Hyundai Tuxon 2 generation. Hyundai Tucson reviews. Advanced design made in the concept of "flowing lines"

Always moving on it, I remember somewhere the cleaned phrase about Tussan v 6-raging stool. Pts successfully. You are in a free row, click on the gas until the stop (the sound of the engine is just formula-1), wait as much as you need to say - "Yes, so that you" and then everything is like in star Warswhen spaceship I did a "jump" and the stars turned into stripes - just hold on the wheel! And the passengers drinking at this time from the bottle drink any liquid at a speed of 1 liter per second.

I didn't even think about buying such a car, just wanted a car with a full drive and the ability to drive on a light (and not very) off-road. But she accidentally saw in I-Neta .. and for the sake of interest I decided to look at this embodiment of the hidden progress of the cunning Korean handles. A day later, it was sitting on the driver's seat, with his ex now the owner now and consumed as a B6 with a volume of 2.7 liters. May fall in love with itself so quickly .. and inexpensive .. On the inspection, they pointed onto the front brake discsLegging the hydraulic helper hose and bald rubber. Going out of the car, the former owner promised me warm relationships with DPS, smiled strangely, nervously breathed and quickly evaporated .. Icons and other hatred of divine incarnations in this car never happened ... For the first week, I have all that changes from consumables, except for pads changed.

For 60 km / h, the wheels came from the wheels, as from the roaring elephant. But snow fell and I changed bald summer tires On the winter hip .... And here is a miracle - in the cabin not any velocity, only a slight row of spikes on asphalt is heard. Easy gas pressure led when it breaks into the slip of the front wheels and when the track is disconnected, rear wheels In such a movement, it seemed that someone went into the ass. Turn in this position where it would be nibrate with leading wheels - but how much - rushing just right.

What you need to describe especially. Adaptive four step automatic. Lives himself. Separately from the car and driver .. calculate when the smooth mode of the troggy jumps into a sharp one - it does not work. Therefore, at the most unexpected moment, the car breaks into a sharp camel spit, thanks to one of them, in a traffic jam, the kenguryatnik drove into the back of the Gazelles, thanks to the second (when driving back) jumped and disappeared in the ceulatory ditch. In both times, no one in the car, including me, did not even have time to understand who and what is to blame and whom to see for it (well, of course)). At the same time, the rigid suspension glorifies all these jerks and clearly follow the nature of the environment that in these milliseconds it is set with a good clutch with the coating of the outlines.

I would also like to be about the passability. On the example of one case. All 2012 I drove in Tussan everywhere where I wanted with minimal losses and complicating the task every time. . And now the day has come !! And not somewhere and once, and in Finke on December 31 !! Well, when not now !! Near the forest, never stuck, Soon the holiday is magical, you need a Christmas tree, everything is waiting for miracles, b .... Do it all happressed Shaluns from Russia to a trip to a stern winter Finnish Forest .. In short, running forward I will say, we saved, did not cut down ... I did everything - I looked out after going to me, turned on four-wheel drive, quietly fired, no one in Su is was remembered, but ...... ..Named to the bump, slipped with her, gently posted the two wheels and ...... And on what we didn't go toko with the fims there. Alive only the tractor helped and then not from the first time, "we broke the tie ...

In the spring of 2013, "you love to ride - love and ride ..." Replaced the leakage grooves of dispassing and gearbox, candles, the hose of the hydraulic agent (finally! And then he cried so long), the racks of the stabilizer (creaked), removed and cleaned the cooling radiators (there were sweat of the nest from the hay between the radiato, and people from all service fled The center see - what if there will be eggs in the nests ..). By the way, about the latter - after cleaning and replacing the fluids of the radiators, such problems have gone such as: A frequently included in the radiator cooling fan, warm and smelling flavoring air in the cabin when Condee is enabled. All the works did in the service with friends (with the exception of candles), but the nichrome did not work cheaply (replacing the salts of dispensing and gearbox -12 thousand, radiators - 8 thousand), cleaned the injector and fuel tank (by the word-machine is very sensitive to poor-quality gasoline, and the next morning, from commerce after such a refueling sometimes does not even start)).

