Ten misconceptions about modern cars. The unreliability of modern cars: a professional’s view The whole truth about modern cars

Many of us own used cars, some of which, judging by the year they were made, are considered quite old by today's standards. However, having the opportunity to buy yourself, new car we continue to drive old cars, considering them better and more reliable than modern cars.

When using a used car that is already more than 5-7 years old and getting behind the wheel of a new modern car, many are amazed at how much.

But still, understanding this, many of us remain adherents and fans of old cars, believing that new modern cars are of poor quality, low-power and characterless.

Ours invites you to dispel the existing stereotype about modern cars. We have collected for you ten misconceptions about modern cars.

1) New cars without character and ambition

As sad as it may be for fans of old cars to hear, it is quite the opposite and are equipped with various electronics and amazing gadgets.

Although it is worth recognizing that the new cars have lost some character and sense of mechanical technology. But compared to buying new cars, you can forget about it.

It is also worth noting that the development of new automotive technology does not stand still. The evolution of the automotive industry will develop faster and faster every year, as competition between manufacturers becomes greater and greater every day.

This confirms that these days the gap between most automakers has become very minimal. Eg Korean cars, which literally in just 5-7 years did what many auto companies have been doing for 20-25 years.

2) Modern cars are not as strong as they used to be.

The most common misconception among fans of old cars. Every automaker dreams of making their car the most reliable and safe from the very beginning of auto production of their line of cars. Back in 1970, a Hungarian company for the Mercedes company developed a technology that makes Mercedes cars one of the safest.

New cars are much safer than their predecessors, thanks to the use of special alloys in the body, a special body structure and thanks to modern airbags.

3) Diesel engines in modern cars are low-power and noisy

The most important misconception of many Americans who hate. Also, these engines are not particularly popular among Russian car enthusiasts.

Despite this, people's misconceptions that a diesel engine is dirty, noisy and low-powered are largely to blame. However, it is not. New modern cars are equipped with a new generation of diesel engines, some of which are sometimes more powerful than gasoline engines. Most modern diesel engines have become more environmentally friendly. Car exhaust running on diesel fuel on modern cars, is completely no different from gasoline engines. The sound of a modern diesel power unit not the same as it was 10 years ago.

4) Rear-wheel drive car is better

One of the most common misconceptions among owners of old cars is that new modern ones front wheel drive cars are inferior in their handling characteristics to the old ones rear wheel drive cars. But this is also not true.

Fans of old cars with rear-wheel drive argue that it is safer to take corners, etc. with rear-wheel drive if you have good driving skills.

Front wheel drive - understeer. Rear drive- oversteer. If you lose control of your vehicle, you will end up on the side of the road or in a ditch with any wheel drive system.

New modern cars have a lot of innovative electronics that help you avoid ending up in a ditch or the like. It is noteworthy that with any drive, these systems make the car equally safe.

5) Modern cars are less suitable for winter

New cars usually have a lot of electronic systems safety systems such as ABS directional stability, traction control system, etc. and so on.

These days, many automakers therefore recommend that owners use all-season tires on their cars. Many lovers of old cars make the argument that all-season tires modern cars are more dangerous to drive than old car on studded winter tires.

But this is also another misconception among fans of old cars. Remember that even an all-wheel drive car with studded winter tires does not make you a winter rally driver.

The laws of physics have not yet been repealed. The difference between new and old cars is that new cars have various electronic safety systems that help you cope with an unexpected skid or emergency braking in winter.

6) It is necessary to buy only Russian cars

It may not be strange, but in our country there are many people who still remain adherents Russian cars such as Lada, Volga, UAZ and others.

Despite the fact that most people who own used cars of Russian car brands can afford to buy a new one foreign car, they are still fans Domestic auto industry. Many of them think that in this way they support the Russian automobile industry. This is also a fallacy.

By buying a new modern foreign-made car, you also support the Russian automobile industry, since most foreign cars sold on Russian market produced in our country.

By buying, for example, Korean, German, Japanese, you support the Russian car market, giving it impetus for future development.

7) New cars are difficult to maintain yourself

Indeed many modern engines in new cars, they are sealed and closed with various panels from access to important vehicle systems. Access requires special tools.

