Motorcycles with four-wheel drive: true off-road vehicles. Motorcycle with front wheel drive Motorcycles with front wheel drive

Many well-known companies produce off-road motorcycles - these include cross-bikes, as well as enduro, which differ from the first large sizes and adaptability to long trips. However, even they cannot be called full-fledged two-wheeled SUVs, since slippery soil falling under the drive wheel can cause slipping and bogging. To move through the swamp, you need a four-wheel drive motorcycle that would allow you to use traction on the front wheel to continue moving in the most difficult situations. Despite the seeming unreality of such a vehicle, it can be purchased without spending a lot of time. We will tell you about the most successful models mass-produced all-wheel drive motorcycles.


Back in 1960 American company Rokon introduced the world's first all-wheel drive motorcycle, which became a real sensation known throughout the world. The engineers who participated in its development did not use complex technical solutions— instead they used two chains to drive the front wheel. A small gearbox was located in - it made it possible to increase torque and change the direction of movement of the drive mechanism. The chain drive was quite simple, but the motorcycle required maintenance after each off-road ride - pieces of dirt stuck to the mechanism, which threatened it with serious damage.

The creators of such a vehicle chose an interesting approach to solving the problem. vertical movement wheels. When the suspension was compressed, the chain would instantly disengage with the sprocket, so the shock absorbers and springs... were simply removed as elements that interfered with the main task of the equipment. But the motorcycle with all-wheel drive This did not make it any less comfortable - it had low pressure, which completely took over the functions of the chassis. Their advantage is also their large width, which reduces the specific pressure on the ground - due to this, all-wheel drive vehicles can move through a swamp or marshy soil without getting bogged down.

Many motorcyclists will be curious to know that Rokon engineers even found a use for the cavities inside rims. They contain a reserve supply of water and fuel, which will help the driver get out of the most difficult situations, even in extreme circumstances. Rokon buys engines - the company has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Japanese manufacturer Honda and the American industrial concern Kohler. Great power and any remarkable dynamic performance would not be much of an advantage for a motorcycle capable of moving through a swamp, so a two-cylinder power unit and a three-speed transmission were chosen as the basis.

Interestingly, Rokon has been using all-wheel drive on its motorcycles for more than 50 years, without changing the layout of the transmission or chassis. Only relatively recently was a small batch of motorcycles adapted for private owners released - they differed from the version described above by the presence of a lever front wheel and a drive created on the basis of two cardan shafts, missed inside the fork. Modifications without front suspension are supplied to the armies of ten countries, including the USA and Israel.

Mechanical drive

Around the beginning of the 90s, Christini all-wheel drive bicycles were born, which were produced by a small company from the United States. The owner of the company, Steve Cristini, came up with a mechanical drive system for the front wheel and patented it. After some time, it occurred to him to adapt such a drive for motorcycles, which he successfully did, spending about a year and a half on finalizing the mechanism.

Christini's 2x2 motorcycle uses a long telescopic shaft to drive the front wheel, stretched between two angular gearboxes located on the hub and fork. The transmission of torque to the second transmission element is carried out using a small cardan. This arrangement turned out to be more successful than a chain mechanism, since the shaft does not become dirty even when driving through severe off-road conditions. However, its downside was high price, which limited the number of buyers.

At first, Christini produced only special kits for converting Honda and KTM motorcycles - you could install them yourself, or seek professional installation services at the company's main assembly shop. However, in the mid-2000s, motorcycle production began own development. Various US intelligence agencies became interested in them - from rescuers to the army and medical centers in remote mountainous areas. The company now produces about 1,000 motorcycles a year and still produces custom conversion kits for other brands.

The idea of ​​an all-wheel drive motorcycle haunted to domestic producers— back in the 70s the first Ural was tested all-terrain, which was deprived of the front suspension, removed to install gearboxes in combination with cardan shaft. However, this design was too expensive and difficult to maintain, so it was decided to abandon it. Nevertheless, there were many enthusiasts who equipped domestic motorcycles all-wheel drive transmission- they used a similar scheme with a driveshaft and without front suspension.

However, things did not go further than isolated experiments. Due to the high cost of all-wheel drive Vehicle Completely different off-road motorcycles entered the series. They were equipped with a non-removable stroller, under which the drive shaft, which rotated the additional wheel. In fact, this vehicle was a tricycle with a displaced front wheel - this arrangement provided increased cross-country ability and greater reliability compared to all-wheel drive models. were produced by the Irbitsky Ural plant and the Kyiv Dnepr plant.

