Types of car repairs: Current, medium, capital. Autonorms online Warranty and law

Car repair is an objective necessity dictated by technical and economic reasons. They are due to the fact that the production of vehicles, as well as various conditions their operation cannot ensure the same service life of the parts and assembly units that make up the product.

It is not economically feasible to stop operation not only in case of failure of individual parts and assembly units, but also in case of deterioration of the general technical condition vehicle or its main units. Most full use the resource of parts can only be ensured if timely repairs. The main purpose of the repair is to restore the vehicle to working capacity.

One of the types of repair is current car repair. It is carried out to ensure or restore the operability of the product and consists in the replacement and (or) restoration of individual parts.

Typical works of the current repair are dismantling, assembly, metalwork, welding, painting, replacement of parts and assemblies. At current repair it is allowed to replace parts that have reached the limit state, except for the basic ones. At the car, during current repairs, individual components and assemblies that require major repairs can be replaced.

The current repair contributes to the implementation of the installation norms of mileage before the overhaul. The need for current repairs is established during control examinations during maintenance, diagnostics, as well as at the request of the driver. At the same time, a number of works, primarily related to traffic safety and labor-intensive when eliminating failures, are undergoing scheduled maintenance. In part, it is combined with maintenance operations. Planning and preventive system for organizing current repairs as preventive measure provides timely elimination causes of failures, reduces the cost of work and the consumption of spare parts, increases the safety of using the car.

Current car repairs are carried out on motor transport enterprises, car service stations (STOAs), as well as individual owners.

The work performed during the current repair of vehicles is divided into two types: work on the removal and installation of units and assemblies, as well as disassembly, troubleshooting and assembly of removed units and assemblies.

Production areas dedicated to the maintenance and repair of complete vehicles are considered the main ones, areas specializing in types of work, for example, repair fuel equipment, batteries, etc., ensuring the operation of the main sections, are auxiliary.

At industrial enterprises, there are two methods of current car repair - non-impersonal and aggregate.

With a non-depersonalized repair method, the ownership of the restored constituent parts to a specific vehicle. In this case, the car is idle during the entire time of repair of its units. The aggregate method is such an impersonal repair method in which faulty units are replaced with new or pre-repaired units. Units removed from the vehicle that require repair are sent to specialized auto repair plants or auxiliary production sites for restoration. With the aggregate method, downtime in repairs is significantly reduced, the coefficient of technical readiness is increased, and thereby the efficiency of the use of vehicles is increased.

Current repairs are carried out at universal or special posts. The posts are entrusted with the performance of all work on the current repair of one or more units, assembly units and vehicle systems. It is recommended to specialize production sites for the performance of certain works on units, electrical equipment. The narrow specialization of repair enterprises allows the use of the most productive technological processes, improve quality and reduce the cost of repair work.

During the current repair at the service station, the following movement of the car occurs. At the entrance to the station, the car passes into the acceptance area, where the receiver checks it, draws up a repair order. Installed on the roof of the car identification mark on a magnetic stand, the number of which is entered in the work order. When filling out an order, the receiver enters into it the data about the owner and the car, lists the operations that need to be performed, indicates their cost according to a single price list.

The completed work order for repairs is transferred by the receiver to the control room located next to the acceptance area. The dispatcher directs the car to a specific repair area and sets the date and time for the car to be released from repair, which are noted in the work order. Then the dispatcher sends out the work order forms by pneumatic mail to the appropriate subdivisions of the station: to the warehouse, to the accounting department, to the head of production. One of the forms remains on the car, which is transferred by the personnel of the acceptance area to one of the teams of the corresponding area.

Thus, as soon as the car is accepted and registered by the dispatcher, the relevant departments of the station receive information about this.

The team that received the car performs the operations specified in the work order. The foreman writes down the personnel numbers of the workers carrying out repairs in the work order, and they sign for each operation in it. Then the car, at the direction of the dispatcher, is transferred to other teams to perform other types of work.

After completion of all work, the car arrives at the issuance site, where the control of the work performed by the repair teams is carried out. The checked car is issued to the owner or installed in the parking lot of finished cars.

After completion of the work order, as well as copies of invoices for receiving spare parts and materials from the warehouse, they are sent to the accounting department. The documentation processed in the billing department goes to the head of production, who checks the correctness of the work and paperwork and transfers the documentation to the cashier to pay for the work by the owner of the car.

Article about parts and assemblies modern car, which are better not to repair with your own hands, but to do it in a qualified service. At the end of the article - a video about warranty repairs in a car service.