But to check the oil level in the engine, transmission, brake fluid and other car systems, you can still do without special devices. The main thing is to timely and regularly service your car in accordance with maintenance.

8) Manual transmission is more efficient than modern transmissions

It is more dynamic and efficient, but only in one case if you are a professional driver and know how to use it to its full potential.

But modern boxes with double clutch, which these days are installed in many cars much more efficiently, dynamically and reliably. Even a person who has difficulty driving a car can drive this gearbox.

9) Young people don’t want to buy new cars

Yes, indeed, a large number of young people do not buy. But this reason is not that young people believe that new cars are unreliable and bad.

The reason is shortage Money or lack of driving experience, due to which they do not want to damage it by buying a new car.

But as soon as young people gain driving experience and find permanent job, they are happy to buy new cars. Most often on credit, knowing that they are losing money due to overpayment on the loan.

10) New cars still need to warm up the engine

In many older cars, in order to drive, you need to warm up the engine, especially in the autumn-winter period.

As a rule, warming up occurs from 5 to 10 minutes. This is an insane waste of time and extra fuel. (most) warming up the car when it is cold is practically not required.

New engines, new oil and injection have allowed many automakers to recommend that buyers of modern cars do not warm up the car even in the cold season.

Even in very coldy, just turn on the engine, wait less than a minute and hit the road. The only limitation is the engine speed, which should not be high until the engine reaches operating temperature.

There is a common misconception that new cars are not the same. Not as strong as before. In the old days... Stop! Stop being nostalgic for made-up reasons. In some ways, cars have indeed deteriorated, but certainly not in terms of safety: both active and passive. Yes, technical complexity and rich equipment modern cars can be made by anyone body repair many times more expensive than even ten years ago. But today the chance that after an accident there will be someone to do the restoration is disproportionately higher. At this rate, soon there will be no casualties at all in road accidents. Can't believe it? Here are the facts, backed up by clear videos.

To assess the safety of cars, nothing better than crash tests has yet been invented. Every year they become more and more realistic. Including for skeptics who prefer not to count the “stars,” various safety organizations sometimes conduct demonstrative crash tests from the “once upon a time” series. That is, they break the new one head-on and old cars. Naturally, comparable in class.

Toyota Corolla: yesterday and today

So, just the other day, the Australian agency ANCAP decided to hit two Toyota Corolla– 1998 and 2015 model years. A frontal collision at a speed of 64 km/h is just like a barrier. A 20-year-old car has no airbags, but a brand new car has seven. But this is really not even worth paying attention to. The video and without expert comments show that the driver of the “old lady” had no chance to survive. The fresh “Corolla” literally “flashed” the interior of its “ancestor”. Although the test was “off-test”, Australian experts still assigned points. The 1998 car received 0.4 points out of 16, and the 2015 car received 12.93.

The purpose of the "battle" was to visually reinforce the statistics - according to ANCAP, in Australia, the death rate in cars older than 2000 is four times higher than in cars younger than 2011.

Chevrolet Bel Air vs Chevrolet Malibu

Not impressed? Here is another similar crash test. Only this time it involved two cars that were completely distant in time. In honor of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the IIHS (American Insurance Institute for Highway Safety), I crashed a 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air and Chevrolet Malibu 2009. The Oldtimer is longer, heavier and generally gives the impression of being more strong car. No matter how it is! At that time, engineers cared little about the safest deformation of the body and components. Therefore, despite the equally deplorable appearance sedans, the Bel Air dummy suffered much more damage. Well, how it suffered... The steering column and other protruding elements of the interior simply “kill” the driver of a vintage car.

Rover 100 vs Honda Jazz

The most authoritative European safety organization, Euro NCAP, also celebrated its 20th anniversary this year with a kind of anthem of progress. The committee issued comparison video two crash tests: Rover 100 1997 and Honda Jazz 2017.

Needless to say, in the event of a frontal impact on a barrier, a modern japanese car reliably protected the driver and passengers. But the elderly “British”... In general, no comments.

