Scientific Automotive Institute (by us). Central Research Automobile and Automotive Institute (by us) International scientific and technical cooperation

The history of this institute began on March 14, 1920, when on the basis of the Scientific Automobile Laboratory - NAL (which was established on October 16, 1918), as the first research institute in the field of automotive theory and technology, under the scientific and technical department of the Supreme Council of the National Economy, Scientific automotive institute- US.

In general, the history of the creation and development of NAMI is inextricably linked with the formation and development of the domestic automotive industry. So, since 1924, the institute authorized the purchase of imported vehicles, and by 1927 the first independent car NAMI-1 (the first passenger car in the USSR).

In the 30s of the last century, the Institute became the leading design department of the Soviet automotive industry. The NAMI-2 passenger car developed at the institute, the first domestic trolleybuses, created several models of tractors and trucks, for the needs of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, half-track models and armored vehicles were actively developed.

In the prewar years, at NATI (from 1931 to 1946, the institute was called the Scientific Automotive and Tractor Institute - NATI), they developed widely known caterpillar tractors SHTZ-NATI, extra small car KIM-10, gas generators for cars and tractors. Also, in the 1940s, the Institute continued work on the creation of a unified family of two- and three-axle trucks with two-stroke 4- and 6-cylinder diesel engines.

At the beginning of 1946, due to the transfer of the tractor industry to the Ministry of Agricultural Engineering, NATI was divided into two parts. automotive part remained in the hands of the Ministry automotive industry and was transformed into the Research Automobile and Automotive Institute - NAMI. The tractor part was transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Allied Scientific Research Tractor Institute - NATI was organized on its basis.

In the 50s, NAMI developed the first four-stroke unified 6- and 8-cylinder diesel engines NAMI-019, which served as prototypes for the YaMZ-236 and YaMZ-238 diesel engines produced by the Yaroslavl Motor Plant.

In the early 60s, new NAMI developments were put into production - an air-cooled gasoline engine for ZAZ-965 Zaporozhets cars and the first domestic automatic hydromechanical transmission for LiAZ and Ikarus buses.

At the same time, in the 60s, the famous test site was organized at the institute - the Scientific Testing Center for Automotive and motorcycle technology- NICIAMT. Being located near the city of Dmitrov, it received an unofficial name - Dmitrovsky auto-polygon. Now this division is called the FSUE "NAMI" Research Center for Testing and Refinement of Automotive Equipment (NITSIAMT FSUE "NAMI").

In 1966-1967 the Institute was developing front wheel drive for cars. In the same period, in the late 60s, NAMI began developing automatic box gear shifting for passenger cars. True, the first front-wheel drive car began to be mass-produced in the USSR only in 1984, and the domestic automatic transmission for passenger cars, is still, unfortunately, not mass-produced.

In the 80s of the last century, the institute created many samples of experimental vehicles (for example, the prototypes of NAMI-0284 "Debut" and NAMI-0288 "Compact"), engines, components and assemblies-prototypes of the 2000s.

In 1994 the Institute received the status of the State scientific center Russian Federation, and in 2003, accreditation from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of Russia as the Testing Center for Automotive Products (ITsAI), which became technical service with the right to conduct tests according to the UNECE Rules.

On August 4, 2004, the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1009 was issued, according to which NAMI is included in the List of strategic enterprises that are important for ensuring the defense capability and security of the state, protecting morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation. Also, the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation FSUE "NAMI" is the representative of the Russian Federation in the Technical Committee 22 " Road transport" International Organization for Standardization.

For almost a century of history of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation, FSUE "NAMI" has come a long way in the field of research in the field of automotive science and technology in Russia. The staff of the institute over the years of its activity has made a significant contribution to the development of the domestic auto industry, tractor industry, automotive and aircraft engine building and had a great influence on the development of science in these areas.

The result of the institute's activity in cooperation with the enterprises of the country is the indisputable fact that the life and defense of the country were provided with equipment mainly of domestic production.

With the direct participation of scientists and designers of the institute, almost all domestic cars, many engines and tractors were designed, created, tested and put into production - from the first cars to powerful high-performance trucks.

State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation FSUE "NAMI" today is a powerful and modern research, experimental and production base that allows you to solve any problem in the field of research, design, construction, development and testing of cars Vehicle and has great potential for growth, being a modern research and development experimental center for the development of production for the design, construction and testing of automotive platforms.

Central Scientific Research Automotive and Automotive Institute (NAMI)(Automotive street, 2). Established in 1918 (originally Scientific Automobile Laboratory at the Supreme Economic Council). In 1930, the part of the institute connected with diesel building was spun off into the Scientific Research Diesel Institute (later TsNIDI), and the part connected with aircraft engine building was merged into the Central Institute of Aviation Motor Building (CIAM). In 1946 the tractor department of the institute was transformed into the Scientific Research Tractor Institute (NATI). NAMI (from one of the former names Scientific Automotive Institute) develops designs for cars and trucks, buses, trailers, engines and automotive units. It has one of the world's largest testing grounds for carrying out resource, control and thematic tests of cars (in Dmitrov).