About overclocking. "Talking" the box is sharply started, several times sharply gazed from the traffic light and turning on the tiptronic, by turning 95m benz, after replacing candles and cleaning the injector in summer on dry asphalt to 100 km. 1 s. !! There are more parquets for 500 thousand rubles ?? There is none of them. By the way, the comfortable speed of movement is 140 km away, when from sounds - only the wind noise and from the fuel consumption, all oil-stands are playing.

In the stream, it is respected and skipped, dimensions allow it to be tugged into different bottlenecks. In the cabin, thanks to the folding seats and the smooth floor, everything was always transported and everything was carried out (with an open rear window, 4 meter rails were hijacked!). In the presence of a huge number of all sorts of pockets and pits for different trifles. Yes, in the car there are no modern digital driver helpers (ABS, TCS not counting), no turbines, gasoline consumption is somewhat high, but the money goes to it as an ordinary sedan.

Cons (in my opinion) - a small clearance, although in my case it is possible because of the protection of the thresholds, the trunk could be more, staten headlights - Just big parking lights, fast flow of pads and brakes. Discovers (perhaps depends on the style of the ride), little adjustments of the seat and steering wheel, the incomprehensible algorithm of the gearbox, twitches and drags as an unnecessted lump during the rut of the road, and of course, that the machine stopped producing (although some one Santa Fe stamps for more than ten years !!), and decent replacement At this price she does not have !!. This is one of those cars with which it is a pity to part and want a hamster to give only good hands)).

Greetings everyone here again!

Banalen will be my review for those who know Tussan or owns them. Rather soon for those who (like me a month and a half ago) is looking for a replacement for its puzzle and has accumulated a certain checksum amount of dennaunks around 600t.r. on a car with increased clearance for more confident movement of his bodies from points a and b to areas not always equipped good roads. And just I just want something more, higher, moreon ... That's something like that ...

There is no point in writing about the choice: it is obvious: Out, Kashak, Santa, Tussan, SGV, etc. etc. in different degrees of murdration and different years release. I will not smash, from all crossovers managed to really "feel" only SGV, Tussan and Sporthold. Everyone liked, something is not. BUT B. good condition It was possible to find only Tussan on the front drive with a machine gun. The machine wanted a long time ago, but it was not mandatory when choosing. For myself I decided right away - there will be no car in an offroord, therefore, the full drive nafig is not needed. Maximum forest, primer, borders and winter ice bouanes in the courtyards (Almers lacked precisely clearance during their storm). And I wanted that the car was as frequency as possible, and the four-wheel drive is an additional gemor and money for maintenance.

And here it is black hippo at my gate!

This aggregate 2008, 2l, automatic transmission, front-wheel drive, Mileage - 615t.r. Expensive or not ... in my opinion, normal. Savory's assurances in the ritness of the car were not true, recently discovered that the right back door was painted. And it is seen even to me - inexpiracted in body repair. When buying did not see - it was in Euphoria :), although I checked everything thoroughly. There are no body deformations, the door and glass is relatives, the door closes easily and the gaps are smooth - it means scratched ... And I still don't know whether it is worth changing the polyuritic sleeves that are squeezing on the bumps ... it seems like those longer serve. But creak, more precisely, they make a jumper :) Their lubricant gave effect for a week, then again Zham-Zham ... And the rest is all a bundle. Mobile starts and rides, more precisely rushing like a tank, after the almers, the effect of course there is. You sit above, you are more confident, the side of the road and curbs are not so scary, and they are still easier to go into the forest. In general, the goal was achieved.

Consumption by computer 9-10l in the city. On the highway 8. Lew 92th. I wonder if I pour 95th, then the consumption will decrease? I go differently, it happens to shoot on overtakers, the ACP thinks a fraction of a second and kikdaunitis, depending on the degree of drowsiness of the "sneaker" in the floor. In general, he has already adapted to the ACP - let's clarify the pedal a little stronger and she caked up 1 transmission down ... Little? You will also give it to another transmission - here's the dosing of acceleration. Need to overtake very quickly? - Slipper is completely in the floor and with the sound of a sports car you carry out in the distance. No meetings? You can safely overtake, do not strain the engine and the box. Nishtyak full. Personally, I grab 2l engine. You can manually leave the transmission, the benefit of the type of type Tittronic. Consumption with sharp accelerations and driving at a speed of 150km / h - 11l. This is on the computer. Who else - it means you have more :)