Nissan: Tsuru vs Versa

Another educational crash test, again from the IIHS. Last year, Americans decided to draw the attention of automakers to the fact that it was time to get rid of relics of the past in all markets, and not try to make money on old models in poor countries.

So two Nissan sedan: Tsuru and Versa. The first one is nothing more than a redesigned Sentra from the 90s. It is still sold in Mexico as a new car. The second is the brand’s most budget car on the American market, but modern. The impact occurred at a wild speed of 129 km/h with a 50% overlap. As a result, in the Tsuru half the car was literally soft-boiled right up to the B-pillar, while in the Versa the driver and passengers survived.

Renault Modus vs Volvo 940

Various variations on the theme “new versus old” in last years there were many. In 2008, British journalists from the TV show Fifth Gear arranged a head-to-head “meeting” between the fresh Renault Modus compact van and the ancient Volvo station wagon 940 from the early 90s. It seemed that the Swedes had always been at the forefront in the field of security, and the result could have been disastrous for the Frenchman of that time. But no matter how it is! Renault's reinforced struts and high-strength steel body did the trick. Yes, the Volvo passenger did not die, but suffered severe leg injuries due to the deformation of the front panel. But no one in the compact van was injured. Maximum – scratches.

We can give examples of many more similar comparative crash tests, but I think this “toughness” is already enough for correct conclusions. No matter how deservedly you criticize modern cars for weak resource, low reliability or abstract “lack of spirituality”, the fact remains that they become safer every year.

An article about the 10 most technologically advanced cars in the world. Their interesting features and characteristics. At the end of the article there is a video about a trip around Russia in the most high-tech car!

The content of the article:

The modern car has long ceased to be just a means of transportation. Each manufacturer tries to surprise customers with something, so they equip their cars with high-tech options and functions that ensure convenience and safety of movement.

Without exaggeration, modern cars can be called a computer on wheels. Moreover, technologies are developing at tremendous speed and becoming more and more advanced. What seemed impossible yesterday has become commonplace today. Therefore, automakers constantly have to come up with something new to meet new realities.

Rating of the most high-tech cars in the world

It's hard to say which cars are the most technologically advanced, and even harder to rank them in a particular order. After all, those functions that seem innovative and convenient to some drivers may seem useless to others. Therefore, the formation of any rating is a rather subjective exercise. But we'll try anyway.

This car will appeal to those who want a harmonious combination of unrivaled style and high technology.

Lovers of good sound will truly enjoy the built-in Bang & Olufsen sound system, which is customized for each car. The sound quality is truly breathtaking - 14 speakers connected to a 505-watt amplifier produce mesmerizing surround sound.

The car has a built-in Audi phone with a Bluetooth-online interface. This device has a convenient screen that allows the driver to view the call list, phone book and select the necessary options.

Of course, it is worth noting the high-tech 3.0 TFSI V6 engine. The acceleration will impress any driver. Engine power - 333 “horses”. An innovative turbocharger is used, which is equipped with a mechanical drive, as well as an air intercooler. This allows the car to demonstrate enormous power at low consumption fuel.

The first thing to note about this car is the LED daytime lights that create a unique image. However, they are installed not only for beauty. The headlights of this car are equipped with an intelligent road lighting system. With its help, the headlight modules can be rotated when the car enters a turn, and this significantly improves the illumination of the track at night.

A camera is installed in the rearview mirror that monitors the level of illumination in front of the car (taking into account the headlights of oncoming cars), automatically turning the high beams on and off.

It is also important to note the Lexus security system. The car is equipped with many safety systems (active and passive) that reduce the severity of the consequences after accidents. The car also has an innovative driver assistance system that will reliably protect all passengers.

But that's not all. The driver can easily cope with any traffic situation thanks to the vehicle dynamics control system and the blind spot monitoring system, which warns of all traffic participants in the adjacent lane.

Nobody likes being stuck in traffic jams. But this does not threaten the owner of a Honda Odyssey. After all, this car is equipped with an optional satellite navigation system with voice identification, which will not only offer the most optimal route of travel, but also report traffic jams in large cities.

The Honda Odyssey is also equipped with the HandsFreeLink Bluetooth system, which allows you to talk on the phone without touching it. Thus, the driver is not distracted from the road.

