Which cars sell well on the secondary market. Which cars sell well on the secondary market in Russia. Which VAZ models are preferable?

Sooner or later, every car owner is invariably faced with the need to sell his car. Some cars can be sold literally on the day the ad is submitted, while others may remain stuck with us for many months. Which car brands are the easiest to sell, and which ones you should stay away from. We offer you the ten best-selling cars on secondary market.

It must be said right away that the success and speed of selling cars will depend on various factors. It is necessary to take into account, among other things, the condition of the car, its year of manufacture, mileage, the presence or absence of specific options, as well as the cost of the car being sold. Many car owners are unable to adequately evaluate their car and set a high price for it. Is it any wonder that such a car will be sold for months without attracting buyers precisely due to its high cost.

This is a living classic, which has already been discontinued, but is still popular in the outback of Russia. The cost of used copies can range from 20 to 200 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the year of manufacture, technical condition of the car and its mileage will depend on the price. Buyers value -2107 for excellent performance characteristics, smooth running, good fuel economy and ease of maintenance and repair.

Another popular model from Russian manufacturer from Togliatti. VAZ 2114 is a modification of the legendary “chisel”, which is still popular on the used car market. The car has good specifications, and its price on average is 100-150 thousand rubles. You can also find offers starting from 15 thousand rubles, but the condition of such copies will leave much to be desired. The car has a front-wheel drive layout, is reliable and inexpensive to maintain.

This model went on sale in the late nineties and was popular on the market for a long time. Today the car has already been discontinued, but used copies, due to their affordable cost, sell well on the secondary market. The car received an original appearance, reliable engine with transmission, provided the driver and passengers best comfort, In comparison with others VAZ models. The cost on the secondary market of the VAZ -2110 starts from 15 thousand and reaches 200 thousand rubles.

This is one of the most popular foreign cars on Russian market. Different generations This car has sold about a million copies, and all of them are in demand among buyers. The machine, both the first generations and the one currently on the assembly line, is reliable, has an attractive appearance, a good layout and is offered at affordable prices.

On the secondary market, depending on the year of manufacture, generation and configuration, this car is offered at prices ranging from 700 thousand rubles to a million. Buyers will be able to choose both practically new cars, which are at most a year and a half old, and well-worn examples produced in the early 2000s. The machine has proven itself to be quite reliable, easy to operate, and service maintenance is not particularly difficult.

Lada 4 x 4 is a continuation of the well-known legendary Niva. The car turned out to be passable and extremely reliable, which undoubtedly affected its popularity among buyers. This car is still in production, has undergone numerous changes, but is still popular on the market. Today, on sale on thematic Internet portals you can find both modifications that are more than 20 years old, as well as completely new, fresh copies, in the production of which automation and components from leading automakers were used.

Lada Niva- This classic jeep, which has all-wheel drive transmission and a reduction gearbox with a transfer case. This arrangement provides excellent cross-country ability, while the vehicle is extremely easy to maintain, and repairs can be carried out by the car owner on his own. Depending on the year of manufacture, condition and Lada equipment 4 x 4 is offered at prices from 20 to 600 thousand rubles.

Another popular foreign car from the South Korean manufacturer company. In total, about a million copies of this book were sold on the Russian market. inexpensive car. It has proven itself to be extremely simple and inexpensive to maintain. The car was produced for several generations, it differs different types body, installed engines and gearboxes, technical equipment And additional options. Hyundai cost Solaris starts from 300 thousand rubles and can reach one million.

Rio is an economy class hatchback that is very popular in the Russian market. Inexpensive car It turned out to be extremely reliable, practical and easy to maintain. This car is offered to customers in several body styles and can be equipped with economical diesel and gasoline engines. The car has a stylish, attractive appearance, and on the secondary market it is offered to buyers at prices starting from 300 thousand rubles.

