Drive with an empty tank. This is why you should not drive your car with an empty tank. Give up headlights and air conditioning

This is an important component that is most likely relevant for every driver. She not only helps to keep her wallet full, but also helps out in extreme situations... This article will help you learn a lot, including the secrets of seasoned drivers. They will tell you how to get to the nearest gas station at empty tank.

Fill with water instead of gasoline

Imagine a situation when we are on the road and we run out of gasoline. There is not a single gas station around, and we are careless and forgot to take canisters with us, naively relying on standard consumption figures. ? And all this could have been avoided if we paid more attention to the car.

Still, this happens, probably, with everyone. And in this case, if you know some secrets, then you can not panic and not beg passing motorists for help.

Of course, the instructions on how to safely get out of situations when you run out of fuel may also contain bikes. For example, such legends, which imply the addition of ordinary water to the tank. What can you deceive the engine, and on a subconscious level, thinking that it is gasoline, will continue to move on? Ridiculous, by God!

Nevertheless, we wanted to check this version. No, we're not from Mythbusters and we don't do anything like that. So, the driving instructors, the most famous and venerable, told us that, for example, pouring water into the Moskvich and driving on is quite possible! It is necessary to fill, according to their assurances, only one and a half liters of water. Just enough for the nearest station. Our eyes bulged from such information transmitted by experts. Although still on imported car this method will not work. It can turn around expensive repairs... But the most interesting was yet to come!

Fuel tank

Let's go further. It turned out that, in theory, water has an even higher density than gasoline. And fuel (in the sense of gasoline, not water) will flow into the gas line if there is not enough fuel. Well, then everything is clear! Indeed, it often happens that there is gasoline at the bottom of the tank, but there is very little of it for it to enter the carburetor.

And some lovers of old domestic cars, for example, the same "Moskvich" or "Zaporozhets", to save fuel, they put the hose not into the tank, but into the bottle. They put a plastic container next to the carburetor, securely fastened it and put a hose there that connects to the gas pump. Thus, the gasoline was pumped out completely and not a drop was left. And the tank is another story.

Let's take a look at the construction fuel tank... An empty tank is a container that is spherical, rectangular or cubic. There will always be fuel in such a tank, no matter how mechanical or electronic components try to pull it out from there. Do you know how some motorists try? They lift one side of the car and draw out gasoline with a hose and suction a la "inflate your lungs and cheeks."

There is another way that will help you get to the nearest gas station if you feel that you are running out of fuel. It involves turning off all electrical appliances, of course, except for those that are responsible for driving safety.

After that, you need to try to drive at the same speed and not change gears, because.

In addition, if the driver sets off on the road to areas where refueling is rare, then he must take care to fill up the fuel. larger brand... For example, if he always flooded AI-92, then he can flood AI-95. This will reduce fuel consumption and help you get to refueling.

Video on how to save fuel:

Another method involves lowering a plastic bag of water into the tank. This will prevent the water from mixing with the gasoline, but the package is able to push the gasoline out. This method is just not very common, since it is difficult to remove the bag from the tank later. It can snag on something and tear easily.

Where does the fuel go

Now let's look at where fuel is consumed at all? It turns out that the lion's share of the fuel is spent on overcoming various obstacles, changing energy and heating. In addition, some of the gasoline evaporates altogether without even doing any useful work.

That, in fact, it has a rather low efficiency. Where does all the gasoline go then?

Did you know that on cars with mechanical box gear need to drive correctly? No, well, the fact that having basic driving skills is very important, we know that. It's about something else. If you go for a long time low gears, gasoline will go twice as much. And this does not mean at all that you need to include high gears. No. So, on domestic "Zhiguli" perfect transmission, at which the least fuel is consumed, is the third, and not the fourth, as some think.

In addition, fuel consumption depends on the speed. Low or gasoline consumes much more than with average speed... Again, it is recommended to drive 60-80 km / h in Zhiguli. And at low speed, energy is spent on overcoming the friction of tires on asphalt or other road surface... At high speed, the energy is used to overcome air resistance. So much for pure physics.

The many ways to save fuel would be useless if the driver did not know that the air resistance is on the body of his car. That is why designers are trying to improve the car body, making it more streamlined. Why sports cars lower than usual and differ in their form of construction? Yes, they do not look very aesthetically pleasing, but air resistance affects them minimally.

