Casca off-road. New crossover Nissan Qashqai - innovation in every detail. Look at the video as Kia copes with off-road

Nissan Qashqai 2 - an inexpensive Family Crossover with large trunk. Nissan Cascai Crossover or SUV

Nissan Cascai Crossover or SUV. Nissan Qashqai 2010 - 2013

review of the updated Japanese crossover Nissan Qashqai 2018

Not so long ago, one of the most popular Japanese crossovers was updated. What was the new compact SUV from the Asian brand? We will talk about this in our review Nissan Cascai.

Features of the appearance of the model

Start Overview Cascai worth exactly from external decoration This vehicle. The car received an original design that many have to do. Now vehicle absolutely not reminds of his "older brother" Nissan X-Trail.

From the first seconds of dating, the look stops on a V-shaped radiator lattice and a bit of beveled headlights. All this adds models of modern and sportiness.

Now everything looks more dynamically and youth. Also, the car received alloy wheels with a diagonal of 18 inches, which look quite aggressively and defiantly. It is possible for some appearance is even too dynamic, but in modern world motorists Most appreciates the impressiveness and sportiness, so that the Japanese designers made the right choice by attaching a car of such an appearance.

Despite some "sharpness" of headlights, the body itself is made using smooth lines. Everything looks very harmonious and holistic. In this case, such a smoothness also has a positive effect on the streamloughness of the vehicle.

I also please the optics in Nissan. Not only is it LED (that is, in the dark, the brightness of the brightness is enough even for performing complex maneuvers). In addition, adaptive headlights. If necessary, they can rotate 15 degrees.

Video Review of the updated Nissan Casca:

Qashqai: Interior Overview

Looking inside, you will see a stylish and attractive interior, the finish of which pleases the eye. It is worth saying that manufacturers began to use better materials for car interior design. This undoubtedly speaks in favor of this vehicle.

The front chairs were updated, their backs were significantly thinner. Nevertheless, it does not affect comfort - the driver and the passenger sit still comfortably. At the same time, they now have much more space to straighten their legs. It will also be convenient for a passenger in the rear seat. If necessary, three people can accommodate there, but for high and not too thin people it will be quite uncomfortable. In addition to ordinary seats, more elite leather options with a 3D stitch are available. Thus, the rich equipment looks very luxurious.

Review of the new Kashka showed also that changed and steering wheel. It is made in D-shaped. It also adds a car convenience and originality.

From the equipment it is worth emphasizing the high-quality speaker system. As many as eight speakers all over the cabin are responsible for the sound to be clean and deep. Multimedia also received a new screen. Now get acquainted with all necessary information Even easier and more convenient.

The trunk of the vehicle is designed for 439 liters.

At the same time, it has a built-in multifunctional organizer, with which the goods can be divided for additional convenience and the safety of transportable objects.

In principle, there is no point in talking about equipment for a long time - there is still the same, and in the other cars of this class. In addition to other skimming, the top package goes along with:

  • the function of the invisible run of the motor;
  • 2-zone climate control;
  • chambers with a review of 360 degrees;
  • satellite navigator, etc.

NEW CASKAY: Overview of technical parameters

Conducting a review of the new Nissan Qashqai, it is worth staying on the power units that can be equipped with a vehicle. Three engines are available to the selection of motorists:

  • gasoline turbo engine with a volume of 1.2 liters and with a capacity of 115 horses;
  • 2-liter atmospheric engine for 2.0 liters and 144 horsepower;
  • diesel turbocharged 130-strong power unit with a volume of 1.6 liters.

Gasoline versions, on average, take 6-7 liters, diesel power unit consumes an order of magnitude less fuel - Total 5 l in a mixed cycle.

Motors are pleased with their good burden already on the initial speed. As a result, it will help with overtaking machines on the track. At the same time, the engines work almost silently, resulting in comforting comfort for the driver and passengers. Nissan Qashqai Review showed that even at a speed of 110 km / hour there are no extraneous sounds.

The choice has versions with a manual gearbox and variator. Also manufacturers are offered to purchase a all-wheel drive vehicle. In this case, on Nissan, it will be safe to go on roads with a bad coating, as well as ride off the road. The suspension is very high-quality, so any irregularities smooth. At the same time, she now became somewhat tougher. But this led to the increased stability of the machine on turns - the rins of the body decreased strongly.

Available sports mode. Thanks to this option, the accelerator will become more sensitive, the sharpness of the steering wheel increases.

Easy to control

You can not skip and another important nuance, making an Overview of Nissan Qashqai New. Driving such a vehicle more than convenient. In this driver will help the built-in Nissan Propilot. This system is designed to control the machine within the same strip. Analyzing the situation, the vehicle will or accelerate, or slow down, or follow with a constant tempo, which is especially important for driving in traffic jams.

There are also several other assistants, thanks to which the driver will be much more comfortable to be driving. This should include pedestrian recognition feature, the ability to automatically brake in emergency situations etc. At height and safety - active and passive systems will help avoid road transport situations and minimize damage in case of accidents.

Small outcome

In the end I want to say that the updated model of the famous japanese crossover It became even better than previous options. At the same time, the manufacturer undoubtedly took into account all the wishes of its customers. Especially pleased with the rich version of the car, which will simply affect its owners. At the same time, this will require a sufficiently solid amount.

If we talk about the basic configuration, then everything is exactly as in other crossovers. Yes, the car is stylish, reliable and functional, but there is nothing supername. But, in any case, one thing is clear: updated Nissan Cashkina accurately deserves the attention of all motorists.

Video Test Drive Nissan Qashqai New:

For me, there is no doubt - this is the most real compact SUV. On the streets of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere the test drive was held, he was tested among the currently concealing salty agents with the superiority of a full-fledged representative of the clan "4x4". None convincing, but the road clearance of 20 cm is by no means a typical feature passenger car. To sit in "Qashqai", do not carefully "put" your body in the salon pressed to the ground, as you have to drivers ordinary cars. In this "Nissan" you sit like in any other computer

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Test Drive Nissan Qashqai - Declassified Element (Qashqai 1.6, 2.0)

"Nissan Qashqai" - a big hatchback or a small SUV?

Externally, the new crossover "Nissan" retained the traits, usually characterized by SUVs. The highly planted body clearly quotes the stylistic motifs of the prestigious "Murano", a full drive system is present as an option. At the same time, representatives of the Japanese company persistently promote extracurricular image new car. Say, this is no longer a golf class hatchback (although in length is quite suitable for this segment), but also not a representative of the tribe compact SUVsin which Nissan has a well-known "X-Trail". What is actually a new "Qashqai"? Status thing

Qashqai has a completely off-road clearance - 20 cm.

The layout of the cabin provides a high off-road planting of the crew.

For me, there is no doubt - this is the most real compact SUV. On the streets of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere the test drive was held, he was tested among the currently concealing salty agents with the superiority of a full-fledged representative of the clan "4x4". None convincing, but the road clearance of 20 cm is by no means a typical feature of the passenger car. To sit down in Qashqai, do not carefully "put" your body into the salon pressed to the ground, as you have to drivers of ordinary cars. You are sitting in this "Nissan", as if in any other compact SUV: almost without bendingly entered, landed on a wide seat - and already driving ...

According to the manufacturer's company, among the buyers "Qashqai" there will be those people who have not been going to at all at all to acquire the car brand "Nissan". After all, this is a unique offer: at the price of the average two-liter hatchback or golf grade sedan you get almost real SUV. "Almost" - because only the front-wheel drive "Qashqai" is available for this money and only with a 1.6 l power engine with a capacity of 115. A two-liter model will naturally cost a larger amount, and for the full drive system will have to pay solid. But in any case, according to the value of the price and the "quantity" of the proposed car "Qashqai" is highlighted in the market. Even if it is to equip it on the highest level, then the price of the new Nissan will make it only to the lower plank value of other compact SUVs of Japanese brands. Get a stylish compact SUV of a distinguished brand from the country of the rising sun for such money before was unrealistic. Only Korean "Hyundai Tucson", "Kia Sportage" and the American "Dodge Caliber" offered a similar value for money. Therefore, "Qashqai" is undoubtedly waiting for more than a warm reception in the market. Let's see what can be obtained by trading the usual hatchback on this "half-season".

In my opinion, the main thing that will flatter the owners of "Qashqai", is respect from the neighbors along the street stream. As - in no way, the car has an appearance of a typical jeep. And when "Qashqai" in the most expensive configuration, on cast discs, sparkles xenon headlights- Here the reverence of it manifests itself, perhaps, not less than to his older brother "Murano". Behind the "Baranka" of the ordinary Machine of the Golfin even the middle class of such a relationship will not wait.

Of course, low cost determines its features. Plastic in the cabin is quite soft, but in general, compact SUVs are finishing and better. The interior design is not a banal, but also bright originality does not shine. Except, perhaps, the oval window in a combination of instruments in which the data is displayed on-board computer and fuel reserve pointers and coolant temperature. Their testimony, cursed to the very edges of the screen, are perceived with great difficulty. A very nontrivial solution ... However, the interior design "Qashqai" is unlikely to play a decisive role for model buyers. The main thing here is the equipment.

Every whim for your money

Fuel reserve pointers and coolant temperatures are transferred to the backcomputer display.

Rear seats due to vertical landing It turned out very spacious.

Having looked around the salon "Qashqai", you find a lot of interesting things in it: the seat of the seat, the engine starting system (as well as access to the car) without an ignition key, the automation of light and "janitors", cruise control, navigator, two-zone "climate ", Course stabilization system and chamber rear review - Most of these options will probably be on Russian top versions of the model. Moreover, the prices declared by the representation "Nissan" will remain at the same level, the fee for such a set of additional equipment looks quite moderate. The only thing that will definitely not be on cars in our dealers salons is a huge glass of almost the entire length of the roof closed with a curtain with an electric drive. Experts "Nissan" do not exclude that it can crack from shaking on domestic roads and serious temperature differences. My personal opinion: well, not necessary. Look at the sky through dirty divorces on the glass ceiling - the pleasure is so-so, and there are no other option in the rolled and dyed Russian cities.