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  • - Central Research Automobile and Automotive Institute, under the jurisdiction of the USSR Ministry of Automobile Industry. Develops vehicle design issues and implements...
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"Central Research Automobile and Automotive Institute (NAMI)" in books

From the book Prone to Escape author Vetokhin Yury Alexandrovich

Chapter 27

From the book "Jokes of the past days ..." author Alikhanov Ivan Ivanovich

Chapter 13 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE The highest position to which an official rises always no longer corresponds to the level of his competence. Parkinson's Law While I was performing my photographic exploits, three

From the book Studies in Conservation cultural heritage. Release 3 author Team of authors

Analytical summary of the results of the International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Research in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage" Moscow, State Research Institute for Restoration, November 9-11, 2010. The third international scientific and methodological conference

From the book Moskovsky Prospekt. History essays author Veksler Arkady Faivishevich

House No. 25, building 1 Central Research Diesel Institute

From the book Magic and Culture in Management Science the author Shevtsov Alexey

Chapter 8. Temple, or Research Institute In order to understand what the Temple is in the life of mankind and what the Temple is in the enterprise, one will have to return to the concept of the Source of life force. It would seem that there can be no other sources of power on Earth, except for

From the book Encyclopedia of the Third Reich author Voropaev Sergey

"Hermann Goering Research Institute" Established in 1933 by Hermann Goering special organization to control the telephone and telegraph network and radio communications

From the book Fight for the Seas. The era of great geographical discoveries author Erdödi Janos

Research institute in a trading house Dealers of any era found, if they wanted, an "ideological base" for their machinations. In the 17th century, the lawyers of French shipowners and merchants tried to justify the actions of their masters with the principle of "freedom of maritime navigation." They are

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(AG) author TSB From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (TR) of the author TSB


From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CE) of the author TSB

After the resource of the NAMI S-3M vehicle was exhausted, further work with pneumatic caterpillar propulsion units was continued on a prototype model, which received the designation NAMI S-3MU and was built on the basis of the GAZ-69. The main changes in design were reduced to the installation of pneumatic caterpillar propellers from NAMI S-3M instead of the rear drive wheels and the installation of more powerful engine from Volga. In addition, due to the use of a new propulsion unit, it was necessary to lengthen the body ( wheelbase was left the same) by 55 mm, and the overall width increased by 200 mm (by increasing the width of the wings). To avoid digging the car with the front wheels on weakly bearing soils, standard wheels were replaced by wide rollers with full profile tires.
Tests of the previously built articulated NAMI-0106 showed that the previously selected trapezoidal shape of the pneumotracks turned out to be suboptimal. The most effective was to make pneumococci from several isolated chambers arranged in parallel - each chamber had its own valve, which made it possible to install different pressure, redistributing it over the contact patch. It is this type of three-chamber pneumatic tracks 300 mm wide that were installed on NAMI S-3MU.

Also on NAMI S-3MU, a new pneumotruck-type propulsion system was tested, designed specifically to replace traditional steel tracks with serial ones. caterpillar conveyors. The pneumotruck caterpillar consisted of separate pneumotrucks (they were made in the molds of NAMI in the Omsk NIKTI of the tire industry), each of which was made in the form of a closed rubber-cord shell, had a valve for adjusting the internal air pressure, two ridges and two metal vulcanized into lugs fingers, which served to connect the tracks into a caterpillar chain. A metal comb was put on each pair of fingers, in which the fingers were fixed from turning. The bending of the pneumotrack caterpillar around the extreme rollers was carried out by twisting the fingers in the body of the pneumotracks and bending the pneumotracks themselves. The width of the pneumatic tubes was 300 mm, the height was 80 mm, the height of the lugs was 15 mm, the height of the ridges was 55 mm, the overall length of the pneumatic tube was 196 mm, and the distance between the fingers was 161 mm. The number of pneumotrucks in the caterpillar - 17 pcs.
Tests of a car with pneumotrack tracks took place in the area of ​​​​the city of Stupino in the Moscow region. NAMI S-3MU confidently walked through deep mud (up to 0.6 m) and ruts (0.5 m), while the car, if necessary, left the rut and continued to move across the rut. The UAZ-452 involved in comparative tests under such conditions completely lost its mobility. The all-terrain vehicle with pneumatic trucks confidently moved through wet plowing, stubble, wet sand, climbed a sandy slope with a steepness of 22 °. Thanks to the metal ridges used in the design of the mover, there were no falls of pneumotruck caterpillars, but at the same time there was a noise characteristic of conventional tracked all-terrain vehicles, due to the shock entry into contact of the ridges with the road wheels.

