What can you use to make soundproofing in a car? Do-it-yourself car soundproofing. Materials for car sound insulation. Trunk, wheel arches and arches

Soundproofing the car interior

Soundproofing a car interior in a service station is an operation that requires a considerable investment of money and time. On the contrary, if you give this procedure a spacious room, then without certain skills you can take on this task yourself.
In addition, sound insulation of a car interior is important procedure which should be carried out as early as possible.

Basic knowledge about sound insulation

It happens that some Russian drivers who did not receive timely correct information, they cover their car for soundproofing purposes with various materials that are completely unsuitable for this.

Note. It should be clearly understood that soundproofing material must have the necessary properties. It should be soft, but at the same time heavy.
As a rule, a combination of such characteristics in ideal ratio and determines the most effective material for sound insulation.

In other words, solid material prevents the sound wave from weakening. Such a surface, compared to soft and heavy ones, does not absorb sound wave vibrations. A the right material will not only absorb vibrations, but also convert them into thermal energy.

Why is there noise?

To competently carry out the entire operation with your own hands, you must be able to distinguish the main sources of noise. So, if you are able to identify the 2-3 most powerful sources of noise, the procedure will be reduced to a minimum: we cover them with soundproofing material and that’s it.
Thanks to knowledge and considerable experience, there is no need to look for these sources in your car. This is already clear.
The most noisy elements in a car are the doors and engine compartment. It is in these places that full sound insulation needs to be carried out.

Note. Do not forget that the amount of noise depends on technical condition the car itself. Old and shabby cars squeak more and, accordingly, more noise sources can be found in them.
Unfortunately, in some cases, on used cars, even the best sound insulation does not lead to anything, since faulty components and assemblies that act as noise sources cannot be isolated.

Work process step by step

Let's start our process with the doors.
Let's get started:

  • All door trim, handles and buttons must be removed;
  • We remove dust and debris from all surfaces. You can use a vacuum cleaner;
  • All surfaces where soundproofing material will be applied must be degreased using a nitro solvent.

Note. To work with the internal surfaces of the door, technological openings are designed on the outside. It is through these openings that the inside of the door can be covered with heavy materials that dampen noise.

  • Cutting out the plates of insulating material the right size using a sharp construction knife;
  • Remove the protective film from the material;
  • We paste the plates onto inner surface doors.

Advice. To make the plates softer and easier to work with, it is recommended to warm them with a hairdryer before removing the protective film. This will also help to glue the material evenly at all points on the surface.

  • After pasting inner part doors, we need to move on to the technological openings. They will need to be sealed with thin soundproofing material. It is desirable that the upper surface of this material be made of foil.

Note. For each hole you need to prepare your own plate of material. When gluing, the method of heating with an industrial hair dryer is used.

At this point, the process of gluing doors with soundproofing material can be considered complete. But there is still a long way to go until the end of the whole operation.


A considerable part unnecessary noise penetrates into the car interior from under the bottom, especially when driving over potholes and uneven roads. Sound insulation of the underbody and floor luggage compartment is as important as door insulation.
Let's get started:

  • We dismantle the floor trim of the interior and luggage compartment;
  • All dust and dirt must be removed from the metal surface that appears after removing the casing;
  • First we glue the first layer of material. It should be some kind of vibration-damping, but thick material.

Advice. If a floor surface with curves is being pasted over, then before removing protective film, you need to treat the material with a hairdryer. This will make it more elastic and obedient.
In addition, a piece of material must be applied to the bend immediately so that it has time to take the appropriate shape. For better adhesion of the material to the metal surface, it is recommended to tap it with a rubber hammer.

  • The second layer of material should be thinner and, accordingly, more elastic. It will cover all the curves of the bottom profile completely and more evenly.

Note. Simultaneously with the procedure for gluing the bottom of the passenger compartment and luggage compartment, the partition between the engine and the passenger compartment is soundproofed. The principle of the operation is the same.


We make sure to soundproof the ceiling.
The following is done:

  • The casing is dismantled;
  • Underneath it is usually factory sound insulation. It will need to be removed, and then all the dust that has accumulated under a thin layer of film on an adhesive base will be removed;
  • We cover the ceiling with material, but not over the entire area. It will be enough to paste over a quarter of the entire surface to get the desired effect;
  • It is necessary to glue from the center of the ceiling to its edges;
  • After gluing the material, it will need to be smoothed using a special knurl or a sanded board;
  • On top of the first layer, we place a second layer of material that absorbs sounds and noise;
  • Then we put the casing in place.
) and the trunk remains to be soundproofed. The procedure is carried out similarly to the steps described above.

