Torsion beam pros and cons. Torsion bar suspension

Automotive industry is developing at a rapid pace. Every year companies come up with new systems and technologies. Today everyone is accustomed to cars with independent. But not so long ago, cars were produced only with torsion bar suspension (Renault is no exception). What is it and how does it work? Consider in our today's article.

Feature and device

Torsion bar suspension- This is a kind of suspension, where the function of the working element is performed by torsion bars. What are these elements? The torsion bar is a metal twisting mechanism. Consists of plates or rods of round (rarely square) cross-section. These plates work together to twist. The torsion bar can be used as auxiliary device(as a stabilizer lateral stability) or as an elastic element. The element is attached to the wheel hub assembly and passes in the form of a rubber-metal hinge to the hinge assembly. The sections of the torsion bars act as suspension arms.

The beam itself can be applied longitudinally or transversely. The latter option is used most often on passenger cars mobiles. The longitudinal version is found on trucks. But regardless of the type of location, the beam is designed to correct the roll when turning and increase the smoothness of the ride when passing bumps.

In general, the system consists of the following elements:

  • Drive.
  • Brake disc.
  • Lower and upper arm.
  • Bridge.
  • Torsion.
  • Beams.
  • Anti-roll bars.
  • Shock absorber.

How it works?

The principle of operation of the torsion bar suspension is quite simple. So, the ends of the beam are rigidly attached to the body or frame of the car (if it is a car or truck). When moving, a twisting force acts on the beam. In this case, the shaft tends to return the wheel to its place. If fitted with an optional electric motor, the driver may be able to adjust the suspension stiffness. Thus, the operation of the torsion bar suspension is similar to that of a spring or sprung suspension. The system performs several tasks:

  • Adjusts the roll angle when cornering.
  • Provides a smooth ride.
  • Absorbs vibrations from wheels and frame.
  • Stabilizes the wheels.

Where is it applied?

This suspension can be found on old frame SUVs. These include "Mitsubishi-Pajero", as well as the American "Suburban" and "Tahoe". On passenger cars, such a suspension scheme is practically not used (in the days of the USSR, such a structure was used on the Zaporozhets). Among the famous foreign cars it is worth noting Renault Laguna and Peugeot 405. Use multi-link suspension then it was difficult and expensive, and the torsion bar provided a high smoothness of the course.


Among the advantages of the torsion bar suspension of the car, it is worth highlighting the ease of operation. So, the system is very simple, which makes it easy to carry out repairs and maintenance. Also, this suspension can be adjusted in terms of stiffness. A car enthusiast can independently build up torsion bars to suit his driving style, make undercarriage softer or harder.

The next advantage concerns weight. This suspension weighs much less than its counterparts. At the same time, it is distinguished by its small size. This feature allowed the use of torsion bar suspension on "Peugeot" and other small cars.

One of the most significant benefits is reliability. This undercarriage requires virtually no repairs. And if this is a torsion bar suspension of a trailer, then it is completely eternal. Over the entire period of operation, the owners were faced only with the need to adjust the rigidity.


Among other features, it should be noted the ability to adjust the clearance. Not everyone has such an opportunity. modern car... In this case, one key was used to adjust the ride height. It was necessary to unscrew or tighten the necessary adjusting bolt inside the crossbeam. When the lever is raised, the vehicle's ground clearance increases. When lowering ground clearance decreases. As practice shows, the clearance can be changed by 5-7 centimeters.


Now let's note the cons of the torsion bar suspension. They are quite serious, and therefore such a system is no longer used on cars. So why is torsion bar suspension a thing of the past?

The first problem is the car's oversteer. Compared to modern multi-link counterparts, this chassis only slightly reduces roll. It is very difficult to keep such a car at speed. Especially it concerns frame SUVs, which have a high center of gravity and a huge curb weight.

The next drawback is constant vibrations, which are transmitted to the body and to the frame in the event of passing irregularities. This is especially felt rear passengers... Such a suspension cannot be called comfortable.