Modern analogues

A significant disadvantage of all the schemes described above was that they did not allow choosing the proportion of torque transmitted to front wheel. As a result, such motorcycles were difficult to control and not very economical, since losses in the transmission reached very large values. Suggested an alternative layout Yamaha company, which released the WR450F 2-Trac model in the late 90s, based on a racing prototype. Her main feature there was a complete absence of mechanical drive components, which made it possible to make such a system reliable and easy to use.

Asked how to make a modern all-wheel drive motorcycle, Yamaha engineers came up with one simple solution— the front wheel should be rotated not by a shaft or a chain, but by a compact hydraulic motor that can be easily integrated into the hub. In turn, the oil was supplied to it through a line, which was a high-strength reinforced hose capable of withstanding very heavy loads. The oil pressure in the motorcycle's all-wheel drive system was created by a small pump located next to the gearbox - it was driven by a separate chain. This arrangement made it possible to automate changes in the distribution of torque between the wheels. If the rear wheel rotates at normal speed, the hydraulic motor is inactive and the motorcycle remains rear-wheel drive, however, at the slightest sign of slipping, the pump comes into action and transmits 15% of the torque forward.

I took an alternative route Honda company— its prototype used a compact brushed electric motor, which was also located in the front wheel hub. To power such an additional unit, an increased power generator was used, which made it possible to power a 5-kilowatt unit using an electric main wire. The layout was quite successful, since even a slight sagging of the wire left freedom for the vertical movement of the wheel. However, the manufacturer was forced to abandon it, since the electric motor overheated greatly over a long period of time - it had to be cooled for 10 minutes every half hour. Therefore, all-wheel drive Honda motorcycle we didn’t see it - the company focused on producing heavy enduro and cross bikes, which became one of the most important areas of further work for it.

Is it possible to buy an all-wheel drive motorcycle?

If we are talking about American Rokon and Christini, then they are available for purchase all over the world, but the high cost casts doubt on the advisability of such a purchase. If we take into account tax and customs duties, the cost of the first one will be 25 thousand dollars, and its more modern analogue - 30 thousand. A much more realistic option is purchasing a Japanese Yamaha WR450F 2-Trac, which is estimated at approximately 800 thousand rubles. You can buy a used motorcycle, but you will have to pay close attention to technical condition its hydraulic drive. You can also buy a homemade all-wheel drive motorcycle in Russia, but in this case you will not receive any guarantees of the quality and reliability of the equipment.

This is, as usual, a quick review of motorcycles on a given topic.

The concept of an all-wheel drive motorcycle has been around for a long time, and many manufacturers have tried toying with the idea over the years. But an adequate offer for the sale of such motorcycles never materialized. This means that it is still impossible to judge the success of this concept.

Once upon a time, something similar happened in the automotive market, and many manufacturers who assumed that all-wheel drive vehicles had no place in the civilian market were proven wrong.

Flood automotive market all-wheel drive vehicles happened immediately after the Second World War, when the former army jeeps found support among farmers and rural residents who appreciated the maneuverability of such equipment. Rover was the first company to notice the trend, and in 1948 Land Rover was released - the first and correct attempt to "fence" army SUV. Over the next three decades, many other firms joined the competition for the market. all-wheel drive vehicles. In the late 1970s, Audi became the first company to break the idea that four-wheel drive vehicles were exclusively off-road vehicles, and the 80s saw the dawn of the Quattro model.

Considering that both companies are Land Rover and Audi pioneered the 4x4 market with huge success (along with other companies like Jeep and Subaru), it's surprising that no motorcycle manufacturer has made any serious effort to create an all-wheel drive motorcycle. This is all the more surprising considering that some of the niche 2WD motorcycles have received rave reviews, and prototype 4WD motorcycles from large firms often impress with their characteristics.

So here's our list of the ten best all-wheel-drive creations on the motorcycle market, be it production bikes, conversion kits, or prototypes that didn't make it to production.

10. Ural sidecar outfit.

Okay, this is definitely a scam! After all, this motorcycle has three wheels, so two drive wheels does not mean that it is all-wheel drive. However, this is perhaps the closest thing to a Jeep on this list. Like civilian jeeps, the Ural, which appeared after World War II, is a descendant military equipmentGerman BMW R75 and its almost identical Russian military rival of the same era. Still in production today, it is probably the most successful 2WD motorcycle ever designed, although not quite up to par with today's requirements.