The Odyssey has a USB audio interface that allows you to connect music from a flash drive or phone via a USB cable. You can control the volume using voice commands.

The car's video system has an HDMI port, which allows you to connect any video device. The video will be displayed on a 16.2-inch display.

Manufacturers believe that their development in the future could become the highest technological car. But this is not the case yet.

Although it should be noted that the new Audi A4 is packed with various high-tech bells and whistles. This car has night vision system, excellent head-up display, “smart” cruise control, Internet access, automatic braking system.

At the same time, the car can run on only two cylinders, while spending a minimum of fuel. The newest 1.4-liter engine is equipped with an innovative system that can turn off two of the four cylinders at low and medium speeds. At quiet ride The car will drive 70% of the trip with its cylinders turned off. And this will significantly reduce fuel consumption.

This American SUV is familiar to many car enthusiasts, but after the modernization it received many exclusive finishing elements and a high-tech trailer.

The car received a ventilated hood, special engine protection, and a modified false radiator grille. The concept crossover features a raised suspension and unique 16-in. wheel disks made from light alloys.

But of course main feature This SUV, which is why it got into this TOP, was the trailer.

This is a kind of highlight of the SUV. The trailer is equipped with an innovative Connect Live system with a massive touch screen. This advanced system provides high-speed Internet access, a Wi-Fi hotspot, and access to social networks.

This high-tech car embodies all the best technical solutions concern Infiniti.

New Infiniti version Q50 has European appearance. All Asian lines have disappeared, the body looks more aggressive, since a complex-shaped bumper and a large radiator grille are installed. The head optics are equipped with bi-xenon. The headlights work intelligent system switching light modes.

The front seats are equipped with electric drive. The driver can adjust it in 8 positions. The car is equipped with a multifunctional steering wheel, which contains controls for the multimedia system, transmission, and climate control. The driver can change the position of the steering wheel while driving.

On dashboard screen installed on-board computer, and on the center console – 2 touch display, allowing you to control absolutely all systems of the machine.

The Infiniti Q50 is equipped with a hybrid 298-horsepower engine, which includes naturally aspirated Gas engine and a 50-watt electric motor. They are paired with a seven-speed automatic transmission.

To enhance the appeal of the restyled Mustang, the company Ford Motor Co. Equipped the new product with new technologies.

The model has a rearview camera, push-button engine start, a cross-traffic alert system that informs the driver that there is a possibility of a collision when parking with other moving cars, a forward collision alert system, and adaptive cruise control.

But that's not all. For the first time, the driver will be able to evaluate the pressure in all tires directly on the instrument panel, as well as switch between different modes driving (4 of them). This will allow you to choose the optimal mode of movement in various conditions.

In addition, the Mustang is the first Ford vehicle to receive the innovative AppLink smartphone connectivity system.

All technologies in Mustang are focused on the convenience, comfort and safety of the car owner. Thus, the Track Apps system collects information on machine performance and presents it in the metric system. This system shows the driver how the car is performing and informs when the car's performance is decreasing or increasing.

If the above cars were simply equipped with different technological bells and whistles, then the top three should include cars that in the future should replace the familiar cars with gasoline and diesel engines. The leaders of this rating operate on environmentally friendly fuel, so they do not pollute environment. This is a new stage in the automotive industry, so these types of cars can be called the most high-tech.

Third place goes to the first serial hydrogen sedan Mirai FCV. This car is equipped with a hydrogen hybrid system called FC stack. When hydrogen reacts with oxygen, electrical energy is generated. All reactions in this machine occur without combustion.

At the same time, the maximum efficiency is 83%, which is unimaginable. This way, steam comes out of the pipe, not carbon monoxide. This is truly admirable.

By the way, Mirai is translated from Japanese as “clean future.” The Japanese are convinced that these are the cars that will be in demand in the near future.

Engine power – 153 hp. The car can travel 485 km without refueling. Filling fuel tanks with hydrogen will take only five minutes.

In addition, the car is equipped with an innovative PTO power take-off system, which allows you to use the car as a charging station for your home. This car costs 57.5 thousand dollars.