The salon is comfortable and spacious. In it, the pipets as convenient to enter / go out. Pleases the presence of 3 sockets (in front of the back and in the trunk) - conveniently vacuuming the salon. Rear at all is paradise, the sofa is wide, there is no tunnel in the floor, the backs can be tilted in half the position, there is really a lot of space. But with the mind and you will not say. I myself somehow skeptically treated to Tussan in terms of volume, until I had fun profile forums and did not sit in it ... After the almers there is just a pipets as spacious. And the trunk ... it seems like it is not much more ... but no ... it only seems ... 644l according to the passport .... yes FIG, with him, with a passport - the stroller Classical closes without disassembled, only legs. At the same time there is still a place for packages with products and bags ... and even the place remains! HOORAY! Almer had a stroller to disassemble, separating the top from Niza, and shuffling her all the rest in the salon. Well, maybe 1 bag would still come to the side. Well, a pleasant feature - Tusssana opens a separate glass of the trunk doors, convenient when loading "under the string" or simply when parking is close to the wall, and the door is not constantly not much. For lovely give it oh what useful chip - I really liked my wife. I will not write about the player in the salon - I did not try tooth, completely ordinary, good, did not creak anything and thank God.

Shumka - Potache than Almers. Suspension is softer, but the longitudinal squash is greater, when driving irregularities in turning sausage more accurately. On the highway goes more confident, the speed is not felt at all. 140 how on foot. The handling is light, I didn't even go on Almers. Turns easier to be easier than Almer and on greater speedAlthough before me alka was a reference to manageability. Generally to Tussan you get used to quickly, as if you always traveled on it. Everything is simple, convenient and thoughtful. And the machine makes the driving process pleasant - I went somewhere and do not even remember what was driving. Do not get tired at all. A trip to Anapa is superfluous. This is the first car, after which the spin was not sick after 1500 km-th raid.

Headlights shine perfectly, regular. On Almeral, the light was not ice.

Tires are full-time kumho, the protector is already on the outcome. Winter took new Bridge Ice Cruiser 7000 Rubbing. After the purchase, nothing was changed in the car, for the car in good condition and the former owner replaced everything before selling (oils, filters) and even made cleaning the cabin. Respect him for this, for it is nice to buy a clean and well-kept car, as if I took a new one :). The service was told to TO-60 you can ride calmly. Amen.

In winter, I will unsubscribe, "how it is winter" :)

PS: interesting feature, I have only 2 hooks on the back of the rear sofa, and all the other Tussans that I saw, they have 3 ... Wattafak? Peculiarity of the 2008 model? I don't really need it, but somehow interesting)

We all good luck and hormones of joy in addition :)!

Do not get sick and not to sneak, the cars are better to choose ...

Good day. I never wrote reviews about cars, but, becoming the owner of the new Hyundai Tussan, decided to write essay. Already acquiring a car, faced with the complete lack of constructive forums on it.

You have to climb the branches of the sports forums to find necessary information. Probably Hyundai's owners more vegetable shaped (previously was Volkswagen, there forums are filled with various interesting solutions, analogues of spare parts and other).

I also note and difficulty finding parties to details along Tussan third generation. So why is this car?

The choice was long and complicated. After three years of operation of the Folswagent Polo (1.6, automatic, climate, style Style, a mileage of about 53,000 km, was served only on the service) It was decided to replace the car on the "class higher" and, preferably a crossover.

After the first trace of car dealerships, the eye fell on Skoda Kodiak - excellent family car! Calculating the revenues, I had to admit that in the desired configuration it would not afford more than 2.2 million rubles. And wait for about three months. Also scared the new conveyor on the assembly in Russia (it seems like the codiac on the Jetta line is now collectable).

But this is a healthy car, it goes like a ship, smoothly, Valko, two-liter turbocharged engine In a pair with seven-step DSG make it frisky and confident. In general, I did not meet the car for myself in comfort and dynamics. So the codiac remained the unattainable dream.

Volkswagen Tiguan disappeared somehow immediately, it is more expensive than codiac, and there is no place and comfort in it, the hard suspension also oppresses. Mazda CH5, who was a dream of a spouse for a long time, did not come up with us too.