Note. Just remember that the plates of soundproofing material are glued through symmetrical depressions that are pressed into the metal surface of the hood cover from the inside.

Finally, let's give one very important advice: when you cut the material, first make a pattern from thick cardboard.
Apply it to the surface of the element to be pasted (ceiling, floor, etc.), then transfer the size to the sound insulation and only then cut. Having received all necessary information
, all that remains is to consolidate it in the practical understanding of the word. It will be very useful to see how others do it through a video review or in a real situation.
No less important are thematic photos - materials, diagrams and other visual aids. Let us note that the price of soundproofing in workshops is so high that not every Russian will afford it.

Noises penetrating into the car's interior while driving deprive it of comfort, make it difficult to communicate with passengers and interfere with listening to music. If the road takes a long time, then constant extraneous noise leads to rapid fatigue, which affects traffic safety. In this case, there is only one way out - to install additional noise insulation. Factory insulation often does not cope with its task successfully. Seeking help from service specialists will require considerable investment. At the same time, do-it-yourself soundproofing of a car is within the capabilities of almost every car enthusiast. Let's look at how to do this correctly and inexpensively.

Before you begin soundproofing the car interior, you need to decide on the purpose and purpose of this soundproofing. In other words, with what you want to get as a result. If you want to reduce engine noise from the engine compartment, then first of all you need to pay attention to the partition between the passenger compartment and the engine compartment.

If the goal is to improve the quality of music inside the car, then the doors and speaker installation locations will require close attention. When the task is to achieve maximum silence in the car interior, then you need to do comprehensive sound insulation. It will also be necessary to apply sound insulation to the floor, ceiling, trunk, and wheel arches.

All required material can be divided into three categories: vibration insulation (vibra), noise insulation (shumka) and anti-creak.

Vibra is a bitumen-based sheet with a thickness usually from 2 to 4 mm. They are slightly thinner and thicker depending on the manufacturer. Its task is to dampen the vibration of the rolled metal sheet from which the car body is made.

On the one hand, such sheets have an aluminum layer, which also serves as thermal insulation. If in places with a temperate climate this property is not very noticeable, then where in winter the temperature drops significantly below zero, this quality of vibration allows the car interior to not cool down for a long time.

Another material that you cannot do without to achieve complete silence in the cabin is anti-creaking. This is a self-adhesive fabric that is applied to the joints of the contacting elements of the interior, thereby getting rid of the unpleasant creaking that occurs when parts rub against each other.

Now about those tools you can’t do without. This is a construction hair dryer, which is required to heat the bitumen base of the vibrator. Before applying to the metal surface of the body, it must be heated until soft and malleable. Only in this case can the vibration be placed tightly, given the required shape and securely fastened.

To do this, you will need a special roller, with the help of which the entire surface of the material being laid is rolled until reliable adhesion to the base is achieved. Before laying the vibrator, for better adhesion to the metal, the entire surface to be pasted must be degreased using a solvent, for example, white spirit, which is applied to a clean rag.

To cut the material you will need a knife, ruler, tape measure, and marker. By doing comprehensive sound insulation You will need to completely dismantle the car interior, for which you will need your own set of tools, including wrenches, screwdrivers and other accessories.

Such a nuance. If the work is carried out in the hot summer, then it will be possible to do without a hair dryer. It is enough to place the vibration for 5-10 minutes in the sun so that it reaches the condition necessary for operation. The car must also be in an open place so that the body heats up and is not cold.

Sound insulation of hood and trunk

It will not be possible to completely get rid of engine noise in the engine compartment, no matter how much material it takes. The hood noise insulation serves more for thermal insulation of the engine, preventing it from quickly cooling down in the cold season.

To perform this operation you will need a vibration, for example, silver and Shumka up to 10 mm thick. If your car does not have factory noise insulation on the hood, you can make the noise layer thicker. In case if factory insulation is present, it should not be removed. It would be correct to install on top of it.

The installation technology is always the same. First you need to degrease the surface using a solvent. Then heat the prepared (cut) pieces of vibra using a hair dryer. Place them in place and carefully roll them out with a roller. During the rolling process, you need to use a hair dryer to improve the plasticity of the material. Since this material is aimed at reducing vibration, it can be applied in pieces at a close distance from each other (a centimeter - one and a half). Noise insulation should be glued in one piece over the vibration, otherwise sound waves will penetrate through the cracks.