The content of the article:

The modern car can be called the pinnacle of engineering. This is a rather complicated system, and even if the driver knows well how to repair this or that unit, is well versed in the device of the car, there are many units that you should not repair on your own - an exception can be considered a repair, where a failed part is replaced with a standard, original .

You need to make a reservation right away: these tips do not apply to those drivers who not only have a flyover in their garage, necessary equipment, but also the most important "tool" of a true specialist - hands that can make repairs. Those who correctly assess their knowledge and skills should heed the advice and go to a car service, if a breakdown is expected in such units and assemblies as:

  • Fuel system.
  • Glass replacement and painting.
  • Electronic engine control unit.
  • Air conditioning and airbag replacement.

An exception to this paragraph may be the following: if the car is equipped with Gas engine, every driver should be able to do the replacement of the spark plug. It's not a repair, but a replacement. Also in diesel trim levels - everyone should learn how to replace the nozzle. Here is the repair fuel system- This is the lot of professionals. Learning to repair "in the direction of travel" does not work.

If the car has fuel supply system common rail , then without the availability of equipment, even specialists will not be able to repair and install fuel lines.

Just to make a diagnosis fuel injector requires high precision equipment. Blowing at home with carburetor fluid on this little part will only give you a rough idea of ​​where the failure is.

Moreover, in order to find a faulty nozzle in the fuel assembly, both skill and knowledge are also required. By observing the operation of the fuel system, you can "calculate" the faulty part by the rate of return flow ... and that's it.

Nozzle repair is a painstaking job, small cracks in the part can only be seen with special equipment. Modern pump nozzles in 90% of cases cannot be repaired at all.

Great tenderness is caused by women drivers who look senselessly at open hood their car if they had a breakdown on the track. The same feeling is evoked by male drivers who can sort out the engine with their eyes closed, but do not understand anything about how it works. the electronic unit engine control.

Modern ECUs are a clear and complex system, the repair of which should only be entrusted to a professional. The same applies to cases where chip tuning is required. 90% do-it-yourself installations lead to the fact that best case car loses driving performance, at worst it is full exit failure of the ECU.

Modern blocks are non-separable systems, they are cut in a car service. It is impossible to carry out this procedure without professional equipment, it is also quite difficult to find a specialized service, therefore, instead of repair, the computer is often replaced, which is also better to entrust to professionals.

There are few drivers who are indifferent to the color of their car and approach the assessment of the condition paintwork his car, as in the saying: “Tanks are not afraid of dirt - the worse the color, the better patency».

Painting in a garage can cost a lot more than in a service - it’s enough just to “not guess” the color or not withstand the extra layer. Therefore, it is better to restore the coating in a professional workshop.

Even if such type of painting is chosen as liquid rubber Plasti Dip, in a first-class car service, is guaranteed to apply three to five coats of paint. Removable parts will be painted separately, while the glass will remain clean.

Turbine repair and diagnostics are not always available in the garage, even if the driver himself knows well what to do and how. The reason is that many cars need to be installed on a flyover just to run diagnostics. viewing hole often not suitable.

For example, when repairing a turbine on a Rover (diesel 3.6), which is equipped with two turbocharger systems, to check the left turbine, it is necessary to remove the subframe, steering rack, front gear. When the gearbox is removed, it is necessary to disconnect a large number of suspension parts and much more. And that's just preparatory stage- diagnostics of the turbine itself requires professional skills and equipment.

Turbine repair, even if the driver was able to disconnect the assembly in the garage, requires additionally: to replace all O-rings, oil seals, change oil.

And the most the main point in the repair of the turbine itself is the balancing of the rotor, which is produced on calibration and balancing equipment. Washing small parts in an ultrasonic chamber, cleaning and replacing at the same time - all this requires special experience and skill.

Seems to replace windshield on a similar, original, you can easily and independently. And here, motorists are in for a dangerous surprise - a deviation of a millimeter when pasting threatens that the windshield will collapse on the driver and passenger at the slightest accident. Leaks and creaking will also not bring pleasure when driving. Glass installation should be carried out in a service where a mechanic will check the accuracy of the installation geometry with a level and carry out a hermetic gluing.

Modern cars are designed taking into account all possible environmentally friendly parameters. Particulate filters are believed to contribute to the conservation environment and minimize CO emissions into the atmosphere. At the same time, few people care about the quality of the fuel and the fact that after 30,000-50,000 km of run, the cleaning unit is completely clogged, the car loses its driving performance and rapid wear all the details.

Alternative - removal particulate filter and replacing the catalyst with a flame arrester. But you don’t need to do this procedure in the garage, after watching YouTube videos. One removal of a node from a car is a long and painstaking process. Correctly knock out the catalyst, install the snag, connect the sensors so that the “brain” of the car accepts new part for the filter element - all this requires skills and professionalism.