Google has long been working on creating a car that could drive without human intervention. And the first prototype of such a machine was successfully tested.

This car does not have traditional controls (steering wheel or pedals). The car only has a start and stop button for the engine. The car moves using a 64-beam laser rangefinder, which is installed on the roof - it generates a three-dimensional map of the entire area. Then the electronics compares the received images with the views loaded into the car’s memory. Thus, the car orients itself in space, avoiding all obstacles.

True, the speed of the car is limited to 40 km/h. The cars undergo rigorous testing, although the developers are confident that they have created the most technologically advanced vehicle.

However, unmanned vehicles did not become the leader of our TOP, since there are many questions about such prototypes. It is not yet clear how Google will legally register a car without a steering wheel, because even if a person wants to do something (say, prevent an accident), he does not have such an option. Who will be responsible in the event of an accident - the Google programmers who wrote the code, or the owner of the car? There are still a lot of questions.

This electric car was recognized as the most technologically advanced car. The 5-door hatchback has leather interior, unique wheels and optics, sophisticated features of Maserati and Jaguar. The adjustable hatch allows you to change the intensity of the airflow.

The most advanced technologies were used in the car. The instrument panel has two displays. One screen shows detailed information about the state of the car in motion, including data from the ammeter. The second screen is intended for adjusting the car's electronic systems. This is a kind of independent mini-tablet.

Consumers have three options for assembling the machine with different batteries. In general, the car can travel 450 km without recharging. Wherein maximum speed– 190 km/h, and engine power – 416 “horses”.

When braking a car, the energy recovery system allows you to use the engine as a generator. Adjustable ground clearance and an innovative stabilization system allow you to move smoothly, without jerking or unpleasant sounds. The electric car is equipped with a single-speed automatic transmission.

You can charge an electric car at home from the mains (it will take 15 hours), from charger(up to 8 hours) or at a specialized station (20 minutes).

Here are some other interesting features:

  • A radio module is mounted inside the ignition key, which extends door handles when the driver approaches;
  • Update software Possible via wireless wi-fi;
  • In the event of an accident, the battery control systems are immediately disconnected;
  • Installed navigation maps from Google and navigation system promptly inform the driver about traffic jams;
  • The latest climate package allows the battery to operate both in severe cold (-25°C) and in hot weather (+50°C).
This car can rightfully be considered the most high-tech.


Most likely, in 5-10 years the options of the above listed cars will not surprise anyone. After all, progress does not stand still, and more technologically advanced vehicles appear every year. But for now, these cars are worthy of admiration.

Video about the trip Tesla Model S from Moscow to Minsk:

The debate about which cars are the most reliable in the world - German or Japanese - has been going on for decades. The Japanese auto industry, for example, Toyota, is accused of producing boring cars, cars without a soul. IN regarding Toyota Land Cruiser or Rav4, the statement is true. But Toyota invented the Scion FR-S and Lexus LFA, which have earned the love of the people for their dashing design, dynamics and performance. You can't call them boring at all. But German cars simply break down.

In this article we will not talk about Toyota. Let's discuss another myth, that German cars are the most reliable in the world! We affirm with confidence that this is not so; over the past 20 years, the Germans have forgotten how to make cars. And let the supporters of BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Volkswagen throw their hats at us, there is room left for them for comments, you are welcome.

What's wrong with German cars? There is no more “spark” in them!

German cars have long ceased to be associated with the concept of “German quality”. They have a design that keeps up with the times, performance and economical engines, technologies that make traveling in a car comfortable and safe. But there is one thing, BUT - all German cars, except Porsche, have been breaking down for the last 20 years. Let's find out if they are so reliable German cars, sorted into shelves.

The Lost Reputation of German Cars

The myth about the reliability of German engineering has developed due to the fact that at one time German automakers earned such a reputation. When the “Initial Quality Index” and “Long-Term Car Reliability Tests” tests just began back in 1972, Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz did not leave the TOP. The quality of the modest VW Beetle outstripped the quality of the American monster models Jeep, Ford, Mercury and Pontiac, loyal followers of Henry Ford. The reason was that the Germans conscientiously approached the manufacture of vehicles, selecting all the best, and the Americans were chasing money. The Americans had their own path, a path through synergy with the fashion houses of Gucci, Versace, Paul Smith, Pierre Cardin. Together they produced fashionable cars with the names of leading clothing designers mentioned in their titles (see examples). American automakers simply made money, while their product lost quality.