Further, it is worth noting the needle bearings. They are an integral part of the torsion shaft. The resource of these bearings is 70 thousand kilometers. The elements are protected by gaskets and rubber seals, however, due to the constant exposure to aggressive media, these seals are cracked. Mud and water begin to seep through them. As a result, the bearing is damaged. This expands the beam seats. This phenomenon contributes to a change in the wheel shaft. If you start the problem, you will have to completely change the beam.

About repair

Since this suspension loses its elasticity over time, the vehicle's ground clearance decreases. To restore it to factory values, you need to adjust the suspension using a wrench. Also, repair operations include replacement:

  • Rear beam torsion bars.
  • Rear beam levers.
  • Needle bearings.
  • Rear beam pins.

When overhaul beams are required to dismantle torsion bars. To avoid problems during assembly, it is required to first outline the position of the torsion bar on the beam. To remove the torsion itself, you need to remove it from the spline connection. To do this, an inertial surveyor is needed. Sometimes it is necessary to strip the threads on the spline connection. This section turns sour, and it is not so easy to dismantle the torsion bar.

When repairing such a suspension, needle bearings are most often replaced. To do this, you need to extract the following elements:

  • Rear beam levers.
  • Torsion.

There are two bearings in total (one on each side). The problem is that it is impossible to determine the health of an element on your own. And further operation of the beam with a worn out bearing leads to irreversible wear of the axle. Repairing the rear beam arm is the most difficult operation. It is performed on a special one. It is impossible to do such work on your own. This requires skills and knowledge.

And finding a good specialist in this field with the right equipment is quite difficult.


Before adjusting this suspension, it is worthwhile to diagnose the chassis. Often old cars have hidden defects in the chassis. They influence the work of torsion bars. You should also check the wheel alignment. The torsion bars will rise to the desired height only when the angles are correct. Otherwise, the owner will face such a problem as rubber tread. You should also change the distance from the center of the front axle to the edge of the wing. This parameter should be about 50 centimeters. If all is well, you can start setting up. The adjusting bolt itself is in the center and is slightly recessed into the frame.

Instead of a conclusion

So, we found out what a torsion bar suspension is. As you can see, it has both positive and negative sides... But no matter how reliable it is, most car manufacturers prefer spring independent suspension. Now its resource has become no less than that of a torsion bar. And the level of comfort cannot be compared.

The torsion bar is a metal elastic element that works for twisting. As a rule, it is a metal rod with a circular cross-section with a splined connection at the ends. A torsion bar can consist of a set of plates, rods, a beam of a certain section. Structurally, the torsion bar is attached at one end to the body or frame of the car, and at the other end to the guide element - to the lever. When the wheels move, the torsion bar is twisted, thereby achieving an elastic connection between the wheel and the body. A feature of torsion bars is rotation only in one direction - in the direction of twisting. Another feature is that the torsion bar can be used to adjust the height of the body. Torsion bars are used in different types independent suspensions: on double wishbones, on trailing arms, with connected trailing arms (torsion beam).

In a torsion bar suspension on double wishbones, the torsion bars are located parallel to the body, due to which their length and, accordingly, elastic properties can be adjusted in a wide range. One end of the torsion bar is attached to the lower transverse arm (less often to the upper arm), the other end to the vehicle frame. This design torsion bar suspension used as front suspension passenger cars off-road vehicles - some models of American and Japanese SUVs. In the torsion bar suspension on the trailing arms, the torsion bars are connected to the trailing arms and, accordingly, are located across the body. This torsion bar suspension design is used as rear suspension some models of small cars. A special place in the design of torsion suspensions is occupied by the so-called. torsion beam or suspension with associated trailing arms. The guiding device of this suspension is two trailing arms rigidly connected to each other by a beam. The trailing arms are attached to the body on one side and to the wheel hubs on the other. The beam has a U-shaped cross-section, therefore it has high bending stiffness and low torsional stiffness. This property allows the wheels to move up and down independently of each other. The torsion beam is now widely used as a rear suspension front wheel drive vehicles small and middle class. Due to its design, the suspension with a torsion bar occupies an intermediate position between the dependent and independent types of suspensions, therefore its other name is semi independent suspension.