9. Suzuki XF5.

Back in the late 80s and early 90s, it looked like Suzuki could become the company capable of bringing about the quattro revolution in motorcycle construction. The company showed whole line all-wheel drive concept bikes, in 1991 rolling out to the public three models based on the same technology. There was the utilitarian XF4, the ugly bastard of the scooter and duck Xf425 and the XF5 enduro. For our selection, we chose the 200cc two-stroke XF5 because it was the concept with the most compelling design. The front wheel drive system of the motorcycle consisted of a telescopic drive shaft, running along the left fork leg of the motorcycle. The shaft itself was driven chain system. The whole structure added 7.8 kg to the weight of the motorcycle.

8. Rokon.

While the Ural is without a doubt the most successful production two-wheel drive motorcycle, the Rokon, in production since the '60s, is the closest thing to attempting to produce a Land Rover on two wheels. Unfortunately, for most of its history, the Rokon got around the problem of combining front wheel drive and front suspension by simply getting rid of the suspension and relying on massive tires. However, recently front suspension has been added to some models.

7. Drysdale 2x2x2.

Australian engineer Ian Drysdale is best known for his amazing V8 motorcycles of the same name, but the 2x2x2 was an earlier project that illustrated the breadth of his abilities. Two stroke engine, which he designed specifically for this motorcycle, transmitted torque to both wheels of the motorcycle using hydraulics. In this case, the rotation of both wheels was also carried out using hydraulics. Riding it, as they say, gave an unprecedented sensation...

6. KTM 2WD prototype.

Back in 2004, KTM took the hydraulic path to all-wheel drive by creating a prototype motorcycle that featured a hydraulic pump driven by a short chain from the drive sprocket connected to hydraulic motor on the front hub. This meant that only flexible ones connected the pump and the front wheel drive. This made it possible to use a normal front suspension and get away from a bulky chain drive. Later, KTM also patented a hybrid four-wheel drive motorcycle with an electric motor at the front wheel hub.

5. Wunderlich Hybrid BMW R1200GS.

Surprisingly, tuning studio BMW Wunderlich picked up the same idea as KTM's previously patented hybrid using an electric motor. And applied it to the BMW R1200GS. The current generation of batteries, generators and hub-mounted electric motors indicate that this is certainly the future of motorcycles. There remains the issue of controlling the power of the front wheel, since its speed and torque must be matched to the rear wheel. But this problem is solved by modern software.

4. Yamaha PES2.

The second-generation PES electric sports bike included all-wheel drive with electric motors powering both the front and rear wheels and a recuperation system.

3. Suzuki Nuda.

Given Suzuki's fascination with all-wheel drive motorcycles in the 80s and early 90s, it's only fair to include one of their all-wheel drive concepts on the list. The Nuda is probably Suzuki's most famous concept, using shaft drive to both wheels directly from the gearbox.

2. Yamaha 2-Trac.

Yamaha is one of the few companies that has built a full-fledged production all-wheel drive motorcycle - the WR450F 2-Trac. The motorcycle was produced in small batches. Front wheel drive was implemented via hydraulic system Ohlins, very similar to the system previously used by KTM. Yamaha also experimented with the same drivetrain on a number of other motorcycles, up to and including the R1.

1. Christini.

If you really want to experience what a four-wheel drive motorcycle is like, this is probably the best and easiest way to do it. The American company Christini has been converting motorcycles into all-wheel drive for many years, and also produces kits for such modifications. The system is quite similar to the Suzuki XF5, chain drive from the drive sprocket to the telescopic shaft running along the front of the motorcycle, transmitting torque to the motorcycle wheel hub through a gearbox. It sounds complicated, and it is, but the system is quite lightweight and fits a variety of makes and models of motorcycles. The company produces several models of already converted motorcycles and sells conversion kits, including modified frames. While Christini has focused on off-road motorcycles, he also made a road racing bike back in 2008 to show how all-wheel drive could help riders on the pavement.

Motorcycle SUV - a two-wheeled or three-wheeled, usually all-wheel drive motorcycle with tires low pressure or on tires with off-road tread. Essentially, this is an all-terrain motorcycle designed for driving primarily off-road. Its elements are narrow forest paths and clearings, mud and sand, ice and shallow snow, and in some cases the surface of water bodies (like a caracat).