In the early 90s, Mercedes-Benz models And Volkswagen quality things got a little rocky, cars started to break down, but the Germans still managed to stay at the top of the ratings. However, Japanese competitors did not sit with their capable hands folded. And in the 90s, models from Toyota, Honda, Acura, Lexus, and Infiniti began to receive the title of the most reliable cars.

“In the 80s and 90s, Toyota and Honda came to the market, which either guessed what the market was missing, or Japanese industriousness played a role, but they began to roll off their assembly lines. long lasting cars“said Sergei Stepanov, an automotive engineer at AvtoVzglyad magazine, who is responsible for comparing cars in test drives in the publication.

Mistakes of German manufacturers and the fading era of the legend of “German quality”.

At the end of the 90s. Mercedes-Benz released the infamous, always-breaking M-Class SUV, and the brand's "Initial Quality Score" began to fall. BMW and Audi fared no better. From time to time, failed models were released, creating a negative attitude towards the brand among buyers. Even new technologies such as parking sensors did not help. Nobody needs smart people car functions if they break. Read what else most often breaks down in cars.

“The Germans are quick to adapt new technologies, but are overly reliant on suppliers to deliver those technologies. As a result, we see problems with rain sensors not working, errors popping up indicating a problem with the wiring, headlights going out in the middle of the road, fuses blowing,” says Stepanov.

According to the publication Consumer Reports, Mercedes-Benz slightly raised the level of reliability of its models in 2011, but this did not help reach the previous TOP, since competitors had gone far ahead. BMW, Audi and VW scored above average in the last five annual Consumer Reports reports in 2007. Since then, the score has not risen above average. Can we then call German cars the most reliable in the world?

In the classics, the reliability of a machine is judged by observations over three years of operation. Consumer Reports magazine has a simpler method - the "Initial Quality Index" is based on reviews from drivers who have used the car for 3 to 12 months. The reviews reflect information about what broke in the car and how much it cost.

Consumer Reports also has a report card. It ranks automakers based on average refresh rate estimates model range, reliability assessments and the percentage of recommendations given by users to machines. The average score of German automakers in this report card does not exceed 68 out of 100 possible - an indicator below the average for the entire automotive industry, and, of course, lower than the results of Japanese competitors.

The results of research by J.D. do not change the situation. Power and Associates. J.D. Power conducted two comparisons in the premium car segment, where in both cases the German brands were the underdogs. Mercedes received only four out of a possible five points, which is "Better Than Most". BMW and Audi each received three points out of a possible five, which corresponds to the “About Average” level. Volkswagen indicator fell below average, the brand scored only two points, and J.D. Power classified him in the "Rest" tier. Mercedes-Benz wasn't the only automaker in the group to score four points and earn the "Better Than Most" title, with Porsche joining it. Only one automaker scored five out of five possible points, and that's Lexus.

In the J.D. Initial Quality Index ranking. Power nothing has changed. Mercedes and Porsche received a score of four out of five, BMW and Audi each had three points, and only Volkswagen received a score of two out of five. The rating is again topped by Lexus, which is the only one to receive a five-point rating.

J.D. Company Ratings Power are based on user surveys. The user is asked to rate 14 parameters of the machine on a scale from 1 to 10. At the end, the pros, cons in text, data analysis, scoring, the rating is ready. The initial quality index is calculated after 90 days of vehicle operation. The vehicle reliability rating is based on the last 12 months of operation of a three-year-old vehicle.

Reasons why German automakers did not retain the title of the most reliable cars in the world

"Some of the reasons why Germans are rated so poorly by J.D. Power are trivial and have nothing to do with the actual performance of the cars," said Karl Brauer of online publication Total Car Score.