But to observe the ahead of the car from the height of off-road landing and clearance of 20 cm - it is pleasant and useful for safety. But with the statements that "Qashqai" is able to deliver the same ride as the usual golf class hatchback, representatives of Nissan got excited. For the SUV "QASHQAI" goes well - but no more. In addition, the suspension is noticeably pressed for improved handling, gently shakes the crew on small irregularities. Moreover, even this decision did not endow the "Qashqai" manners of a passenger car of clean blood. If neither twist, it is high, slowed down slightly in the reactions, and at a decent speeds the electric power takes the steering wheel for too obsessive control. The guide effort on the "Baranca" is, and quite tangible, on the devices - even too. But there is no natural progression in it, when you feel how to raise the resistance, as you need to turn the wheels. "Qashqai" as if she tries to return you to a relaxed ride, giving understanding: "I'm not sport car, relax, everything else I will do myself. "

The same with the system "4x4". It has three jobs: riding on front drive, Automatic connection of the rear wheels and the locking mode of the mid-sieve differential. In the latter case, the torque is distributed in proportion 57:43. No off-road abilities here, of course, does not matter. All-wheel drive transmission is used only as a substrate element. In "AUTO" mode, the rear axle is connected only by the fact of slipping the front wheels, receiving the command with sensors abs. For example, if the car rides on ice or snow. And the rigid locking of the inter-axis clutch is useful when the car must be rescued, let's say, from a deep snowdrift. Of course, on "qashqai" you can still afford a light sharing on the rolled soil road. But it is better not to do.

In urban jungle

Trunk by class standards - medium capacity.

On the "4x4" versions of the transmission modes switched by a rotating handle located between the front chairs.

"Qashqai" - the car is primarily urban. No wonder the team of off-road experts of Nissan, which always prepared for the all-wheel drive cars for the tests of all-wheel drive cars, "Off-Road" with terrible kosovorals, bouanes and broths, in this case it remained not from affairs. For the whole trip, the tires of my "Qashqai" never touched the sinful crude land. The habitat of this model is polished asphalt megalopolis.

Taking the next day the usual front-wheel drive "Qashqai" and moved to an independent tour of the streets of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bI never regretted that there is no round knob of the all-wheel drive transmission mode between the front seats. Sorry about the friend - that in the company with a surprisingly pleasant one by the correspondence of the two-liter gasoline engine Power 140 hp The test machine did not turn out to be damn comfortable in the urban time "automaton". In principle, led along the Kulis lever of the usual six-speed "mechanics" is not too difficult, the benefit that the motor, reaching a solid thrust already with a 2.000 rpm, allows not to take care of the timely transmission to the timely transmission ... But the endless strings of Barcelona traffic lights are able to proceed with the very endless driver. . Just accelerated, I drove a hundred meters - and stand again. But the "automatic" for a two-liter "Qashqai" is provided - and not even familiar hydromechanical box, And the clinorem variator. Moreover, in addition to a smooth sleeveless shift gear ratios He is capable of providing six fixed programs that can be changed in manual mode. Alas, there was no 1,6-liter gasoline engine on the test machines of the variator, as it was also supplied exclusively with the five-speed "mechanics".

Transparent top on Russian cars will not be installed.

But all other equipment was present fully. For example, the "Mild Flow" system, combined both with a conventional air conditioner and with advanced two-zone climate control. Its essence is simple: it's like an even more economical variety of the usual mode "AUTO", which is turned on separate key. "Mild Flow" welcomes uniform and silent cooling of the cabin through deflectors under the windshield.

You can still mention the unusual large-cooled "glove box", capable of accommodating up to 15 small aluminum cans with drinks. In this sense, "Qashqai" survived another extraordinary "Nissan" - a compact "note", which combines the advantages of the usual passenger car and compacttva. "Note" in the glove box was placed "total" 13 cans. And by the volume of the usual trunk "Qashqai" stands just in the middle of the class of compact SUVs - 410 liters. This is not a lot, but not enough. By the way, approximately the same capacity of golf class universal, whose fans in the idea should take "Qashqai". Interestingly, is consumers in the marketing stroke "Nissan"? Here you yourself - would you refuse to buy an SUV at a price of a golf class? ..

Nissan Qashqai 2 - All-wheel drive and inexpensive family crossover.

This all-wheel drive Nissan Qashqai 2 will suit for beginners and families, as well as those whose choice and purchase budget is limited. There is no high power here, in the maximum configuration with the gasoline engine, this value is 141 hp It is enough for calm ordinary trips.

There is a choice between MCPP and variator. In the latter case, overclocking is fast and inconspicuous, it will be suitable for a permanent ride in the city with departures to nature. 20 cm clearance, plug-in full-wheel drive, high landing and electronic systems will be good helpers on sighting roads and in the unquided from the snow of the city courtyards.

Nissan Qashqai 2 review:

The model of the first generation began to be issued in 2007, in 2010 Restayl version came out. The second-generation model saw the light in the 2013th and started to be sold at the beginning of 2014, and it will be discussed.

Qashqai 2 is made in both Japan and the city of Sunderland (United Kingdom). The quality assembly does not arise. It completely corresponds to the price of the car.

To the category

Interior of the cabin:

In the cabin, the finish is quite simple, without excesses, the quality of mid-level materials. The landing is comfortable and high, the review from the driver's seat is good. Side mirrors are large and informative, so the rebuildings between the rows can be made without feet. The armrest on the driver's door is not very convenient, because Located far from the left hand and put the elbow on it in far road will not work.

Buttons of control of the windows on the door are also not convenient. To press them, you need to vote and turn your hand. Perhaps for women's hands they will be more comfortable than for men. The closer is present only in the driver's door, so you need to be patient to be patient to close other windows.

To the category


Places for things in the cabin is very small. Glove box Deep but narrow. When placing large objects in it, the cover does not close, so it will only suit the transport of trivia, papers and actually, winter gloves. Not counting the cup holders on the central console and central armrest, other places for small things in the cabin.

Places for rear passengers are enough. The only flaw - The presence of the tunnel in the middle on the floor. Because of it, the central passenger may feel completely comfortable in a distance road when placing three adults on the back row.

When placing there, two people or children's discomfort should not arise. In the QASHQAI + 2 equipment, an additional third series of seats is installed on which two adults or children can accommodate. The longitudinal position of the second row can be adjusted forward / back.

To the category

Body Features:

The trunk in this car is very spacious - even with the latched rear seats, a large baby stroller is easily placed in it, which is certainly important if there are children in the family. In the 560 and Le + equipment, a panoramic roof is installed, which will especially like children and will allow you to distract their attention from the driver on the road.

The crossover doors are designed in such a way that the thresholds close. Therefore, when landing or disembarking, the driver's pants and its passengers will be clean at any time of the year.

But noise insulation here is mediocre, if there are no extraneous sounds on a smooth asphalt road, then when driving on gravel, sand and small stones are very heard noise in wheeled arches. At high speed, extraneous noises appear, which in principle tolerant, but lovers of complete silence will not like.

Kia Sportyj or Nissan Cascai

Currently, full-sized SUVs are no longer so relevant - in fashion, small crossovers intended solely for riding a good asphalt. One of the world's leaders in this class is Nissan Qashqai, which attracts consumers with a bright design and not high costmaking it available to a very wide audience. Among the closest competitors can be called Kia Sportage, which is not at all inferior in the originality of the appearance, but is characterized by a higher cost. The more interesting, what kind of crossover will be more adapted to the urban conditions - Kia Sportagej or Nissan Casca, and which parameters of cars will enter the forefront.

Comparison of two competitors in the sales market: Kia Sportage and Nissan Casca


All for comfort

As mentioned above, Nissan Qashqai has a smaller cost, but at the same time offers its customers a very wide list of equipment installed. In particular, even the average configuration of the car offered by Nissan is equipped with a leather interior and heated windshield, which is not available for comparable KIA. However, the main thing is that it is worth comparing Sportage or Cascai - modern electronics, facilitating parking process in conditions of very limited space. Qashqai has a full electronic "Assistant" is missing - but in the Japanese crossover there unique system Circular review.

The Nissan Qashqai car is well equipped and wins at cost.

Kia Sportage has its advantages. Let the leather coverage of the seats are available only when buying a "top" version, but the rear sofa is always heated, glad of passengers, frozen during the cold season. No more special advantages inaccessible to the average car, KIA Sportage has no. With the exception of the intellectual parking assistance system, which gives the driver to very accurate recommendations, allowing to maintain the accuracy of entry into the right place at the level of several centimeters.

Kia Sportage is more comfortable and practical

Systems of full drive

Compared on the off-road possibilities of Nissan Qashqai or KIA Sportage no meaning - both cars are intended exclusively for urban ride and they will stop any serious obstacle outside asphalt road. But nevertheless, Nissan Qashqai in this plan has better equipment - the rear drive connection clutch on it allows you to turn off the electronics and hardly block the mechanism by imitating the operation of a symmetric inter-sieve differential. It can save qashqai driver When moving along loose soil or sand, as well as if necessary, lifting on high borders in conditions of strong ice. But it is only necessary to use the choice of the coupling modes of the coupling modes, it is forbidden to touch it when moving towards the steering wheel, as well as in a variety of other cases, otherwise the service breakdown of your Nissan Qashqai is recognized as warranty service.

Car model:Kia Sportage.Nissan Qashqai.
Producing country:Korea (assembly - Russia, Kaliningrad)Korea (Build - United Kingdom)
Body type:CrossoverCrossover
Number of places:5 5
Number of doors:5 5
Engine volume, cube. cm:1999 1997
Power, l. p. / about. Min.:150/6200 144/6000
Maximum speed, km / h:187 194
Acceleration up to 100 km / h, with:10,5 9,9
Type of drive:FullFull
Fuel Type:Gasoline AI-95Gasoline AI-95
Consumption per 100 km:In the city of 11.2 / outside the city 6.9In the city of 10.7 / outside the city 6.0
Length, mm:4440 4377
Width, mm:1855 1806
Height, mm:1630 1590
Clearance, mm:167 200
Tire size:225/60 R17215/60 R17
Curb weight, kg:1469 1383
Full weight, kg:2030 1865
The volume of the fuel tank:58 55

The KIA Sportage is much simpler - including thanks to a small clearance that makes up only 167 mm. However, the all-wheel drive transmission developed by Magna Steyr is much more reliable and rushing. In particular, it overheats only with long-term active use - for example, when driving on Sportage on frozen roads, which have not yet managed to sprinkle with a material that prevents slip. There is no imitation of the inter-axis differential blocking - therefore, behind the wheel Kia should not move from the road even on the forest sequence, externally looking quite safely and reliably.