History of appearance

Torsion bar suspension has been in use since the mid-1930s on cars. French brand Citroen. In the 1940s, torsion bars were used on racing cars Porsche. Subsequently, they were used by many other automakers. For example, Renault, ZiL and Chrysler. The use of the torsion bar suspension was primarily due to good performance smooth running and simplicity of design.

Types of torsion suspensions

Front independent torsion bar suspension on wishbones The front torsion bar suspension on wishbones (one or two, depending on the design) consists of the following elements: A longitudinally located torsion bar that works for torsion and replaces the spring. The upper or lower arm that receives the main load, through which the force is transferred to the torsion bar. Damping element - a shock absorber that damping vibrations. Anti-roll bar, which compensates for body roll when driving. The compactness of the front wishbone torsion bar suspension allows efficient use of free space... For example, for the installation of massive wheel drives. In this regard, torsion bars have become widespread in the production of frame SUVs combining increased cross-country ability with suspension softness. For example, Toyota Land Cruiser 100 (mounting the torsion bar to the lower arm) and Toyota Hilux Surf (torsion on upper arm). Torsion bars are also used on the front axle of commercial vehicles.

Rear independent suspension with transverse torsion bars

In the designs of the rear suspensions with a longitudinal arrangement of the levers, the torsion bars are installed transversely. Legendary French Renault car 16, produced until the 1990s, was equipped with a front suspension with longitudinal torsion bars, and a rear suspension with transversely. Feature elastic elements the rear suspension was their location - one was behind the other, which constructively attracted a difference in the wheelbase on the sides of the car (one of the wheels was closer to the front by a few centimeters). The handling and stability of the car left much to be desired, but it was the compactness of the torsion bar suspension that made it possible to significantly increase the volume luggage compartment, which largely determined the popularity of the model. Currently, such a suspension scheme is not used by automakers.

Semi-independent rear torsion beam

The semi-independent U-shaped torsion beam, which has an integrated elastic bar, becomes more bending strength. At the same time, it allows the wheels of one axle to move slightly relative to each other when driving over irregularities. This improves the handling and stability of the vehicle. This suspension is used on rear axle most budget front wheel drive vehicles.

Benefits of torsion bar suspension

✔ High smoothness. ✔ Compact and lightweight. ✔ High maintainability. ✔ Simplicity and reliability of the design.

Disadvantages of torsion bar suspension

✔ Difficulty of torsion bar production. ✔ Mediocre car handling. Currently, the front independent suspension, where torsion bars are installed as elastic elements, is used in the production of trucks and SUVs that are not intended for dynamic driving. In addition, the torsion bar suspension is successfully used in the design of the chassis of tanks and other special tracked vehicles.


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Have you heard such a thing as "torsion bar suspension"? Not sure what this is about? This is a kind of suspension, where the main element is the torsion bar.

Device and principle of operation

The torsion bar is made of, its work is carried out on twisting. It is a steel bar connected to a slot at the ends. Also, this part can consist of a beam of a specific section, a set of plates.

The torsion bar is attached to the car body or to its frame, and the other end is attached to the lever. When the wheels move, it spins, so there is an inextricable bond between the body and the wheel. It looks like a torsion bar suspension.

Torsion bars rotate exclusively one-sided. Another no less important feature a similar element is that it is also used to determine the height of the body. The torsion bar suspension works during rotation. In order to understand its specifics, one can imagine outstretched hand with a rotating wrist.

Types of independent suspensions

Independent torsion bar has several types:

  • On double wishbones.