Off-road motorcycles, less often scooters (the latter, as a rule, are converted by Russian craftsmen from ordinary motor scooters with their own hands), are very popular among hunting and fishing enthusiasts. Low speed, but excellent traction created by the drive wheels, allows the compact off-road vehicle to maneuver among trees and stones without getting stuck in mud and snowdrifts.

Rear-wheel drive or all-wheel drive off-road motorcycles are, in most cases, equipped with gasoline engines, the same ones that are installed on walk-behind tractors and motorized towing vehicles. The most famous domestic all-terrain vehicles are the Ataman all-terrain vehicles produced by the Lebedev Garage company. Typically, they are equipped with four-stroke power units power from 6.5 to 15 hp

Russian all-wheel drive all-terrain vehicles Vasyugan also involve the installation of similar motor engines, but the manufacturer gives preference to engines from ATVs. These motorcycle SUVs, unlike Lebedev’s Atamans, are completely assembled to order, taking into account any wishes of their future owners. Therefore, the price of “Vasyuganov” is slightly higher and is almost always individual.

TO domestic developments Motorized off-road vehicles include the Soviet Tula motorcycle with a scooter engine. Buy off-road motorcycle in those days it was not easy, but their tuning is very popular in our country to this day. Let’s not forget about the Kunits all-terrain vehicles (analogous to the “Ataman”), which appeared on Russian market in the mid-2000s, Arhar, Barkhan, etc.

American two-wheeled off-road motorcycles Rokon, produced in civilian and military versions and having unique system drive to both wheels. Wheel disks Rokon SUVs are made of aluminum, in the form of sealed containers, which are designed for transporting reserves of fuel, water or other liquids.

This type of motorcycle will also be of interest to residents of Russian villages located far from comfortable highways and developed country roads. At a maximum speed of up to 50-60 km/h, the SUV confidently overcomes off-road areas where you can drive regular motorcycle or even on an ATV it will be very problematic. However, the price of such a vehicle is lower than the cost of ATVs.

The category “SUVs” also includes caracats – pneumatic vehicles. These are lightweight all-terrain vehicles with large car or tractor inner tubes instead of wheels, which contain a sufficient volume of air. Thanks to such tires, the karakat has positive buoyancy. The pneumatic vehicle can move freely through swamps and water, over any snow and ice.

The article will tell you about the history of the appearance of heavy motorcycles with all-wheel drive, what the Ural heavy motorcycle is, and its technical specifications and possibilities, as well as what models there are in the line of this brand.

A little history

Those who like to have a blast on a two-wheeled “iron horse” know for sure that for active rest, country trips and overcoming dense off-road conditions, there is nothing better than all-wheel drive motorcycles. Among them is the Ural motorcycle, equipped with all-wheel drive.

Few people know that the first all-wheel drive motorcycle appeared almost 100 years ago in the UK. It existed in its class for quite a long time, without serious competitors.

A good ten years later, at the beginning of 1931, BMW company established the production of not only civilian bikes, but also began to produce heavy all-wheel drive motorcycles for military purposes. Many people believe that all-wheel drive appeared due to the needs of the army, where in the distant times of World War II they were extremely necessary. An equally popular brand of motorcycles of that time was the famous Zundapp.

Prototype heavy Soviet motorcycles The Ural was equipped with the above-mentioned units, in particular the R71 model. And in 1941, the first heavy motorcycle M72 rolled off the assembly line, which immediately became part of the equipment for service with the Soviet army.

What happened next

The year 1957 became famous for the fact that the first small batch of all-wheel drive Urals was produced, which were three-wheeled models. And the M61 became such a motorcycle, completely adopting the chassis design from the 72nd model. It began to be equipped with an overhead valve engine.

Gradually, the all-wheel drive Ural motorcycle underwent design changes. In addition to engine improvements and implemented reverse gear a fundamentally new carburetor was installed, as a result of which the engine power increased. Further modern models began to be equipped with high-quality carburetors Japanese made(“Keihin”). Improved dynamic characteristics And high quality The Ural motorcycle received braking thanks to the installed disc brakes Brembo Breaks company, which is considered one of the best in the world.

Characteristic features of all-wheel drive units

The Ural motorcycle (see photo above) can safely be called the only one in the world that is produced with a non-differential switchable drive. One of the models of Irbit manufacturers was the Patrol motorcycle, which has a switchable sidecar wheel drive. The patrol with a lightweight T-version enjoys considerable success far beyond the borders of Russia. Thus, according to sales results in 2012 alone, 37% more cars were sold than in 2011.