Interior: Practicality and Style

Driver's seat

When you get to Nissan Qashqai through the front door, seem to fall into an incredibly soft driver's seat. On the one hand, Nissan allows you to relax more in the city that does not feel the hard frame of the seating, and on the other - during a long movement, it makes it constantly change the position of the body, trying to avoid a feeling of discomfort. The rest of the QASHQAI chairs are just perfect - they possess the scoring, allowing a large-scale person here to fit here, as well as lateral support, which contributes to an increase in convenience during active maneuvering. If you pay attention to the front panel of the Nissan Qashqai, then beautiful appliances with white backlight and large display are immediately thrown into the eyes. of a route computer. On the center console, the monitor of the multimedia system is clearly allocated, to which the signal from the circular survey cameras is received, and the rectangular reflectors of the blowing system are very highly raised.

Nissan Qashqai Car Salon will enjoy the comfort of the driver and passengers

If you put a goal for yourself to find out what is better - Cascai or Sportage, then, perhaps, the Japanese crossover will benefit on the convenience of placement on the front row of the seats. In Kia Sportage chairs have a far from the optimal form of a back, forcing constantly feeling the tension - the situation does not save even comfortable side support, suitable for a person of any dimensions. Besides should not be bought on marketing moves Kia and order an expensive leather interior - unlike Nissan Qashqai, the upholstery here is very slippery and unpleasant to the touch. At the Sportage devices, I do not want to delay - we have already seen a combination of two large dials separated by a route computer. But the Central Kia Console attracts attention - a large display of the electronic complex is surrounded by quite interesting elements:

  • The bottom is the microclimate control unit, created from black plastic, sharply contrasting the silver console.
  • On both sides - the "ears" of vertical deflectors.
  • From above - a small visor, under which hiding control lamps Kia Sportage.


To stay in Nissan Qashqai on the back sofa is quite difficult - high people will interfere with the absence of space above the head, as well as a small distance to the front armchairs. Not always enough in Qashqai and widths, but it is partially compensated by the perfect seats profile, allowing you to relax, forgetting all the troubles. The possibilities of cargo transportation in Nissan at a normal seat position are very limited - only 430 liters of the trunk volume - but the folding of the QASHQI sofa allows you to get a cargo compartment of 1.5 cubic meters.

In the Kia Sportage salon you will never be closely

If we talk about Kia Sportage, then it is much more comfortable. There is enough space in all directions - the transportation of three adults, having an increase of more than 180 cm, will not be a problem for you. The only thing that I want to complain is the unsuccessful shape of the seats, as if the "ejecting" passengers. The cargo compartment in the normal position allows us to talk about leadership - 530 liters, but after lowering the seats, it seriously loses with an indicator of 1.3 cubic meters and a step in the middle of the floor.

Drive or comfort?

Expensive pleasure

Both vehicles have approximately the same power units - their volume is 2.0 liters, and the power is 144 horsepower at Nissan Qashqai and 150 at Kia Sportage. At the same time, their characters are not at all - for example, Nissan allows you to achieve a more active ride. If you arrange comparison Nissan. Qashqai VS Kia Sportage, the Japanese car is much faster thanks - in many ways thanks to a small mass. At the same time, the six-speed mechanical transmission has shortened transmissions, allowing the first four of them in the city. However, this is also connected with a certain inconvenience - Qashqai causes the driver to constantly work with his right hand, not allowing long to move on one transmission.

Nissan Qashqai Test Drive:

But Kia Sportage on the dynamics in everything is losing similar to Nissan. Main trouble korean crossover - Very heavy damper pedal pedal, which does not allow sharp accelerations even in configuration with a manual transmission. Yes, and the transmission with five steps is designed rather for efficiency than faster riding and sharp starts from traffic lights. That's just this very economy and does not go out - in the comparative test of Nissan Cashkai against Kia Sportage, the latter showed a fuel consumption by 0.5-0.8 liters per 100 km more with frankly weak dynamics. Justice It is worth saying that Nissan Qashqai will cost an active driver expensive - the city rarely manage to keep fuel consumption in both cars below 10 liters per 100 km.

In the center and in the outskirts

I want to remember history of Nissan. QASHQAI of the last generation - focusing on the sporty character, engineers made the crossover suspension too hard, and then, having received many complaints, were forced to seriously change its settings during restyling. It seems she repeats - Qashqai again has become less comfortable. However, this time, such a feature is not so noticeable - when moving along a flat road, only the tram tracks are occasionally interrupted by obstacles, Nissan does not disturb its passengers at all. In return, Qashqai provides the driver with excellent handling, the advantages of which can be called the absence of rolls and natural reverse effort on the steering wheel. By the way, Nissan is also equipped with a system for changing the performance of the power steering.

Kia Sportage Test Drive:

If you arrange comparison Sportage VS Qashqai, it is necessary to retire beyond the center of the modern metropolis. When the number of holes are increasing on the road, Nissan Qashqai is completely transformed - instead of the past collence, the shame and lack of comfort for passengers appear. And the most unpleasant is the oscillations of the steering wheel, which constantly breaks out of the hands, seeking to knock the car from the selected course.

If you choose a new county or new Sportyj, the unambiguous winner in the area of \u200b\u200bthe comfort of the chassis will not be. Yes, Kia Sportage has the same sharp reactions on the steering wheel and even the same steering steering with a variable performance. However, the suspension is even more rigid - strong blows are felt even when the hatches protruding from the roadway, not to mention the "lying policemen" are common everywhere.

Testing Kia Sportage, it is also worth going on the outskirts of a modern city to test a bad road testing. And again we feel the shaking, which is surprised by the calm and comfortable at first view of Nissan Qashqai. True, KIA Sportage has positive features - the rug of the crossover almost does not transmit oscillations, and does not occur serious reduction in the course stability.

Best for the city

Choosing Sportage or Qashqai, think about what is priority for you. At a lower cost of Nissan will allow you to use the best complete set, economical engine And comfortable front armchairs. In addition, Qashqai is able to help out on the light off-road, whereas at KIA should not go beyond the asphalt. The advantages of Sportage can be attributed only to a more spacious lounge and better controllability on irregularities.

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He became a choice between Nissan Cascai and Kia Sportyj

IN last years The usual full-sized SUVs buy not so often. Motor enthusiasts entered crossovers. These machines have body dimensions are much more modest and are designed soon to ride on asphalt than off-road. They are usually bright, stylish design, and they are cheaper.

All this is true for Nissan Qashqai crossovers and Kia Sportage. They also have original appearance and are aimed at a wide range of consumers. Some consider these cars with competitors. Compare them among yourself to find out what is better to buy? Which car is more suitable for operation in the city? What specifications will be more significant for this? So, "Nissan Kashkai" or "Kia Sportage"?


Appearance at Nissan Qashqai discreet and respectable. Its body has rounded lines, so the car itself looks calm and quite spacious. Kia Sportage looks more aggressive. The curved hood in combination with a raised front bumper make the car visually easier and faster.

Promo video brands in which it is good to estimate the appearance


Chairs on "Cashki" are almost perfect. They have a pleasant to touch upholstery. Even quite large man can safely fit in them. The driver will be comfortable in them, the back will not get tired even during the many hours.

Cute appliances with an unusual white backlight and the display of the route computer are thrown on the front panel. A large monitor of the multimedia system is immediately visible on the central console. It comes to it from the camcorder of the circular review. The blowing deflectors are located above it, which quickly fill the interior with air of the desired temperature. In other words, the salon of "Nissan Cascai" is comfortable for the driver and passenger in front. But the back will be convenient not all. High people may not have enough space over head and place in front of the legs. Not always enough salon widths, although it compensates for the perfect seating profile.

"Kia" can not boast of comfort. The backrest of the crossover is far from the best shape, the upholstery is slippery and not very pleasant to the touch. Sportage devices are not particularly impressive, but the central console makes it make a look. The large display of the electronic complex is surrounded by interestingly designed elements. The black plastic climate control unit contrasts with a silver console. On both parties - vertical deflectors. All this as a whole leaves a pleasant impression. It is immediately clear that the designers tried to create something original.


Despite the "Nissan Cascai" costs cheaper, he will offer to buyers more than that of KIA additional optionswhich significantly simplify driving. Even cars in the middle configuration necessarily have heated windows and leather interior, which you will not meet in Kia. But the main thing is what the qashqai wins is so in the equipment of electronics, which facilitates the life of the driver. And although the crossover does not have built-in parking radars, but it has an excellent circular video review system.

Kia Sportage also has its advantages. It is more practical and comfortable. Although the leather interior will be available only in the "top" versions, but there are heating of the rear seats. This will especially appreciate passengers at a minus temperature on the street. The driver and the intelligent electronic system for parking, which estimates the distance literally to the centimeter. According to the reviews of drivers, it turns out to squeeze the car even to the most narrow lumen. The rest of the "Sportage" is equipped with the same set of functions as the usual comparable sedan:

  • SD-Magnitol;
  • electric drives mirrors rear view and windows;
  • climate control;
  • rain sensor;
  • cruise control;
  • bluetooth bond;
  • stabilization system.


In this regard, the advantage is worth paying Kia Sportage. He has more engines and gamma their wider, while "Cascai" is able to offer customers only two 16-valve gasoline engines. In the Arsenal, "Kia", except for a two-liter atmospheric aggregateThere are also a couple of turbo diesel engines, and in Russian realities it is important. But despite the fact that according to this indicator, the victory is to award "Sportage", "Nissan" proved that in the Russian automotive market it is possible to succeed even without diesel engines.


By how these crossovers overcome off-road, there is no point in comparing them among themselves. They are both suitable for riding in urban conditions or on good country tracks. Outside the asphalt canvas, they will stop any little serious obstacle. Although Nissan Cascai is arranged in this regard a little better. You can turn off the electronics and a coupling that connects the rear-wheel drive, hardly block the entire mechanism. So it turn out to simulate the work of the mid-scene differential. The driver will help to cope with the driving on the sand, with a strong ice, or if you need to climb the curb. True there is one "but". You need to use the coupling. For example, it cannot be turned on when the car moves, or the steering wheel is turned to the side. Otherwise, the coupling will fail, and on the service failure does not recognize such that it falls under warranty repairs.

Fare of Nissan by off-road

Kia Sportage in this regard is arranged simpler, he has smaller clearance (16.7 cm against 20.0 cm in Nissan) Therefore, the permeability of him will also be a little worse. It does not have imitation of the interconnection system of the inter-axis differential, so it will be incredibly moving on it from the asphalt on the blurring. But it stands on it a more enduring and reliable transmission from Magna Steyr.