It is quite difficult for some drivers to replace a mechanical window regulator with an electric one, although this procedure is not too difficult. All other electrical components of the machine do not differ in this simplicity. Therefore, if you perceive such a concept as “phase shift” as an insult, then with all the problems associated with the electrics in the car, contact a car service. This is important so that a short circuit does not occur and a fire does not break out.

Air conditioner

Charging and cleaning car air conditioners seems to be a fairly simple matter - it's not even repair, but prevention. But not every driver can do such preventive maintenance on their own. The reason is that during the repair it is required to check the electrical circuit in the clutch assembly, the evaporator system for lack of oil, the radiator and the piston assembly. In vehicles such as Volvo, Mazda and Opel, it is required to systematically check the gap between the compressor clutch and the pressure plate.

That's why simple procedure recharging the compressor can become time consuming and expensive. In one day, specialists will be able to replace the refrigerant and repair the air conditioner at no additional cost. It is recommended to replace the coolant in the air conditioner twice a year.

Incorrectly installed airbags can deploy in a minor collision, even when you just hit the garage door with your front bumper. This is fraught not only with bruising of the chest and concussion - isolated cases of death of teenagers were recorded, who were killed not by an accident, but by the force of the airbag.

After repairing the body, new pillows should be installed only in a specialized car service. This is for the safety of the driver and passenger.

The desire to save money and learn how to repair your car yourself is a very laudable desire. For many, garage repair is the best pastime, both a hobby and an active holiday. Many drivers can and know how to fix their cars. But to know simple rules expediency self repair just necessary. If you are interested in just disassembling and trying to fix the nozzle - this is one thing, but installing it in a car and taking your family out into the countryside is completely different.

Video about repair under warranty in a car service:

Not the easiest and most pleasant procedure is car repair. on their own. Especially if the car is relatively new and the repair must be approached with extreme caution and professional skills. Of course, doing your own auto repair has its advantages. First, don't pay the mechanics at the service station. Secondly, you collect useful experience. But there are also disadvantages. Sometimes a novice master lacks experience and knowledge at certain points, and this can lead to even more expensive breakdowns by car, where you can’t do without specialized craftsmen. Let's look at some of the nuances.

Warranty - less hassle

If the car is under warranty, then the car owner will hardly think about such a problem as "where to get funds for the purchase of spare parts and their installation." A car owner whose car is under warranty can contact dealer support without any problems, after which all problems will be solved in as soon as possible. Do not forget that losing a car warranty is quite simple. Even if you change it yourself, for example, a light bulb or a spark plug, such a car will “fly off” the warranty with 99% certainty. Is it good or not? This may not always be clear to the car owner, given the cost of parts and repairs that install official dealers. There are pluses in the inflated cost of dealer services:
– professional performance of all works;
— presentation of a guarantee in the future;
— Parts will be installed only original.

Of course, the disadvantages are provided not only in price, but also sometimes in the slowness of the work being done.

Workshops "on the side"

You need to understand that the quality of the repair work being carried out by the Garage workshop is unlikely to provide you. To date, there are almost no truly intelligent mechanics left in Garages. They go to work in large service stations with a variety of repair tools and good wages. Workshops that work "by the road", after the work done, do not particularly think about the quality of their repairs.

The mechanic doesn't care at all, come back you again or not, if you still returned, then he will come up with a lot of breakdowns that are supposedly completely unrelated to what was before he did it himself. In such workshops, you will definitely be offered spare parts under the guise of the original, but they are still very far from the original.

Of course, there are also good third-party service stations. They have modern diagnostic equipment, have their own warehouses with truly original spare parts and their substitutes. They care about their reputation, and therefore will try their best to provide their services professionally.

Is it possible to do everything on your own?

No one has the right to forbid you to repair the car on your own, but you must remember that any oversight will remain on your conscience. When repairing one part, you can break another, respectively, the repair will cost more. If you still decide to repair the car yourself, then you need to have at hand technical instruction to this model.

If your budget is not particularly conducive to shopping original spare parts, you can always refer to the catalog of their substitutes. But do not chase for frank cheap stuff. After all, as we all know, a miser pays twice.
When carrying out work, observe safety precautions, and good luck to you!


The first period of the implementation of the preventive maintenance system was characterized by the obligatory carrying out of not only maintenance, but also repairs after certain periods and with a certain amount of work. However, the experience of 100,000 drivers has shown that only maintenance should be mandatory in terms of the frequency and scope of work, and the turnaround time and scope of work for certain types of repairs should be set as average values, taking into account the achievements of advanced drivers.

