Friction drive of sewing machines. Industrial sewing machine electric drive friction engine for industrial sewing machine

Requirements for the drive of sewing machines.

Subject: electric drive for sewing machines.

Lecture 7.

On the sewing machines The drive works in unusual heavy conditionsWhen for an hour

up to 1000 launches of the machine. Will there be a different technological machine with a similar mode of operation? And the speed of the main shaft is up to 9000 minutes -1! Many transmissions do not withstand such speeds! From here and special electric drive requirements:

1. SPECIFICATURE - the ability to provide on the main shaft of the machine (5 - 6) 10 3 min -1.

2. Must withstand up to 1000 inclusions of shutdown per hour.

3. Smooth start, smooth adjustment of the velocity of the machine.

4. Drive control - pedal with the limit force of pressure to it - 60 H standing, and sitting up to 150 N.

5. Have a high K, P, D, (in the workshop it becomes unnecessarily hot from the set of closely spaced machines), it is conveniently located (do not interfere with the free to sit the operator), is safe in operation both in electrical and mechanical.

6. The cost of the E / drive should not be a subject of special discussion. (In automated electric drives there are more than 30 microcircuits, and its cost is equivalent to the value of the car head!)

In the sewing production, mostly three types of electric drives are used depending on the type and purpose of the technological machine:

· Contactor - When the machine is rotating or pressing the pedal, the machine immediately gains passport speed. It does not need to smooth starting and regulating speed. The drive is applied to low-speed, simple on the device rarely turned off (tissue rewind, its disintegration, etc.)

· Friction - when the frictional clutch, providing a friction clutch, is established between a simple asynchronous electric motor and the clinoremated transmission. smooth start And smooth speed regulation on the move machine. Today it has the widespread distribution both on universal and special machines.

· Automated electric drive Allows you to program the operation of the machine, perform automatically basic and auxiliary operations of the technological cycle. Roads and folded, low kp. There is a trend of replacement by its simple speed-adjustable DC motor.

Figure 5 Dana Structural Scheme friction coupling friction electric drive sewing machineon which marked:

1. Val. asynchronous electric motor,

2. The drive disk fixed motionless at the end of this shaft, without ring linings, steel,

Disk slave, with ring overlays on both sides of a high-finishing wear-resistant material.

The disk is fixed on the shaft of the 6 friction clutch.

3. Disk brake, fixed, often floating, i.e. its plane is self-assets to the plane of the disk 3 when contacting it.

4. Compression spring, striving shaft 6 together with disk 3 move to the right to contact with a disk 4.

5. Shaft coupling; Fixed landing with left ball bearings sleeve 7 and mobile - with right.

6. Movable horizontal inner sleeve. Moves in the housing of the coupling to the right and left together with the shaft 6.

7. Shkiv klinoremn transmissionLead. On older industrial machines put two pulleys - smaller (pos.9 not shown) - for running a new or old car repair; A reduction in the speed of the machine on "25% was achieved.

10. Roller in the groove of the movable sleeve.

11. Bouble lever.

12. The thrust of the adjustable length.

13. Start pedal.

14. The coupling housing consisting of two parts (on the division scheme is not shown).

fifteen . Promstole machine.

16. The stove to which the housing of the coupling housing is attached to the bottom. In the hinge - installation screw; serves to fix the coupling housing in the desired position for proper tension Klinoremn.

What could be an easier roller planted directly on the engine crankshaft and pressed to the tire wheel? Until now, nothing is easier and more reliable. Friction drive was used in German cycles, and in the cult moped of cyclelax, and in the domestic bicycle Engine "Irtysh":

Even Dukati did not disappear at its engineering dawn use friction drive. Even Ernesto Guevara himself made an impressive journey by bike with the Ducati Cucciolo engine.

Before us, a wave of abundance used engines from lawn mowers has not yet come, but in America only the lazy does not build its own motorbike from the old trimmer motor and cycling. Most often in such structures there is even no clutch - I pushed the foot, started the engine and drove! IN best case Self-drains put a spring, pressing the motor with a roller to the wheel.

