Grease for splines. Investigation of lubricants in splined joints of cardan shafts of timber trucks Lubricant for splined joints of drives

The cardan drive of any car is subjected to a specific load, which mainly falls on the needle bearings of the articulated mechanism. Its maintenance requires not only special grease for crosspieces, but also a specific tool. The further operation of the car depends on this and a number of other factors.

The term "cardan shaft" began to be used from the time Gerolamo Cardano became interested in this knot. Since then, the unit has been called that and nothing else.

Cardan drive device and its role

The main task of the driveshaft is to transmit torque from the engine to the wheels. It provides a connection between output shaft gearboxes and the drive shaft of the rear or front axle. This is in cases with rear or front wheel drive. AT all-wheel drive models shafts of the front and rear axle connected to the shafts of the transfer case.

The main node of this connection is a hinge, which in turn contains at least important detail- cross. And as you can understand from the name, it is made in the form of a cross. At each end there is a cup with a needle bearing, which is separated from the body by means of a rubber or plastic sealing ring. In the absence of lubrication for cardan crosses and bearings, they quickly fail. The size of the crosspiece is different for each car.


Carrying out any repairs is impossible without a preliminary diagnosis of the car. And since the cross is the central link in the driveline, it is worth taking a more responsible approach to its inspection.

The error usually appears:

  • noise
  • whistling;
  • buzz;
  • strong vibration;
  • clicks;
  • metallic screeching or crackling.

This can be especially felt when starting off, or while the vehicle is moving, or when changing gears. In some cases, a malfunction can be hidden, so it is extremely important to detect a breakdown in a timely manner.

Currently, in many car services, diagnostics of car parts, including the hodovka, is carried out on modern equipment. This allows you to quickly and with maximum accuracy detect a breakdown and determine whether there is grease for the crosses or not at all. Depending on this, one or another method of elimination is selected.

Consequences of ignoring the fault

It is worth noting that if any detected breakdown is not eliminated, then the consequences may be different. And since speech in this case If we talk about cardan transmission, then ignoring the breakdown can threaten the life and safety of the driver and passengers. And in some cases, the consequences are irreversible.

You need to be responsible to yourself, as not only the driver himself is at risk, but also the surrounding participants traffic. And if a car enthusiast is used to neglecting himself and the car, then everyone else should not suffer because of this.

Simple procedure

It is most convenient to inspect the cardan shaft in a pit or drive the car onto a lift. Next, you need to install the gearbox lever in neutral position and you can go directly to the visual inspection.

Particular attention should be shown when evaluating the technical condition of the seals and the hinge. Then, holding the cross with your hand, try to scroll the cardan. If play is detected, which is very easy to notice, the part needs to be replaced. If noises and squeaks are heard during the rotation of the cardan, most likely the crosspiece itself is in order and the grease for the crosspieces needs to be changed.

It is worth noting that there are two cruciform parts and it is necessary to inspect each. And since the rear cardan is attached maximum loads, then this crosspiece suffers most often. In addition, during the movement of the car, moisture and dirt get into the rear cardan.

As you can see, the whole procedure for inspecting the cardan is simple. It is possible to do it yourself. But in any case, it is better to contact a specialist if possible, as he can give useful recommendations.

List of major faults

Usually, the crosspiece in the driveline serves for a long time, and its resource is calculated for about 500 thousand kilometers. However, in reality, everything is not so and the cross after 50-100 thousand km already needs to be replaced. And this is influenced by a number of factors:

  • terms of Use;
  • manufacturer;
  • the quality of the materials used.

Frequent travel around countryside also contribute. Dirt and potholes - all this significantly reduces the already short period of operation of the hinge. Here, lubrication alone for the propeller shaft crosses will not be enough.

The list of the most common frog failures includes the usual inattention during a scheduled inspection. In some cases, the lack of lubrication is not given due importance. And subsequently the crosspiece will make itself felt accordingly.