Look at the video as Kia copes with off-road

Body Dimensions and Reliability

According to these parameters, the machine is almost equal. Length "Cascaia" - 4 377 mm, and "KIA" - 4,400 mm. Approximately the same equal indicators in crossovers in width and height. They differ significantly only by road lumen. Nissan has a clearance significantly more - 20.0 cm against 16.7 cm in "Sportykha", so it is easier overcoming obstacles. If you have to, for example, climb the border. As noted by autoslese, similar to Sportage and Qashqai and in the reliability of the bodies.


With the usual position of the back of the rear seat, the ability to transport overall loads from "Nissan" leaves much to be desired. The volume of the trunk is only 430 liters. But after folding the sofa, the cargo compartment immediately increases to 1.5 cubic meters. At the "Sporttka", the opposite is the opposite. With the normal position of the seats, the trunk volume will be 530 liters. But after lowering the seating places behind the back, the size of the freight compartment will increase only to 1.3 cubic meters. m.

Dynamics and fuel consumption

Tests showed that cars are very different tempers. "Nissan" accelerates much faster. It is easier, plus its six-speed transmission has short transmissions. Although it is not always convenient, because you have to constantly switch. Some drivers tires it.

Kia Sportage loses on dynamics. It is heavier, and the five-speed transmission is designed more of economy than sharp accelerations and quick start from traffic lights. But this economy is often not obtained. With comparative test drive, Kia Sportttej, spent 100 km of mileage by 0.8 l fuel more than "Nissan Cascai". Justice should be noted that the sports style driving in the city with frequent accelerations suggests that gasoline consumption and the Japanese crossover will also be rather big, within 10-11 liters. So, according to fuel consumption, both cars are almost identical. The fuel tanks also have almost the same capacity.

Suspension and handling

On previous models, Nissan engineers put a frankly harsh suspension, which was needed for more aggressive driving. But now this feature has become much smaller. Moving along a flat highway, the car practically does not disturb passengers. He reacts well to the slightest movements Steering and does not give rolls on turns. But "Casca" is sharply transformed, it is only for him to go on a bad road. Instead of collens and balance, shame appears. Comfort for passengers falls. The steering wheel begins to jump out of the driver's hands, the car is trying to get down from the course, it becomes difficult to keep it on the track.

Kia has the suspension even tougher. In the cabin passengers feel the slightest hole, including road hatches, at least a little protruding over the asphalt. But there is a "sporting" and dignity. The steering wheel does not transmit the beat, the car is firmly scheduled to the course. It is believed that among these two cars, to identify the winner for this component as handling is impossible.

What to choose

Each car has its pros and cons. Before you choose your choice on Sportage or Qashqai, it is worth declaring that it is in priority. At the lower cost of "Casca" has a better configuration and more comfortable chairs. He will help the owner on light off-roadwhereas on Kia Sportage, it is recommended not to move from asphalt at all. But the latter has a more spacious salon, wide selection engines, they are easier to manage on the road with irregularities. No wonder the manufacturers are positioning Kia Sportage as a family car. The rest of the crossovers are very similar.

Good music and video comparison of two cars as outside so inside

Anton Autowner talks about Nissan Casca in detail

More Test Drive About Sporty

Nissan Qashqai - People's Test Drive Little Crossover

Updated Nissan Qashqai. The heir of the car, which in 2006 appeared in the automotive market created a considerable excitement. Their streets flashes abuse and the crossover is still the desired purchase for many Ukrainians. We invited potential owners to the people's test drive.

Nissan Qashqai - front or all-wheel drive five-seater C / D class crossover. The premiere of Nissan Cascai took place in the fall of 2006 at the International Motor Show in Paris. It is made since December 2006 in Sunderland, England. IN Japan Nissan. Quashqai will be sold under the name of Nissan Dualis, and in North America called Nissan Rogue. Facelifting - 2010.

Nissan hit the point with this model. At the time of its appearance in the automotive market in 2006, Nissan Quashqai was very in demand. High clearance, four-wheel drive, good equipment, small dimensions and delicious price. All this led to queues in car dealers and long-term expectations of buyers. And those who were lucky to buy first copies, already praised their cars with might and main.

Over time, the first enthusiasm passed, and the disadvantages came for them. A small salon, noise insulation, material of the cabin, etc. But the fans of this model did not become less. And what would continue them further, but also added, Nissan released the updated version of Quashqai.

And here are the keys to the updated Nissan Qashqai 2.0 CVT 4WD LE + already in our hands, and ahead of the test drive ahead for more detailed dating with this car. And we can say that in spite of our shortcomings (and who does not have them?), This car rightfully deserves love buyers.

  • undoubtedly, I consider the presence of a variator: for the "cork" ride more acceptable compared to a machine or robot;
  • good engine and acceleration and acceleration
  • comfort and pleasant Salon in the skin
  • good for the city of clearance and geometric Patency
  • rear View Camera with Display Display
  • heavy hood - torsion will not be superfluous
  • unimportant overview in rear window
  • rear View Camera location
  • steal switches are located close to the ram

Not bad, very good. It seems that for the city and close suburbs (or the exit "on nature") when it is clearance, the possibility of connecting 4 * 4 and the transition to manual mode can allow the driver a lot, the main thing is not to believe in some special off-road qualities, Qashqai is not an SUV! In principle, and on the highway he should not be disappointed. It is interesting to be interesting to both the young and middle age generations. The cost of $ 33 thousand, it seems, on the background of classmates, it is quite true (although I want, as always, to be cheaper!). I liked it, I would not mind possess them!

Starodub Peter

With us from: 20.02.2004

48 years old, driver experience 22 years


How many copies have been broken on the comparison of Nissan Qashqai with other parcipers classmates: and in terms of the size of the trunk, and acceleration to hundreds, and general Drive, and in power, and ... and how many will be broken! True, it is usually somewhere in the middle. Therefore, I will try to move away from the stereotype of comparison with other cars and concentrate on your own feelings, how much this car is personally consistent with my expectations and needs. In addition, as a person, a very much rustled on mechanics, a lot on a classic machine and quite a bit on a robotic box, I wanted to determine my attitude to a fairly problematic opinion on "trolleybus acceleration", etc. Nissanovsky variator. So, Nissan Qashqai. Among the number of parked cars is not allocated either extravagant appearance or dimensions.

There is no chopped or too rocked forms, there is no angularity inherent "passing" of angularity or so fashionable now the license of the exterior. Everything is calm and harmonious, proportionally and restrained: the hood with characteristic emptyings; pretty wood windshield; Panoramic roof, turning into a small rear spoiler; Not much, but the glass of the rear door is risen (I want to hope that it is not located to excessive pollution). In general, the whole, it looks not unnecessarily pumped, but at the same time strong: "It is not low, nor high, he is not narrow, nor wide," as they say, just in moderation. Personally, in terms of practicality, there is not enough longitudinal rails: you never know, in the Carpathians with snowboards or in the Crimea with a boxing "provisions" will have to!

Salon and Ergonomics

But the salon can not please! Surprise leather of seats (such light mattness on the type of thick skin), not only on the touch, but even on the view of a soft plastic torpedo, discreet without any screaming inserts central console and door cards. Sent - comfortable! The back of the seat as it were "hugs" the back, a pleasant sense of side support, the overall impression: sat down at a convenient office chair. A wide advanced right armrest (rather deep), in which the USB socket is hidden, also a rather wide shelf for the elbow left hand on the door card, the wheel in the skin is also very pleasant to the touch.

Feeling to the driver's seat, like in a capsule: it seems to be not covered, but at the same time there is a feeling of a separate "workplace". But the roof hanging over the head did not like, even with my average growth of the distance from the head to the ceiling, it practically remained. What can we talk about high? Perhaps the "wine" is the panoramic roof, which closes the sliding panel and the "cargo" of the unnecessary pair of centimeters of space? But even putting the panel, nothing has changed - the roof is low! We will move to the back seat: the same good skin, the armrest with the cup holders in the middle, you can accommodately freely, the knees of the front seat do not have to wipe. I did not like that when leaving the back door, well, you can not get around the dynamics in the doorway (it performs a little, and just on the trajectory of the movement of the foot) - necessarily clinging. By the way, it is impossible not to note the rather decent sound of the audio system: soft bass, good sound. Perhaps one of the reasons for such perception is very good noise insulation: when driving and music, the voice does not have to strain. Bardachek - deep, "the dream of an invader", will fit very much and at the same time nothing falls when the door is separated.

The trunk for this class of auto acceptable, something average between the station wagon and heats, is illuminated; But here's the fact that the manufacturer faded to put there at least one additional socket is, it seems to me, in vain. But the driver's foot illumination is made, although what is there to consider? However, some seems to be "needed."

And if in general - I liked the salon.

Engine, Box, Drive

Go! Picky reverse between parked machines and in habit focusing either by side mirrors (large, give a good review), or looking back in the rear window (the survey is so-so, and even plus wide rear racks) - It was pleasantly surprised by the presence of a rear view camera with a display on the color display. It does not "draw a trajectory of movement, but it can help to determine the passage between" obstacles ". That's just the placement of the camera itself, under the opening handle, the rear door caused some perplexity: first, it will be very splashing; Secondly, when washing it may well be ignored. Well, where is the "trolleybus acceleration"? I press the gas pedal, the turnover takes off to 3500, the car begins to dictate the speed quite dynamically, the speed falls to 3000 ... 2500 - and the speed is absorbed! About how! Damn, did not have time and accelerate, and already for 80 km / hour! What to say - the variator: neither you are quilts, nor switching, smoothly and persistently.

It ruls well, despite the apparent rolls the trajectory holds, it does not shove on the pits, the suspension resembles something among the comfortable sedan and elastic SUV. Very well predicted brakes, chain. It is absolutely not accustomed to the dimensions. Since the sows are minimal and the wheels are located almost in the corners of the imaginary rectangle - it is possible to accurately predict the trajectory of their movement when the obstacle's details. A little close to the steering wheel, as it seemed to me, the steering wheel switches are located, when maneuvering accidentally hurt and turned on the wipers. I also liked the presence of a signpost of an instant consumption, which at the same time when moving can play the role of the economizer - in conditions of all the current fuel, the function will not be superfluous. By the way, what did we do on consumption? Taking the car with the testimony of 13.2 l / 100 km, by the end of the test it was 12.9, i.e. Theoretically, with gentle modes, it is certainly possible to achieve 12 liters, and even less in the city - in principle, such an average consumption for parquets.