Somehow everything is boring around you in the cabin, as if this car was pulled. Plus a little space, behind me, I pushed my knees. We are high. In favor of Mazda, I will note the equipment of electronics and the work of the suspension.

Toyota Rav4 on a double-liter engine with a variator is a tractor. The engine is yelling with such a force that not heard driving, which passengers say with rear rows. By 2.5 l, the engine is already better, but the price tag is increasing, and the equipment of the car is not at all.

We swept on New Camry - I was impressed (I didn't like only handling, there is no powerful steering, after 140 km / h begins to swim along the road - there are no such thing on the Germans), in a suitable configuration, it was published under 1.9 million rubles. The remaining producers did not consider - the soul does not lie to them.

Korean auto industry at first did not consider at all. But in one day they decided to drive salons Kia And Hyundai, compare Sportage and Tussan. On test drive, Sportagej seemed less dynamic, the trunk also seemed less, although it seems like the same litter with Tussan. But she pushed another - the spouse in it instantly donned.


After traveling on new Hyundai. Tucson 3 The impression was positive, but the feeling remains that something is missing. So could not answer the question exactly. I note that I am indifferent to the appearance of the car, I need internal ergonomics, reliability of the chassis and engine.

But the spouse needs appearanceShe liked in Tusan. She also wanted a typewriter white colorwhich was not available. As a result, the manager of our emptiness "something is missing" filled with a 50 tr. and additionally threw off 15 tr. for color.

So we became the happy owners of two liter all-wheel drive Tussan with automatic box Transmissions in the configuration Lifestyle for 1.6 million rubles. Purchase turned out to be spontaneous, all included in the attention technical details Did not come in handy.

At the time of buying next car at all technical documentation I will not read, head only clog. That is how I bought polo before the crisis, without seeing the car, bought it on the phone, so that the money is attached.

What is the name of the car. So I did not understand Tukson it or Tussan. Tucson cuts his ear, so for us he is Tussan. Since the previous car was polo, I will compare with him. Negative moments In the operation of polo:

1. Horrible, very terrible light. In the dark you go like mole.

2. Cool car. At idle salon is not heated at all.

3. Little place in the cabin. Once again, we have a growing family.

4. Ergonomics of seats. On small trips, discomfort is not felt, but after a long distinction, the back turns into a bagel and ears.

5. Short-step front suspension. Punches on all bumps (comparing here with former Renault Logan, who swallowed for Hello 10 cm pit).

6. Constantly creaking stabilizer bushings.

Of the advantages:

1. The wonderful service of Folswagen (at first there were, of course, incidents, but then the competent locksmith and life was fixed). Fragile warranty repair The first time was replaced by creaking stabilizer bushings, replaced the fogging of the sides for the second time.

2. Heated windshield.

3. Sufficient speaker, the engine with an automatic transmission responded quickly, no problems on overtakers did not feel. In the absence of traction, the box bursts the transmission.

4. Excellent handling, steering wheel, sharp, can be released at any speed, the car is coming smooth.

Having passed on New Toussan and led me after running and holding a zero, such impressions have developed.

1. The speakers are clearly lacking, although the engine can. Long spinning before jerking. When promotes, it pulls fine. In the mode of Drive (Sport) more confidently picks up and devouring gasoline.

2. Permanent transmission is a very dubious solution, let go of the gas pedal and braking the engine begins.

3. The brakes really liked, literally bounces to the land of cars. In Polo was long braking distances, Sripping ABS and a pair of emergency moments, when you give the brake pedal, but there is no effect.

4. The climatic installation cools the air at the time.

5. Many space in the cabin.

6. Riding on borders. Quietly rolling.

7. Warm steering wheel and heating rear seats. Sorry, there is no complete heating of windshield.

8. Quiet salon. Noisy only rear arches, prospect them in the spring.

9. Seats are wonderful, with an adjustable lumbar department. Far distances have not yet rode. At distances 200 km, the back does not get tired. Rear backs Love, comfortable not only to us, but also a child.

On heat in the cabin, we find out with the arrival of winter, waiting for a long time left. Already in the morning plus 8-12 degrees. With light, it is also unclear, it gets dark. Off-road qualities Tussan also did not check - they will be useful in our operation only in loose snow.

