up, drop him off. Conversations are very distracting. Even if the passenger tells you what to do, filter his words. His behavior, skills and assessment of the situation may differ from yours. It is quite possible that, for example, you will not have time to accelerate as quickly as the situation requires, which can lead to an accident. Only the driver makes a decision based on his capabilities. If you're not sure, don't do it.

If you are an experienced driver, then when performing complex maneuvers (for example, when driving along a confusing junction), turn off your brain from perceiving even very important words and concentrate on the road situation and situation. If the words are really important, they will be repeated later. My loved ones already consider it the norm to constantly repeat everything to me when I’m driving.

Buckle up yourself and all passengers in the cabin. If passengers do not spare their health, take pity on your car yourself. There is a high probability that with relatively safe collision the passenger will fly out of the seat and smash your windshield with his head.

If a passenger wants to sleep and your music disturbs him, know that as soon as you see that he has fallen asleep, you will want to sleep too. The absence of loud music will contribute to this. Therefore, allow sleeping in your cabin while driving only in exceptional cases. In the countryside and, especially, at night, even in this case the music should sound loud enough.

Sleeping while driving

Be prepared for the fact that driving both on country roads and city streets at the speed limit, regardless of the time of day, will cause you irresistible melancholy and a desire to fall asleep. This is also facilitated by a sleeping neighbor and quiet melodic music.

If you feel like you are falling asleep, they say you need to go out and stretch. I don't remember it helping me for long. For me, it’s better to find a safe section of the road and overtake someone. Adrenaline is the best remedy, saving me from sleep. It is desirable that adrenaline surges occur without traffic violations and safety conditions.

How to accelerate and overtake correctly

Country roads are usually easier than city roads, as long as you don't overtake. But overtaking is often necessary and at the same time a very dangerous maneuver for a beginner. In one of the first overtakings, he almost flew off the road due to a sudden lane change. In order to overtake correctly and safely, you need to accelerate quickly (less time spent in the oncoming lane). Remember the match maximum speed your car's engine and speed for the first two or three gears. To do this, you can speed up (preferably in the countryside). For example, in my car, the first gear accelerates to somewhere around 40-50 km/h, the second to 80 km/h, and the third, I don’t know, was always enough to gain sufficient speed.

For quick acceleration, be sure to shift to a lower gear and press the pedal to the floor. In order for the car not to jerk and brake sharply (which can be quite unexpected for the cars following you) when shifting from fourth gear to second or even first, practice is needed. Practice in advance when there are no cars (both behind and in front) on the road.

At a speed of 30 km/h, for quick acceleration, switch to first up to 40 km/h, then to second up to 80 km/h. The numbers are indicative to show how it works. With experience, you will focus on sensations.

When overtaking, it is important to do most of the acceleration in your own lane in order to spend as little time as possible in the oncoming lane. And to accelerate in your lane, you need a decent distance to the car in front (at any time no less than acceptable - see Part 2). Never hug the car in front for no reason. In this case, the overtaking maneuver will become longer and more dangerous for you.

When preparing to overtake, I usually lag a little behind the car in front and plan so that at the moment of maximum speed after acceleration, the oncoming car has already passed and I can drive into the oncoming lane.

Start learning overtaking with slow trucks. In this case, it is desirable that the road turns very smoothly to the left. In this case it is ensured best visibility. Never overtake if you see a sharp turn or hill ahead, behind which you cannot see oncoming cars. Also, do not overtake at intersections and pedestrian crossings. Pedestrians are not visible, and cars entering the road allow cars on the left to pass without looking to the right (when turning right). Relatively high probability of meeting.

Overtaking at night is especially dangerous on long straight sections. It is not always possible to determine with certainty the exact distance to an oncoming vehicle. In this regard, smooth left-hand curves are also better for overtaking - they hide oncoming cars that are far away and do not interfere with overtaking and thus do not confuse the decision.

When overtaking, always make sure that no one is overtaking you in the oncoming lane, or that no one is accelerating behind you in order to overtake you.

Also, correct acceleration allows you to easily fit into the traffic from the acceleration lane. Practice overclocking and it will get you out of trouble or at least reduce your delays.

There are several mandatory rules for safe driving...

1. If a turn is planned, braking should be completed before it begins. When braking on a turn, the lateral stability of the car decreases, and movement with high speed may cause it to tip over. In addition, with frequent use of this practice, tires, as well as steering and chassis parts, quickly wear out.