Other common faults include the following:

  • there is a noticeable play of the cross;
  • the needle bearing wears out;
  • wear of the cross itself occurs;
  • leaked lubricant or its complete absence;
  • destruction of sealing rings;
  • while the car is moving, you can hear a metallic ringing;
  • near cardan joint crackling is heard.

No matter how reliable the crosspiece is, sooner or later it fails. Due to this the best way for the prevention of this part is to inspect it every 10-15 thousand kilometers. It also does not hurt to make sure that there is lubrication for the crosspieces.

And for those motorists, in particular, who own jeeps, who like to take mud baths, check the condition driveline Worth it after every trip.

Needle bearing features

In addition to the cross, the cardan drive also includes another necessary element - a needle bearing, which is a type of roller product. His main distinguishing feature lies in the size of the bearing, which allows, if necessary, to do without the inner ring. This is achieved due to the ability to withstand a large axial load.

The use of a needle bearing implies some restrictions on the use of lubricants. When deciding which cross lubrication is better, it is not allowed to use products with solid additives that have a crystalline structure. It's all about graphite or molybdenum disulfide, which are usually added to some lubricating compounds. These components can lead to wedging of the needles, which leads to increased wear details.

Cardan maintenance

High-quality service of cardan transmission consists in timely lubrication of parts. Usually, for lubrication, many masters at the service station use a special oiler with a convenient spout for access to hard-to-reach parts. As an alternative to this tool, a conventional syringe is used. The lubricant itself must be of high quality and only from a well-known manufacturer.

Lubricant manufacturers endow their products with high performance properties, including versatility. For example, a product Liqui Moly for lubrication of crosspieces and bearings. For older cars, there were strict requirements regarding the types of lubricants. Now the situation has become much simpler. However, it is better to purchase products whose characteristics are best suited for lubricating driveshaft parts.

Features of the cardan lubrication process

As a rule, cardan lubrication is carried out right on the spot, that is, without removing it from the car. Theoretically, there is nothing complicated here, but in reality, difficulties inevitably arise during the process. First of all, when using a syringe, a dangerous illusion can be created. The fact is that a minimal view gives rise to a false feeling that the lubricant has got where it is needed, although in reality it is not. The seals should literally bathe in grease.

Also, do not use a product that, due to inaccuracy, accidentally spilled onto the floor. As a result, with contact with another surface, Liqui Moly (or any other) grease for crosses loses sterility, which is unacceptable.

In most cases, the process is delayed for an indefinite period of time. Often in the following days, the work is completely forgotten. Therefore, it is desirable to completely dismantle the connection. This will produce better quality visual diagnostics cardan shaft and lubricate its parts well. After that, it remains to install everything in its place.

One of the best

One of the best means for lubrication of cardan crosses is grease from the Liqui Moly brand. As the manufacturer himself assures, lithium soap-based grease is ideal for servicing propeller shaft crosses. It is also suitable for the lubrication of plain and rolling bearings that operate under normal conditions and at medium and high temperatures.

Lithium grease for propeller shaft crosspieces contains special components and additives, which increases its resource. The versatility of the product allows it to provide good sealing. In addition, there are other benefits:

  • increased stability in conditions of high humidity and dust;
  • resistance to hot or cold water;
  • reduced friction of lubricated parts;
  • the tool has a good ability to absorb compression.

You can also highlight the resistance to aging and corrosion. As for the operating temperature range, it ranges from -30 to +125°C.

Blue remedy number 158

In the days of the USSR, blue grease for crosspieces "158" based on a lithium-potassium complex was in great demand. At present, greases using a lithium thickener have begun to be produced. This made it possible to significantly increase the upper operating temperature range, which is now +165°C or more.

characteristic distinguishing feature, as it can be understood, lies in the shade of grease at number 158. However, this does not say anything specifically about the properties. For a number of manufacturers, this step is justified in order to identify products and give them an attractive presentation.

AT European countries for this, pigments are used that color the lubricant not blue, but green or red. The color version may also differ if, for example, the same grease for Liqui Moly gimbal crosses is ordered by different suppliers.