Traditionally, cars from the land of the rising sun are popular on the Russian market. This can largely be explained by the excellent reliability of such machines, their ease of maintenance and affordable price. One of the most popular models Japanese manufacturers on the Russian market it is Corolla. The car was produced in several body styles and has established itself as a reliable, inexpensive to maintain car, the cost of which on the Russian market starts from 50 thousand rubles for copies manufactured in the early nineties. Practically new models, which are a year and a half old, are already offered at prices starting from 900 thousand rubles.

Another one inexpensive model from the Volga automaker. Lada Priora was produced for many years and was offered to customers at affordable prices. Used copies today are sold at prices ranging from 80 to 300 thousand rubles. This machine is easy to use and has an attractive appearance, and some modifications are equipped with French engines and gearboxes.

Production of this model ceased several years ago, but the car is still popular among buyers. Thanks to its attractive appearance, reliability and ease of use, it is held in high esteem by Russian car enthusiasts, especially in the outback of Russia. You can find cars for sale that are in good condition. technical condition at prices from 50 to 300 thousand rubles.

The collapse of the ruble exchange rate and the rise in price of new cars again became the motivation for the growth of the used car market. This cannot but please resellers and various scammers who sell cars that no longer have a resource for incredible money. Sometimes this sale is veiled under a well-maintained vehicle after weeks pre-sale preparation, and sometimes the buyer himself is to blame for buying such a car. It is necessary to understand which cars with what data are best not to be considered at all when choosing a car on the secondary market. The issue of mileage is a rather serious factor, since it is by mileage that the resources of the main components and assemblies are determined, and the maintenance order of each important part is set. Cars on the Russian secondary market very often have non-original mileage. The number indicated on the meter is 2-3 times lower than the actual values. This not only confuses the buyer, but also significantly interferes with the normal maintenance of the car.

For example, when buying a car with a “drawn” mileage of 130,000 km, the new owner will be sure that the car has recently undergone major maintenance at 120 thousand kilometers. In fact, the mileage of such a car can be close to 240,000 km, when it is necessary to perform one of the most expensive and critical maintenance complexes. New owner will not perform such a service, since he will not even know about real mileage. This means that the car will suffer a number of problems and damage. Therefore, the issue of mileage must be treated very carefully. Experts often say that in Russia cars are often sold with engines and gearboxes on their last legs, and this is what becomes the reason for the sale. So you should look at the situation very carefully. Let's talk about what mileage cars should not be purchased at all, since there are a number of risks with further operation.

The final point is the maximum resource of the selected car

If you are picking good car on the secondary market, then you should approach the choice carefully. Even if you want to buy a car from a good friend or relative, remember all the thousands of stories you have heard about buying junk cars. Even from your closest friends you can often buy a terrible car - all methods are good when selling a used car. Therefore, to find out the optimal mileage, it is worth performing an analysis using some data:

  • ratio of year of manufacture and mileage - if the car traveled less than 15,000 km in 1 year, most likely the mileage was changed; on average in Russia they drive about 20,000 km in 1 year of operation;
  • car model - for each type of transport there is its own age limit and mileage, at which it is better not to buy a model, it is worth finding out this parameter for your vehicle;
  • diagnostic data - today not a single experienced motorist will buy a car second-hand without good diagnostics at an independent service, only there the master will give valuable information on transport;
  • personal inspection - make sure that the car does not have significant problems with the body and interior, there is no need to invest money immediately after purchase in repair processes;
  • first impressions - if you act without unnecessary emotions, then the first impressions when getting to know a car are the most truthful, it is worth listening to the voice of intuition.

Today we are talking exclusively about mileage, so we will focus on this detail of the choice of transport. As practice shows, it is this that is most important for the buyer. In the future, all operation of the car will be based on mileage. Therefore, it is worth taking a more careful look at the issue of studying individual characteristics, as well as all the consequences wrong choice. Let's talk about this in more detail.

So, what should the mileage limit be for different cars?