The trajectory of the car should have the greatest steepness at the beginning of the turn, in other words, when entering a turn, you need to turn the steering wheel to the maximum angle, and then gradually return it to its original position as the turn progresses. Immediately after entering the turn, gently press the gas pedal and increase your speed.

2. After braking is completed, the brake pedal should be released smoothly. This reduces the stress on the valves and cuffs of the main brake cylinder, and accordingly increases their durability.

3. In case of emergency braking, do not completely block the wheels. In this case, the braking distance will increase, and if the wheel brakes are poorly adjusted, the car may skid and even tip over. Therefore, if you feel that the car is skidding, ease the pressure on the pedal. Braking should begin with the gear and clutch disengaged. This way, the wheels will not lock even if you press the pedal harder than required.

4. Braking performance will be reduced if the pads brake wheels wet. Therefore, experienced motorists, in front of a large puddle, lightly depress the brake pedal and overcome the obstacle, slowing down slightly. So pressed to the drums the linings brake pads practically do not get wet. After driving through a deep puddle after a rainstorm, check the operation of the brakes and, if necessary, dry the linings by lightly pressing the brake pedal while driving in a low gear.

5. The braking distance on an icy road is much longer than on a dry one. In icy conditions, it is recommended to use the combined braking method. In other words, braking should be done only by the engine, and only assisted by the brakes. Engine braking is carried out as follows: the gas is released, with the clutch disengaged, intermediate gas is given, then the clutch is depressed, the gear is shifted to a lower gear, and the clutch is engaged again.

To perform stop-and-go braking, apply the brake firmly and immediately release the pedal. Even if the wheels do not lock up on the verge of skidding, they will still have time to spin up and regain traction, thus slowing down the skid. Then you need to press the brake again, but a little weaker, and release it again. Such actions are performed until the speed drops to 20–25 km/h.

6. If you feel that the car is starting to skid, immediately turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid. Stopping the skid rear wheels in one direction, you may feel that the car is starting to skid in the other direction. In this case, you need to turn the steering wheel to the opposite side. To prevent reverse skidding, do not wait until the uncontrolled movement of the rear of the vehicle stops. If you are convinced of positive effect from turning the steering wheel, turn it in reverse direction, ahead of a new skid in the opposite direction.

The fact is that if you do not react in a timely manner, the car will skid from side to side, which may result in a rollover. If you experience a side skid, you should immediately release the brake, otherwise the wheels may lock.

Remember: when driving on slippery roads, you must avoid sudden braking, acceleration, turning and other maneuvers.

7. If, after coming out of a skid, the car has moved onto the side of the road on one or both sides, you should not try to steer onto the roadway. The fact is that the edge of the asphalt is a small ledge that does not prevent the front wheels from leaving, but it delays the rear wheels, which can cause a skid. Therefore, you can drive from the side of the road onto the roadway only after the speed has been reduced to 15–20 km/h.

8. The car should be accelerated quickly enough, but not sharply. During sudden acceleration, engine parts quickly wear out. You should also avoid prolonged driving in intermediate gears.

9. It is preferable to overcome ascents and descents on slippery roads on lower gears, without changing gear, without slowing down or increasing the gas, without changing speed. If it is not possible to avoid a steep climb or descent in icy conditions, switch to the selected gear before the start of the slope and continue driving at minimum engine speed, without using sudden turns of the steering wheel. Short ascents and descents can be overcome with acceleration.

If the wheels slip and slide backwards on an incline, you should park the car diagonally to the road, using a stone, tree, or curb as support.

10. If the car is stuck in the snow, you should not allow the wheels to slip for a long time, since icy holes may form under them. Clear the snow from under the car and clear a small rut. Minor snow drifts can be overcome by accelerating at a right angle. If you feel like you can't get over a snowdrift, stop, reverse and try again after the road is cleared.

It should be borne in mind that if the rut formed by a previously passed vehicle is too deep, the bottom of the vehicle will touch the snow, which will make maneuvering difficult. It is preferable to drive in the snow without stopping and changing gears, since otherwise the car may lose speed and stop, and starting off in the snow is very difficult.

11. Driving when it begins to rain is dangerous, since water and road dirt that has not yet been washed off form a film, as a result of which the car can skid. Therefore, you should start and accelerate the car in such conditions very smoothly and carefully. It is strictly not recommended to sharply accelerate or brake. You should also increase the distance to the neighboring vehicle and reduce the speed when turning.