The planned preventive repair system consists in the fact that for a car of each brand and its units, a minimum overhaul mileage is set. A car that has passed the established overhaul run is not put in for repair, but is subjected to a thorough technical inspection by a special commission in order to establish the actual need for repairs. If it turns out that due to its technical condition the car does not require the repair provided for by the schedule, then it is allowed for further operation for a certain period. After this period, the car is again subjected to a technical inspection, the issue of the need for repair is decided, or an additional period of operation without repair is again assigned.

The planned preventive system provides for three types of repairs:

  • current
  • middle
  • capital

For overhaul planning, overhaul runs are set for medium road conditions indicated in the table.

Table. Overhaul runs before overhaul

Cars and trailers Mileage rate in thousand km
For new cars before the first overhaul For vehicles that have been overhauled
Moskvich 60 50
M-20 Pobeda 100 80
ZIM 160 140
ZIS-110 200 160
GAZ-MM and all special vehicles on GAZ-MM chassis 60 50
GAZ-51 and all special vehicles on GAZ-51 chassis 95 80
ZIS-5 and all special vehicles on the ZIS-5 chassis 85 70
ZIS-150 and all special vehicles on the ZIS-150 chassis 95 80
MAZ-200 and all special vehicles on the MAZ-200 chassis, as well as MAZ-205 95 80
ZIS-154 170 140
ZIS-155 150 120
GZA-651 and GZA-653 120 100
1-PR-1.5 and 1-AP-1.5 50 42
1-APM-Z; 1-AP-Z and U2-AP-3 70 60
1-AP-5 and 2-AP-2 80 65

For cars of new models, the mileage before the overhaul of the units-Engine, front axle, steering, gearbox and rear axle- is set equal to the mileage before the overhaul of the car as a whole.


  1. For Soviet cars operating on roads with improved pavements, the overhaul run rate increases by 10%, with the exception of ZIS-110 and ZIM vehicles, for which the overhaul run rate is set taking into account the road surface.
  2. For trucks and cars foreign brands norms of overhaul runs are established in relation to the types of vehicles domestic production, but with a 15% reduction in rates.
  3. For vehicles used during the entire overhaul run with two trailers, the norms for overhaul runs are reduced by 30%, and for vehicles operating with one trailer or semi-trailer - by 20%.
  4. For vehicles used with trailers periodically, but in total not less than half of the run, the norms of overhaul runs are reduced when working with two trailers by 15%, and with one trailer by 10%.
  5. For dump trucks and onboard vehicles, loaded with a bunker or excavator, as well as for vehicles constantly working in timber hauling and in quarries, the norms of overhaul runs are reduced by 10%.

Current car repair

Current repairs are carried out only on demand during the inter-shift time and consist in the elimination of malfunctions caused by natural wear and tear, as well as poor driving and poor maintenance car.

The need for current repairs is identified by the driver during the operation of the car on the line and during maintenance.

During the current repair, the following main works are performed (for individual units):

  • Engine- change piston rings, piston, piston pin, connecting rod bushing, valves; change fan belt fan and water pump; tightening bearings, changing liners and lapping valves.
  • Clutch- change of pads of the driven discs, release clutch bearing, springs and clutch adjustment.
  • Transmission- partial disassembly, repair with replacement of individual parts and assembly.
  • Driveline and rear axle- changing the cardan joint, key, oil seal and axle shaft nut, adjusting the bearings and gearing of the final drive gears.
  • Wheels, hubs and brakes- disassembly of hubs, change and adjustment of bearings; disassembly of brakes, riveting linings brake pads, pad cleaning, change brake drum and rods, adjustment brake mechanism and his drive.
  • - complete disassembly of the front axle, change of bushings, kingpin, bearings and trunnion levers; disassembly, repair, assembly and steering adjustment.
  • Cabin, platform and plumage- change of the hood, side hooks, door hinges; fastening of fenders, mudguards, footrests, body sides and power windows, change of footrests and their brackets.
  • Frame, springs and muffler- change of springs, spring fingers, step-ladders, earrings, spring bushings, muffler and license plate bracket.
  • Radiator- change of radiator, cladding and hoses.

Medium repair

The average repair is carried out as needed, but not earlier than the mileage set before the average repair, which is 50% of the mileage before the overhaul. The scope of the average repair of cars of old brands (ZIS-5 and GAZ-MM) includes a major overhaul of the engine, front axle (not leading) and steering; average repair gearboxes and rear axle and maintenance of other units and mechanisms. The volume of average repairs of new brands of cars (GAZ-51, ZIS-150, M-20, etc.) includes average repairs of the engine, gearbox and rear axle and current repairs of other units and mechanisms.