The hood sound insulation should not be too heavy, otherwise the retaining shock absorbers of the hood cover will quickly wear out. And not too thick, so that you can close the hood without interference.

Soundproofing the trunk is done in the same way. You must first remove all the trim from the trunk, and then degrease the surface to be insulated with a solvent. If there is a niche for a spare tire in the trunk, it must also be carefully insulated. Such measures help to significantly improve the noise level in rear-wheel drive models, reducing noise from the driveshaft and final drive(gearbox).

Soundproofing car doors

Particular attention should be paid to the sound insulation of car doors, as they contribute, perhaps, the most huge contribution to ensure silence in the cabin. It would be right to start with pasting inside outer part of the door. As usual, the surface is first degreased. In order not to make the doors too heavy, we can recommend laying not a continuous large piece of vibration insulation, but several small ones at a close distance from each other. This will get rid of rapid wear door hinges.

To improve sound quality, it is better to stick the Shumka thicker in the area where the speakers are located, and thinner in other places. This will save money. If your goal is not to achieve perfect quality sound of music, you can still save money and not cover everything up technological holes doors. Otherwise, everything needs to be carefully sealed to create a closed acoustic space that significantly improves the sound at low frequencies.

The thickness of the noise insulation on the side of the door card must be chosen so that it can be easily put in place (the door card).

Sound insulation of floor, ceiling and roof

To soundproof the floor and roof, you will have to dismantle almost the entire interior trim, remove the seats and the ceiling. To remove the seats, you may need an assistant, since it is very inconvenient to pull them out alone.

To dismantle the ceiling, it is better to use special tool, since the clips or pistons with which it is attached to the roof often break. Therefore, special care is required, since it is not always possible to buy new clips to replace them.

The technology for installing insulation is conventional - first we degrease all surfaces with a solvent. Gluing the vibra onto the floor should be done in large overlapping pieces, carefully rolling everything with a roller so that there are no air bubbles. Vibration insulation is made on a bitumen basis and has anti-corrosion properties, protecting the covered metal from rust. But this is only true if the fit is tight and there are no air bubbles. Therefore, to ensure everything is correct, monitor the quality of rolling. Vibration insulation for the floor can be thicker, and Shumka thinner. As a result of this work, the noise from the wheels and driveshaft (for rear-wheel drive cars) while driving will be significantly reduced.

In order to properly soundproof the roof, you should use thin material:

  • Firstly, thick vibration insulation has significant weight. Because of this, in summer, under the influence of the sun, it will tend to peel off and sag;
  • secondly, a thick layer of insulation may interfere with the installation of the ceiling in place and then everything will have to be redone;
  • thirdly, the additional weight of the roof will shift the car's center of gravity upward, which will reduce its cornering stability.

As practice shows, even a thin layer of noise insulation is enough to virtually eliminate the noise from drops during rain.

To completely get rid of noise, you cannot do without processing wheel arches. Sound insulation should be applied both to the arches themselves and to the plastic protection of the arches on the inside. This will significantly reduce the noise from pebbles while driving and ensure a comfortable ride.

Video “Do-it-yourself noise insulation”

If you are one of those drivers who wants to drive in complete silence and not hear the sound of wheels on the road, it’s time for you to think about soundproofing your car. This video will help you take the first step.

IN expensive cars business class, the sound insulation of the cabin is performed at a high level, and the situation is completely different in cheaper cars. Here is protection from extraneous noise may not be completed at all, or it will be performed at an extremely low level. Accordingly, comfort, especially when long trips, will be low.

In addition to the inability to fully enjoy soft music from a stereo system, constant exposure to noise has an extremely negative effect on the driver’s body, reducing his attentiveness, reaction speed and causing rapid fatigue. In addition, irritability increases, which “forces” the driver to choose a more aggressive driving style, which is fraught with various emergency situations.


Before you properly make sound insulation in modern car, you should know in which places it makes sense to place soundproofing materials. Depending on the location, there are

Types of sound insulation:

Depending on the main problem, sound insulation in a car can be either complete or partial. In addition, depending on the materials used for work, the effect of thermal and vibration insulation can be additionally achieved, which further increases comfort during long car movements.

In order to determine which material to choose for soundproofing a car, you should know the main types of materials that have already proven to be quite effective, since they were developed specifically for cars.


What sound insulation to choose for a car is decided by the car enthusiast himself, based both on the priority tasks that need to be solved, but also on material capabilities. The best solution to the problem of interior insulation is professional car sound insulation, but if you have the desire and a certain amount of free time, you can do it yourself, strictly following the technology of gluing the materials used. It makes sense to first study the instructions for vehicle so that no difficulties arise during disassembly.