Remember: driving speed in a rainstorm should not exceed 60 km/h, even if you are driving on a good road. This rule It is recommended to adhere to this when driving on those sections of the road where water accumulates. If a car moves at high speed on a road flooded with water, a water-sliding effect may occur (a water shaft forms in front of the front wheels, the wheels gradually slow down and begin to slide along the shaft, which leads to skidding).

12. When starting to drive on a slippery road, it is preferable to engage second rather than first gear. In addition, you can pour a little sand under the wheels or place anti-slip mats. The road can be slippery not only because of snow and ice. Immediately after the rain starts, the asphalt becomes very slippery. The same road happens in the early morning in the fog.

Especially slippery road surface becomes at stops, intersections and pedestrian crossings (due to frequent braking). Therefore, as you approach such areas, it is necessary to reduce your speed in advance using intermittent braking.

When driving on a slippery road, it is safer to drive over a bump or pothole without changing the straight trajectory of the car. The fact is that if you try to avoid an obstacle with a sharp maneuver, you can cause the car to skid. Braking on a slippery road should be done in combination (mainly with the engine, pressing the brake pedal).

Short, difficult sections of the dirt road should be overcome with acceleration. If the trace of a car that has passed along a road with soft soil is not too deep, it is better to drive along it. But deep ruts should be skipped between the wheels. In wet clay areas the car may skid.

As for a dirty road after rain, it is preferable to drive on it at a higher speed. high gear and low gas. Before difficult dirt sections, change to a lower gear in a timely manner. Puddles on dirt roads are especially dangerous, as there may be stones or holes under the water.

13. If you have to drive off-road, follow these recommendations:

– drive ditches, roadside ditches and embankments in low gears at an angle close to straight line;
– the car must move smoothly through the obstacle, without sharp turns or gear changes. If you hit an obstacle, slightly increase the gas. After overcoming the obstacle, you should release the gas and slow down a little;
– crossing ditches and embankments at an acute angle is extremely dangerous, since the car may become skewed;
– on soft ground it is preferable to drive in low gear, holding the steering wheel firmly and supplying fuel evenly;
– after driving through a ford, press the brake pedal while driving to dry the brakes.

14. When overtaking, the bulk of road accidents occur not with oncoming cars, but with passing cars, since cars travel at high speeds with a small distance from one another. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the skill of determining the distance to oncoming and passing cars. When overtaking, be aware that the driver of the car you are overtaking may not notice the overtaking warning signals and suddenly swerve to the side.

Rebuild in right lane after overtaking, you can only do so if the distance to the car you overtook allows you to see it in the mirror. This means that the distance must be at least 20 m. When changing into the right lane, do not forget to turn on the turn signal.

Slowing down when overtaking when you see an oncoming car is unacceptable. To prevent an emergency, it is necessary to signal the overtaken vehicle and return to your half of the road in a timely manner.

15. In order to avoid getting into emergency situations, you must be prepared for the fact that the driver of a neighboring car may violate traffic rules. Remember: a motorist needs a clearly developed skill of quick reaction.

16. You should be especially careful when overtaking at intersections. As a result of misinterpretation of traffic rules, collisions between vehicles moving in the same direction often occur at intersections - site. This happens as follows: the overtaking driver, having entered the lane of oncoming traffic and not noticing the left turn signal of the car ahead, continues to maneuver, believing that when changing lanes the driver is obliged to give way to a car moving in the same direction. forward direction. However, no one takes into account that this provision of the traffic rules only involves changing lanes when driving in parallel rows within the roadway for one direction.

In the case of overtaking at an intersection, the overtaking person, noticing that the car ahead is giving a left turn signal and is approaching the middle of the roadway, overtakes only on the right.

17. If you overtake a cyclist, you must maintain an interval of at least 1 m. When overtaking, monitor the situation through the rear-view mirror. You should not make unexpected maneuvers in front of the cyclist. Keep in mind that a cyclist is the same as a pedestrian, he just moves at a higher speed.

18. Do not turn off standard headlights in fog, snow or rain, as this leads to poor visibility, creating a wall of light in front of your eyes. Optimal visibility is achieved when all lights on the vehicle are turned off, but this is not acceptable because it makes the vehicle invisible to other drivers.