The first impressions of the servicemen will describe later. Specialists campaign so-so.

What to expect from the used Hyundai Tucson.

To date, most Hyundai Tucson offered on secondary market Russia - indigenous sold official dealers our country. According to the reviews of the stations, it is very reliable and inexpensive in service

This car does not stand out from the crowd - the ordinary crossover with an exterior designer. Why at one time he became so popular? Cause One: Good value-quality ratio for which domestic car owners pay attention much more than on elegant or muscular body lines.

Hyundai Tucson was submitted to the general public in 2004, then he appeared in the salons of Russian dealers. It should be noted, appeared in a very good basic configuration - ABS, EBD, air conditioning, heated seats ... Top equipment Have a climatic control and a system of courseworthy.

With its title Tucson (read as "Tussan") owes the city on the southwespade of the United States (actually, the name of the other SUNDAI SANTA FE is also born and the name of the other SUV). It is the states that have become the main market for a crossover market.

Without delight

The interior of the car is compiled good enough, without visible flams, although materials, of course, are quite budget. Chairs are spacious and comfortable, the stock of adjustments will allow us to normally get a man of any growth and a set. With ergonomics, too, everything is in order, buttons and keys on the front panel do not have to reach. Enjoying fully comfort prevents hard suspension - but such as we know your advantages.

As it should be a utilitarian crossover, Tucson is quite practical and has good opportunities for transformation of the indoor space. For example, folded the second row of seats can be without extra effort, while the backs are stacked under the level of the trunk floor. Backdoor Consists of two parts - you can learn only glass or open it entirely. IN cargo compartment Such fasteners for grids, and in the cabin there are quite a few pockets and boxes for small things.

Of course, call Tucson full-fledged SUV It would be unfair. Structurally, there is nothing that it would add confidence in the congress in the dirt: no powerful frame (here - carrying the body), nor blocks (only imitation of the inter-axis), nor lower transmission ... The moves of the suspension are small - that and look during the camp Wheel will hang in the air. The bottom of the car in front of virgin nature is almost defenseless - it will not be possible to damage one of the protruding parts of labor, therefore it is necessary to treat the departures on the off-road.

The full drive system is rather designed for slippery asphalt coatings and primer after the rain. In the drive to all wheels are used equal hinges corner speeds. By default, 100% torque is transmitted to the front axle. Only when slipping the front wheels multi-disc friction clutch throws on rear axle up to 50% of the available "Newtonmeters". Also, the driver has the ability to influence the distribution of the torque, click the coupling manually by pressing the corresponding 4WD LOCK button. This is desirable only at low speeds (up to 40 km / h) and not on solid coatings. In principle, a similar to the full drive system is quite popular for parquets: Nissan X-Trail, Honda CR-V, Land Rover Freelander and many other similar models use it.

Expert comment

Sergey Surgalov, Senior Master of the Locksmith Company Block

There are definitely in the range of each manufacturer. successful models. Tucson for Hyundai is one of them. For several years of service and repair of this crossover any obvious weak places I could not identify. Problems arose only from those owners who mercilessly exploited Tucson on bad coatings or off-road. I note that, in fact, the car is not intended for serious trophy, with its design, there were completely different goals and objectives. If you managed to get into the snow or mud, do not attempt by anything to get out yourself. Regard the ACP and the electromagnetic clutch: it is not possible to leave with its own passage, do not throw a clock - resort to help from the side.

Of possible modifications I would advise a diesel with the ACP. The engine for the crossover is optimal: the supply of the thrust is sufficient, while the fuel consumption is relatively small. With the whims of Diesel, again faced not happened, which, however, does not frees the buyer from the full diagnosis of the motor on the service.