Of course, the simplicity of the design plays the last role in the motor surface, but do not forget that modern engines on its device stepped far ahead and should not be abandoned with such amenities as automatic centrifugal clutch and launch of the engine AR-starter. The same ideas adhered to the developers of the modern friction cycle truck, which is now replicated including Chinese manufacturers.

The kit consists of planks, on which the motor is movably secured to adjust the force of pressing the roller to the tire. If you need to move on pedals, the roller can be raised so that it does not create an excess resistance when driving. Motor is a segment of a P-shaped profile, inside which on two support bearings The frictional tree passes. From one end of the shaft installed a cup of centrifugal clutch.

As usual, for simplicity and reliability have to be paid comfort. IN this caseThis is a high wear of the tire. Also, if the tire wets, the friction can be rotated, the separating tire is even deeper. The motor works, but the bike does not go.

To our editorial office once came the man who independently repeated this design. To my surprise, I did not notice much of the mileage of 800 km of special wear of the tire. True and the engine was not from the most cubic - Honda GX-25, with a capacity of less than 1 hp

The advantages of the friction cycle truck can be attributed to its installation on front wheel, on the pendulum bike lever with full suspension, the ability to quickly remove the engine when transporting a bike in public transport. For the survivability of the design, its colossal prevalence worldwide.

Materials and tools:

  • soldering Station
  • wired solder 60/40 1mm
  • clamp for soldering
  • wires 10 AWG (about meter)
  • 4mm "bullet" connector ("Dad" - 6pcs, "Mom" - 4pcs)
  • stripper
  • shrink tube 5mm-15cm, 15mm-8cm (red and black colors)
  • kusachachi
  • thermopystole
  • 15mm copper ring - 2pcs
  • insulating tape
  • pliers / Crimp pincers
  • multimeter

Preparation of wires
As you can see in the photo, I used the wire in black isolation, but you can use 50cm of red and black wires to designate the polarity of the connection.

The wire is cut into five 10cm-X segments, whose ends are cleaned with 4mm on one side, on the other to 15 mm. Four wires (one color) are twisted together by 15 mm ends, and then the fifth wire is attached to this twist, but going in the other direction.

A copper ring is worn on a twist and crimped molds Or crimping ticks.
The resulting cable is checked for a gap using a multimeter, which is set to the "sound" mode, the first probe is applied to a single cable contact, and the second is alternately applied to each of the four contacts, and in the absence of a chain, the ring is shrinking stronger or disappeared by the radio Contacts.

Next, the twist is wrapped with a tape, and after it is put on a piece of a heat shrink tube 15x40mm (red for a positive wire, black for negative) and "sitting" with the help of a thermopystole for better insulation.

The same operations are done for the second Mozgokabel .

Putting a positive cable (red)
The expanded end of a single cable wire is twisted and inserted into the "dad" -bind. Further, it is installed in the soldering clamp, so that the wire is horizontally, and the hole for the soldering in the connector looked up. On the soldering station is exhibited heatSince you need to warm up the connector and the wire, so that the solder melted.

The heated sting of the soldering iron is placed to the connector under the soldering hole, next to the entry place 10 AWG, all heats up for some time (it is not necessary to touch the preheated parts), and then, still holding the soldering iron from the connector, in the hole for the soldering is served Solder until it cuts over the wire. After that, the soldering iron is cleaned of the soldered parts, and they are given some time on cooling.

The whole procedure is repeated for the remaining four wires of the cable and "dad" -people.

After that, the quality of the soldering is checked by a multimeter, five pieces of 5x30mm of a red shrink tube are cut off and put on the location of the wires and connectors, and then they grab the thermopystole to be insulated with the connections.
Soldering negative cable (black)
For a negative cable, all the same procedures are repeated as for positive, only the connectors are used "Mom", and the shrink tube is black.

Note: To be wasolation of all open parts of the connectors, it is recommended to use a 10mm-MM shrink tube, this will avoid closures when connected / disable batteries for charging them.