Successful advertising

Thanks to the efforts of many marketers, blue grease is now a sign of versatility and High Quality. For the first time, a blue-tinted lubricant was released by ExxonMobil and Chevron in the west. The product unexpectedly showed itself with the best side under normal operating conditions of almost any equipment.

Now blue lubricants- this is the standard of quality. They are especially popular in Russian Federation. Find wide application when servicing not only various types of transport (road, rail, water, tractor, special equipment), but also different industrial equipment. And the question of what kind of lubricant to inject the crosses is solved by itself.

© Mikhail Ozherelyev

There are quite a lot of nodes in the car, where for separation rubbing surfaces thick, ointment-like products are used, called greases. They will be discussed.

Greases are used to reduce friction and wear of units in which to create forced circulation oil is impractical or impossible. For example, wheel and pivot bearings, steering and suspension joints, universal joints and splines, etc. Previously, this list was quite extensive, but today we see that the share of greases among other operating materials in a car is decreasing. The reason for this is the use of maintenance-free units based on innovative structural materials (for example, the replacement of a bushing-pin friction pair with a high-molecular rubber hinge). However, where there is no alternative to the use of ointment-like products, today the most stringent requirements are imposed on them, including environmental ones. It often happens that for each specific unit, whether it be a fifth wheel coupling or cab suspension joints, it is recommended only certain brand operating material. How to choose the right product? This is what we have to figure out.

Both solid and liquid

© Mikhail Ozherelyev

Greases in consistency are intermediate between liquid oils and solid lubricants (graphites, for example). At a low temperature and no load, the lubricant retains the shape given to it earlier, and when heated and under load, it begins to flow weakly - so weakly that it does not leave the friction zone and does not seep through the seals.

© Mikhail Ozherelyev

The main functions of greases do not differ from those assigned to liquid oils. Everything is the same: wear reduction, scuffing prevention, corrosion protection. Specificity only in the field of application: suitability for lubrication of heavily worn friction pairs; the possibility of using in non-sealed and even in open nodes, where there is forced contact with moisture, dust or aggressive media; the ability to adhere firmly to lubricated surfaces. Highly important property greases is long term operation. Some modern products practically do not change their quality indicators for the entire period of work in the friction unit and therefore can be laid one-time, during assembly.

If we talk about common shortcomings ointment-like substances, then, first of all, attention should be paid to the absence of cooling (heat removal) and the removal of wear products from the friction zone. By the way, this is probably why some automakers, developing such nodes as, for example, wheel hubs, often prefer gear oils.

© Mikhail Ozherelyev

The simplest grease consists of two components: an oil base (mineral or synthetic) and a thickener, under the influence of which the oil becomes inactive. The thickener is the skeleton of the lubricant. Simplistically, it can be compared with foam rubber holding liquid with its cells. Most often, calcium, lithium or sodium soaps (salts of higher fatty acids) are used as a thickener, the content of which can be from 5 to 30% by weight of the product. The cheapest are calcium lubricants obtained by thickening industrial mineral oils calcium soaps, - greases. Once they were so common that the word "grease" has become a common designation for grease in general, although this is not entirely correct. Greases do not dissolve in water and have very high antiwear effects, however, they function normally only in nodes with operating temperature up to 50–65°C, which greatly limits their use in modern cars. And the most versatile lithols are lubricants obtained by thickening petroleum and synthetic oils with lithium soaps. They have a very high dropping point (about +200°C), are exceptionally moisture resistant and work in almost any load and thermal conditions, which allows them to be used almost everywhere where grease is required.

© Mikhail Ozherelyev

Also, hydrocarbons (paraffin, ceresin, petrolatum) or inorganic compounds (clays, silica gels) can be used as a thickener. Clay thickener, unlike soap, does not soften when high temperatures, so it can often be found in refractory lubricants. But hydrocarbon thickeners are used mainly for the production of conservation materials, since their melting point does not exceed 65°C.