“Patrol” can cope with any off-road conditions, as it is equipped with a 4-speed gearbox. All-wheel drive Ural motorcycles overcome the most difficult sections of roads. So we can say with confidence that this is the best. And indeed, being loaded, it will never let the driver down, under any conditions. That is why Americans, always skeptical, have great respect for the Ural Patrol. The cost of the Patrol-T model fluctuates around 300 thousand rubles.

Comfort and relaxation with “Tourist”

Especially for Russian roads, which had not seen a replacement coating for ages, the “Tourist-2WD” model (Ural motorcycle) was created. The all-wheel drive of this monster allows you to overcome not only domestic off-road conditions without any problems, but also accelerate along the highway to a speed of 120 km/h, while spending only 7 liters of gasoline for every hundred kilometers.

It’s easy to guess that the Ural motorcycle of the Tourist line is intended for long trips, and for this it is equipped with everything necessary. If desired, the drive of the stroller is turned off and it is disconnected. In this case, you can travel only on two wheels, but this will not make your impression of the unit any worse.

Four-wheel drive motorcycles of the Tourist series are equipped with 45-horsepower engines with a displacement of 750 cm³. At the same time, the cars accelerate to 120 km/h in a matter of seconds ─ as fast as sports cars Yamaha motorcycles, prices for which can exceed half a million rubles. Please note that this is with a motorcycle weight of 335 kg, and you can take almost the same amount of equipment and cargo with you in weight, fortunately it has enough “horses” to easily pull such luggage. Fuel tank designed for 19 liters of fuel, and the consumption is generally ridiculous: in highway conditions - up to 4 liters, and in the urban cycle it does not exceed 7 liters for every 100 km.

A little about the 67th model

Heavy all-wheel drive motorcycles are especially revered among bikers and enthusiasts motorcycle equipment. Let’s be honest, power and zeal are the adrenaline without which it’s hard to imagine riding a two-wheeled steel horse. This is the Ural series 67-36. What a machine! In terms of cross-country ability, only the Dnepr MT can compare with it in its class. The engine is so picky that it won’t be especially offended by its owner if he doesn’t add oil on time.

The 67th Ural accelerates to 100 km/h quite quickly, despite the fact that it weighs 330 kg and you can load another quarter of a ton on top. For every 100 km of mileage, fuel consumption is 8 liters, which is generally not bad, considering its power. The engine produces 36 hp. with a maximum torque of 4900 rpm. In general, the car is reliable in every sense, and it doesn’t lack endurance.

“Ural Up Gear” ─ power in military style

Irbit developers did their best by creating their brainchild Gear Up-2WD. The Ural motorcycle (see photo below) of this series is made in a military style and is designed to overcome the most difficult terrain and off-road conditions. The ease with which the motorcycle overcomes difficult road sections and rough terrain is ensured thanks to the all-wheel drive design of the chassis, as well as full reverse gear.

It makes no sense to list the areas of application of a “militaristic” motorcycle. However, we note that you can drive it anywhere in any weather all year round. This powerful car not afraid of anything snow drifts, no torrential rains, no knee-deep mud. The price of this all-wheel drive three-wheeled SUV ranges around 620 thousand rubles.

Technical side

These all-wheel drive motorcycles are equipped with 41-horsepower two-cylinder four-stroke engines with a displacement of 745 cubic meters. which the car can develop is 110 km/h. Fuel injection is controlled injection system. The engine is started by an electric starter, and a kick starter is also provided for these purposes. The fuel tank holds 19 liters of gasoline, and fuel consumption is 7.5 liters per hundred kilometers.

The motorcycle is represented by a hydraulic caliper, and the clutch is a dry-type double-disc mechanism. The telescopic front suspension provides a smooth ride on off-road terrain. The presence of a differential-free transmission allows you to overcome obstacles of any complexity.

About ease of use

The khaki coloring will be invisible in the forest or in the reeds near a pond, so the “Ural Gear Up” can be safely equipped for hunting or put the necessary fishing gear in it. With a weight of 365 kg, you can take a lot of payload and luggage with you.

This model is significantly weighted by the developers, which allows you to transport everything you need and makes the car as stable as possible. Therefore, you can safely make maneuvers and not be afraid that the agegate may skid and it will turn over.