Step 9: Tumblar and Engine Cables

Materials and tools:

  • soldering Station
  • wired solder 60/40 1mm
  • clamp for soldering
  • 2 meters of black wire 10 AWG
  • 4mm bullet connector - 4pcs
  • flat Klem "Mom" 6.35mm - 2pcs
  • black shrink tube (5mm -3cm, 15mm - 60cm)
  • red shrink tube (5mm - 20cm, 15mm - 4cm)
  • tumbler
  • stripper
  • kusachachi
  • thermopystole
  • insulating tape
  • multimeter

Shutdown button cable
The ends of two 50cm-black wires of 10 AWG are cleaned of isolation by 4mm and to one of the ends of each wire is mounted on a flat terminal 6.35mm. Next to the free end of one wire, the "dad" is shifted, and to another wire - "Mom" is a suspension. And using the multimeter quality is checked Brain compounds.

The pieces of the red shrink tube 5x30mm are sitting on the resulting connections of the wire terminal-wire, then the wires are connected to the toggle terminals and the quality of the contacts and the performance of the toggler itself is checked. If the multimeter shows the gap, then it is necessary to check as far as the terminals are clamped, it can be seen directly, and if everything is fine, then the contacts are insulated with a tape and a piece of 15x40mm red thermal tubes. After that, a large piece of black shrink tube 15x400mm is cut off, it is put on both wires leading to the toggle, and "sitting down" by a thermopystole to get a neat cable.

Engine cable
One of the wires of this cable can be replaced with a red wire of 10 AWG to the polarity.

Each end of the three 26cm-x 10 AWG wires is wiring up 4mm, then "dad" is soldered to one end of each of the wires, and to another - "Mom" is a suspension.

Next, two pieces of 5x30mm black shrink tube are cut off and the connections of one of the wires (black) are insulated. Two pieces of 5x30mm red thermal tubes are cut and they are insulated with the connections of the second wire (yellow). And then two more pieces of 5x40mm red shrink tube are cut off and they are "sitting down" to the third wire connections (red). And finally, a piece of 15x200mm black thermal tubes is cut off and put on all three wires, and then "sitting down", thereby forming a neat engine cable.

After connecting the engine, it can rotate not in the desired direction, and so that it is enough to change the two wires with red insulation places. And you can also mark the "yellow" wire immediately, for example, yellow tape, and in the future when the engine is connected, it is not worried about the correctness of this connection.

For isolation of all open places of connectors selfieckers It is recommended to use a 10mm mmkeeping tube, this will avoid a short circuit when connecting / disabled contacts.

Step 10: Speed \u200b\u200bController, Servothesther Refinement and Throttle Switch

Materials and tools:

  • speed \u200b\u200bController Hobbyking 85a Blue Series Brushless Speed \u200b\u200bController 5A SBEC
  • "Finger" throttle switch
  • soldering Station
  • wired solder 60/40 1mm
  • clamp for soldering
  • "Mom" is a "bullet" 4mm - 5pcs
  • black heat shrink tube 5x60mm
  • red shrink tube 5x60mm
  • stripper
  • kusachachi
  • thermopystole
  • insulating tape

Speed \u200b\u200bcontroller. Battery connection side
To speed controller contacts craftsgoing to batteries are soldered with a clamp for soldering two 4mm-x "Mom" -pse. Next, the pieces of 5x30mm of the red and black shrink tube are cut off and put on to the appropriate contact controller contacts, and then "seated" by a thermopystole.

Speed \u200b\u200bcontroller. Engine connection side
Using the clamp for the soldering to the contacts of the speed controller, which goes to the batteries, three "mom" are soldered (three black wires), then one piece of 5x30mm black thermal tubes and two pieces of 5x30mm of a red shrink tube are cut off.

It is necessary to determine the engine contacts before putting on with heat shrink tubes, and when it is done, the contacts are marked with tubes and "sit down" by a thermopystole.

All outdoor places mozgosors 10mm-th thermal tube should be insulated to avoid short circuits.
Refinery servotester
When using the motor and speed controller, it is necessary to somehow adjust the throttle, and often the transmitter applied in radio modification is suitable for this.
In this craft Do not plan to use the block wireless communicationHere the servotester connected to the throttle switch adjusting the thumb is used.

From the potentiometer shaft, the handle is removed and the servo-shell of the servotester is "revealed", then the potentiometer itself is falling out of the board, and the jumper falls between two terminals (see photo). The fee is placed again in the shell and fastens with the tape, it is left free only 3-pin connectors - one for a throttle, another for a speed controller (see photo).