It is almost impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which sound insulation for a car is better. It can be said that it is better to use special materials, designed specifically for a car - they take into account all the features and difficulties during operation, for example, constant vibration, temperature changes and high humidity. You should not fanatically look for separate thermal insulation, vibration and sound insulation separately, since all these properties, as a rule, are combined in one material. The only thing worth paying attention to is the heat resistance of the material used to insulate the engine compartment.

The cost of car sound insulation varies depending on technical features and the thickness of the material, but its purchase is more than compensated by the high acoustic comfort in the cabin, the absence of creaking and vibration. Besides, in winter time the interior will be much warmer, and summer time will heat up much more slowly, even in direct sunlight. At the same time, in order to get a perfectly insulated interior, you will most likely need to use several types of insulation, the main part of which will be equipped with a foil layer. You can see how this is done in practice in the video.


Installing sound insulation in a car, according to owner reviews, helps achieve the following effects:

  • soundproofing of the engine compartment;
  • reduction of noise during gearbox operation;
  • reduction of noise level from the road itself;
  • elimination of extraneous noise (creaks) from plastic trim elements;
  • interior thermal insulation.

Installing sound insulation on a car with your own hands is a necessary measure, since automakers, trying to reduce the cost of products as much as possible, pay minimal attention to this point. In addition, more and more advanced suspension is becoming quieter, and accordingly, sound insulation of the car is becoming less and less relevant for the manufacturer. At the same time, even with the initial absence of squeaks and excessive noise in the new car, driving bad roads will cause them to appear very quickly.

Extraneous noise penetrates the interior through the doors, floor and ceiling, trunk and engine compartment. Encountering numerous obstacles on its way, it partially weakens and partially turns into vibration, which is also perceived by humans as noise. From here, primary and secondary noise is distinguished. Installing sound insulation for a car can effectively combat both types. To achieve this effect, it is better to carry it out comprehensively, i.e., cover the entire car with insulating materials.


Installation of vibration and sound insulation of cars cannot be called a simple process. It includes four main stages.

  1. Disassembly of the interior (complete).
  2. Laying (gluing) of selected insulating materials.
  3. Installation of materials to combat squeaks in the cabin.
  4. Assembly and assessment of the quality of work performed while the car is moving.

Before applying sound insulation to a car, its interior must be completely disassembled down to the metal. The car owner decides whether or not to remove the dashboard, depending on the availability of free time and desire. When dismantling, special care should be taken in relation to fasteners that may break or get lost. At the end of the disassembly work, you get a completely bare interior, all surfaces of which must be cleaned of dirt and thoroughly degreased. Only after this can you start sizing the car with sound insulation yourself.

First, vibration-proofing material is laid, the area of ​​​​use of which should be at least 80% of the area of ​​​​all metal surfaces in the cabin. Sound insulation is fixed on top of it. You can deviate from this rule if the purchased material combines both of these qualities. It is worth understanding that if you save money and buy too thin or low-quality material, all the work done will be in vain, since it will not bring the desired result.

Attention! It is better to wear gloves when working with insulation that has a foil layer, since there is a very high probability of fairly deep cuts from the foil.

If the soundproofing of the car is done correctly with your own hands, real problem There may be various creaking noises in the cabin that were not previously noticed. Therefore, it is highly advisable to carry out work aimed at combating squeaking immediately after installing the sound insulation. For this, special materials listed above are used, which are placed between the metal and plastic parts salon The interior assembly is carried out in the reverse order of disassembly.


Nothing lasts forever, not even the most soundproofing expensive cars. The material loses its properties, wears out and breaks down, the process accelerates when the machine is operated in difficult conditions. Greatest influence Vibration influences material damage. Over time, the noise in the car increases and it becomes difficult to talk. Noise and vibrations are harmful to the body. To protect yourself from unpleasant sounds, apply insulating material. Soundproofing a car with your own hands is a simple but time-consuming task; this article will help you figure it out.

Do-it-yourself car soundproofing work

Why is the car noisy, what are the reasons?

The more kilometers the car has traveled and worse condition road surface, the faster wear occurs. Sound leaks through damage in the material, and as the damage continues, the noise intensifies.

The car becomes noisy for several reasons:

  • there is a hole in the body. Even if the protective casing is in good working order, sound penetrates into the interior. More often, damage is observed both in the body and insulation;
  • wear of soundproofing material. It is designed for long term operation, but is often destroyed during any repair work or wiped in high-traffic areas;
  • the integrity of the insulation is compromised. The material loses some of its properties in places where there are bends and pressure from heavy objects, causing it to become thinner and allow noise to pass through;
  • malfunction of car components. The reasons are varied.