The level reached at that time technical excellence pneumotracks has not yet allowed them to be recommended for large-scale use on all-terrain vehicles. But already in those days, NAMI reports noted that the use of pneumotracks, arched and wide-profile tires in national economy promises considerable economic benefits, since most of the cargo transportation in difficult road conditions was carried out on tracked GAZ-47 or GAZ-71, the operation of which led to unproductive waste of funds due to the low durability of the mover with a metal caterpillar. For example, the use of tracked vehicles in the sands of Central Asia during the construction of the Bukhara-Ural gas pipeline led to a decrease in their mileage to 300-500 km due to premature wear caterpillar fingers instead of the average 1500-2000 km. However, all work in NAMI on pneumatic caterpillar propulsion in 1974 was curtailed as not corresponding to the automotive orientation of the institute, the developments were transferred to the Industry Research Laboratory of All-Terrain Vehicles (ONILVM, formerly known as the laboratory of S.V. Rukavishnikov) at the Gorky Polytechnic Institute.


short info

Leading research and experimental center for research, design, construction, pilot production, testing and certification of automotive and agricultural machinery, its components that meet the prospective technical level in terms of energy saving, safety, environmental friendliness, reliability and economy.

NAMI participates in the development of projects technical regulations Customs Union and national and international standards, coordinates the activities of RF experts in the working bodies of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) UNECE ITC, assesses the conformity of wheeled vehicles and their components established requirements etc.

Has 3 branches: NAMI branch maintenance and repair of automatic telephone exchanges (Moscow), the Research Center for testing and fine-tuning automotive equipment (Test Center "NAMI", Dmitrov, Moscow Region), the Center for Engineering and Expertise in Togliatti, - and the auto-polygon (representative office) in the Magadan Region .

Founded (created)

The institute was founded in 1918. In 1940 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. In 1994, the institute was given the status of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation, which has been retained to the present by the relevant decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Work on priority areas and critical technologies for the development of science, technology and technology

Participates in the implementation of 6 priority areas for the development of science, technology and technology and 14 critical technologies of the Russian Federation (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 7, 2011 No. 899), incl. technologies of information, control, navigation systems; technologies of new and renewable energy sources, etc. NAMI activities correspond to the priority areas for the implementation of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2016 No. 642.

Participation in the implementation of technological platforms

NAMI is the coordinator of the National technological platform "Environmentally clean transport « green car”, as well as a participant in the technological platforms “Bioenergy”, “Technologies of mechatronics, embedded control systems, radio frequency identification and robotics”, “Innovative machine technologies for agriculture”.

Innovation projects

Most meaningful work recent years FSUE "NAMI" began the implementation of a pilot project for the development and production of a line domestic cars on the basis of a single modular platform providing the creation vehicles intended for the transportation and escort of the first persons of the state, as well as other persons subject to state protection, with the subsequent promotion of developments in market segments. In 2017, the first run-in tests of pilot models of Sedan and Limousine vehicles, their systems and components were manufactured and carried out. The cars created by the State Research Center of the Russian Federation FSUE "NAMI" were demonstrated on May 7, 2018 during the inauguration ceremony of the President of the Russian Federation.

Since 2016, NAMI has been implementing the Unmanned Intra-Object Transport Systems (SHATL) project, which is based on innovative concept transport system where a person interacts with the information environment. The project developed: a prototype unmanned electric bus especially small class with a capacity of 12 passengers, a traffic control system with radar, navigation systems, systems technical vision and others. The industrial partner of the project is KAMAZ PJSC.

Research and experimental base

Unique bench equipment motor and aggregate laboratories for the study of environmental characteristics, tests for active and passive safety; low-temperature and acoustic chambers; rapid prototyping department; design center; aerodynamic tube; special complexes of road tests (110 km); area for testing vehicles equipped with intelligent systems management; pilot plant, etc.

There are two centers for collective use in NAMI, which provide a wide range of fundamental and applied scientific research: Promising technologies Automotive Industry" and TsKP "Research Center for Testing and Fine-Tuning Automotive Equipment".

Patents, certificates

139 patents of the Russian Federation are maintained in force (inventions - 96, utility models - 27, industrial design - 16), as well as 13 certificates for trademarks, 5 certificates of registration of computer programs, as well as a trade secret regime in relation to 9 production secrets (know-how).

Number of staff engaged in research and development

The total number of employees at the end of 2017 is 2,682 people, including: Doctors of Sciences - 23, Candidates of Sciences - 110. Average age staff - 41.2 years.

Availability of agreements with higher education institutions

Within the framework of the SEC, FSUE "NAMI" interacts with universities under agreements on educational and scientific and technical cooperation and in the creation of basic departments with:

Moscow Polytech;

MSTU im. N.E. Bauman;

National Research University "MPEI";

RGAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev;

Togliatti State University;

Branch of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region "University" Dubna ".

Basic departments, scientific schools

There are 10 scientific schools and 2 basic departments in NAMI. Postgraduate studies at NAMI carry out educational activities in two areas of training ("Electrical and thermal engineering" and "Mechanical engineering") with the possibility of subsequent defense of qualifying works in the dissertation council of the institute in two specialties: "Wheel and tracked vehicles" and "Heat engines".

Main partners


International scientific and technical cooperation

Institute presents Russian Federation in the working bodies of UNECE ITC, ISO, FISITA, ISATA, SAE and AEB. Also, NAMI cooperates with world leaders in automotive engineering, incl. with Porsche Engineering.