In addition, the quality of the body coating affects the air resistance. Yes, don't be surprised. The better your car is, the less air resistance it will have. Opened hatches, windows and even an antenna also increase resistance. In addition, it is recommended not to put anything on the roof, and the car mirrors should only provide a normal view, and not be too huge, as they can provide unnecessary resistance.

Drivers with an air-conditioned vehicle may be advised to turn it off unless urgently needed. The stove can also take a lot of fuel. Therefore, the driver is advised to pay attention to all this if he is interested in saving fuel.

Underfilling at the station

Okay, you say. With this sort of sorted out. And what if the filling station is underfilled, huh? How to be in this case? We will do everything to save money, snatch more and more from the components of our comfort, and will they fool us?

Unfortunately, underfilling at a gas station is a reality. modern life in Russia. Almost every motorist is faced with such a problem. It is very relevant today and it is quite difficult for a person who is not technically savvy to fight it.

But you can determine the underfilling immediately. On the main two grounds. If we refuel full tank and we know that it contains only 50 liters of gasoline, then the information of the tanker that he has filled 55 liters of fuel will be false.

The second method involves the presence of a canister. In practice, it has been proven that many gas stations deceive, maybe not on purpose, drivers by filling in little gasoline. But it will be impossible to fill the canister with a smaller amount of fuel, especially in such a container on which there is a scale.

What are the owners of gas stations doing to pour fuel honestly? Do they do it at all? Of course, not everyone is so shameless. There are many ways petrol station checks... Services specially created for this are engaged in verification. They use 10 liter canisters for taking fuel. And therefore, often at many gas stations, the dispensing of gasoline is correctly configured for only the first ten liters. Then the underfilling begins.

Sly owners of gas stations can deceive the special services. For example, by developing a special filling control program. When the check arrives, they include normal mode where underfilling is impossible. After that, as everything is checked, another mode is switched on, which does not add fuel.

Therefore, the driver would like to advise the following:

  • refuel yourself, and do not entrust this business to the station employees;
  • carefully check the plastic sight glass when refueling (if it is faulty, air will enter your tank along with the fuel).

Look like that's it. All of the above tips can be applied in practice, as they are tested experienced drivers with experience.

You should not panic when on the road to dashboard of the car, a light comes on, signaling that the fuel in the tank has run out. Most importantly, remember the six rules that will be given below, and then such situations will no longer make you worry.

1. Without a stock in any way

The arrow fell hopelessly ...

For some, this will be a revelation, but the zero fuel level on the dashboard does not mean that the tank is completely empty. In fact, there is still about 5-6 liters of fuel, which is enough for several tens of kilometers, and this, as a rule, is enough to drive to the nearest gas station... However, owners of diesel vehicles should not forget what driving with an empty tank is fraught with for their cars - if in fuel system air gets in, then it will be very difficult to start the car again, even if the tank is filled to the very neck.

2. Do not overdo it with the gas and brake pedal

Aggressive driving is never economical.

What you should definitely not do when the fuel is running out is to accelerate sharply and also slow down. When accelerating, you need to press the pedal as smoothly as possible, and upon reaching the desired speed experts do not advise to slow down. It is better to look at the work of a traffic light from afar and calculate the switching of signal colors in advance. It is better to go slower in order to roll up to the green one and drive on it without stopping. Any braking is fraught with subsequent acceleration and, accordingly, additional consumption of precious fuel. But if you really had to get stuck in a traffic jam, then for a while it is better to turn off the ignition completely in order to save fuel.

3. Change to top gear

Top gear - exit if gasoline runs out.

If the road conditions allow it, then it is better and more profitable to continue the trip on the high gear... It is desirable to be in the region of 1,500 - 3,000 rpm, but specific indicators depend on the machine itself.

4. Give up headlights and air conditioning

Turn off the air conditioner!

To save on fuel consumption, you need to minimize energy consumption. Most of the fuel goes to air conditioning and lighting. Turning off the headlights, of course, if allowed weather, a stove, an air conditioner, an option for heating windows and seats, you can save 1-2 liters of fuel for every 100 km. However, after turning off the air conditioner, do not rush to open the windows - the aerodynamics disturbed because of this will negate all efforts and fuel consumption will increase again.