Do not worry

The gamut of the engines can be described as minimally sufficient. Economical owners will definitely prefer a two-liter petrol motor. Of course, 140 Korean "horses" is unlikely to be impressed with acceleration, but the fuel consumption is relatively moderate. At the same time, the choice of transmission is maximum: five-speed mechanics or four-band automatic machine, full or front-wheel drive (can be found). Lovers to ride launches (good on the Asphalt Tucson does not look respect) It is worth paying attention to a more powerful V6 volume of 2.7 liters, however, in this case, you are prepared for a four-wheel drive with ACP. At one time, the "six" was not very loved and called the problem engine. Indeed, the problems of Tucson 2.7 liters arose, but not at all with the engine. Owners powerful version Very love to press gas from the soul - as a result, the machine did not stand and often failed. Dealers changed the warranty ACP - the manufacturer quickly drew attention to an excessive amount of complaints, found out the cause and sent the directive to update the directive software. Today, almost all Tucson with V6 have already new software, so you should not fear the breakdown of the machine - the problem went into the past. The engine is reliable enough, except that the long timing belt can occasionally point periodically.

Very good and two-liter turbodiesel. It is a pity that officially diesel versions began to deliver only in 2007. In Europe, a clear case, it was sold before, and the turbine had variable geometry. IN russian version The turbine is simpler, but it rigorously affected the characteristic of the motor. Sitting diesel modifications While it is small, but in general there are no owners for them, no dealers.

Front suspension Tucson - type MacPherson, rear - multi-type. Special attention With urban operation, the chassis does not require. If you do not rush on the crossover on Pampasam, with the replacements of shock absorbers and silent blocks in it will have to face after 80 thousand km. A little earlier (by 60 thousand km) it is advisable to change the timing belt - perhaps, while the run of Tucson, the first serious expenses are waiting. Complex that-60 thousand km with "swakes" recommended works by the dealer will cost at least 30,000 rubles. It is not surprising that this is just that mileage when car owners prefer to change the service to unauthorized. By the way, Hyundai has a fairly extensive network of dealers, so there were no big queues for service even in pre-crisis times. In Moscow, the car takes to repair in almost any technical center - there is nothing archent in his design. The range of spare parts is impressive - popular details can always be bought in both the execution of a missing Chinese and original. Of course, most sober drivers prefer the Golden Middle.

Do not neglect and prevention. So, fuel system Experts recommend flushing every 30-40 thousand km. Each time you hang on the lift, you must check the condition of the gland electromagnetic coupling. As a rule, he does not present surprises, but, if there was a flow, it is not worth a flow, it is not worth it - it threatens the failure of the coupling (its value along with the replacement is about 40,000 rubles).

From other features - knocks in the work of shock absorbers. According to an unexplained, the reason is complaining of them mostly owners of front-wheelwater modifications. Dealers knock are recognized, but it does not consider it to be a defect - respectively, to replace the "racks" for warranties in the warranty. It seems that there really is nothing terrible - tapping shock absorbers for a long time and successfully fighting Russian road irregularities.

Not yet time

It is often necessary to hear unflattering words to the Korean Body: Say, on Metal Asians save yes and paint out of the hands badly. However, as experience shows, paintwork Tucson is perfectly opposed even to Soleny Moscow wizards. Yes, and cases of repainting details under warranty if there were, then single.

Today to choose new Tucson It is already impossible - a more recent model IX35 came to replace him. But something is still dust in the warehouses of dealers. But the owners of two-year-old cars get rid of them are not in a hurry - one more proof of a successful design. By the way, the IX35 although completely fitted under the existing fashion trends in the world of crossovers (this applies to both design and functionality, options and other fillings), nevertheless successfully borrows the transmission and running from our hero, Tucson. That's right: having something good, it does not always make sense to invent even the best.

Geometrical parameters
Length / Width / Height, mm4325/1795/1680
Wheel base, mm2630
Pitch in front / rear, mm1540/1550
Road clearance, mm195
Diameter of reversal, m10,8
The volume of the trunk, l644–1856
Corner of entry, degrees32
Congress Corner, Degrees30
Rampa angle, degrees18
Standard tires215/65R16 (27.0 "") *, 235 / 60R16 (27.1 ") *
Technical specifications
Modification2.0CrDI2.0CrDI2.0 2.7
Engine operating volume, cm 31991 1991 1975 2656
Location and quantity. CylindersR4.R4.R4. V6.
Power, kW (hp) at rpm82 (112) at 4000103 (140) at 4000103 (140) at 6000127 (173) at 6000
Torque, nm at rpm255 at 2000.305 at 1800.186 at 4500.245 at 4500.
Transmission5mkp (4AKP)5mkp (4AKP)5mkp (4AKP) 4AKP
Maximum speed, km / h168 (162) 178 174 (160) 180
Acceleration time, with13,8 (16,1) 11,1 (12,8) 11,3 (12,7) 10,5
Fuel consumption city / Route, l per 100 km 9,2 (10,1)/5,9 (6,7) 8,8 (10,3)/5,9 (6,6) 10,6 (11,9)/6,8 (7,4) 13,2/8,2
Curb weight, kg1585 (1610) 1610 (1625) 1554 (1572) 1609
Full weight, kg2210 2210 2140 2190
Fuel / tank tank, lDT / 58.DT / 58.AI-95/58AI-95/58
* In brackets indicated the outer diameter of tires