During the average repair, the following main works are performed (for individual units):

  • Engine- engine disassembly, change of liners or adjustment and tightening of bearings, grinding, lapping and adjusting valves, cleaning carbon deposits, replacing pistons, piston rings and pins, changing intake and exhaust pipes and flywheel, assembling and running the engine on the stand.
  • Clutch- disassembly, repair with replacement of individual parts, assembly and adjustment.
  • Gearbox - disassembly of the gearbox, inspection, repair and replacement of individual parts, assembly of the gearbox.
  • cardan gear- disassembly cardan joints, washing and checking the condition of parts, repair with the replacement of parts, and assembly of the driveline.
  • rear axle- disassembly of the rear axle, washing of components and parts, repair and replacement of individual gears.
  • front axle and steering - complete disassembly of the front axle, repair with replacement of parts and assembly; disassembly, repair, assembly and steering adjustment.
  • Frame, cab and platform- fastening the brackets to the frame, removing the muffler, cleaning it and installing it, removing the springs, changing the spring bushings and pins, installing the springs in place; checking and fixing the cabin, replacing and fixing door locks, handles, hinges, checking the condition of the windshield wiper, upholstery of the cab roof, fastening mudguards, fenders, footrests, sides, side hooks and platform squares.
  • Car assembly- installation of the front axle, engine, steering, electrical equipment and fittings.

If it is not possible to eliminate the defects of the unit on site, then it is allowed to remove the unit from the frame.


Overhaul is also carried out as needed, but not earlier than the established mileage. During a major overhaul, the car is completely disassembled into components and parts; parts are sorted and unusable ones are repaired or replaced. At the end of the assembly and testing of the components, the car is assembled and tested on the go.

Table. Average time standards for repairs of various types

The average time standards for current, medium and overhaul of vehicles are given in the table.

The norms given in the table can be adjusted depending on the technical equipment of the car repair shops.

But repairs can be different, and not every car owner, and often experience has nothing to do with it, does not know which ones repair work required by his machine or when it needs to be overhauled. Autoinstructors will help you understand the typology of repair work.

Brief typology

Car repair is a complex of works aimed at eliminating the malfunctions that have arisen by replacing or restoring parts of assemblies and assemblies.

Repair work is divided into two main types, depending on the nature of the work performed and their purpose: garage (operational) and capital.

In turn, garages are divided into current repairs of the car and current repairs of the engine, and capital ones - into overhaul of the machine and overhaul of the units.

Operational repair

Car maintenance may include different types works: assembly and disassembly, bodywork, electrical, welding, metalwork and many others, which are aimed at eliminating individual breakdowns. Moreover, repairs can take place both with the removal of the repaired unit from the car, and without removal. The current repair of the engine provides for the elimination of faults in the engine of the machine and the gearbox.

The need for current repairs is identified during the control inspection during maintenance or during operation.


The overhaul of the car is aimed at restoring its technical condition, and the overhaul should ensure the normal functioning of the car until the next repair work.

Ideally, during the overhaul of the machine, it should be completely disassembled into separate units, parts and assemblies. All parts are checked and sorted into three groups: unusable, in need of repair and fit. The frame of the car must be riveted, components and assemblies are completed, assembled, tested and adjusted.

collected and tested units placed on the frame, and after that the car is checked by mileage.

After the test, all identified faults are eliminated and the car is re-painted.

individual and aggregate

Overhaul can be carried out in two ways: individual or aggregate.

The individual method is currently quite rare and is mainly used only for repairs. expensive cars and some models of foreign cars.

Its feature is that all units removed from the car for troubleshooting after repair are installed back on the same car.

With the aggregate method, all parts removed from the car are depersonalized and after repair can be installed on any car.

This method allows you to reduce the time the machine is in repair, since repairs are reduced to replacing faulty units with new or pre-repaired ones.

When to repair?

For each make and model of cars there is a certain mileage before overhaul. When this norm is reached, it is necessary to conduct an inspection at the service station to determine its real technical condition.

The machine needs to be overhauled if most of its units, including the body and engine, need to be overhauled at the same time, and general state the car is constantly deteriorating, which is associated with a constant increase in wear of parts and a decrease in their reliability.

If, upon reaching the norm for mileage, technical condition the car does not need repair, then it is not carried out. That is, repairs are carried out only when necessary.

Video about computer diagnostics:

Good luck with your repair and be careful!

The article used an image from the site www.systems-a.ru