  • smooth stroke
  • huge side mirrors
  • cheap plastic in the interior
  • knock suspension
  • rolls in turns

After half-hour skating, it was no longer felt that I was on the test drive, completely disappeared the thoughts that I was first going in this car. From the speakers flew pleasant music and I was so relaxed that I thought I went on this car always. The car is very simple and easy to control, it is easy to eat and maneuver in the stream. Short base, clearance and four-wheel drive make cars perfect for the city.

With its backsurance, Nissan Qashqai has a number of shortcomings that spoil the overall picture of the car. This includes a noisy suspension and cheap plastic in the interior. The price of a 3 -13 $ 32000 model is also low. A lot of classmates get to this price since Hyundai Tucson and ending with VW Tiguan, in addition, for this money you can already look at full-fledged SUVs, such as Nissan X-Trail or Chevrolet Captiva.. The car is ideal for urban conditions, I am sure that in this segment the car will find its driver.

Pavlenko Sergey

With us from: 06/24/2008

29 years old, driver's experience is 5 years


Nissan Qashqai externally stands out among classmates, which, in particular, ensures its popularity. Smooth body bends, huge wheels and doors, large clearance gives a feeling of collens and cargo.

Salon and Ergonomics

Salon material - leather seats, leather inserts in the doorway, the ball torpedo. From the outside it looks nice and adds a car of some solidity. The interior spoils the insert from the plastic in the middle of the torpedo, turning into the control panel and the gearbox lever. I do not know how much this plastic is practical, but because of its glossiness it looks very cheap. The control panel contains a huge monitor of the radio (and a part-time screen of the rear view camera), a multitude of climate control control regulators, the direction of blowing the cabin, heating of glasses, seats, and so on. Next to the lever KPP toggle switch control - front, connected, forced full.

In general, the controls are adjusted well, there are no creaks and backlats. I liked the sliding nozzle of the salon, regulated in all planes. A little about music: Auto contains good audio preparation from six speakers that, along with good noise insulation, gives a great, soft sound already running out of the cabin.

Quashqai is a crossover, therefore, should have a high planting, but this property is very exaggerated. Landing is higher than in sedans, but not so much so that there is a good overview far ahead. The driver's seat is comfortable, with my height 178, I didn't even have to regulate the settings of the seat and steering wheel, everything remained in the default state. The steering wheel has buttons to set the tape recorder and cruise control, but they are not very convenient to use. The dashboard besides the standard speedometer and the tachometer, in particular contains a magnetic fuel consumption scale, which constantly jumped to the left, then to the right. The thing, of course, is good, especially in the light of today's gasoline prices, but distracts greatly. In general, the dashboard is informative and intuitively understandable. Steel turnovers of turns and janitors are overloaded with functions, so require a detailed study. When turning on the rotation when the lever is not fixed - the car still gives three signals.

Doors open wide, there are no inconvenience when landing both ahead and rear. Behind the place is enough for a comfortable landing of two adults, threesome would be closed.

For convenience, there are armrests (both in front and rear), and for comfort - a panoramic roof. For small things in the backs of seats, in the sidewalls, there are comfortable niches in the armrest, and the puffy mustache is just huge. The trunk of the medium size is the usual for the car of this class, not too big, but not too small, there are many secret niches.

Engine, Box, Drive

The dimensions of the car are perfect, this is due to the visibility of the hood from the cabin and the presence of huge side mirrors. When turned on rear transmission The rear view camera is automatically turned on. It helps it great because the central mirror and the rear window are very small and do not give a good review from behind. The car rows and accelerates very smoothly, although it is rising. I caught myself a couple of times on the idea that I press the gas until I stopped, while no jerks were felt and looked off the hood. The variator is a bit thoughtful, but predictable, after a pair of traffic lights learned to dose gas correctly. Motor thrust 2.0 in combination with a variator is enough for the city, at any speed up to 100km / h, when pressed for gas, an acceleration is felt. But the suspension did not please. On the one hand, soft and comfortable, and on the other, is very noisy on the irregularities, sometimes when driving through the railway, the relocation was the impression that everything turns everything in the trunk. The softness of the suspension is also negatively manifested in turns, the car is the camp, not so that it is very strong, however noticeable. When the speed is rearranged, the deflections are felt, to this you need to be ready. Maneuvering the car is easy, the sharp steering wheel, smooth thrust and informative brake pedal contribute to this. After the sedan, recreated to the crossover will need a little time to get used, but then the boom to maneuver between the rows as a fish in the water.

  • conveniently "jumping" on our roads, with holes and potholes. The broken track will certainly go no worse. You can go fishing or a picnic from the passenger cars too. In the city, ride is very convenient due to a higher landing, greater clearance and quite sufficient dynamics. The car is perfectly holding a straight, ride just nice. I want to ride on it.
  • planting height. The rest of the crown, which is not even worth paying attention.

Just an excellent urban car, the number of copies sold it confirms. The four-wheel drive is not particularly needed, which is also confirmed by the sales of monophods. Besides the fact that Casca may give pleasure from the drive (only without sharp turns), he can still be the only car in the family - practical and pleasant. If it were not yet so boring (although high-quality) salon and terrible rolls - I would choose it without thinking.

Would buy yourself? Not. I considered many classmates Kashka and eventually stopped at Peugeot 3008. And not least due to the lack of rolls and much more interesting salon. But for his wife, if she wanted such a car - yes. And then it becomes clear why this is the height of the landing, and why the car allows such rolls - the girls are rarely ride, and it is more convenient to sit above.

Bezrukov Fedor

With us from: 06/28/2006

31 years old, driver experience 4 years


Slimatic, compact, neat crossover. Machine for the city. A decent clearance and "full" drive - it is impossible to be better suitable for the assault on the unacceptable winter roads and rods.

Salon and Ergonomics

It is convenient to sit comfortably, you can pick up "your" landing pretty quickly. Big minus - no place above your head. With my little growth in 175 centimeters I was often uncomfortable, perhaps, because I prefer to sit, and not lie in the car. An important plus - on the left there is a place for the shoulder, a salon, though small, but not "gives". This is one of the criteria for which I dropped a lot of cars when choosing. The salon is quite conservative, I would even say - boring. It seems everything is in order, everything is in place, but no emotions are negative or positive. Reconded something VW, where to sit inside is completely sad. Dual-zone climate is nice.

But for the rear passengers there are no air ducts. Behind me, places are enough. Bardac huge. There will fit so much that it will be hard to find the desired trifle. The armrest has a flash drive jack. Also convenient. In theory, you can charge the phone. Plastic soft, pleasant. Panoramic roof is a wonderful idea, but in our conditions it will have to wash it often. The steering wheel lies well in his hands and very comfortable. With my habit of turning the open hand, the rough handlebar, I really liked. The trunk is not huge, but, given the purpose of the machine - the provisional. Moreover, the rear armchairs can be thrown back and get a much larger volume.

But the handle for closing is invented by some yoga - close the trunk, not blurring hands, I did not succeed. From ergonomic miscalculations, I would noted: the volume button on the steering wheel, the lack of space above the head and a completely stupid handle of the trunk closing.

Engine, Box, Drive

And here it starts the most interesting! In all the tests read by me, two-liter Casca dance on the variator was called Tugodum (and this is one of the most flattering names). I categorically disagree! Personally, I had enough dynamics in the city. Perhaps somewhere on the track with a loaded machine on overtaking the power and not enough, but it was not possible to check the opportunity. I did not notice and "stupull" boxes. When you need, you give the pedal, and Casca will pull you back enough. I did not like that there is no sport mode. By the way, the chord 2.4 who started with a traffic light could not break away from me. Empty road provokes. On the drive, the machine really liked, but there is one important but. And it is rolls. When you enter the turn even 50 km per hour, it becomes unable. And it is very bad, since the two-liter motor implies a dynamic ride. Carnishes Kashkai so that I went to the glass. Why not apply the same Dynamic Roll Control system, as in Peugeot 3008 - a mystery. At the same time, the cost of the car would increase irrelevant. Brakes are good. Absolutely informative and understandable, like a taxi.

  • Qashqai is a car for Kiev, where he can be used in equal terms as on the Asphalt Pechersk and Konch-Zaspa, and on the forgotten streets of the private sector of the Solomenka or industrial imitation. Its dimensions and visibility allows it to be squeezed into narrow parking windows, and four-wheel drive and high ground clearance can safely move through alternating lines and elevated railway crossings.
  • explicit for ourselves did not find

Name Qashqai on the country of embroidered and hopak, I would say that here lovers of the Ukrainian ethnos could require Nissan to call the Kosak car and would be right. After all, in addition to classic coincidences, such as freedom and wanderings, Qashqai is similar to Kozakov in desire and ability to protect their loved ones in this case From all sorts of road problems. I myself am not a strong adept of all these theories, but the analogy of the "nomad-kozaki" came to my mind almost immediately, as I learned the origin of the word Qashqai.

Aganin Bogdan

With us from: 01.12.2008

37 years old, driver's experience 19 years

As Yandex says, Nissan Qashqai received his name from the name of the tribe of the Arabic nomads, which most valued freedom of movement. Whether this car loves the same freedom, I had to find out in the next hour or two.


Yes, when two years ago, Qashqai appeared on the Kiev streets, I was not surprised by the form factor of this model, but the fact that Nissana's designers abandoned the traditional features of the legendary patrols manifested in almost all off-road models, and the new crossover was not the fact that " Locked, "and somewhat faceless.

Salon and Ergonomics

The interior of the car, as well as his appearance, seems to be at first sight, also almost faceless, but even until the moment when you sit behind the steering wheel. At the moment when the seat belt snapped into the castle, and I turned my head on the instrument panel, everything turned out to be clear and readable. It should be noted that the modern urban driver, Qashqai will cause surprise with some salon amenities. Its dimensionless glove box and a box in the armrest can be replaced by some almost the entire trunk.

The trunk also has a fairly good volume of 465 liters with a full-size placed one. Therefore, except for the classic Nissanian finishing of a high class, the Qashqai salon pleases even the volumes of different niches.