In addition to the base and thickener, the composition of the lubricant includes additives, fillers and structure modifiers. Additives are almost the same as those used in commercial oils(motor and transmission), they are oil-soluble surfactants and make up 0.1-5% by weight of the lubricant. A special place in the additive package is occupied by adhesive, that is, sticky components - they enhance the action of the thickener and increase the ability of the lubricant to stick to the metal. To insure the operation of the lubricant in the limiting thermal and load conditions, sometimes solid and oil-insoluble fillers are introduced into it - as a rule, molybdenum disulfite and graphite. These additives usually give the grease a specific color, such as silver black (molybdenum disulphite), blue (copper phthalocyanide), black (carbon-graphite).

© Mikhail Ozherelyev

Properties and standards

The scope of the lubricant is determined by a large set of indicators, including shear strength, mechanical stability, dropping point, thermal stability, water resistance, etc. But the role of the most important characteristics dropping point and penetration level. In fact, it is this pair that is the output parameter for evaluating lubrication.

The dropping point indicates to what extent the lubricant can be heated so that it does not turn into a liquid and, therefore, does not lose its properties. It is measured very simply: a piece of lubricant of a certain mass is heated evenly from all sides, gradually increasing the temperature until the first drop falls from it. The drip line of the lubricant should be 10-20 degrees above the maximum heating temperature of the assembly in which it is used.

© Mikhail Ozherelyev

The term "penetration" (penetration) owes its appearance to the measurement method - the density index of semi-liquid bodies is determined in a device called a penetrometer. To assess the consistency of the metal cone standard size and molds under their own weight for 5 seconds are immersed in a lubricant heated to a temperature of 25°C. How softer lubricant, topics go deeper into it a cone and the higher its penetration, and vice versa, harder lubricants are characterized by a lower penetration number. By the way, such tests are used not only in the production of lubricants, but also in the paint and varnish business.

© Mikhail Ozherelyev

Now about the standards. According to the generally accepted classification of lubricants, it is customary to distinguish them by scope and density. Lubricants are divided into four groups according to the scope of application: anti-friction, conservation, sealing and rope. The first group is divided into subgroups: lubricants general purpose, multi-purpose lubricants, heat-resistant, low-temperature, chemically resistant, instrument, automotive, aviation. In relation to the transport sector most widespread received anti-friction lubricants: multipurpose (Litol-24, Fiol-2U, Zimol, Lita) and special automotive (LSTs-15, Fiol-2U, SHRUS-4).

© Mikhail Ozherelyev

To distinguish products by consistency, the American classification NLGI (National lubricating Grease Institute) is used all over the world, which divides lubricants into 9 classes. The division criterion is the level of penetration. The higher the grade, the thicker the product. Greases used in automobiles are more often classified in the second, less often in the first class. Semi-fluid products recommended for use in central lubrication systems are divided into two separate classes. They are designated by codes 00 and 000.

© Mikhail Ozherelyev

Previously, in our country, the name of lubricants was set arbitrarily. As a result, some lubricants received a verbal name (Solidol-S), others - a numbered one (No. 158), and others - the designation of the institution that created them (CIATIM-201, VNIINP-242). In 1979, GOST 23258-78 was introduced, according to which the name of the lubricant must consist of one word and an alphanumeric index (for various modifications). Domestic petrochemists adhere to this rule today. As for imported products, there is currently no single classification for all manufacturers abroad according to performance indicators. Majority European manufacturers are guided by the German standard DIN-51 502, which establishes the designation of greases, displaying several characteristics at once: purpose, type base oil, additive package, NLGI grade and operating temperature range. For example, the designation K PHC 2 N-40 indicates that this grease is designed for lubrication of plain and rolling bearings (letter K), contains anti-wear and extreme pressure additives (P), is produced on the basis of synthetic oil(HC) and belongs to the second class of consistency according to NLGI (number 2). The maximum application temperature of this product is +140°C (N), and the lower operating limit is limited to -40°C.