If necessary, it can be placed on parking brake or disconnect the sidecar wheel drive, thereby transforming the Ural into a two-wheeled bike.

Let's sum it up

Ural motorcycles with all-wheel drive have proven themselves to be reliable off-road vehicles. This equipment is equipped with high-quality imported equipment, which is distinguished by its quality. That's why we can say that the Ural is an indestructible bike. Most motorcycle models contribute to comfortable and safe driving due to the design features. Due to their heavy weight, these units have good stability and considerable load capacity. The powerful engine and suspension features allow you to easily overcome any off-road conditions.

In addition, modern Ural motorcycles have an attractive appearance, ergonomic design and high level comfort. The design of these machines allows you to move smoothly along the road. Despite its weight, the motorcycle quickly picks up the required speed. It’s not a shame to appear on a heavy, powerful “iron horse” at a biker’s rally or, riding out on a country road at night, to enjoy the long road and feel the thirst for speed.

Unfortunately, we rarely write about Russian automotive industry due to the small number of innovations in this area. It’s all the more interesting to talk about our domestic novelty - an all-wheel drive all-terrain vehicle "Tarus 2X2". This is essentially a modular, dismountable motorcycle that fits easily into the trunk of a car. And when the car gets stuck in the mud of forests, fields and off-roads, it’s time to get the all-terrain vehicle out of the trunk.

With 12" really wide 25" diameter wheels and a simple two-wheel drive system, this unique and "distinctive Russian farm bike" (as it is called in the West) can tackle any terrain. Dirt and slush are not scary for him. Its unique cross-country ability allows it to move even over fallen trees.

The Tarus 2X2 is a lightweight and simple two-wheeled motorcycle that can be assembled and disassembled completely in a couple of minutes to easily fit in the trunk of a car. The largest parts are the wheels. But they can be blown away. True, it takes more than a few minutes to inflate again. But this already depends on the power of your pump.

“Tarus” does not look glamorous at all. This is a harsh, typically masculine motorcycle, designed in a “military” style. And soldiers on such motorcycles would really look no worse than on tanks, overcoming swamps and puddles just as easily.

It’s a pity that the engine of the all-terrain vehicle was not made in Russia. Yet this is the reliable, well-proven Honda GX210 ultra-lightweight. It offers the optimal combination of performance and weight.

By the way, about weight. Even with that 210cc engine, it weighs just 82 kilograms. With the smaller engine, you can get it to weigh 60kg, making it light enough to roll like a bike uphill or over any obstacle. But you won't have to roll. He himself will pull you out of any thicket.

Tire pressure needs to be kept low, not much higher than 3 psi, as the bike is designed for very rough roads and generally very muddy terrain. By the way, it does not have suspension at both ends, so you will have to feel this road. Road unevenness is smoothed out by two virtually indestructible wheels.

The site, unfortunately, does not give any details about how the ATV system selects the power share for the front and rear wheel. The gearbox appears to come with two speeds, which should be adequate given maximum speed just 35 km/h (22 mph).

"Tarus 2X2" has a trunk on the front and rear panels. Both are very convenient for transporting things, including for transporting other Tarus all-terrain vehicles in as a last resort. Without a load, with one driver and not fully inflated tires, gas can be given to the limit. The all-terrain vehicle will quickly pick up speed and rush you through the forest.

After a trip to pick mushrooms, go fishing, hunt, or prepare brooms for the bathhouse for the winter, when it’s time to go home, “Tarus” can easily be disassembled near the car. As the manufacturer’s website states, “the quick-release design of the front fork is patented; to remove it, you only need to unscrew one bolt. Also to reduce transport dimensions you can remove and deflate the wheels, remove the rear trunk, steering wheel and seat.”

Keep in mind that the Tarus will not look the cleanest after a trip through the forest after the rain. So it’s better to think in advance about how to take care of the cleanliness of the interior.

Now comes the fun part. The cost of the Tarus all-wheel drive all-terrain vehicle varies depending on the configuration from 110,000 rubles (without electric starter, headlights, battery) to 132,000 rubles. IN complete set included led headlight 10 W + electric starter (surcharge RUB 10,000), original engine Honda GX200 (surcharge 22,000 rub.) and tow bar (surcharge 2,000 rub.).

The SUV is already in production, and at least a few dozen have already been made. The company does not promise deliveries to the international market, but it can quite cope with the supply of products throughout Russia. At the expense of the buyer. More details on the manufacturer's website.