Engine, Box, Drive

Go. The Qashqai engine is almost silent, but it reacts sensitively to the actions of the pedal. Sometimes, small failures happen, but you can write them off for a short time to get acquainted with the car. Only you are mastering, and this happens very quickly, the car rides exactly and all the desires of the driver at acceleration or braking work out one hundred percent. You can argue a lot of or not enough 2000 volume cubes for such a car, but as for me, it is quite enough. 16 valves for four cylinders give up about one hundred and forty horsepower, which for the machine with a complete circular mass of about 2 tons is quite enough. The work of the variator box is almost invisible. The torque is transmitted calmly and without unnecessary twigs. Of course, in a short time, it is impossible to fully evaluate the operation of the PPC, both in automatic and manual modes, but it is imperceptibility shows its good functionality. As for me, in this case, Nissan demonstrated that classic variator that does not have a clear amount of gears, and these gears may be 132, depending on the desire of the driver and road conditions. Managing the machine, noticed one feature. Many cars, especially in non-standard classes of type "Minivan" or "Crossover", must be used. You get used to Qashqai almost immediately. Maybe it gives a convenient landing, maybe an excellent visibility, maybe something, in the form of large mirrors or a color rear-view chamber. But already in the second-third minute, the hubs in management can only be associated whether to manage the climate or communicate the phone with the system loud communication. Qashqai itself, both on a smooth asphalt, and on the pits and potholes confidently holds.

Undoubtedly, Venell-Truck preparation of a machine with a full drive on the streets of our long-suffering city is very necessary and must be said that the level of this preparation is very high. Qashqai does not jump over the pits or does not talk about them with loud sighs pendants. He, as a comfortable speaker shoe protects legs from road stones, tries to protect the driver from excess nervous tension. A high ground clearance in combination with rubber in the 17th radius, as a thick sole allows you to periodically travel not only in places where many holes are, but also proudly cross the water obstacles in the form of a puddle, and not shudding in search of a safe passage / travel.

Dmitry Sheremetyev

With us from: 01.11.2005

32 years old, driver's experience is 5 years

Nissan Qashqai is already known in the Ukrainian market and can be quite often found on the streets of large cities. According to the plan of marketing people, this car must be a mix of consumer properties and expectations characteristic of a modern urban resident, moderately active and moderately practical.


In 2010, the appearance of Nissan Qashqai was refreshing - updates, mainly touched headlights and bumpers. As for me, the view of the car has become more "dynamic" and in general interesting. On our test there was a car of a close color to my current, so the test sample immediately received my location. I will say right - outwardly updated Qashqai. I like. "My favorite color, my favorite size!"

Salon and Ergonomics

The equipment of the test car is one of the top, with a panoramic roof and leather interior. The salon is pleasant in all respects, the seat is quite comfortable, the armrest moves forward, it's convenient to get driving problems for the wheel. Panoramic roof - the option is beautiful and pleasant.

Finishing materials seemed to be soluble and practical. There are enough places for storing various things. There is not much of the place for the feet of the feet of passengers, but with the rest - everything is in order. What is the situation with the place for legs in the 7-seater version of Nissan Qashqai, with the third nearby seats, you can only guess. In the luggage separation, nothing unusual or impressive, in addition to the subwoofer placed under the floor inside the spare wheel, did not find it.

BOSE audio system sounds good. Soundproofing the salon is not bad. Management authorities - everything seems to be in place. The review from the driver's seat is good. With multimedia-system you need to understand separately. The rear view camera displays an image on the display, located on the same level with side mirrors, I like it.

The camera, as it seemed to me, is well located (but as it behaves with bad weather, there was no possibility to check out). From the unpleasant - surprised very low ceiling; It is somehow unusual to have so little space over your head, and this is at my low growth. And accompanying me to the AUTOUA representative in order to sit in a normal "noble" position and do not rest on his head into the ceiling, it was necessary to open a curtain closing the panoramic roof. Most modern cars with fashionable rendered on them and absolutely useless for me buttons like adjusting the volume of the radio, located in 20 centimeters to the right, I do not like it openly - now it is angry with a thumb, without removing your hand from the steering wheel, almost impossible.

Engine, Box, Drive

With the dimensions of Nissan Qashqai I was comfortable. The engine of 2 liters in a pair with a variator, - it sounds modern and not bad. As a car rides, I generally liked it: it is predictable, it is easily controlled, the speed dials smoothly and imperceptibly, slows down adequately. I didn't really like how it starts from the place, some feeling of "thoughtfulness" or failure. I think it is somehow connected with the features of the variator. The suspension is comfortable and informative at the same time: rides on broken roads negative does not deliver, but the sensation of riding in a bad road does not disappear. High speeds And the off-road to try was not where.

Consumption in the urban cycle is rather big. It is a pity that there are no diesel versions ...

\u003d Maniak \u003d.

Subets Taras.

With us from: 03/30/2004

28 years old, driver's experience is 5 years


The appearance of restyled pieces of course does not stop crowds of people and does not collect the random number of views, as everyone has already become accustomed to meeting the mass of these cars last version on the streets and not so much in the new changes, but they are. Of course, the changed front part with new optics.

The design of the front has become more aggressive and streamlined. Back optics Also updated, but its form remained the same.

Salon and Ergonomics

Inside the same changes are more tangible. Of course, it is impossible not to notice and not to mark the changes in the front panel, which is now echoing the panel of the older brother, x Trail. The instrument shield has become more interesting, as well as the display is now located in the usual place on the central console, earlier in rich equipment of the dorestayling version, it somehow slightly broke over a torpedo in the center.

I do not know how in the basic version, but in the tested car of the maximum configuration, most of the parts of the cabin are pleasant to the touch, including leather sites look great. True, for 20 thousand km by driver's seat, it is already a bit noticeable that it is not new, but perhaps this is the consequence of what some of the testing trees treated the car very carelessly, since it is not their own. From pleasant things in this configuration, it is worth noting the rear-view staff chamber, as well as, Bose's staff acoustics. It also includes a subwoofer, which is conveniently located under the trunk polic inside the spare disk, so as not to occupy the useful space of the luggage compartment, as it is not very large.

Well, of course, it is impossible not to say about the panoramic roof. When opening the electric drive of the upper curtain, a large panoramic glass appears above the head, which is very positive effect on the feeling behind the wheel, especially with wonderful weather on the street, and visually increases the inner space. True, damage such such a specific detail may certainly influence the owner's wallet, as it is not on sale analogues of such brakes, except the original Nissanovsky. Because IMHO, the car in this configuration, in our harsh realities, is to continue to insure the CASCO. Because in the event of damage to this, the insurance will pay off, probably immediately once a half or two. But the indisputable substantial minus of the salon is its small size or it is possible simply not effective use. Since a person with an increase of above average, even on the front passenger seat is already closed and the head can be almost taken to the ceiling. For the rear passengers, too, the place is not thick, but for pretty high DriverProbably the place will be very small.

Because this car is suitable for the "family", but rather the youth, who loving the active rest is suitable. But, in this regard, I did not quite understand what the suspension adjustments were changed to softer, so to speak "more retired".

Engine, Box, Drive

Dorestayling county seemed more "shot down" and "kidnapped", and the updated version somehow more and more became similar to the car for housewives. Perhaps the suspension was sharpened more under Qashqai + 2, which can be easily suitable for the role family carSince, in the idea, the space for passengers from behind can be increased by adjusting the backs of the rear seats. But here you can find my advantages, now the suspension due to its softness provides a rather smooth movement of the car, even on the disks of the 17th radius, which are now coming in this configuration.

In general, the feeling from driving a positive car is also felt by improving noise insulation, compared with the previous version. A two-liter motor in a pair with a 6-speed variator provides a decent dynamics, but there is no sense to switch to manual mode, since it does not add much to anyway.

Mileage of a test car 20,000 km. The average fuel consumption in the test drive mode (Mileage of the test drive is 400 km) amounted to 12.2 liters per 100 km. In the "Economy Rally" mode for 150 km run, the average consumption was 9.7 liters per 100 km.

Periodicity, CMS, UAH *
15 000 1071.60
30 000 3132.30
45 000 1071.60
60 000 3132.30
75 000 1071.60
90 000 4401.80
105 000 1071.60

normocas cost - 210 UAH, with PDV *

* The cost is indicative, check the exact cost of the nearest official dealer Nissan.

Prices are in hryvnia taking into account VAT.

Automatic system of selection of competitors on an autochete offers such options.

Nissan Qashqai Competition Comparison Table

Nissan Cascai is an SUV or not

Crossover Nissan Qashqai + 2. Test Drive

Nissan Qashqai Review with Mileage. What to watch when buying.

Project SUV. Off-road. Clay. Nissan Qashqai. Nissan Cascai.

Nissan Qashqai - Second Arms

Nissan Qashqai Test Drive.

test Drive Nissan Qashqai

Nissan Qashqai How much groomed urban nomad?

Qashqai, Yeti, 4008, Actyon - long-range test

test Drive Nissan Cascai, Test-Drive Nissan Qashqai

Cashkai on off-road

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Home »New» Nissan Cascai is an SUV or not


Launching the Nissan Qashqai car to the world market, a popular Japanese automaker created new segment, introducing a model as a city crossover. This article will tell everything about its history, variants of modifications and prices of this car.

The history of the model begins in 2004, when her concept was presented at the Swiss Geneva Motor Show, which by many specialists was immediately attributed to the category of compact crossovers, or, as domestic motorists say, small jeeps. On the world market, the first car Nissan Qashqai was released at the end of 2006. Despite the statements of the automaker that the model represents a new segment of the city crossover, many motorists attributed it to the SUV class, which contributed to how the car looks, and its characteristics.

The first generation of crossover and its modifications

The first generation of cars was marked by different names: in the European market - Nissan Qashqai, in Japanese and Australian - Dualis, in the USA - Rogue Sport. This was due to the name of the name pronunciation (Cash Cow - Doyna Cow) among Australians and Americans.

The model range of the first generation was collected in several European countries, among whom Russia has been included in 2015 ( plant Nissan. RUSSIA in Pargolovo), and equipped with two gasoline and two diesel power units. Their description and characteristics looked as follows:

  • gasoline, under the labeling HR16DE, with a capacity of 114 horses and 1.6 l;
  • 2-liter gasoline with HR20DE marking, the power of which was equal to 140 horses;
  • the turbocharged diesel, indicated by K9K, the power and the volume of which was 110 horses and 1.5 liters;
  • diesel with turbocharger, labeled as M9R, which has a volume of 2.0 l and with a capacity of 150 horses.

Depending on the configuration, the crossover was equipped with a manual box, a variator or full automatic machine On 6 steps, and also manufactured in options with front and complete drive, which made it possible to attribute it to the SUV class.

The cost of the car in the domestic market in the basic configuration was about 1 million rubles. This allowed the Crossover of Nissan Cascai since the exit to become one of the best-selling not only in Russia, but also in Europe, where more than 100 thousand cars were sold during 2007.