To create high-quality noise absorption, you will need to lay 3 main materials:

  • Vibration-isolating. The role of the first layer is to reduce noise due to vibration. Vibration shocks inevitably lead to rattling of interior elements and luggage. The appearance of a hum is felt when the vibration frequency reaches more than 20 Hz. A layer of bitumen is more often used. The dependence of vibration absorption on the density of bitumen and the thickness of its layer is observed. The body must be completely processed.
  • Noise insulation. It is a soft sheet material. The composition always uses several layers, one of them is foil, designed to retain heat. The material has increased porosity to absorb sound.
  • Anti-creak. It is a fabric that is glued at the joints and ends to the car. Used to complete a car plastic elements to prevent rattling at the point of attachment to the housing. Performs the function of a gasket.

Powerful vibration isolation Butiplast F4

Sign quality car- this is silence in the cabin, car owners are aware of this, which is why do-it-yourself car soundproofing is so in demand. Doing the work yourself is the least expensive procedure, and is as effective as service center. At the service station you will have to pay for diagnostics, inspection, disassembly, installation of material and collection of parts. Many service centers refuse to work with materials from cheap or even medium price category, forcing the client to purchase expensive sound insulation.

Question: “how to properly soundproof a car?” – is quite appropriate, since the procedure consists of a number of stages. It is important to consistently create the correct sound insulation of the car; for this, body elements are processed separately.

Soundproofing for a car: hood protection

WITH technical point As you can see, laying insulating material on the hood is a simple procedure, since the design of the cover has special recesses for installing sheet material.

Soundproofing the hood of a car

Many inexperienced car owners do not pay due attention to this issue, believing that protection is only needed in the area separating the engine compartment and the interior. Misconception is based on misunderstanding simple principle– the hood is a noise resonator. As the vehicle accelerates, vibration and noise vibrations are generated from the cover, directed directly at Windshield, which cannot be sheathed with insulation.

Soundproofing a car with your own hands additionally helps to adequately assess the condition of the metal base, as well as restore it. Treating the hood is the simplest procedure, and the hood itself rarely corrodes, but for other elements, assessment is especially important for timely repair.

Types of car sound insulation

The basis of the question of how to properly soundproof a car is to determine the main places for applying the material. If you miss even one section, it will not be possible to completely eliminate excessive noise.

For machines, it is correct to apply insulation to:

  • hood;
  • doors;
  • ceiling;
  • arches;
  • trunk;
  • internal places for fixing interior parts.

Sound insulation of car ceiling

Sound insulation can be complete or partial. Right choice– this is a full-fledged treatment, but in the event of failure of individual components, it is allowed to cover parts of the body. Proper do-it-yourself sound insulation of a car will provide vibration insulation and heat retention.

Determine the most suitable material– this is the task of the owner himself; we will help you navigate the variety of options.

Do-it-yourself car soundproofing, what materials are recommended:

  • "Visomat". It is made in the form of a layer of foil followed by the application of resin. It is often used for large areas, as it is easy to install, effective and inexpensive. It is used to treat the floor, trunk lid, hood and arches. The base qualitatively suppresses sound vibrations and vibration force. For gluing, the base must be cleaned and degreased, then the resin is melted with an industrial hair dryer;
  • "Vibroplast". The advantage of the material is its versatility; it fits on most surfaces, but more often on the roof, trunk and door. Sold in different thicknesses. A hairdryer is not a necessary tool, but will improve the result;
  • "Spleen." The increased porosity of the material increases its sound-absorbing qualities. An important disadvantage is the appearance of squeaking when rubbing against plastic;
  • "Bitoplast". If you install this insulation, you can eliminate squeaks and fill the gaps between the interior elements. By appearance and the feel of the material is similar to foam rubber, it easily fills the gap and improves insulation in the places of connecting elements. Effectively used in areas of contact with plastic and glass;
  • "Madeline." A special fabric with an adhesive backing is designed to fill structural gaps and prevent noise from vibration of electrical wiring.

"Spleen" for car soundproofing

Which sound insulation is better?

What kind of base may be required in a particular case is chosen by the owner, taking into account the main tasks and problems in the car. Soundproofing material of the professional category performs best, but it is expensive and requires precise adjustment of the elements. To prevent problems during the work process, it is recommended to study the documentation for the car and take noise measurements, this will help you choose the right material.