© Mikhail Ozherelyev

Some of the world's manufacturers use their own designation structures. Let's say Shell's grease naming system has the following structure: brand - "suffix 1" - "suffix 2" -
NLGI class. For example, Shell Retinax HDX2 stands for Very High Performance Lubricant. operational characteristics for units operating in extremely difficult conditions(HD) containing molybdenum disulphite (X) and NLGI consistency class 2.

Often on the labels of foreign products there are two designations at once: own marking and a code according to the DIN standard. By analogy with liquid oils, the most complete requirements for operating materials are reflected in the specifications of car manufacturers or component manufacturers (Willy Vogel, British Timken, SKF). The relevant approval numbers are also printed on the label. lubricant next to the designation of its performance properties, but the main information about the recommended products for use and the timing of their replacement is contained in the service manual vehicle.

© Mikhail Ozherelyev

Lubricants different manufacturers(even for the same purpose) cannot be mixed, as they may contain additives and other components of different chemical composition. Also, do not mix products with different thickeners. For example, when mixing cast grease (Litol-24) with calcium grease (solidol), the mixture gets the worst operational properties. Of the automotive greases offered on the market, it is most advisable to choose those recommended by the car manufacturer.


Bykov V.V., Kapustin R.P. (BGITA, Bryansk, RF)

Research of greasings in connections of shaft of autotimber carrying vessels.

The cardan drive of timber trucks consists of two shafts connected by a spline connection and hinges. Splined connection allows length change cardan shafts when deflecting the springs. The displacement of the shaft in the splined bushing reaches 40...50 mm, which causes intense wear of the interface in case of violation of the tightness of the connection and due to high loads (torques and axial forces). In this case, bending and twisting of the cardan shaft tube are possible.

Department of mechanization of the forest industry and forestry (now the department technical service) BGITA studies the wear of cardan gears of logging vehicles using various lubricants. For this purpose bench studies were carried out. In connection with the emergence of new lubricants, bench studies were continued, and observations were made of technical condition spline connections cardan shafts of logging trucks in the conditions of their operation in the forestry enterprises of the Bryansk region. Observations were carried out on timber trucks of the Zil-131, Ural-4320, MAZ-509A and KamAZ-5312 brands in conjunction with the dissolutions TMZ-802 and GKB-9383.

The factory manuals for the operation of vehicles give overestimated standards for the frequency of replacement of lubricants in cardan gears (up to 20,000 km of run). The specifics of the operation of timber trucks: large load conditions, off-road and water driving, garage-free storage, etc. require a reduction in the standards for the frequency of lubrication operations to 10,000 km of run.

The use of new greases will help reduce wear on cardan gear splines and increase their service life.

To lubricate the splined joints of cardan shafts of automobiles, greases of complex composition are used. Lubricants are used as an oil base various oils petroleum and synthetic origin. Thickeners can be soaps of fatty acids, paraffin, soot, etc. The thickener content in greases is 10-20%. The particle sizes of the dispersed phase of the thickener range from 0.1 µm to 10 µm. To improve antiwear, extreme pressure and conservation properties, additives (up to 5%) are added to greases.

The main performance characteristics of greases include: tensile strength, viscosity, colloidal stability, dropping point, mechanical stability and water resistance.

The tensile strength characterizes the ability of lubricants to be retained in friction units under the influence of inertial forces. It depends on the temperature, with an increase in which its decrease is noted.

The viscosity of greases decreases with increasing temperature of the unit, thereby worsening their anti-wear properties. It is determined at 10 s -1.

The temperature at which the first drop of lubricant falls is called the drop point. According to this characteristic, lubricants are divided into low-melting ( t kp = up to 60 0 C), medium-melting ( t kp = from 60 to 100 0 C) and refractory ( t kp >100 0 C).

Grease with poor mechanical stability quickly breaks down, thins out and flows out of the friction units.

According to the type of thickener, greases are divided into soap greases based on organic and inorganic thickeners and hydrocarbon greases.

To study the performance of greases recommended by automobile plants for lubricating spline joints of cardan shafts, grease 158, litol-24 and fiol-2 were adopted, the main physical, chemical and operational properties of which are given in table 1.