The so-called fog lights make driving significantly easier. If the fog is light (road visibility with high beams is more than 100 m), it is recommended to use high beam headlights in combination with fog lights. When passing oncoming vehicles high beam You should switch to low beam and turn off the fog lights.

In moderate fog and heavy rain, low beam headlights should be turned on at all times along with fog lights, and in thick fog and heavy snow, fog lights should be used exclusively.

19. Be especially careful at uncontrolled intersections. Road accidents in the intersection area are usually caused by failure to maintain a safe distance, violation of maneuvering rules, and failure to follow the instructions of road signs.

20. When driving around a bus or gazelle standing at a stop, be prepared for the fact that a pedestrian may get out from behind them. Keep an eye on the clearance between the body of a stationary bus and the road. Be aware of pedestrians walking along the edge of the sidewalk or road. It must be taken into account that a pedestrian can start crossing the street at any time. In addition, there may be visually impaired people among pedestrians, so care is required.

A pedestrian may slip and fall on the road. In this case, you should drive to the curb or drive the car into a snowdrift or bushes. Be especially careful after 4 p.m., as statistics show that this is when most pedestrian collisions occur.

21. It should be remembered that the danger of an emergency increases if at least one of the following conditions is present:

– poor health of the driver;
– the steering wheel or brake pedal is too tight;
- slippery road;
– fog, snowfall;
– approach of a source of danger from the side;
– insufficient illumination or contrast of the source of danger;
– driving in a state of emotional overstrain;
- taking sedatives medicines;
– smoking while driving (it is preferable to stop for a few minutes and smoke in the air).

Please note that at temperatures above 28 °C, alertness decreases, so if your car does not have air conditioning, it is better to travel on hot days early in the morning or late in the evening.

Even with slight fatigue, most people lose the sense of speed. In addition, many motorists feel that driving has become more difficult. Drivers often experience the so-called motorway syndrome, which is caused by prolonged driving at a constant speed. The uniform flickering of lights and marking lines is visually addictive. In this state, the motorist still reacts to external stimuli, but the reaction speed is significantly reduced. An effective means of distracting from monotony is rhythmic music.

Learn to view driving as a responsible job. You need to prepare for the trip in advance, and while driving, show attention and interest in the surrounding environment. Lack of discipline, irritability, depression, fatigue and nervous stress are the main causes of accidents.

22. In urban conditions, when driving at a speed of 60 km/h, the distance between cars should be 20 m, and outside the city at a speed of 90 km/h - 40 km. Moving at a speed of 60 km/h, a car covers 16.7 m per second, and at 90 km/h – 24.5 m. At the same time, the braking distance at a speed of 90 km/h is twice as long as at a speed of 60 km/h. Therefore, failure to maintain a distance is fraught with a collision during emergency braking.

Too much distance is also undesirable, since it allows other drivers to overtake and change lanes, and pedestrians to cross the street in front of your car.

When determining the optimal distance, keep in mind that the braking distance of a loaded vehicle is 10–15% greater than the braking distance of an unloaded vehicle. It must also be taken into account that the braking distance of trucks or buses is longer than the braking distance of cars. True, when driving on a slippery road, the braking capabilities of different types of cars are equalized.

When choosing a distance, you must also take into account the fact that on an icy road, studded tires increase the braking capabilities of the car by 20–40%. Remember that on slippery roads you should brake as soon as the brake lights of the car in front come on.

Consider the color of the car as well. According to statistics, black cars suffer the most from rear-end collisions. The fact is that dark objects visually appear smaller, and the distance to them is greater than it actually is. As you know, fog also distorts the perception of the distance between cars.

23. When passing oncoming traffic at night and in poor visibility conditions, try to stay closer to the right edge of the road. Here it is necessary to maintain the maximum lateral distance to the oncoming car. If a vehicle with one headlight is driving towards you, it could be not only a motorcycle, but also a car with a faulty headlight. When approaching a turn on the outside, pay attention to right side road, trying to avoid the headlights of an oncoming car. If you are moving along inside, you must first switch the light from high to low.

When passing oncoming cars at night, switch high beams to low beams after 100–150 m. If you are disturbed by the headlights of an oncoming car, reduce your speed. You should also change high beams to low beams when overtaking, exiting gates and lanes, as well as when driving through unguarded railroad crossings.