Here the torsion bar is parallel to the body, so its length lends itself to regulation in a wide range. So, one end of the suspension is attached to the wishbone, and the other to the frame of the machine. This design is often found on SUVs where it acts as a front suspension.

  • On the trailing arms.

In this case, the torsion bars are located in the transverse zone of the body. They are mainly used to create the rear suspension of cars.

  • Linked trailing arms.

In this embodiment, the guides are 2 longitudinal levers, which are connected to each other by means of a beam. This is how the torsion bar rear suspension is created in front-wheel drive vehicles.

Sometimes this is necessary to ensure alignment in automatic mode using a motor pulling the beams together to increase rigidity.

A bit of history

The torsion bar suspension of the car has been used for a long time. It was first used on a Citroen Traction Avant. Then German manufacturers released the famous Volkswagen Beetle, where the main detail was the torsion bar. This design has gained wide popularity largely due to its simple manufacturing scheme and compact size.

Later it began to be used on the Zaporozhets car, where it acted as a front suspension with two square torsion bars. Therefore, one should not be surprised that such a design is especially popular today.

Suspension advantages and disadvantages

In order to understand what is so special about her, it is necessary to consider the pros and cons. But first we define positive characteristics inherent in torsion bar suspension:

  • Low weight of the structure;
  • You can adjust the rigidity of the ground clearance and suspension;
  • Simple repair and service.

Among negative characteristics should be highlighted such as:

  • The need for expensive technologies in the production process;
  • Load limitation due to stress in the weld.
  • Failure to create a progressive increase in firmness.

Torsion bar suspension is used in most cases on SUVs and trucks

Is the torsion bar suspension loose? Nothing wrong with that. It is enough just to correct its position with a wrench by tightening the bolts. But you need to act carefully so that excessively overtightened parts when moving the machine do not create a greater rigidity of care. In fact, adjusting the torsion bar suspension is simple, it is more difficult to do it when it comes to spring structures.

Today this type of suspension is used in most cases on SUVs and trucks. famous brands- Dodge, General Motors and Ford.

When choosing a car, every car enthusiast spends a long time in deep thought, sometimes tormented by his experiences and fears, and sometimes lives in anticipation of this joyful moment - - for someone first, and for someone the next. However, there are many issues to be resolved, and one of them is the car with which suspension to choose.

It's better to decide in advance what kind of suspension you want.

Suspension - what is it?

Surely not every one of us in the 21st century had the opportunity to ride in a horse-drawn cart on a cart, to experience the sensations of every dimple and pothole. So this is the clearest example of a vehicle without the same suspension. It is such an important part of the car as the suspension that determines the level of comfort, ease of control, as well as stability and cross-country ability. Today there are several types of pendants, among which the following main parts can be distinguished:

  • Fasteners.
  • Stabilizing elements of lateral elasticity.
  • Distributing elements of the direction of force.
  • An extinguishing moment.
  • Elastic elements.

Each type of suspension has its own pros and cons.

Suspension by degree of elasticity

According to the type of elastic element, the suspension is usually divided into four types:

  • Torsion bar.
  • Spring loaded.
  • Leaf springs.
  • Pneumatic.

The torsion bar suspension consists of rods twisting under load. One of the torsion bars is high elasticity. The basis of the structure is made of steel, hardened under the influence of high temperatures... If the torsion bar suspension is briefly characterized, in just a few words, then the following immediately comes to mind: resistance to shock loads, durability, compactness.

The leaf spring suspension has found its application for a long time. Even wealthy nobles could afford to equip carts with a spring suspension, which significantly increased the comfort of travel. The base is metal plates connected together, which partially act as shock absorbers, reducing the load on the latter. Advantage - high endurance, disadvantage - not the best, to put it mildly, elasticity indicators and a large mass of the structure.

The air suspension is characterized primarily by high cost and increased level comfort. In vehicles with air suspension, the ground clearance can be adjusted in height, and the degree of elasticity can also be adjusted. Due to its complexity, this type of chassis is not widely used in our country.