"Unlike Japanese and American competitors, German manufacturers cars in the 80s and 90s didn't offer cup holders. While this is not a mechanical flaw, J.D.'s research shows Powers and Consumer Reports often cited the lack of cup holders as a disadvantage for buyers, which lowered their ratings of German cars,” Brauer says. “There is currently no German car on the market without cup holders. This is because automakers have realized that by not offering them as part of their products, the overall brand value suffers.”

Reasons for the decline in build quality of German cars or why they break down

Sergei Stepanov from AvtoVzglyad magazine believes that German car manufacturers, by their personal admission, sometimes suffer big failures due to their focus on performance. If the Germans have to cut the budget, the first thing that will be affected is the quality of the parts. An inexperienced buyer may not notice the hackwork. By making such “sacrifices,” German auto companies predetermine the fate of future customers who cannot be avoided expensive repairs and hiking around in your city.

“The Germans are sensitive to budget cuts, and, in the hope that the client will not find out, they sign a contract with the parts supplier Low quality", says Stepanov.

What German cars are good at is performance. One gets the impression that the Germans will spend months working on adding a couple of horses to a new engine, instead of thinking about how to make sure that this engine does not break down.

And yet German cars are incredibly attractive

In a separate study, J.D. Power, which is calculated based on the model's performance, overall performance, layout, and customer experience, Porsche comes out on top, receiving five points out of five possible. Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen received four points out of five. This study does not take into account the factor “how often the car broke down” - the Achilles heel of the Deutsche auto industry.

With the release of the new 3 Series, BMW has set sports sedans a high bar for performance and productivity, and a new Porsche model 911 has once again secured its first place in the ranking of companies producing the best sports cars. Both models were finalists in the World's Best Car of the Year 2012 awards ceremony. True, despite reaching the finals, none of these models received a prize award. But the prize went to another German product - the victory was the fourth for VW in the last 5 years. Winners are selected based on overall merit, value, environmental responsibility, safety, relevance and emotional appeal.

We don’t argue, in contrast to our arguments about the reliability of the car, we can give a bunch of arguments in favor of BMW purchases, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and Audi. But if the list of requirements for future car reliability comes first, don’t be fooled by the myth of “ German quality cars", about the "genius of German engineering". Think about whether a German car is as reliable as the commercial is trying to convince you.

Here are the unclassified facts: Accidents still happen and traffic deaths are high, as if we were still driving troughs of the VAZ-2107 system. Even in Europe, with all the numerous and expensive security measures traffic, from tightening requirements for cars to sleek infrastructure, it is not possible to radically reduce the number of accidents. Moreover: according to the report of the European Transport Safety Council dated March 31, 2016, the decline in road deaths has slowed down significantly in recent years, and in 2015 there was even an increase.

Why? Firstly, cars, even though they are lined with airbags all around, have become too complex. So much so that people don’t understand them at all, and this can be seen even from the outside. Look, Lexus drove with the headlights off because the driver forgot to turn the light selector to auto mode, stares at the dashboard that is lit both day and night in the same color and does not even suspect that he is driving in the dark without light. Him, like Mercedes-Benz owners, BMW or Range Rover, manufacturers offer to independently understand the detailed parameters of the gas pedal and engine, the stiffness of the shock absorbers, the sharpness of the steering, the severity of the stabilization system and even the air of the climate control. Has any of the owners of new Mercedes, without outside help, online forums or instructions, been able to understand the difference between the climate control operating modes called Diffuse, Medium and Focus? But the Germans stopped even putting manuals in the glove compartment so that you could take them out to read at your leisure in the restroom: now they are hardwired into the multimedia menu in the form of complex anime and diagrams, which you also need to figure out first! But even then, until you start moving, at speed the “book” is turned off for the sake of safety. But what does this actually lead to? Any normal person becomes furious and desires not to obey the system, but to continue “hacking”, distracted from traffic.

In October 2014, the Consumer Union of America published the results of another study: the vast majority of car owners who overpay for cool bells and whistles when buying a car do not use even 20% of them. Many are not even aware of the possibilities multimedia systems and assistants for driving your own car.