5. Dilute the fuel

Alcohol can be used as a thinner for gasoline.

You should not dilute gasoline with anything, but if you suddenly have the purest alcohol at hand, then you can pour it in a little. Stick to a level of 5-10% of the remainder if the car is carbureted, and no more than 20% in the case of fuel injectors. Diesel fuel can be diluted with 5-10% kerosene. Diesel Engines can also work on sunflower and waste engine oils... If you do not indulge in fuel dilution often, then a one-time manipulation will not negatively affect the operation of the car. But never and under no circumstances should water be poured into the tank.

6. Drive at neutral speed and coast

And you also need to be able to move downhill.

Experienced drivers advise coasting in order to save fuel. If a long descent awaits ahead, you can turn off the engine and simply roll down the road according to the law of inertia. This method works especially well on older cars with a carburetor. But the method should not be applied on modern cars since if the engine is turned off, the power steering and brakes cease to function, which is fraught with an accident.

I would like to bring up the topic of refueling and talk about what is better for a car: a full tank or half empty. Why did this question come up? Yes, because often at a gas station you can see those who fill up not "to full", but only 5-10 liters, or even less.

A logical question arises: why do the drivers act this way, and mostly the same, and what is the risk for the car. If you are interested, keep reading ...

Well, first, about why this is happening. There are not so many reasons why people refuel a couple of liters each, among them there are plausible and less plausible ones. So let's list them.

Riding "on a light bulb" - the main reasons

  1. Savings or shortage Money for a full refueling. It is no secret that a car for many is still a luxury, the same can be said about its operation. Therefore, when arriving at a gas station, such an "economist", naturally, fills up a little fuel so as not to damage the family budget.
  2. Waste ballast ... Strange as it may seem, there are those who deliberately do not fill the tank to full because of the unwillingness to drive with excess fuel, which can be refilled at every step if necessary. Another version is supposedly to save fuel by reducing the total weight of the car. In principle, it is logical if we compare the weight of a full and empty tank. This point is similar to the truth, however, it will be justified exclusively for those who participate in racing competitions or are trying to set some kind of speed record. Well, or for those who have a tank in a filled state weighs a lot.
  3. Malfunctions ... Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that when filling several liters, the driver is not pursuing imaginary savings or some lofty goals, but a banal breakdown that does not allow more than 10 or 15 liters to be poured into the tank. For example, if a tank burst somewhere in the middle or closer to the top, the owner simply does not have the right to pour in more than a certain amount of fuel, for the reason that the fuel will simply flow out of the tank. I understand that now many of you will begin to say that a car with such breakdowns cannot be operated at all, etc. Yes, perhaps you are right, however, as practice shows, if the tank has a small crack under the top, then filling the tank only halfway, the machine will be fully operational. The only point is that such a malfunction should be eliminated as soon as possible.

Driving with an empty tank - dangerous moments

Among the troubles that you are provided with in the event of driving with an empty or half-empty tank, the following points can be highlighted.

  1. Corrosion ... Where the fuel will not cover the tank walls, the metal tank is susceptible to corrosion. Due to the condensation that forms on the walls as a result of the temperature difference, the tank begins to rust very quickly, after which, after a while, it can completely become unusable. The conclusion is that the more fuel there is in the tank, the smaller the area for the formation of condensate will be, therefore, the condensate itself will be less.

  1. Condensation water in the tank ... In addition to corrosion, driving on an "empty tank" is unpleasant in that the condensate, which I mentioned a little higher, flows into the tank, after which it enters the engine. Why water is dangerous for the engine, I think, is not difficult to understand. The topic is quite voluminous, so in a nutshell I will say that everyone suffers from moisture. metal elements motor, as well fuel equipment, the repair or replacement of which is very expensive ... It should also be mentioned that water in the fuel tank is on top of everything else - problems with starting, a drop in power, etc.

  1. Unwanted fumes ... During hot weather, a large amount of unwanted vapors can accumulate in a half-empty fuel tank, which can deform the tank or cause an explosion if the vapors come into contact with fire. Of course, for such vapors, a whole system is provided that burns them out while the engine is running or neutralizes them using charcoal filter better known as an adsorber. However, in case of contamination of the adsorber, the gases have nowhere to go, as a result of which the tank swells from vapors and bursts over time. This is observed on some car models.