The spring undercarriage, which is the main "competitor" of the torsion bar, has a very wide application... The main advantages are low cost, availability, reliability, as well as providing more comfort. Cons - low load capacity, spring sensitivity to high loads.

Torsion bar or spring?

So which suspension is better: torsion bar or spring? Owners, experts and ordinary people alike cannot find common ground, challenging each of the opinions on the question of which, in the end, the chassis to choose. Modern manufacturers began to combine in some car models and use both types of elastic elements. For example, the so-called "heels" or "pickups" have a front spring suspension, and the rear - a torsion bar, which provides excellent softness and comfort for passengers and the driver, and it is possible to carry small loads weighing a couple of hundred kilograms. Fully spring-loaded suspension can be used in cars executive class, in those vehicles that do not imply the transportation of even medium-sized cargo.

Dependent or independent ?!

Every motorist should also think about this question when choosing his "swallow". It is on the suspension is divided: dependent and independent. Dependent is a structure in which two wheels of one axle are rigidly connected to each other. In this case, the movement of one wheel in the axle affects the movement of the second. The dependent "design" is used mainly on rear-wheel drive cars, a shining example are "Zhiguli", as well as powerful heavy-duty cars and tractors. One of the main disadvantages of this type is the heavy assembly weight. In the case when the bridge is used as a leading one, the smoothness of the ride is lost.

Independent suspension is a complex design in which one wheel in an axle does not depend on another wheel in the same axle, and if there is some dependence, then it is minimal. Now manufacturers use several types of this type of construction: McPherson (McPherson), multi-link, single-link. Each of them, naturally, has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most effective, soft and comfortable is multi-link, but it is also the most impractical and expensive to operate. It is widely used in executive cars. Most of the vehicles in use use the MacPherson strut - semi-independent suspension with average cost service and an acceptable level of comfort.

Operation in Russia

Determine which is the best suspension for Russian roads, our compatriots cannot specifically. It all depends on the purpose for which you take, what you expect from it, from what price range it is. Your driving style also greatly influences the choice. Best suspension the car is one with which you will feel confident on the road and comfortable in the cabin. For the transportation and delivery of goods, it is better to use a more durable suspension, that is, a torsion bar or even a spring one. For daily driving in the city in a small car or an economy class car, you can choose a MacPherson strut or single-link suspension. Business class, of course, got used to comfort, for them a multi-link independent suspension will be an excellent basis for a comfortable ride.

Make a choice only in the right direction, and, as they say, no nail, no rod!

Let's define what a car suspension is. It is a device that provides elastic grip car wheels with a supporting system, and also regulating the position of the body when driving, which reduces the load on the wheels.

Currently offered Various types suspensions: spring, pneumatic, spring, torsion, etc. So, the torsion type is torsion shafts made of metal that work in torsion, with one end attached to the chassis, the other to a special lever standing perpendicularly and connected to the axle.

The manufacture of such a part is made from heat-treated steel, which directly allows it to withstand heavy loads at the moment of torsion.

The main principle of the suspension is considered to be bending work.

Application of the torsion model

The location of the torsion beam is possible longitudinally and transversely. The longitudinal arrangement is used on large, heavy trucks... On passenger cars, a transverse arrangement is used, usually on a rear wheel drive.

In these two cases, the mechanism is designed to ensure smooth running, roll control when cornering, ensure optimal damping of oscillations of the wheels, body, and reduce oscillations of the steered wheels.

For some vehicles, the torsion bar suspension is used for automatic alignment using a motor that pulls the beams for additional rigidity, depending on the speed, as well as the condition of the road surface.

Height adjustable design can be used when changing wheels. It is when vehicle lifted with three wheels, and the 4th is lifted with a jack. The main advantage of this type of suspension is considered to be durability, ease of height adjustment, as well as compactness in the width of the transport.