The best sound insulation is a specially developed material for automotive industry, since it protects against vibration, temperature changes, high humidity, etc. Construction sound insulation wears out faster, and when wet, loses most of its properties. Modern materials simultaneously insulate heat and protect against vibration and sound.

It is important when choosing a protective agent to take into account temperature resistance, since the hood is next to the engine and it gets very hot.

The price directly depends on technical characteristics: thickness, type of base and complexity of manufacture. The purchase of a quality product will pay off in the form of comfort for the driver and passengers. The material always prevents the penetration of noise and vibration; insulation protects against heating in summer and against cooling in winter. For maximum protection from the outside world you will have to lay 2-3 layers and types of insulation.

Soundproofing material for car

Interior soundproofing goals

Among the advantages and objectives of sound insulation, experts highlight:

  • absorption of sound from the motor;
  • reduction of noise from gear shifting;
  • the audibility of the road decreases;
  • removing squeaks and other unwanted sounds from touching the interior layout;
  • creation of an independent thermal zone in the cabin, not so hot in summer and warmer in winter.

After installing the insulation, the suspension practically ceases to be audible. The greater the number and quality of barriers to sound penetration, the less noise will penetrate into the cabin. Comprehensive car coverage is of no small importance; complete protection is 70–100% more effective than partial.

Materials for car sound insulation

The insulation coating process will require different materials for each body part. It differs depending on the noise level, load on the base and vibration strength, so the appropriate type, thickness and texture of the material is selected.

Car noise insulation – Vibroplast M2

Instructions and reviews help determine best materials for individual elements:

  • for trunk, arches, floor, engine compartment and the main tunnel use: “Vibroplast M2”, “Vizomat M2” or “MP” and BiMast Bomb or Super;
  • “Vizomat MP” and also “Vibroplast M2” are used to insulate the door cavity;
  • porous insulation “Splen” or “Vibroton” is laid on the floor on top of the vibration-damping layer;
  • “Bitoplast” or “Vibroplast M1” is fixed to the roof;
  • It is better to seal the plastic assembly with Bitoplast and Madeline. The only difficulty of the procedure is the need to disassemble the interior. Strips of 10–15 mm in size are laid on the joint areas;
  • One of the largest sources of noise and vibration is the motor; one layer is not enough to insulate it. The best results are shown by “sandwich panels”, where they apply: a layer of “Vibroplast”, then “Spleen” and finally “Vizomat PB-2”;
  • Isoton LM is often installed in the hood.

To achieve stable and good result At least 50–70% of the surface should be covered. It will not be possible to completely eliminate noise, but sound insulation will help reduce the severity of sound by 3-4 dB.

The amount of materials depends on the car, and how full your hand is, which means there are fewer scraps. Average consumption for different parts of the body:

  • for the roof, floor, hood, trunk and doors, a minimum of 15 sheets of 53x75 cm or 6 m2 will be required;
  • for the arches and the partition of the engine compartment from the passenger compartment - 2 sheets of 1x1.25 m or 2.5 m;
  • the floor and trunk are covered with 3 sheets of 1x1.25 m or 4 m 2;
  • The roof will require a sealant (“Bitoplast 10”). One sheet (1–2 m2) is enough;
  • Heat and sound insulating material (“Isoton”) is placed on the hood, flap and trunk lid. Buy 1 sheet (1–2 m2);
  • To seal the interior parts, 0.5–1 m2 will be required.

"Bitoplast" for car sound insulation

If you choose a budget material with 2 layers or 1 layer of high-quality coating, you should prefer the option with best characteristics, since laying the same material with low performance will slightly increase protection.

Correct sound insulation of a car with your own hands: main stages of work

The technology for isolating all elements is performed in a similar way. To fully process a car, you will need to carry out 4 stages:

  • Complete dismantling of the base.
  • Isolation sticker.
  • Installation of anti-creaking material.
  • Assembling the car and analyzing the results.

It is not necessary to remove the torpedo, but it is advisable, it depends on the amount of time and complexity of installation and dismantling. The rest of the interior is completely disassembled. It is important to handle the fasteners carefully so that the fasteners are not lost or broken. The bare body is cleaned of dirt and degreased.

Proper car soundproofing with your own hands

An important task of insulation comes down to maintaining temperature under the hood. It is recommended to install “Accent 10” (thermal insulation) and “Vibroplast Silver” (sound insulation).