The growing popularity of the model contributed to the development and release in 2008 by the automaker modifying the elongated crossover under the name of Nissan Qashqai +2, which was increased in the size of the body, while maintaining the technical equipment and design of the standard version of the car. There was no high demand for the car Nissan Casca, and in 2014 he was finally removed from production.

Restyling Modification of the First Generation Crossover

In the first generation of this car, a number of operational deficiencies emerged, as a result of which the manufacturer was forced to carry out its modernization. This also contributed to entering the world market of competing models.

Responding to the exit of competitive models in the segment of urban crossovers, the Japanese automaker conducted a full-fledged restyling Nissan Cashkai, as a result of which the car acquired a more aggressive and sports appearance and slightly changed in technical equipment.

The update of the first generation of the city crossover allowed the automaker to get rid of some essential flaws The previous model and slightly reduce the cost of the car, which significantly increased the number of sales of Nissan Kashkai in Russia.

Second generation of crossover and variants of its modifications

QASHQAI of the second generation, which received the NEW prefix to his own name, appeared on the world market at the end of 2014. Thanks to the special attention of the manufacturer to improving the security of all passengers and the updated technical equipment, a new model Nissan. Qashqai and her photo immediately became leaders in this segment and by the number of requests in the network. A car is given a high score from Euro NCAP experts.

A new car has a substantially modified line of power units, which began to consist of two gasoline and one diesel engines, whose characteristics look like this:

  • gasoline with turbocharged, the volume and power of which are 1.2 liters and 115 horses;
  • gasoline on 2.0 l with a capacity of 144 horses;
  • diesel at 1.6 l, outstanding power of 130 horses.

The recommended cost of the car in the standard (xE) configuration is at the moment 985 thousand rubles. And in the maximum expanded (Le Sport), which includes an additional interior trim by expensive materials, the cost of the car reaches a little more than 1.7 million rubles.

The manufacturer also released a crossover model with an improved configuration for dense urban conditions, designated them separately. They are equipped with sensory parking sensors and chambers of the Circular Body Review.

Such equipment was recognized as one of the best for the exploitation of a car in modern cities. Many experts leave the appropriate comments about Nissan Cascai on thematic portals. The price category of these modifications is from 1.5 to 1.6 million rubles.


Nissan Cascai, representing a segment of urban crossovers, is one of the leaders in this class of cars thanks successful combination technical equipment, pretty good operational properties and cost. This allowed the model to gain popularity among many motorists around the world.

"The SUV is so cool, because it will be stuck where others will not be rejected," car enthusiasts are joking about them. In order for such humor to be "behind the wheel" of your jeep, you need to meet different models. And you can start right now. Comparison two running SUVs. "Japanese" with European ambitions and flawless "Korean". Characteristic, stalling handsome and stubborn fighter. Nissan Cascai or Hyundai IX35 - let's find out what and why better.

Before you enter into a discussion on the topic, what kind of car is solid, more powerful, more fashionable and better - IX35 or Casca - you should learn both models closer.

Nissan Qashqai and Hyundai IX35 - SUVs, each of which has its advantages

Mister X

Let's start with IKSA. The native of South Korea came down from the factory conveyor of Hyundai Motor Company. The prototype of the "35th" became the bestseller of the world car market. Actually, Tucson is not just a relative - IX35 literally born on this platform.

Dear bey

The model "ripen" in the heads of designers and designers about three years and, finally, in 2009 the world saw a new crossover. The embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200blife was worth the hendews of more than two million bucks. In addition to standard designers and designers, the project was attracted.

In our market, the car appeared in a free sale in 2012. The average cost is about 1 million rubles. What, by the way,.

Wise look

Design Hyundai is made using multiple lines and bends. Even the hood and roof are embossed.

But in general the exterior feels power, experience, wisdom, and at the same time a little aggression and sports accent. And the headlights of the "IKSA" are "watching" on the yawak view of the proud winner, ready for any second to prove his excellence.

In general, the car seems to be "blue blood". . The upholstery is made of high-quality materials. The heating system of the heating of the seas and passenger (in front and rear) is mounted.

Ergonomics at a decent level. It is provided for controlling a number of options "Remote": the buttons are located on the steering wheel. This is done for convenience, and that the driver is not distracted by the road, for example,.

What opportunities?

"X" is sold with two types of motors: two-liter. Gasoline issues 150 "horses", and the diesel is to choose from: 136-strong and 184 "horse".

Hyundai is able to accelerate almost up to 200 kilometers. Eats "X" an average of 11.4 liters in the city and about seven on the highway.

The machine is equipped with a good luggage compartment (almost 600 liters of capacity), which, if desired, can be increased by folding the rear sofa.

Standard kit

When buying "35th" you will get such a basic set: six pillows, lights sensor, "hot" seats, light discs by 17 inches, modern "music", dynamic. The rest of the joy, the type of climate control, ESP-shki, hatch in the roof, 18-inch drives or camcorders for broadcasting pictures from the street will be worth an additional money.

Car model:Nissan Qashqai.Hyundai IX35
Producing country:JapanKorea
Body type:sUVsUV
Number of places:5 5
Number of doors:5 5
Engine volume, cube. cm:1997 1999
Power, l. p. / about. Min.:144/6000 154/6200
Maximum speed, km / h:194 185
Acceleration up to 100 km / h, with:9,9 10,7
Type of drive:frontfull
PPC:6 MCPP6 MCPP, 6 automatic transmission
Fuel Type:petrolpetrol
Consumption per 100 km:city \u200b\u200b10.7; Route 6.0city \u200b\u200b11.4; Route 6.9
Length, mm:4337 4410
Width, mm:1806 1820
Height, mm:1590 1655
Clearance, mm:180 170
Tire size:215/65R16,25 / 60R17,225 / 45R19215/70 R16, 225/55 R18,25 / 60 R17
Curb weight, kg:1383 1712
Full weight, kg:1865 2140
The volume of the fuel tank:55 58

I wish, today we are with you ...

With panoramic roof.

But on the off-road modest (by the standards of an SUV), dimensions can play not in plus, but in minus. At the same time, Nissan's clearance is not low (200 mm) and, in principle, helps the car to add points for patency.

Traditional interior

Duel on the road

Duel "IX35 VS Qashqai" moves. What do test drives show? Here is a break of the template ... Contrary to expectations, "X" is not particularly distant. The car loves first to think, and then accelerate ... It happens that "slows down" Hyundai and then when you need to brake directly. Nissan has an advantage in this regard, it is more prompt and responsive.

Test drive car HYUNDAI IX35:

On the off-road car also behave differently. For example, on the hill, Nissan literally takes off, and Hyundai first roasts and only after overcoming the obstacle.

Through the brica, both "jump over" tolerant. Only now Nissan does it gently, and Hyundai is not shy and shakes the passengers from the soul.

Nissan Qashqai Test Drive:

In turns both SUVs are almost the same and very noticeable. But, Casca will better respond to sharp teams of the driver and returns to the initial position faster.

By the way, it turns out that there is someone more "noisy." It turns out, Hyundai accompanies the trip characteristic sounds of work, for example, the muffler.

Interestingly, the manufacturer gives five years warranty at Kia (150 thousand kilometers), and on Nissan - three years or 100 thousand kilometers.

Summing up

So, the duel "Nissan Qashqai VS Hyundai IX35" approached the end. What is happening? Cascais smaller in size, cheaper and shows excellent running quality. Hyundai is more courageous car, but "lame" during disks, noise and is an order of magnitude more expensive.

But it is impossible to say that "X" lost. It is just less dynamic. And by the way, Hyundai boasts a more voluminous luggage compartment and a fashionable interior with an expensive finish. It is rather a car for amateurs moderate, calm ride. But Nissan will become best friend For young lovers ride fighter.

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Mas Motors

When choosing a new crossover, it is worth the most carefully approach to this case, because the cost of parkets is not so small. To choose suitable model, It is worth a thoroughly weighed everything for and against.

But what to do, if you can not decide: " What is better: Nissan Cascai or Kia Sportyj?" It is for such cases that we prepared a detailed comparison of these cars.

If conduct comparison Nissan Cascai and Kia SportyjThis vehicle vehicles are practically different. Nissan has a length of 437.7 centimeters, while Kia has this indicator reaches 444 centimeters. Such proportions will also be in height and width.

But if you evaluate clearance, then the Japanese is very wins - the road clearance in Nissan has 20 centimeters, whereas the car korean Auto industry The clearance is only 16.7 cm. Thus, if you are looking for a car for the assault of urban obstacles and off-road, then the choice here should be given the first model.


If you want to choose Casca or Sportage, based on the external car design, then allocate the undoubted favorite will be quite difficult. If Nissan is simply characterized by spectaciness and confidence, Kia is striking with his swiftness.

Both cars are good enough.

Some undertake that this model of the Japanese is difficult to distinguish from X-trail, but what's the difference? The car looks solid, and what else is needed? This is confirmed by an original profile with expressive stamps, shiny moldings, new optics and powerful air intakes.

If you want Kia Sportyj, it is worth noting that the second car seems to be preparing to jump, cauting at the moment of voltage. The front is a little squinting, which contributes to the inclined brand optics and the radiator grille with a grid trimmed with chrome. The profile of Kia looks quite solid and restrained.

The fifth door is distinguished - it is distinguished by the integrity and absence of sharp corners. Turn signals are installed on the rear bumper, which is somewhat unusual.

Despite the fact that Korean positions itself as a family type car, the appearance of it is quite aggressive and combat.

Nissan Cascai or Kia Sportage: engine specifics

If you do not know what to choose: Nissan Cascai or Kia Sportage, then in terms of motors' variety The second vehicle is very winning. At the same time, Nissan offers only 2 power units:

  • turbated 1.2 liter engine. Despite the modest volume, the power reaches 115 horses. A hundred is taken in 10.9 seconds, which is quite good. It requires a power unit, on average, 6.2 liters of fuel per hundred km;
  • atmospheric power unit 2.0 l. The capacity here is higher - 144 horses, while this can be accelerated in 9.9 seconds. But for improving the speakers will have to pay - in the mixed mode, cars consumes about 7.7 liters.

If you compare Nissan Qashqai or Kia Sportage, then Nissan has not only gasoline units, but also diesel engines with a volume of 2.0 liters, which is especially important for. Yes, and do the repair of Nissan in our country is not problematic.