Ownership views

Yuri Vasilenko Age - 53 years

In 2004, he bought one of the first Tucson from Russian dealers. Departure a little less than 100 thousand km, I remain car satisfied. It is quite convenient, comfortable, has a good dynamics with a 2.7 liter engine. From claims - except for fuel consumption (under urban operation - 16 l / 100 km) and a short service life of regular shock absorbers (those walked from the conveyor, it was necessary to replace after 40 thousand km, although with irregularities I care). A little later changed silent blocks in rear suspension - But this is for cars operated in Russia, already the norm. More serious problems With Tucson for all the time there was no time.

Alexey Gomolsky Age - 37 years
Hyundai Tucson 2.7 l, AKP (2006)

The car liked first of all good ratio price quality. Of course, it is necessary to understand that the Korean crossover is not luxury SUV. In the cabin is noisy, plastics are very budget. It just needs to be perceived as proper. But the volume of the trunk makes it possible to easily place the baby carriage in it. And in general, I do not complain - beautiful car For your money: comfortable, roomy, and in the content inexpensive.
It always started with the floor turnover and, except for the passage of the planned, it did not require attention.

Approximate prices on spare parts *, rub.
Spare partsOriginalNon-original
Front wing4200 1450
Front bumper8800 4700
Front light5700 2900
Windbreak glass12 000 7200
Ignition coil450 250
Air filter400 220
Front stabilizer racks500 270
Front stabilizer bushings290 190
Tie rod end600 380
Shock absorber front5100 3700
Shock absorber rear4400 3600
Front brake pads2550 450
Brake pads rear1700 1600
Front brake discs4500 2200
Brake discs rear4100 2050
* For modification of Hyundai Tucson 2.0 5MCP 4WD
Rules of work by maintenance For Hyundai Tucson 4WD
Operations12 months
15,000 km
24 months
30,000 km
36 months
45,000 km
48 months
60,000 km
60 months
75,000 km
72 months.
90,000 km
84 months
105,000 km
96 months
120,000 km
108 months
135,000 km
120 months
150,000 km
Motor oil and filter. . . . . . . . . .
Coolant . . .
Air filter. . . . . . . . . .
Filter of ventilation system in the cabin. . . . . . . . . .
Fuel filter (gasoline) . .
Fuel filter (diesel). . . . . . . . . .
Spark plug . . . . .
Drive strap timing and his rollers . .
Drive belt Balancing shafts . .
Liquid in the brake system . . . . .
Oil in rk and gearboxes . .
Oil B. mechanical box Transmissions .
Oil in an automatic transmission .

text: Alexey Fedorov
Photo: manufacturer and author

Hyundai Tucson 2.0.

Year of issue: 2007

Engine: 2.0 PPC: A4.

Bought a new one in the cabin. Petrol. Machine. For 9 years I have never broken! Mileage 190,000 km. Machine is very pleased! I go every day. Tukson IX 35 Do not buy - break often. Buy only until 2010 release.

Review O Hyundai Tucson 2.0 left: Sergey from Dnipro

Average rating: 3.19

Hyundai Tucson 2.0.

Year of issue: 2015

Engine: 2.0 (150 hp) PPC: A6.

Took Hyundai Tucson because already in primary equipment The car is well equipped. You can purchase a machine with front-wheel drive, an automatic transmission with a good set of options. I have a second comfort equipmentHere there is everything you need for a comfortable driving: climate control, heating steering and front seats, rear parkingRonik, audio system, electric car, heating windshield In the zone of wipers. Competitors for the same money equipped poorer.