To properly coat the base, you will need to meet the following conditions:

  • Dismantling. Now they are removing all the trim and fasteners. If there are hanging or interfering elements, they are also dismantled.
  • Surface preparation. Proper sound insulation of a car necessarily requires cleaning the base from dust and other debris. A solvent is applied to the clean material to degrease the surface; any liquid with acetone will do.
  • Preparation of material. The insulation is attached with glue to a pre-prepared pattern made of thickened material. Using a sharp knife, cut out the workpiece according to the pattern.
  • Installation of sound insulation. After completion of the procurement phase, the material is removed protective covering and glued to the base. To increase the tightness of the insulation, it is recommended to heat it with a hair dryer. Holes are covered composite material with foil. It is important to create a high-quality connection between the layers. It is recommended to apply each subsequent layer with an overlap of up to 5 cm. Small pieces are also heated with a hairdryer.

It is important to keep the lid weight moderate. If heavy materials or many layers are used, the weighted structure can over time cause the shock absorbers to leak and fall under load.

If the factory insulation is intact and of good quality, it is better to leave it and strengthen it. The covering is removed, additional material is placed underneath, and the factory version is placed on top. It is important to take into account the thickness of the standard layer when choosing. Sometimes the manufacturer does not install sound insulation, then they choose the thickest option.

In the same way, do-it-yourself sound insulation on a car is done for doors, but the number of elements for dismantling and the type of material may differ slightly.

Do-it-yourself hood noise reduction

In doors, insulation not only helps eliminate noise, but also improves sound clarity speaker system. Based on experience and feedback, there has been a significant increase in quality even with cheap materials.

The minimum insulation option is to use Vibroplast from the Gold or Silver series. The sticker is placed on the inside of the doors opposite the speaker. Here the amount of material plays in favor of passengers; it is worth basing it on the thickness of the wallet.

It is still worth taking the weight into account; if it is heavily weighted, the door may sag over time, and changing hinges is inconvenient and ineffective. It is important to find the right balance between layer thickness and weight. To install high-quality acoustics, it is recommended to apply 4 layers of insulation:

  • Soundproofing is immediately installed from the inside.
  • “Splen” with a thickness of 4 to 8 mm is applied to it.
  • External insulation, under the door card. Layer is important for best quality sound. It is recommended to completely cover the technological holes, which increases the protection of the structure from vibration.
  • Soundproofing door cards will help avoid squeaks and extraneous sounds. Thick Bitoplast is optimal. Additionally, handles and pulls are covered with “Madeline”.

If some doors do not have speakers, it is recommended to reduce the number of layers.

Soundproofing car doors

Sound insulation of roof and ceiling

The roof is insulated to eliminate external noise, mainly eliminating the noise of rain and crickets. High insulation efficiency ensures minimal audibility even in heavy rain, small impacts will remain as if from afar.

“Vibroplast” is used for insulation; it is better to buy the “Gold” or “Silver” series. It is important to pay attention to weight, since a shift in the center of gravity will lead to deterioration in handling. Experts recommend using Splen with a thickness of 4–8 mm; 2 layers are allowed. The thickness of the material should allow the skin to be placed in its original position.

Floor insulation is important to reduce noise when moving on the road surface, as well as to reduce the audibility of small stone impacts. It is preferable to select materials of the best quality with vibration protection and sound insulation. Most often, “Bimast Bomb” is applied to the floor; it has optimal characteristics, but also a lot of weight. Splen 4–8 mm is applied on top of the first layer.

When laying thick “Spleen”, inconveniences arise; it is most comfortable to use a small thickness of the material, but apply it in 2 layers. The insulation must cover the entire surface; it is important to eliminate all gaps.

Considerable attention is paid to the area of ​​the cabin in the area of ​​the arches; this is where the noise is greatest. It is recommended to paste over the areas in 2 or 3 layers.

Car floor soundproofing

Soundproofing trunk and arches

Wheel niches are covered with paper to improve interior comfort, while correct execution the amount of noise will be minimal, and the audible sound when driving will practically disappear. Even winter thorns will not impair passenger comfort.

To carry out isolation, follow the following sequence:

  • Removing the fender liner. You shouldn't throw them away; the fender liners absorb sound quite well.
  • The inside of the arch is cleaned of contamination.
  • Vibration insulation is laid, Vibroplast Gold is suitable. Anti-gravel treatment will have a positive effect on the condition of the metal and insulation.
  • Plastic fender liners are additionally insulated on the inside with Vibroplast and Bitoplast.
  • Installation of plastic.

Now the stones will not be heard from the interior.