24. If the car starts to swerve due to a side wind, forget about the brakes. In this case, it is necessary to smoothly turn the wheels in the opposite direction. As you know, wind is especially dangerous on slippery roads. Therefore, it is necessary to drive in such a way that there is sufficient distance between your car and the obstacle to which it could be driven. An oncoming car can also be such an obstacle, so maintain the required distance. To keep your vehicle stable, do not place heavy loads on the trunk roof.

25. Often, when driving on slippery asphalt, it is preferable to drive off the road. Remember: the car should leave the road at an angle of 30-40° at the lowest possible speed. This driving angle minimizes the risk of rollover. When choosing a place to pull off, avoid poles and trees, but small bushes can slow down your car.

26. On closed corners of a mountain road, regardless of the steepness, you need to switch to the lowest gears. It is a good idea to warn other drivers with a sound signal (during the day) or switching the low beam to high beam (at night). It should be taken into account that a necessary condition for driving safety on a mountain road is the serviceability of brake system. It is preferable to brake using a combined method in lower gears. It must be remembered that using only the foot brake can lead to overheating of the pads.

27. When driving on long climbs, the engine usually overheats, which impairs its performance and increases electrolyte evaporation. Therefore, if necessary, stop and cool the engine. In the mountains, the tightness and serviceability of the cooling system are of particular importance.

28. When coasting, do not forget to release the clutch pedal. Many drivers continue to keep their foot on the clutch by inertia until the need to change gear arises. This is absolutely unacceptable, since the clutch release bearing is not designed for long-term continuous operation.

The clutch pedal should be released smoothly, as otherwise the load on the transmission and engine increases. By the way, the heavier the car is loaded, the more smoothly you need to release the clutch pedal.

29. If the car is moving forward, under no circumstances should you engage reverse. Do not engage gears immediately after pressing the clutch pedal. Take a short pause in the neutral position of the lever and only then engage the gear. Thus, the rotation speeds of the corresponding gears will be equalized. If this rule is not observed, the gear teeth of the gearbox will be subject to severe wear.

30. Every 5-10 seconds the driver should look in the rearview mirror. Before overtaking another car, braking, and before turning, you need to look at what is happening behind your car.

31. On vehicles with anti-theft devices that block the steering, do not turn off the ignition while driving. Experienced drivers In order to save fuel on long, gentle descents, the ignition is turned off and then turned on at the end of the descent, but this method is not suitable for all modern cars.

32. At intersections, when turning left, stay as far as possible from the center of the intersection. This way your car will not interfere with oncoming traffic.

33. Driving in the city requires maintaining the speed at which the main flow of cars is moving. You should not move from lane to lane unnecessarily or overtake a row of stopped cars.

34. When moving, the trailer of a road train moves towards the center of the turn.

35. If you unexpectedly find yourself in a small slippery area in icy conditions, it is better to drive through it by pressing the clutch or brake pedal without changing speed.

36. After a long drive on the highway, many drivers downplay the actual speed of the vehicle. You can't lose your sense of speed. You should glance at the speedometer from time to time.

37. If there is a danger while driving, it is necessary to reduce the speed or stop the car.

38. It must be taken into account that rear-view mirrors, which have a spherical reflective surface, increase the distance between objects.

39. If you need to park your car on a downhill road where there is a curb stone, park the car at an angle at the edge of the roadway, resting the front wheel against the curb stone.

40. Prolonged braking of a car with the clutch engaged on steep slopes is usually accompanied by overheating of the brakes or their failure.

41. When overtaking on a road with a large slope from the center to the sides, take into account the possibility of skidding down the slope. To prevent skidding, after you start overtaking, hold the car a little in the middle of the road, and then smoothly move it to the left side, get ahead of the car you are overtaking and gradually move to the right side.

42. Remember that the driver’s performance behind the wheel is affected by how he sits. If you sit awkwardly, you will get tired much faster.

43. When approaching an uncontrolled intersection, look left, right, left and right again. A repeated look to the left and right is necessary in order to check whether the situation has changed. Follow warning signals signals given by other drivers, correlate them with the location of vehicles on the roadway, because it also happens that the signal and the position of the car contradict each other.

44. If on back seat There are children in the car, lock the doors. Elderly drivers should be especially careful while driving. It is known that after 35 years the field of vision inevitably narrows, its acuity and ability to adapt to vision deteriorate. different conditions.

45. Do not drive immediately after leaving a lighted room. Visual acuity also decreases with smoking.