The question is: at what mileage is it better not to buy a car at all? Generally speaking, this figure is close to 300,000 km. But this statement is not always true. For example, old Toyotas with classic engines like 4A-FE or 1WZ diesel engines can travel up to 500,000 km without any major repairs. And here modern cars It’s better not to take it with 200,000 km on the odometer. There are some special nuances that are worth considering:

  1. Engine. Read reviews about a specific unit, what problems may arise in it if you buy it with high mileage. Also find out the factory resource and data from owner reviews.
  2. Transmission. Eg, robotic gearboxes like DSG-7 from VAG is better not to buy after 120,000 km, Nissan CVTs and others Japanese companies have a service limit of 150,000 km.
  3. Steering rack. For many foreign cars, the service life of the steering rack is 100-120 thousand km. When purchasing, check to see if this very expensive element of the machine’s design is dying.
  4. Suspension. For most modern vehicles, the entire suspension has a service life of about 200,000 km, after which it will have to be almost completely replaced.
  5. Body. Depending on the number of kilometers traveled, the body also suffers. Corrosion on the arches and bottom may appear already at 120-150 thousand km, and then everything will only get worse.

As you can see, a lot depends on the odometer readings. German cars fall apart with high precision. If the unit is supposed to travel 150 thousand km, it is unlikely to travel more. This can be clearly seen on Skoda Fabia HTP with 3-cylinder 1.2 engine. Its service life is just 150,000 km, and on the secondary market, most cars are sold with a mileage of 140-145 thousand km. If you do not know this unit problem, you may become a victim of such ignorance.

Special occasions - look at the most important moments in the car

The mileage for each model and for each modification of the vehicle will be different features. Take for example Volkswagen Passat B6 with age 10 years. With the 1.8 TSI engine, this car starts to show problems already at 120,000 km, which is quite low for a German. But diesel units without problems they last up to 300,000 km with a manual and up to 220-250 thousand km with an automatic. The automatic transmission is the first to break down. Therefore, you should look at the car’s mileage as follows:

  • be sure to take into account the make and model, since these are the indicators that most often determine the attractiveness of a vehicle on the secondary market; mileage itself does not mean anything;
  • if the car was maintained very well, then even high mileage will not be an obstacle to the purchase, but if the service is poor and the liquids are incorrect, it is better to refuse the purchase altogether;
  • mechanical boxes they last longer, but not on all cars, for example, on Fords produced 7-10 years ago, manual transmissions were less reliable than torque converters;
  • It is worth considering the possibility of mileage inaccuracy and be sure to check the car for this factor, otherwise you may get into serious trouble when operating your car;
  • be sure to inspect the body, even if the mileage is low, it is worth carefully examining the areas of corrosion, looking at theoretical problems with metal parts, this is very important.

Sometimes mileage is put at the forefront when choosing a car. But this is not always correct. You can buy a Motsubishi Lancer with 200,000 on the odometer and drive another 100,000 km without significant problems. You can choose the same car with a mileage of 60,000 km, but completely destroyed. The condition of the car greatly depends on the attitude of the driver, the quality of service and others. important details. Remember this so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

Rules for the initial verification of mileage originality

Finding out if a car's odometer is crooked is not as difficult as you might think. The problem is that they twist the counter using rather primitive methods, so they are often already computer diagnostics inconsistencies can be found. Original mileage stored in the ECU and some other car units. Therefore, it is recommended to take the vehicle for diagnostics to a good service center before purchasing. You can check the mileage yourself for free. To do this, pay attention to the following details:

  • body damage - on foreign cars, chips and scratches begin to overcome the body after 150,000 km, before that the paintwork holds up just fine on almost all cars;
  • domestic cars last up to 100,000 km, but some chips may appear even earlier, the quality of the paintwork on VAZs is not very high, but the interior can show the real condition;
  • in the interior, pay attention to the condition of the steering wheel, gear knob, handbrake and main fabric parts, by the degree of their wear it can be assumed real experience auto;
  • state engine compartment- in particular, here it is worth looking at the color plastic parts, which after 200,000 km begin to fade and become covered with plaque from the inside (tanks, for example);
  • headlights and glass - if the car has original Windshield, in count small chips You can assume the mileage; also, after 200,000 km, the headlights dim and become covered with risks.