Soundproofing a car trunk

What to pay attention to when performing sound insulation installation work

There are small tricks that will help improve the result. Experts recommend:

  • pay due attention to preparation. Cleaning and degreasing are mandatory; the result depends on the quality of these procedures;
  • When working with Vibroplast and Bitoplast, it is recommended to use a hair dryer. With its help it fits more tightly protective layer, and the pasting process is accelerated;
  • It is better to treat door openings and ceilings with pieces of Vibroplast, applying it crosswise;
  • “Vibroplast” has a lot of weight, it is better to use it wisely in order to maintain the lightness of the car;
  • to process doors, it is better to use rolled Vibroplast, and lay parts of Splen on top;
  • It is not recommended to insulate the bottom of the doors and the recess for tools in the trunk, as moisture accumulates here and the metal corrodes faster.


A lot of materials have been developed to quiet the interior, but the main thing is their correct use. If the described measures are followed, it is possible to reduce sound penetration by 40–60%. When laying insulation, you should rely on the instructions for use. It is important to carry out all processes slowly and carefully. It is extremely difficult to complete the procedure in a day; you should have sufficient quantity time.

Vibrations occur in the interior and body structures, at the points of contact between metal and plastic parts dashboard, trim, door cards. Noise from tire friction, the noise of a running engine, and others also penetrate into the cabin. It is clear that fatigue in a car with high level noise is also high. The passenger can still fight this, but driver fatigue primarily affects the safety of the trip. You can eliminate noise irritants with your own hands by additional sound insulation of the car.

Do-it-yourself car noise insulation video consists of two complementary parts - sound insulation, which blocks noise high frequency and vibration isolation, dampening low-frequency noise.

In addition, check for yourself whether you will completely insulate the car or whether partial sound insulation will be enough - both the volume of work and the money spent depend on this.

What is needed to completely soundproof a car?

Vibration insulation is carried out using the material “vibroplast”, which has good elasticity and is used in places of high vibration, laying it as the first layer.

Sound insulation can be done using splen or bitoplast materials, and the thicker the material, the better.

Armed with a tape measure, measure the entire insulated area and, with the results of your calculations, go shopping. Best result on average is achieved by using three sheets of bitoplast and three sheets of vibroplast on the two front doors.

From necessary tools In addition to the standard repair kit, you will need a knife and good scissors, a ruler, a roller for rolling out sound insulation, and a hair dryer.

Preparing the car interior for soundproofing installation

Work should begin by de-energizing the vehicle. To do this, remove the “positive” terminal from the battery contact. Afterwards it is necessary to dismantle the chairs and floor covering. If you are going to do high-quality insulation, remove the upholstery from the ceiling as well. Many limit themselves to door insulation, although this is less than 50% of complete high-quality sound insulation. Please note that for quieter closing of the locks, it is necessary to either modify them or separately cover them with sound insulation.

For absolute sound insulation, it is necessary to remove both the instrument panel and the air ducts, but not everyone agrees to do this. Although sometimes it is not possible to remove the floor covering without dismantling the dashboard.

Mandatory stage preparatory work- elimination of dust and degreasing of surfaces for laying the soundproofing layer.

Do-it-yourself car soundproofing video

The first layer of vibration insulation is laid. In places with a complex configuration (trunk lid and hood, under the instrument panel, wheel arches), parts cut out from pre-made paper patterns are placed. As an option, you can pre-roll a layer of material to the surface without removing the protection from the adhesive layer, this way the marking will be more accurate. First they are pasted over difficult places, and whole pieces are laid on top. The interior ceiling and floor are covered with solid sheets, from one edge to the other.

For better insulation of doors, it is worth pasting both the outer surface of the door (on the inside, of course) and the inside. Use thinner sheets so that the door card fits tightly. Do not be overzealous in the amount of sound insulation - if there is a lot of material, this will affect the weight of the door, and, consequently, the wear of the canopies.

All vibration isolation parts are tightly rolled using a roller for the best fit to the metal surface in order to give it additional rigidity and eliminate the string effect.

The sound-proofing layer is glued on top of the vibration-proofing layer using the same method, using a rolling roller. Additionally secure the joints of the material with high-quality tape.

At the end of the work, you need to install the door trim, interior and trunk parts in place, being careful not to leave anything “extra”. We hope that the DIY car soundproofing video will be a good help to you.

The air temperature in the room where you are going to carry out work should not be less than +20 degrees Celsius.

For about 12 hours after completion of work, do not use the car or even start the engine - ensure maximum adhesion of the noise-insulating layer to the surfaces of the car.