It takes up much less space than coil springs. Of course, the torsion bar configuration is easy to operate and also easy to maintain.

Work process

In this video, you will learn how the torsion bar suspension works.

Due to the fact that the torsion shaft is fixed rigidly on the body or frame of the car, twisting forces act on it during suspension operation. But the torsion shaft is made of a special alloy and has a certain hardening, which allows it to work as a spring element.

At the moment of twisting, the shaft tends to return car wheel to its original position. So, the principle of operation is similar to a spring or sprung version of this auto part. The semi-independent suspension is a suspension system made in the form of two trailing arms trailing arms connected by a cross member.

The main advantages of such a mechanism:

  • ease of installation;
  • light weight;
  • compactness.

The key disadvantage is the ability to use it only on a non-driving axle.

Suspension adjustment

In the case of a loose suspension, it is possible to adjust the positions using an ordinary wrench. It is enough to get down the car, tighten the necessary bolts. The main thing is not to overdo it in order to avoid excessive rigidity of the stroke at the moment of movement. Adjustment of torsion parts is easier than adjustment of spring types.

Car manufacturers are changing the torsion beam to regulate the position of movement depending on the weight of the engine.

Key repair properties

Considering all the problems torsion beams, it can be concluded that the maintenance, as well as the repair of the torsion bar suspension, is associated with the following situations:

  • Height regulation of the structure.
  • Dismantling or replacing torsion bars.
  • Replacement of needle bearings.
  • Replacement of fingers, axles of the rear beam.
  • Rear beam arm repair.

Rear suspension height adjustment should not be viewed as a complete structural repair. This usually happens due to the fact that the car owner wants to lift rear end auto.

Sometimes the change in the height of the beam is intended to increase the rigidity and reduce the settlement of the car rear end, at maximum load. You need to know that the rear beam torsion bar is not able to work when the rear beam height changes, it will be operated under a more aggressive load, and this may affect its resource.

The process of changing the height consists in changing the position of the torsion, or rather its splined end, as well as the sprocket. The torsion bar has slotted connectors at the ends. The torsion bar is attached at one end to the slotted connector, the rear beam lever.
And the other - into the connector on the beam body. If repairs are in progress of this type suspension, then you will need to dismantle the torsion bars.

In this situation, it is important to make the torsion bars' native position in the rear beam so that at the time of installation it is clear what is being inserted and also where. In order to dismantle the torsion bar in the process of pulling from the splined connection, an inertial puller is used.

The puller pin is screwed into the thread at the end of the torsion bar, maybe this thread should be cleaned.

Often spline connections"Sour" or "stick", in this case, a standard stripper will not help, only an ordinary sledgehammer can help out.

Often torsion bar suspension repairs involve replacing the rear beam needle bearings. According to some data, the process of replacing needle bearings is required after 80,000 km.

When replacing bearings, it will be necessary to dismantle the torsion bars, as well as the beam levers. Each side of the beam contains two bearings. The most dangerous problem of the rear beam is the wear of the needle bearing, because it is difficult for an ordinary car enthusiast to determine.

In the absence of diagnostics, the car is also operated with a crumbled bearing, thereby aggravating the problem. As a result, the axle wears out. Of course, the axles of the rear beam can be replaced, but this is very difficult at home, since in addition to knowledge and experience, special equipment and devices are required.

Stations Maintenance will not replace axles, but only offer a new beam assembled with new axles, and this is a very expensive proposition.

The most difficult case when repairing a torsion-type structure is destruction seat bearing in the lever. This rarely happens, in a very "neglected" situation.

The destruction of the seat occurs for the reasons that the pin of the rear beam, although much less often, since this place is protected by an outer bearing race. Lever repair process: restoration of the seat on metal cutting equipment.

The main problem of the beam arm restoration is the search for the required equipment, such work is carried out on a boring lathe.


In this section, there are photos of torsion mounts for a tank, trailer and others.