Table 1 - Physico-chemical and operational properties of the investigated lubricants.

Grease brand





0 С

temperature limit



stability, %


penetration at

25 0 С,

M, 10 -4

Tensile strength at 20 0 С,


Water resistance

Viscosity at 0 0 С and

10s -1 ,


Dispersed medium





Litol- 24

petroleum oil

Lithium soap, antioxidant, viscous





Grease #158

petroleum oil

lithium potassium soap




Fiol- 2

Petroleum Oil Blend

I-50 and


Lithium soap, viscous, molybdenum disulphide



Lubricant No. 158, recommended for lubricating cardan shafts, does not have a full-fledged replacement, it prevents seizing and scuffing of rubbing surfaces under high loads, has good water resistance, which corresponds to the operating conditions of the cardan shafts of timber vehicles. However, the operating conditions of timber trucks contribute to the washing out of the lubricant and its leakage from the shaft spline connection in case of leakage, which limits its service life and requires frequent replacement. The consumption rate of greases is 0.25 - 0.30 kg per 100 liters of total fuel consumption. Litol-24 can be a substitute.

Litol-24 is a unified lubricant, has good water resistance, withstands wide range temperatures and has good mechanical resistance, does not harden when heated. For a long time keeps working capacity at +130 0 С. (Working temperatures of spline joints of cardan shafts are within +60 0 С). The substitute is a grease of improved quality Fiol-2.

Fiol-2 is a multi-purpose grease containing antioxidant, viscous, anti-corrosion and anti-wear additives. It is water-resistant and efficient in a wide range of speeds and loads. This grease has good preservation properties.

Table 2 shows the results of measurements of friction forces in a spline connection with the tested lubricants.

Table 2 - Dependence of friction forces in the spline connection of the cardan shaft during compression on the operating time of the shaft and type of lubricant at a loading moment M cr = 500 Nm, kN

Lubrication type

Working time, hour

Litol -24




Grease #158













It can be seen from Table 2 that at the initial moment (run-in period) the friction forces are quite high, then they decrease or remain constant (for example, for Fiol-2 lubricant) until the appearance of scuffing. The appearance of a scuff causes a sharp increase in friction and wear forces. If a shaft with scuffing continues to be tested, then the scuffing zone expands rapidly, causing heating of the friction zone, which leads to an increase in friction forces and intensive wear of the splines. The lubricant liquefies and loses its anti-friction properties.

Tables 3 and 4 present data on the wear of the shaft splines and the cardan shaft sleeve.

Table 3 - The dynamics of wear of the shaft splines depending on the type of lubricant used at a loading moment Mcr = 400 Nm, mm

Working time, hour

Grease #158

Table 4 - The dynamics of wear of the splines of the bushing depending on the type of lubricant used at a loading moment Mcr = 400 Nm, mm



Working time, hour





Grease #158
















The nature of the wear of the splines indicates the presence of the so-called hot seizing, since the destruction of a thin oil film occurs under the influence of a load and elevated temperatures in the zone of contact of the bodies, where the foci of setting are formed. This process is characterized by intense wear, as evidenced by the data in the table.

Lubrication quality is the most important factor, affecting the process of seizing and wear of splines. top scores during tests, Fiol-2 lubricant showed, with which the spline joint worked without noticeable wear until the appearance of a scuff, i.e. as long as the lubricant retains its functional properties. Grease No. 158 occupies an intermediate position between Little-24 and Fiol-2 greases. The operating time of the spline joint before the appearance of scuffing with Litol-24 grease was 20 hours, with grease No. 158 - 60 hours, with Fiol-2 grease - 140 hours.

The conducted studies of the performance of lubricants in the spline joint of cardan shafts of Zil and KamAZ vehicles showed that the spline joint has the smallest resource with the currently used grease Litol-24, the largest with Fiol-2 grease.

Reduce the frequency of lubricant replacement to 10,000 km in order to eliminate the occurrence of scoring in the splined joint of the cardan shafts of timber haulage trains.