The problem is that professional resellers know well how to prepare even the most low quality car for sale. Car businessmen install new steering wheels, polish headlights and glass, and skillfully hide rust on the body. So often the only way to get complete information about the car is to check it at a service station. This is the simplest method to find out how good condition from the car you are going to buy.

We invite you to watch a video about rolling mileage:

Let's sum it up

IN Russian conditions It is very difficult to say at what mileage you should buy a car. In most cases, this indicator is not original; resellers actively twist the odometer and try to help out more money for transport. But in general, you shouldn’t buy a car with mileage over 200,000 km. More often than not, such a purchase will not be the most successful. Some cars may well go further, but everything is individual here. If all these 200 thousand cars received excellent service and care, then significant problems may not arise. But you'll never know real story car.

Therefore, it is better to entrust your money to younger and less hackneyed people. vehicles. Sometimes it won’t hurt to overpay in such a situation. Also, be sure to find out everything about childhood diseases of your car. Otherwise, upon purchase you will receive a number unpleasant surprises. Some cars are not worth buying even when the odometer reaches 100,000 km. You should be especially careful with small 1.0-1.3 liter engines; they very often are not repaired at all and cause a lot of problems for the buyer on the secondary market. Be sure to get as much information as possible about the car before paying your money for it.

Here are 10 cars that are most popular among taxi drivers. These are what cab drivers have been purchasing for the past four years.

At the first place - Hyundai Solaris, these vehicles account for 12.4% of taxi fleet purchases. On the second - Renault Logan, with a share of 10.7%. In third place was Skoda Octavia(8.2%). This list also includes Ford Focus and Galaxy, Volkswagen Polo, Kia Rio, Nissan Almera, Lada Granta And Lifan Solano. The rating was compiled by the analytical agency Autostat based on a study of purchases of 100 taxi companies in more than 70 regions of Russia.

Many of these cars are popular on the secondary market and, of course, these statistics are not a reason to immediately refuse to buy the model you like. Let's try to figure out how to identify a car that was used in a taxi if an unscrupulous seller is trying to hide its history.

Of course, before buying a car, you must send it for inspection to a trusted car service center, and if there is something wrong with the car, the specialists will pay attention to it. But it is accepted that the diagnostics are paid for by the potential buyer and not the seller. To avoid wasting extra time and money checking in services for copies that are obviously not recommended for purchase, it is useful to know a few points.

If the car was officially registered as a taxi, it will not be difficult to find out - any online car verification service will show the history. Most often, the seller does not hide the history of such cars, and they are simply sold off at a reduced price.

It is a completely different matter if the car has not been officially registered. Most likely, the seller will prefer to hide the fact that the car is working, so as not to reduce the price. In this case, a number of points will help to recognize the “bad” past. Obviously, no one will sell a car repainted yellow under the guise of “not working as a taxi driver.” But cars are often wrapped in yellow film - it’s cheaper than painting, and good film is removed from the body without a trace. Such manipulation does not leave its mark on the documents - a note about the change of body color must be included in the PTS even when covering with film.

There are a number of external signs that will make it possible to determine with a high probability that the car was used as a taxi, even if it remained in its “native” color.

The first is wear and tear on the passenger door. At normal use The most commonly used door in a car is the driver's door. Accordingly, the handle will be more scratched and the fastenings will be worn out. If the passenger door shows more obvious signs of wear than the driver's door, the car has most likely been driven. The second is a mark from the “checkers” on the roof. The magnetic pad inevitably leaves marks on the paintwork. Third, you need to pay attention to the condition of the steering wheel, gear knob, driver's seat. It must correspond to the declared mileage; if, with a low mileage, noticeable abrasions and signs of wear are visible, the odometer is most likely twisted. And taxi cars, being relatively new in age, have very significant mileage.

Experts have found out which used cars sell out the fastest on the secondary market, and which ones take a long time to find a new owner. As you know, the resale rate varies depending on the popularity of the make and model of the car and largely depends on the configuration, age/mileage and condition of each specific car in relation to. At the same time, the number of similar offers at the moment plays an important role, which, taking into account current demand, can affect both the timing of the sale of a used car and its cost.