  1. Risk of ruining the fuel pump ... A constant lack of fuel in the tank can cause it. Low level fuel while driving on uneven roads will cause the fuel pump to "suck" air from time to time, which is very undesirable for this unit. Moreover, unsuccessful parking somewhere on an incline can turn out for you that you simply cannot start the engine. A small amount of fuel will drain into the most bottom point and the pump simply won't be able to pump it. Moreover, when trying to start the engine, you risk ditching the fuel pump.

In general, as you can see, there is little positive in an empty tank, no matter which side you look at - this is harmful to the engine and the car as a whole. On my own I would add that frequent refueling "to full" is a more profitable option, since it is easier to find a couple of hundred in your pocket than a couple of thousand, and besides, you do not risk getting stuck somewhere in the middle of the highway with an empty tank alone. The advantages, as you can see, are obvious, so I strongly recommend that you always keep the fuel tank full.

That's all for me, write in the comments which option you prefer, which is best for you: driving with a full or empty tank. Share your observations and thoughts on this matter. Thank you for your attention and see you soon!

Do you like driving on a half-empty fuel tank? Do you regret the money for a full tank? But did you know, Let's figure it out.

From time to time on various forums on the Internet, topics come up where motorists argue for a long time about operating a car on an empty or half-empty tank. As a result, the opinions of the drivers were divided. Some believe that driving on an empty tank does not harm either the engine or the car as a whole, while others argue that driving is evil. So who's right?

The engine does not "know" how much fuel is left in the tank. He only "knows" if he gets enough fuel to start or not. ...

Especially for old cars running on low-octane fuel, which likes to absorb moisture from the atmosphere, leading to an increase in moisture in the gas tank. More modern cars working on high-octane fuel, are more protected from the formation of excess moisture in the tank.

As we know, water is the enemy of any metal. Once in the tank, she begins to do her evil deed. And the more often we drive, the faster the moisture, mixing with air, will begin to corrode the metal surfaces of the gas tank.

As the tank corrodes, the rust inside it will gradually flake off, clogging up in the first place. fuel gauge... Also, the chemical elements of rust can accelerate over time, located in. But worst of all, if rust enters the fuel line into the engine.

In this case, it will simply eat away at it.

By the way, many of these effects have a certain dependence on the climate, as well as on how well you take care of your car (how often you change various filters etc.).

But rust in the tank isn't the only problem in a car. Actually most worried about dirty fuel, which we often fill at gas stations. A particular risk for those cars that refuel at non-chain private gas stations, where very often unscrupulous owners of the gas station sell fuel of dubious quality.

The worst thing is when dirty fuel gets into the tank. In this case, though fuel filter and copes with its duties, it still exists, as well as the fact that dirt gets into the engine. It is very undesirable to fill fuel immediately after filling it into a gas storage, which can also have rust. Yes, of course, every gas station must clean the tanks where the fuel is stored. But you and I know that many gas stations do not do this.

It is also harmful to drive an empty tank due to overheating of the fuel pump, which can fail because of this. The thing is that the fuel in the tank, in fact, is a natural coolant for fuel pump... That is, the fuel protects the pump from overheating.

It is also worth noting that when the engine is running, 98% of the fuel in the car is not used and is returned to the tank. As a result, the fuel heats up. Naturally, when there is little fuel in the tank, it heats up too quickly. This in turn leads to insufficient cooling the fuel pump, which will shorten its service life. This often causes an increase in fuel consumption and an increase in harmful substances in the exhaust.

Unfortunately, the heated fuel in the tank creates a lot of harmful vapors that affect the life of not only the fuel tank, but the entire fuel system.

But why a small amount of fuel in the tank can lead to a decrease in the vehicle's range, while, on the contrary, when the fuel in the tank heats up, its volume increases?

The thing is, when gasoline heats up, it expands. When the temperature drops, gasoline, on the contrary, shrinks in volume. However, the energy content of gasoline is directly related to its weight, not its volume. Therefore, the energy content of gasoline, respectively, does not increase with increasing fuel volume.

By the way, it is also important not to overflow fuel beyond a reasonable limit.