Throttle switch
To begin with, the assignment of the wires and the type of switch connector brainjets.
It is necessary to make sure that the wires are located in the following order: black, red and one more any color (see photo), it can be blue, as in the photo, or white, or some more.
You can solder them directly to the board, and it is possible through the 3-pin JR connector (see photo) and, if necessary, disconnect the throttle switch.

Step 11: Building a friction drive

Materials and tools:

  • brushless Motor C6374 / 08 KV200
  • motor Caliper
  • nylon bracket
  • spring
  • spring tension sleeve
  • wrench at 8mm
  • m4X20 bolt with cylindrical head - 4pcs
  • m5X20 bolt with external thread - 2pcs
  • nut M5 - 2pcs
  • m8X40 bolt with cylindrical head - 2pcs
  • m4X8 bolt with external thread - 2pcs
  • bicycle lubricant "Dry Teflon"
  • hex keys 2, 2.5, 3 and 6mm (preferably with a long rounded end)

Assembly process brainjets It begins with two M5X20 bolts into the nylon bracket, so that they do not perform in the cavity of the segment, and there were no longer with it, then the M5 nuts are free on the bolts. Then in the hole on the other side of the bracket is inserted with a short end inside (see photo).

A bicycle lubricant is applied to the rolling axis and it is inserted into the hole of the bracket from the side with the selected segment. The nylon bracket is slightly lifted over an aluminum caliper that the long end of the spring rose over the rolling axis, this will allow you to insert the end of the spring in 2mm. ).

Thereafter brainskin It is tensioned by rotating the sleeve on the ¼-1/2 revolution counterclockwise, until the corresponding hole in the rolling axis is spoiled, and then the 2mm-M hexagon is tightened with tension sleeve bolts.

Through the M4X20 bolts with a cylindrical head and four holes in the caliper, the engine is attached to it, taking into account the location of its wires (see photo). Not necessarily, but at this stage it is possible to screw the second part of the bracket using the M8 bolts with the cylindrical head.

You should not pull the spring too much, as it can bend the end of the spring and snatch it from a 2mm th hole.

Step 12: Friction mounting on a bike

Materials and tools:

  • friction assembled
  • smooth strap (metal line or long bar)
  • wrench at 8mm
  • hexagons 2.5 and 6mm
  • roulette

Rama friction mount
Friction Self-timer Applied to the tube under the seat so that in the "non-active" position of the engine is located at a distance of 10mm from the tire and the washers of the M8 bolts are slightly tightened to be able to equalize the engine edge parallel to the wheel axis (see photo). After that, the M8 bolts are evenly tightened more than half a turn so that the frictions do not rotate on the frame tube.

Next, the engine with a little effort pulls up up before it flips into the wheel. With the help of a smooth bar (metal line), which is applied to the rolling axis and the axis of the wheel, the position of the engine is set, so that its center "lay" on the bar (line) (see photo).
Having achieved this, the lower hexagon of 2.5mm is delayed adjusting bolt.At the same time, the engine of the engine shaft must be directly on the line between the axes, or slightly below it. I found that with a properly configured position, the engine will simply rely on the tire and with a minimum force disconnect from the wheel.

Finding successful Breedingthe engine of the adjusting bolt is delayed by an 8mm wrench. Perhaps it will be easier to do on the other side of the bike and drawn the engine, this small trick will help the wrench to "throw" the wrench. (I suppose, in the caliper of the next craft, you will need to recover the corresponding site).

After that, the position of the engine is set in "not active" mode. To do this, the upper adjusting bolt is delayed until the engine "breaks off" from a tire by 5 mm, having achieved this bolt is fixed with locknut (see photo).

After full installation friction selfieckers It is possible to designate its position several times wrapped the bicycle frame with a beacon from above and below the bracket, and focus on these tags if you need to remove the friction mozgopodelka.

Step 13: Connecting a friction drive

Materials and tools:

  • clamps-tie.
  • pliers / Kusachachi
  • keys and hexagon
  • throttle switch
  • turning on / off toggle switch
  • connecting cables
  • modified servotester
  • barbecue Bag (Topeak Aero Wedge Pack)
  • speed \u200b\u200bController (Hobbyking 85a Blue Series Brushless Speed \u200b\u200bController 5A SBEC)
  • two rechargeable batteries (Turnigy 5000mAh 5S 20C Lipo Pack)

Connecting cables
The throttle switch is attached to the steering wheel in a convenient location, and the cable running from it is attached along the frame and under the seat with the help of clamping clamps (see photo).