The gasoline power unit with 16 valves boasts 150 horses and overclocking up to 100 km / h in 10.7 seconds. Consumption, if compared with the Nissan, is also higher - 8.5 liters.

The first version of the turbodiesel can issue 136 horsepower. His acceleration is also quite decent - 11.1 seconds. Special attention It deserves the economy of the model - only 5.5 liters per 100 km, which is a good indicator.

The most popular option is the dusty engine, which develops 184 horsepower. Weaving takes only 9.8 seconds, while the fuel is required about 6.9 l / 100 km.

Cool video comparison Nissan Cascai or Kia Sportage:

Thus, Nissan Sportyja slightly loses to her Korean competitor as the choice of engines and their quality. At the same time, the Japanese feels great in our market, even without a complete set of diesel.

The characteristics of the transmission

In the competition, Nissan Cascai against Kia Sportage, you can not bypass the features of the transmission of these cars. At the same time, both vehicles offer motorists to choose as a mechanical gearbox and automation. At the same time, Kia can be equipped with a classic automatic transmission, whereas the variator is available in the case of Nissan.

The mechanical box in the Sportage is quite good - transfers to switch very easily, everything is done smoothly. The lever is optimally located, but it's not always convenient to use it - the course is too big. In addition, the mechanics here are somewhat selective.

MCPP Kashka also has her sins. This applies to the inclusion of odd gears. At the same time, it happens quite rarely, not still a fact. On the other hand, there are many more advantages at such a box. The lever goes smoothly, the course is small, comfortable, the gear ratios are selected optimally.

The machines also show themselves from the best side. Transmission from Hyundai-Kia behaves quite well in a heavy parquet.

At the same time, most owners say that such a box is better than mechanical. If not too abuse an aggressive style of driving and sharp offek, then the operation of the automatic transmission will be almost inconspicuous. At the same time there is also the possibility of inclusion manual mode, however, if you reach maximum revolutions, then next transmission It will be turned on automatically.

The Xtronic Variator in Kashka is also good. He was adjusted in accordance with Multitronic from the Audi brand, which is now the leader in this area. At the same time, Japanese engineers argue that they even turned out to overtake the Germans. The machine imitates the functioning of seven-step hydrotransformer automatic box Shift. You can notice the switch during an aggressive ride style. Manual mode is also available.


If you choose Nissan Cascazy or Sportage, then you should immediately say that a structurally suspension is practically not different here - it is a rear multi-type system, as well as a McPherson-type rack in front.

Both cars have both front and four-wheel drive. That's just Kashkai is electromagnetic, and in Kia - electro-hydraulic. Nevertheless, somewhat different settings, so that the car behaves differently on the road.

It is immediately felt that Nissan became tougher. As a result, both passengers and the driver will no longer feel different vibrations in the event of travel by potholes. Nevertheless, there are no rolls during turns, and the machine reacts to the driver's actions is much faster and efficient. Undoubtedly, brake mechanisms are pleased.

At the opposite situation here at Kia. As already mentioned, the car is positioned as family Crossovers. As a result, the suspension absorbs almost all road irregularities. There is no excess informative in control, although steering Sure enough - only 3 turns from the stop until the stop.

But there are also cons - on the corners of the body a little shakes.

Exclusivity of interior

Both cars look quite stylish. We will not talk about the design for a long time - to understand everything, you need to inspect the salon yourself. We emphasize only that Kia is made in Korean style, while Cascai is more European cars.

In addition, the Japanese vehicle is more informative dashboard. In general, if choose Nissan Cascai or Kiya Sportyj According to the cabin, the interior here practically does not have weaknesses.

As a result, we can say that both of these crossovers are good enough. At the same time, Nissan's cost begins with 979 thousand rubles. against 1074 thousand rubles, which will have to pay for basic complete set Kia. A similar situation is observed with top-end equipment (1.5 million in Cascais and 1.65 million rubles. At Sportage).

Video Nissan Cascai against Kia Sportage: What to choose, you decide:

Recently, an interesting trend has been observed in the international automotive market: there are fewer models at exhibitions, which focus on their technical characteristics, such as transmission, safety, volumes and line of engines ... and at the same time an increasing number of cars appear, the main goal which is a bright and stylish individualization of its owner. What to do, today all sorts of innovations en Glamor are valued in consumers much more than technical equipment. Probably, that is why the official presentation of Nissan Quashqai did not have engineers who could tell about innovation in an updated model. At the same time, the word "Premium" meets almost everywhere! And concerns this word to greater extent chic and gloss, which got the updated crossover Nissan Quashqai. And now, looking at new Nissan Cashkai, it seems that he is not so deservedly wearing its name - where to him, urban style, to the nomadic tribes of Iran, in honor of which he received such a name! But it is necessary to pay tribute to representatives of the company Nissan - a model that remains a real bestseller for such a long time, promises to be even more stylish, even more attractive and even more hot than earlier. And today we will consider this mini-SUV in detail, its characteristic features of the interior design and exterior, and also pay attention to some engineering features.

Exterior Nissan Quashqai

As statistics, more than 80% of motorists are for the first time acquire this crossover, and 54% make their choice only on the basis of the appearance! It would seem, where did such design skills come from "Nissanov"? And everything is simple: Recently, an exceptionally Japanese design has lost its former charm, so the European Design Center Nissan Design Europe was directly involved in the development of "appearance". And Cascai became the first representative of the Japanese car industry, which was made in London. So the mystery of such a loud success of the model on the European market has opened. And as another proof in favor of the unique design, it is worth noting that more than 300 million euros were spent on its development. Maybe I. domestic producers Is it worth doing something like that?

In general, the crossover resembles a golf class car. A new version It did not get rid of the plastic "black belt" around the perimeter of the car, which protects the lower part from damage. The same linings are also present on the wheeled arches, so the extra costs of cosmetic repair and painting in the case of incorrect parking or collisions with a border can be safely saved on much more important things. Pretty notable is the fact that designers from London have developed for the company Nissan Crossover, which combines the external look of Ford Focus and Toyota RAV4. And the benefit of this argument can be attributed to the fact that Nissan Casca is not a full-fledged SUV, but a hybrid all-wheel drive car from increased patency and hatchback. As in the profile, and on top of the car looks dynamically due to the smoothness and some dimension of body forms and lines, as well as the beveling profile line, characterized closer to the back of the machine. By the way, many motorists look at the similarity from Nissan Murano, but still in the full sense of the word to talk about similarity incorrectly - yet different classes of cars, different dimensions and prices, respectively, are also very different.

From below, the Quashqai crossover looks more powerful than and justifies its belonging to the class of cars with increased courage. First of all, the increased ground clearance, which allows the use of a car practically as a real SUV is noted. However, will it want to do this on such a brilliant and stylish downtown beauties? Enhance the impression and massive wheel archeswhich are perfectly combined with large diameter wheels.

The "nomad" became the owner and fully updated front. Now, on the "face" of Casca, stylish and sophisticated lighting is banging, and the radiator grille has been deserved separately, in which the similarity is viewed with the Nissan GT-R 39 radiator grille. Very pleased with the form and design of the rear lighting, which has LED sections. By the way, such an unusual form of rear lights is dictated not only by the considerations of aerodynamics, but also visually continues the side line of stamping, which passes along the entire body. Purchase care even to minor items.

Salon and Interior Design Nissan Quashqai

First of all, consider the salon from the position of a driver's seat, since it is on the basis of this indicator a car enthusiast and determined whether he will take this car. And rightly note that the driver's seat is organized very unusual from the point of view of the design and resembles a luxury yacht cockpit. However, many opinions are diverged: many people like that in Nissan Quashqai all controls are available and conveniently located, others noted the strong overload of the instrument panel. As for seats, they are simply filled with luxury: In addition to high-quality leather upholstery, they have several adjustment ranges to select a more convenient position, heated multiple sections, and well-formed side support provides a sense of reliability and safety.

Despite the fact that these crossovers have a truly sports and charismatic interior design, visibility when moving back leaves much to be desired - significantly limit the visibility of the C-shaped rack, and the small rear window does not allow fully seeing what is happening in the back of the car. In this case, it is necessary to rely on parking sensors, and it is not in all cases - only parking sensors are provided in basic acclocks. Fortunately, the crossover boasts highly arranged armchairs that compensate for limited visibility.

For all official data, Quashqai crossovers are spacious and allow you to comfortably accommodate the driver and four more passengers. But at the same time, the central armrest is located on the second row of the seats, because of which only two people can accommodate on the seats from the back (but with what comfort and convenience!). In addition to amenities that are provided for by the basic set of characteristics, the mini-SUV has a system of double-zone climate control, and thanks to the special air ventilation system, every passenger can adjust the temperature depending on their needs. Such functions are available in all configurations, well, the maximum provides for cruise control.

Surely this little SUV. will find a lot of fans. And not only because of the appearance, but also because of a very useful functional. For example, in the sun visors there are mirrors having a sparrow, and in the cabin just an abundance of all sorts of secret pockets, cup holders and other cavities for any little things. And it should be recognized that the Japanese are real ergonomics masters that can accommodate things as compact as possible and unnoticed with minimal space.

Separately, it is worth noting the volume of the trunk and the possibility of its transformation. Notable is the fact that the volume of the trunk of Nissan Cascaia is a little hides the high floor under the second number of seats, under which the spare wheel is hidden. In the dependence on the position of the seats of the second row, the crossover may be the owner of a 400-liter or 1500-liter trunk. And considering such volumes, immediately it seems that the designers have developed not only stylish, but also capacious carwhich in the case of a country trip will be able to accommodate enough all kinds of things necessary to the driver and passengers.

But as in every car, in salon Nissan. Quashqai has disadvantages. One of these is small strangeness with a MP3 system. The fact is that the company's engineers are worried about the driver's safety during the trip, so each car equipment provides for the presence of a Bluetooth interface to communicate with your phone so that the driver can talk without breaking from the driving process. Such a system is called Hands-Free. But this technology is not completely revolutionary, and for some reason, the possibility of playing MP3 files is available only in the top version of Casca. Of course, it is inconvenient and delivers some discomfort for everyone who is in the cabin.

Finally, I would like to note: Nissan Quashqai is not an SUV, but a typical urban crossover, which is not intended to conquer strong off-road and is unlikely to cope with such complex tasks. Probably, that is why the car is created as "eliminated" and stylish, so that lovers of the Off-Road ride did not have the desire to try the possibilities of strong off-road.

Stock Foto Nissan Quashqai Crossover

Video Test Drive Crossover Nissan Quashqai