Bykov, V.F., Kapustin, R.P., Shuvalov, A.V. Study of the performance of cardan shafts of timber trucks / V.F.Bykov, R.P.Kapustin, A.V.Shuvalov. //Operation of timber rolling stock. Interuniversity collection - Sverdlovsk: UPI Publishing House im. S.M. Kirov, ULTI them. Lenin Komsomol, 1987.- S. 11-14.

Vasilyeva, L.S. Automotive operating materials: Textbook for universities / L.S. Vasilyeva - M .: Nauka-Press, 2003.- 421p.

Baltenas, R, Safonov, A.S., Ushakov, A.I., Shergalis, V. Gear oils. Lubricants / R. Baltenas, A.S. Safonov, V. Shergalis - St. Petersburg: DNA Publishing House LLC, 2001.- 209p.

Timely maintenance and lubrication of cardan shafts plays an important role in the operation of the cardan. Lubrication of the cardan shaft must be carried out in accordance with the maintenance instructions for this car model. Periodicity of maintenance of cardan shafts truck, cars and agricultural machinery is different.

Must be lubricated cardan shafts after each wash if the wash was carried out under high pressure water. When cleaning the universal joint with high-pressure water, it is not advisable to direct the jet at dirt-proof anthers and seals. crosses , spline pairs, outboard bearings. Penetration of dirt and water can lead to premature exit failure of the driveline. Do not direct water jet at the seals. crosses and outboard bearing if they are maintenance free. During lubrication, not only water and abrasive particles are removed, but also natural wear products.

Lubrication intervals for cardan shafts

vehicle type

Lubrication intervals

Trucks, buses, light commercial transport long distance

Every 50,000 km or once a year

Trucks, buses, light commercial transport used in cities.

Every 25,000 km or once every six months

Trucks used in quarries, agriculture, logging, military equipment,

Every 12500 km or once every three months

Industrial, industrial cardans

Once a month or every 500 hours

The cardan shafts are equipped with a conical grease fitting according to DIN 71412, which can be relubricated with standard grease guns.

Lubrication of the spline connection of the cardan shaft

The lubrication points for the cardan shaft are crosses cardans, outboard bearing and spline connection. Lubrication is not only done through a grease fitting. To avoid premature wear cardan shaft and extend its life, you need to know that, together with the swivel joint, it is also necessary to lubricate the spline joint. In some cases, it is necessary to dismantle the cardan shaft and lubricate the spline pair in the extended position, on the removed cardan shaft. The same lubricants and tools are used to maintain the spline of the propeller shaft as for lubrication. crosses. When installing the cardan shaft for the first time, it is recommended to check the presence of lubrication in the spline pair. If necessary, to ensure a sufficient supply of lubricant for the period until the first maintenance, add about 80g of lubricant.

Lubrication of the universal joint shaft

It is not recommended to use pneumatic syringes to lubricate the universal joint shaft. To avoid damage to the seals when carrying out lubrication work it is not allowed to supply lubricant under pressure over 2 MPa or strong hydraulic shocks. In the case of using a pneumatic tool for lubrication, there is a possibility of damage to the dust boot of the frogs due to high pressure and uncontrolled dosage. Use mechanical syringes to lubricate the cardan shaft.

To service the cardan shaft, it is necessary to use quality lubricants recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. Mixing of lubricants having different bases is not allowed. For example, lithium and soda (bicarbonate) greases are incompatible. When mixing such materials with incompatible chemical composition a lubricating reaction occurs. Lubricant loses its lubricating properties and quality. For maintenance of the cardan shaft, as a lubricant, it is recommended to use grease lithium based - e.g. CASTROL LMX

Often cardan shafts are designed for operation at temperatures from - 35C to + 60C. In the event that operating conditions are outside the specified temperature, it is required to take into account special conditions when compiling terms of reference for the manufacture of cardan transmission.

For you:

  • Free inspection of the cardan shaft.
  • Operational Maintenance cardan shaft price Saint-Petersburg |

CARDAN SPB - Extend cardan life.