The speed controller connects the cable that comes from it to the engine, and the speed controller itself is attached over the bag for batteries, then this mozgosumka Perceived on the bike (see photo), the cable from the controller is connected to the engine.

The on / off toggle switch is installed under the seat, the cable comes from it to the screed clamps attached to the frame, then one of its wires is connected to the "red" wire on the "Power Side" of the Speed \u200b\u200bController (see photo). The throttle switch cable connects to the servoteter, which is located under the seat, and the thin cable of the speed controller is connected to back side servotester (see photo).

Next to two rechargeable batteries selfieckers The corresponding cables are connected, and the batteries themselves are placed in the "rechargeable" bag so deep as possible. "Red" positive wire-running battery connects to the ON / OFF toggle, and the "black" negative wire to the corresponding contact on the "Power Side" of the Speed \u200b\u200bController.

It remains only to fasten the "rechargeable" bag and cleather Ready!

Basic choke calibration with speed controller (first start)
After examining the instructions for the speed controller, the throttle is configured, it is necessary to ensure that the throttle switch is working correctly.

For used in this mozgoselka Speed \u200b\u200bcontroller, the first thing to do is to translate the throttle switch to the "Maximum" position and fix it, after that, submitting a voltage by clicking the on / off toggle switch, the speed controller will emit several short beeps, then the throttle switch is translated to the " At least "and is fixed again in it, before the controller serves another beep, which will mean that the calibration is complete, and then the entire system is disconnected. That's all you need to do.

Do not touch the throttle switch when the power is turned on while the controller selfieckers Submissive sound signalsUnless the controller is calibrated.

Step 14: Friction drive in action

It should be remembered that the frictional drive in this design is designed only as additional elementAnd it should not be launched not during movement, as this can lead to the engine breakdown.

I activate this homemade At a speed of at least 22km / h, while the throttle switch I keep in the middle position, or on the "maximum", but within 3-4 seconds, and then release.

On the this moment I use only two batteries of Turnigy 5000mAh 5S 20C Lipo Packs out of four possible in this design, and they are enough for a distance of 19.3km during my trip there and back.

That's all, I hope was mozgopolese!

Bicycle electric motor sample

Public transport - annoying thing:it needs to wait long at stops for a long time, but waiting, to go in a crunch and stuffing, which is notable. The car is an expensive thing, so not everyone may afford it. Yes, and trains on it in big city darling traffic jams on the roads.

Motorcycle is not so expensive as a car, but also requires the rights, the presence of a garage corresponding to the equipment, in the summer in which is hot. Yes, and the problem of traffic jams for it, as for cars, not solved. Walk far away. What remains? Simple bike? But, there you need to twist the pedals, it means that I go to work fresh, you will get tired and not at all in vigorous.

You can install an electric motor for a bicycle on the usual bike, turning it into modern view Transport, which is becoming increasingly popular for the year. Industrial electric bikes have plenty of advantages, but there are also disadvantages, one of which is the price. If you have a bicycle that you like: Mountain, with a basket to ride products, etc., why would it simply not install an electric motor in order not to part with your favorite vehicle? The type of electric motor can be chosen any, and it is a bit of a slight mixture.

What are the types of engines? There are several of them: Engine on frictional transmission, motor-wheel, suspended.

Motor - The wheel is most common, because it is suitable for re-equipment. To this advantage you can add something that it does not change almost the design of the bike. The motor is small, so almost noticeable. You can install it by mounted in front or rear hub. You can, if you wish, install for each wheel by electromotor. Motor-wheels are sold with a finished hub.

In addition to the motor-wheel on the bike, you will need to install the gas handle.

Power varies from 150 W to 2000. You can choose any, but for each such engine you need "your" battery. The speed capable of developing a bike on which the motor-wheel is worth - 60-70 kilometers per hour. At the equal terrain, the stroke reserve is equal to fifty kilometers. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe mountain, it depends on the relief, so the exact number is difficult to call. In any case, it will not be less than thirty kilometers.