“There is a buyer for every car, regardless of its make, age and price category, but the key question remains its price compared to its classmates, that is, cars with a similar set of consumer properties. Any car can be sold in 15 days, the only question is the price,” says Alexey Barinov, director of the Blue Fish used car sales division of the Rolf company.

According to Avto.ru statistics, among used foreign cars, the shortest period for posting an ad on the website is Mitsubishi Lancer(on average 11 days), a little longer - 12 days - they are looking for their new ones BMW owners 5th series, Honda Civic And Hyundai Creta.

Top ten fastest selling foreign models with mileage also included , Opel Astra, Toyota Corolla, BMW 3 Series, Honda Accord and - their rates vary from 13 to 16 days. It is significant that the rating is headed by far from the most popular models, while the bestsellers of the secondary car market - Ford Focus, Toyota Corolla and Hyundai Solaris - are inferior to them in terms of resale speed.

Top 10 fastest selling foreign cars with mileage


Average sales time, days

average price, rub.

Mitsubishi Lancer

BMW 5 Series

BMW 3 Series

Auto.ru data

As Denis Eremenko, director of PodborAvto, notes, the speed of sales does not indicate the number of options sold, although the most popular and fastest-selling cars partly overlap. "For example, good Honda The Accord can be sold very quickly, even at a high price, and there will be several times fewer offers for this model than for the Ford Focus,” says the expert.

In turn, Avto.ru representative Tatyana Komarova explains that the rating based on the average sales time of models is still, to some extent, “the average temperature in the hospital.” Firstly, it does not take into account specific generations and modifications: for example, if you look at the Mitsubishi Lancer, the model flies away due to the 9th generation, and has been on sale for much longer. Secondly, these are statistics for Russia as a whole, and not for specific regions, and the situation in different parts of the country can differ greatly. Thus, Hyundai Creta will find its buyer in Moscow in an average of 8 days, and in St. Petersburg - in 20. Thirdly, the average sales time depends on factors such as, for example, the condition in which cars are usually sold. The timing of the sale of models like the Hyundai Solaris is affected by the fact that there are many taxi cars on sale, which are not easy to find a buyer.

With mileage and warranty

Noteworthy is the fact that the crossover, which appeared on the Russian market just less than a year ago and sold more than 40 thousand cars, is already being sold quite successfully on the secondary market. Wherein average cost its resale value - 984.2 thousand rubles - is only slightly lower than the average price tag in a car dealership. This is largely due to the shortage of cars of this model at dealers, as a result of which queues lined up for the most popular crossover. Thus, “fresh” Hyundai Creta, and even with a valid factory warranty, become an attractive alternative to new cars even at a comparable price.

According to Alexey Barinov, a used Hyundai Creta really quickly finds buyers, since there are still few offers for this model, and besides, it is in high demand on the primary market. “As a rule, the first owner replaces the car 2-5 years after purchase. When new Creta will cease to be in short supply, and there will be more offers on the secondary market, then the average terms Hyundai sales Creta mileage will increase,” he predicts.

Among domestic cars with mileage, as it turned out, sells the fastest (18–20 days), but the most mass cars AVTOVAZ is looking for buyers a little longer - 20–24 days depending on the model. So, best indicator among the Zhiguli it was on the account, which is explained, first of all, by the low cost of this model - on average 57.1 thousand rubles. However, current models Used Ladas (Priora, Kalina, Largus, Vesta) find new owners in approximately the same time frame as the “classics”, despite the fact that they are several times more expensive. The most high price resale, of course, for Vesta - an average of 542.7 thousand rubles, that is, almost 100 thousand cheaper than a new car of this model. Nevertheless, used cars for sale do not stagnate for long, because, as in the case of the Creta, everyone Lada Vesta The used car's warranty has not yet expired, and there are not very many offers for this model yet (about 100 thousand of these cars have been sold in 1.5 years).

“AVTOVAZ products occupy a significant share of the secondary market; cars are of very different ages and conditions, so their sales times are also very different. In general, it cannot be said that Volgas are selling faster than Zhigulis,” comments Alexey Barinov.