We don’t know about the tricks, but we get a lot of reasons to be distracted from the road on the most everyday trip. And this is the second reason for the persistent accident rate. Take the interior of any modern car: what more expensive car and the more options it has, the more it resembles the cockpit of a passenger aircraft. The only difference is that pilots have been trained for years to respond to every warning from electronic safety systems, and drivers who cannot even cope with turning on a turn signal are lost in an environment of flashing lights, beeping sensors, text warnings and beautiful virtual panels multimedia systems.

Stress is not the scourge of the 21st century, but touchscreen multimedia monitors in Nissan Almera and sensory everything in a Tesla Model S. Even in a calm situation in a parking lot, it’s not always easy to tune the radio, especially if there are no normal buttons left on the center console, and you can only use the built-in tablet or incomprehensible, also touch-sensitive levers and touchpads. And in motion... By the way, in the cockpits of the same aircraft they still use ordinary physical keys and toggle switches, since psychologists say that people do not perceive touch control of systems well, especially by touch. Searching for a track at a speed of 70 km/h is not like lying on the couch with a smartphone.

Okay, multimedia - what if most of the car’s functions are hidden in touch panels? There are a lot of them now! It’s even impossible to turn up the temperature on the go without taking your eyes off the road - in the Lexus IS, for example, you have to move your finger along the touch strip. And here you also have to be distracted by navigation with traffic jams, answering SMS, turning off the heated steering wheel and seats. Here the car in the next row is driving slowly and confidently sways to the right - the driver’s head is lowered while his fingers fumble around the central display.

Many consumers who love mobile gadgets unhappy a similar interface in cars - this is the disappointment that automakers faced based on survey results. Ford was one of the first to repent: back in 2013, after the release of the Explorer, where even the hazard warning button was touch-sensitive (!), the American company announced its intention to return some of the functions to regular keys, and it was in the updated Explorer that they appeared again.

Sometimes, even without touch panels, due to automatic assistant systems, dangerous “set-ups” happen: you accidentally touched the adaptive cruise control lever in a Mercedes-Benz when you turned on the wipers, and now the car sets your speed limiter to 30 km/h. You will be stupid and even get caught emergency situations until you find the shutdown button.

Here, the driver, who is confused in his own music tracks and sophisticated comfort systems, should be saved by assistants who modern cars no worse than spaceships. The markings themselves steer away from the line, press the brake pedal when a KAMAZ appears in front and notice the road signs. They help, but sometimes they do it very stupidly: in Acura MDX cruise control only works with a set distance to the cars in front, so in the equal rhythm of our chess players, the crossover all the time brakes quite sharply (and therefore dangerously). And active steering when turning can frighten even an experienced street racer.

And driver assistance systems inundate the poor fellow with a billion warnings, to which the brain, due to inevitable adaptation, stops responding. The blind spot monitoring sensor beeped, the proximity signal flashed, the alarm squeaked about the end of the washer or the approach of the camera - all this is equally important for the car, so it constantly panics and displays quickly changing prompts on the dashboard screen, try to follow. They should at least introduce voice notifications - they've been like this in movies for a long time. In the meantime, automakers are only working on voice commands, trying to at least defeat touchscreens, but not on warnings.

The security systems themselves have side effects. Of course, they help you feel more confident in snow storms on the Third Ring or in a sharp turn than on the antediluvian Volga, but Einstein did not abolish the laws of physics. Stability on high speed works up to a certain limit, 190 km/h only seems smooth and safe in some Audi - at such a speed no airbags will save you in an accident. The later the limit of possibilities comes, the less fear and the more terrible the consequences.

Apparently they tried to talk about something similar the other day at Rosavtodor, which caused a hell of a butthurt: accident rate is growing because... good roads. They say that on roads with high-quality surfaces, drivers more often violate the speed limit and drive into oncoming traffic, that is, they relax and allow themselves more, which is why they fight.

Yes, a modern driver is less likely to fly off an icy road into a ditch or hit his head on a pillar or break his chest on the steering column in an accident. Motorists began to fight and die for other reasons. It’s time for the traffic police to include new points in the accident analysis: due to correspondence on Viber, setting up the concert sound of Valeria’s latest hit, recklessness at the limit of the stabilization system, or a frightening signal about the temperature outside dropping to +4 degrees.