Some craftsmen increase the power of the motor-wheel even to 72 W. But, in this case, there is a possibility of its failure, so it is better not to experiment.

Suspended electric motor

This bicycle electric motor must be fixed to the bottom tube frame or bicycle carriage. It will be in the design to be an autonomous node. On the chain and the engine itself requires a protective cover in this case. The battery that feeds the electric motor is attached, as a rule, on the trunk or to the top tube frame. The advantage of this engine is the ability to adjust its consumable power using the controller. On the steering wheel for this, a special handle is installed, similar to a motorcycle on the handle "Gas". Weighing with such an electric motor for the bicycle will be greater, but the speed will be able to develop a large - to 120 km / h. Suitable suspended electric motor For most bicycle models.

Friction engine

This type of engine is most ineffective. His principle of work is as follows: Tire rear wheel Motor force transmits shaft media. The efficiency is low, moreover, it spoil the wheel if it is lowered. If the bike goes on a wet road, then the drive can be useless at all, because it starts slipping the roller rotating the wheel. But, he has a weighty plus - the installation does not require interference in the design of the bike.

You can find any electric motor for sale: chinese manufacturer Bafang, also Bosch

Engine Bafang (8FUN)

The set includes: Motor-wheel, fastened on the frame, controller and two-stage gearbox. There are sets of C. different power Electric motor (from 250 to 750 watts) and operating voltage (24-48V). The controller current depends on the electric vehicle of the bike (respectively 15-29). Gas handle, connecting rods, wires, brakes and display - all this is included. The maximum speed of the bicycle on which it will be installed - fifty kilometers per hour, weight - 3.5 kg.

Electric drive Bosch.

On the boshev engine you can go with the maximum speed 25 km / h. These companies use these motors: Cannondale, Stevens, Scott and Merida. The power of it is equal 250W., and peak - 350 W. It is also sold complete with a sensor showing when vehicle It is necessary to help, i.e. "Twist" pedals, l iTIA-ion battery (36V 8Ah), charger four-cheap device, charging completely battery for 2.5 hours, Computer with four modes of work. Due to it, the electric drive can be used more economically. Conveniently mounted in the pedal block set, weigh only 2.3 kilograms, i.e. Almost the design is not dried.

Another famous manufacturer Electric motors - Golden Motor company. The kit includes:motor, Gas Handle, Battery, Cable. The controller built into the engine, the voltage of which is 60 V, has protection against overheating and overload. The speed developed by the bike with this engine is forty kilometers per hour, the current is maximum - 25a (worn 5-10 a). The weight is equal to three kilograms.

In many countries, electric bicycles found their fans, we while they do the first steps. But, comfortable, reliable, environmental transportwill certainly find its consumer and in our country.

1. Friction motor - This is a "ordinary" motor to the sewing machine. When you click on the pedal, two friction disks and the torque is transmitted to the pulley. Huge minus this motor is speed adjustment, because It occurs by slipping the friction disks and depends on the force of pressure on the pedal. What requires some skill and with increasing puncture efforts (on thickening) leads to a stop of the machine.
And another unpleasant moment of the friction engine: it is noisy, and therefore, if you are "homely" seamstress, there is a chance that your neighbors will hear than you do the days, and especially at night. \u003d)
There are varieties of friction engines on the voltage of the network 220V or 380V, as a rule, this criterion for the cost does not affect.
Positive moment - This is accessibility in the price position, the friction engine is cheaper than servo drive.

2. Servomotor or servomotor representsenergy saving silent engine for an industrial sewing machine, because The engine works only at the moment when the machine pedal is pressed - this is the energy saving.

The servomotor is a motor with electronic adjustment Speed. The speed depends not only on the "Pressure Power" on the pedal. When passing the local thickening, the speed remains constant. In this, their main advantage, you can adjust the sewing speed of your car. Plus the car will have a smooth start!
The servomotor is more powerful than frictional, and when it is built into the head of the machine, it is generally an ideal option for .

And now we will summarize the above text:

P.S. Of course we approve and recommend using the servomotor, because Its advantage is presented above, but there are industrial sewing machines special purposewhich in their parameters are equipped with only friction motors.