Top 10 fastest selling domestic used cars


Average sales time, days

Average price, rub.

Lada 1111 Oka

Auto.ru data

Discount for status

Well, used cars take the longest to find new owners. premium brands- their sale period can reach 40–50 days. And this despite the fact that the number of offers for premium cars is relatively small due to the limited nature of this segment. Moreover, it is premium cars, as is known, lose the most in value, although they usually end up on the secondary market at the age of 2–3 years, if you do not take into account the second-hand items still available for sale, imported at one time from abroad. Among the “long-livers” were Jaguar X-Type, Porsche Macan, BMW X6, Dodge Ram, Jeep Cherokee, Mercedes-Benz G-Class AMG, Saab 9–5, etc. Average prices for these models can differ significantly - from about 500 thousand rubles for Jaguar X-Type and Saab 9–5 to 6 million rubles for.


Average sales time, days

Average price, rub.

Mercedes-Benz M-Class AMG

Subaru Impreza WRX

Volkswagen Sharan

Mercedes-Benz G-Class AMG

Auto.ru data

According to Tatyana Komarova, in case expensive cars“competition” between new and used cars is intensifying: for the price of a premium foreign car with mileage you can buy a well-equipped new car. Besides to the mass consumer I’m not interested in the old “premium” one, since its maintenance is expensive.

“Cars such as the Mercedes-Benz G-Class AMG have long term sales precisely due to limited demand. This is understandable: very few people can afford to buy such a car, just like a Porsche Macan or BMW X6. Other premium models, like the Dodge Ram, Saab 9-5 or Jaguar X-Type, may not be price champions, but they also have limited demand due to the brand image and its prevalence. That is, when choosing whether to buy a used Mercedes-Benz, or BMW, or Jaguar, important, of course, there will also be availability of service, spare parts and the opportunity to find good repairmen. And all these factors often do not work in favor of cars. Jaguar brands, Jeep or Dodge,” argues CEO GiPA Russia Alexander Gruzdev.

Without slowing down

Meanwhile, in the secondary car market in recent months there has been a slight decrease in demand, which coincided with the beginning. Last year, the opposite situation was observed: sales of used cars were growing steadily, often due to the continuing outflow of buyers from the primary market. Now consumers, apparently, have gradually begun to return to car dealerships. According to the Autostat agency, in the first four months of 2017, sales of used cars remained at last year’s level and amounted to about 1.6 million units (+0.1%). Against this background, dealers increased sales of new cars by 3%, to more than 450 thousand units, according to statistics from the Association of European Businesses. However, this trend has not yet affected the speed of sales of used cars. Thus, the average period of exposure of cars on Avto.ru has not changed compared to last year. At the same time, a slight decrease in prices was recorded in May - by 2%, although in previous periods of 2017 they grew by 4–6%.

Top 10 best-selling used cars


Quantity, pcs.

Change, %

Lada 2114

47 724

Lada 2107

42 655

Ford Focus

39 722

Lada 2110

36 577

Toyota Corolla

31 057

Lada 4x4

30 957

Lada 2170

31 853

Lada 2112

26 813

Lada 2115

26 447

Hyundai Solaris

22 005


Total for Russia

1 597 599


Data from the Autostat agency for 4 months. 2017

According to Denis Eremenko, the revival of sales of new cars certainly affects the secondary market, where prices can now be reduced, especially in price segment from 1 million rubles. In the fight for the buyer, sellers are ready to do good discounts, and when buying illiquid premium foreign cars, you can “drop” the price. “In general, the used car market is sensitive to fluctuations in the primary market, therefore, against the backdrop of growing interest in new cars, a slight decrease in demand for used cars is recorded. However, this dynamics is due, among other things, to seasonal factors: as a rule, sales decline in the summer. Accordingly, it is premature to say that the demand for used cars is declining,” summarizes the head of Avito Auto, Sergei Litvinenko.

Photo: Artem Geodakyan/TASS, “Behind the Wheel.RF”